

388 Uppsatser om The Da Vinci Code - Sida 5 av 26

Arrende vis fastighetstransaktion : Parternas rättigheter och skyldigheter

Property sales involve two main contract partners, the buyer (the new owner) and the seller (the property owner). In some cases the property owner can have let a third person (the leaseholder) lease the property or the land.The rights and obligations that fall on the property owner, the leaseholder and the new owner according to the Code of land laws can appear difficult and unclear, especially con-cerning reservation, the new owner?s duty to inspect the property and when he does not act in good faith, the formal requirement and when terms are changed.The work towards a more uniform interpretation of the Code of land laws should result in a greater correspondence between the rules of leasehold and property sales, the rules of leasehold should be interpreted in accordance with the rules of property sales. This should mean an increased responsibility for the property owner to reserve the lease and a de-creased duty for the new owner to inspect the property. If the lease is only partially re-served, the new owner is only bound by the leasehold to the parts which he understood from the reservation and the duty to inspect the property is limited to documents in the property owner?s possession.

§ 500 California Corporations Code : en alternativ lösning till borgenärsskyddet vid värdeöverföringar?

Denna uppsats behandlar borgenärsskyddet vid värdeöverföringar. Det primära målet för begränsningar vid värdeöverföringar är att skydda borgenärer. Borgenärsskyddet i svensk rätt återfinns i 17 kap. 3 § aktiebolagslagen i form av beloppsspärren, som benämns som principen om skyddet för det bundna kapitalet, och försiktighetsregeln. De lege lata ger inte lagregeln något nämnvärt skydd för bolagets borgenärer.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att vårda patienter med självskadebeteende

The Swedish industrial society has left several areas with contaminated soil and water which today is of danger for the environment and human health. One of these areas with contaminated soil and water is the region where the former Glava glassworks operated during 1859 to 1939. The main object in this study has been to study the responsibility for the contaminations according to the Environmental Code. The method used is a qualitative content analysis of relevant literature to answer the following questions:What types of contaminations can be found in the area of Glava glasswork and what health issues can these cause?What kind of activity has been conducted in the area that have caused the contaminations in soil and water?According to law, what are the responsibilities for the contaminations in soil and water at Glava glassworks?The contamination in the region has been confirmed to originate from the glasswork due to the environmental engineering survey made in the area in 2009.

Utvärdering av konsekvenserna för nätanslutning av vindkraftparker i Sverige vid införandet av nätkoden Requirements for Generators

Grid codes are becoming more demanding on power generating units due to the factthat the complexity of the power grid is increasing. The penetration of wind powerhas grown over the last years and it is clear that wind farms need to be addressedwith the same type of grid codes as conventional generation units. There is howeveran undeniable difference between the technology in conventional synchronousgeneration units, and the asynchronous generation units in wind farms.This thesis has reviewed the current grid code in Sweden and compared it to the newcode proposed by ENTSO-E, ?the Requirements for Generators?, in the aspect ofwind farms with an installed power of 30 MW or more. The comparison has beencomplemented by an analysis of how wind farms of two different technologies(Doubly fed induction generators and full power converters) can meet therequirements and technical proposals have been given on how to be