

388 Uppsatser om The Da Vinci Code - Sida 6 av 26

Global kapitalplacering men nationell bolagsstyrning?: En explorativ studie om valberedningsdeltagandet i svenska börsbolag med fokus på utländska institutionella ägare

[Abstract: This study examines the observed difference between Swedish and foreign owners when it comes to nominating committee participation. The background to the study is that foreign owners seem to participate in Swedish nominating committees to a lesser extent than their Swedish counterparts. The focus is on institutional owners and the companies studied are all listed companies who follow the Swedish code of corporate governance. Particular attention is paid to perceived differences in behavior that can be explained using the common corporate governance related theories of Exit, Voice and Loyalty as well as Agency Theory. These explanations are chiefly related to differences in attitudes regarding insider information, different knowledge levels regarding the purpose and workings of nominating committees of the Swedish kind as well as differences due to home market biases.].

AVREGLERINGEN AV APOTEKSMONOPOLET. En studie av de enskilda aktörernas förutsättningar att verka på den svenska apoteksmarknaden

With the globalization, companies in the West chose to shift production to developing countries to cut down costs. This had a major impact when child labor and very poor working conditions in these factories were discovered and led many companies to take responsibility for their suppliers and the employees by adopting voluntary so-called Codes of Conduct.There is a subtle balance to enforce improvement of working conditions for employees at suppliers´ factories and to keep costs down. On the one hand, companies would like to conduct extensive audits at their suppliers to ensure code of conduct compliance and thus protect their legitimacy. On the other hand, audits are expensive so companies would like to minimize audits to keep costs down. Companies thus have to strike a delicate balance in relation to how many and what suppliers they choose to audit.

Undersökning av open source GIS programvaror : Med hänsyn till MSB?s användningsområden internt och för RIB Karta

MSB stands for Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. It?s a government organization that deals with emergencies and crises. MSB has developed a software package where the newest software version is called RIB 2012. The package includes the program RIB Karta.

Kombinerad DSP- och FPGA-lösning för en bildbehandlingsapplikation

This Master's Thesis describes the design of a new system where a digital signal processor has been added to an existing imaging system consisting of field programmable gate arrays. The new system will offer a higher degree of flexibility by considerably shortening the design time and make it possible to implement more complex algorithms than the existing ones. The choice of system architecture and a test implementation are discussed. The test implementation consists of a program for the digital signal processor and VHDL code for one of the field programmable gate arrays. The code for the digital signal processor was designed for testing on an evaluation board from Texas Instruments.

Castrix : Utveckling av webbsidan Sundsvall42

The goal of this Bachelor project was to develop the Sundsvall42 website,whose name originates from the conference held in week 42 and during whichall the IT-companies in Sundsvall gather and hold a number of different lectures.The website has been designed to accommodate both speakers and partipicants.All partipicants and lecturers will receive a personalized page inwhich there are a number of functions which are available for use, including ablog for each workshop and a calendar. The program used to create this isLiferay and the operating system is Linux. The entire website is encoded usingLiferay and Java, but the website is not adapted for use with the smaller screensize of the Smartphone. However, because of the Responsive Design technology,the website is able to adapt to various devices such as the Ipad and Smartphonesand the website will be able to adapt to the screen sizes of these devices.As it has all been processed using open-source, everyone has the right to accessthe source code. It is also possible for anyone to make changes to the code ifsuch changes are required.

Kulturhistoriskt värdefulla textiler i bruk och på museer En jämförande studie av konserveringsåtgärder vid tre textilkonserveringsateljéer i Sverige

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:07.

Evaluation of Xilinx System Generator

This Master?s Thesis is an evaluation of the software Xilinx System Generator (XSG) and blockset for Matlab. XSG is a module to simulink developed by Xilinx in order to generate VHDL code directly from functions implemented in Matlab. The evaluation was made at Saab Avionics AB in Järfälla, north of Stockholm. In order to investigate the performance of this new module XSG to simulink, a model of a frequency estimator often used in digital radar receivers were implemented in Matlab using XSG.

Fler barn med på läs- och skrivtåget : En kvalitativ studie som belyser fem lärares erfarenheter och upplevelser av Arne Tragetons läs- och skrivmetod "Att skriva sig till läsning"

The purpose of this study is to investigate the teachers? described experiences of advantages as well as disadvantages of Arne Trageton?s write to read-method (?ASL?) in contrast to the code-oriented traditional way of teaching. The aim of this study is furthermore to depict the teachers? opinions on whether they experience that the ASL-method is unfavourable for students in general. This study will also investigate the teachers? standpoint regarding choice of reading and writing method.

Frå BKR till Eurokod : Dimensionering i Eurokod

From January 1st 2011 the use of Eurocode will be mandatory for all constructionprojects. Eurocode is the common European set of struc-tural design codes which willreplace BKR (Boverkets Kon-struktionsregler). BKR is the Swedish set of structuraldesign codes that was used up until December 31 2010. For consulting firms this willcre-ate a need for them to invest in the standards and in education for thecoworkers. This will involve both time and costs for the company.The purpose and aim of this master thesis is the development of compute examplesand calculations aid by dimensioning with Euro-code.

Etiskt ansvarstagande : Med avstamp i de gap som kan uppstå mellan ett företags uppförandekod och en underleverantörs arbetssätt

Kurs: A?mnesfo?rdjupande arbete i logistik och ekonomistyrning, 2FE02E, 2FE20E Fo?rfattare: Therese Jakobsen och Matilda Magnussen Handledare: Petra Andersson Titel: Etiskt ansvarstagande ? Med avstamp i de gap som kan uppsta? mellan ett fo?retags uppfo?randekod och en underleveranto?rs arbetssa?ttBakgrund: I dagens samha?lle kra?vs det att fo?retag tar ett sto?rre etiskt ansvar och verkar fo?r en ha?llbar utveckling. Det ansvarsfulla fo?retaget a?r ett uttryck fo?r det fo?retag som aktivt arbetar med Corporate Social Responsibility. Ett verktyg i arbetet med det a?r att utveckla en uppfo?randekod, a?ven kallat Code of Conduct som dikterar riktlinjer och normer fo?retagets verksamhet ska genomsyras av.

Effekter av personalklädsel- En studie i detaljhandelsmiljö

More and more companies have realized the impact their employees' appearance has in creating an overallpositive experience for their customers. Hence, many retailers use some form of employee clothing or aspecific dress-code for their in-store workforce. The subject is in spite of this poorly investigated,especially in an ordinary retail environment. The purpose of this study was therefore to portray the effectsan introduction of a unitary employee clothing may have on customers as well as on the in-storeemployees. The experiment was conducted in two retail stores, belonging to a Swedish retail chain.

Från Psaltaren till Da Vinci-koden : Den litterära upphovsrättens framväxt och nutida tillämpning

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

Prediktering av komponenters mognad/kvalitet utifrån felkodsutfall

This master thesis has been carried out at Scania R&D at the department of Powertrain Control System Development during the winter 2011/2012. The purpose of the thesis was to produce a method that with the result of troubles codes from the field testing would be able to say something about the maturation of a component, in this case the VGT, variable geometry turbocharger. To start with, it was necessary to investigate hich information was available. After the information been summed up in tables and charts, this so that it was possible to understand the huge amount of data, the calculations started.Since the thesis was about maturation of a component the proportions were calculated of components that had a trouble code in contrast of those who passed the test without a trouble code. This Thesis includes background information about basic of statistics and about the company Scania and its testing process.

Förslag till optimering av bladtillverkning i syfte att sänka tillverkningskostnaderna för VINCI LOX och LH2 turbinerna

Arbetet bygger på att de informationssystem som används idag men som blir allt äldre och därigenom inte klarar de krav som ställs på dem. Detta medför att informationssystemen måste migreras till modernare plattformar, då företagen dels inte klarar sig utan dess nuvarande funktionalitet och dels måste vidareutveckla systemen.Detta arbete tar upp olika sätt som detta kan genomföras på och vilka problem som kan komma att uppstå när detta sker. För att kunna undersöka detta så genomfördes ett antal migrationer. Språken som migrationen kommer att ske mellan är Visual Basic 6 och Visual Basic .net. Migrationerna kommer att ske med hjälp av ett migrationsverktyg, samt ett ramverk som i arbetet skräddarsys för just arbetets typ av migrationer.Det arbetet kommer fram till är att det sker problem vid användande av ett verktyg och även att det inte ger tillräckligt med respons på vad som gått snett under migrationerna..

Distribuerade fastighetsautomationssystem : - En implementation av kommunikationsprotokollet BACnet

Building Automation Systems in commercial buildings are often designed and installed by different contractors, using equipment and components from different manufacturers. The lack of an accepted communication standard has resulted in a few different standards. Many manufacturers of building automation systems only support one, a few or none of these standards, while developing proprietary system solutions. Regin, who develop such equipment, are planning to adopt an open communication protocol specially designed for building automation - BACnet. As a step in that direction this thesis was announced with the purpose to investigate the possibility to implement BACnet in one of their products and to gain more knowledge of the BACnet protocol.

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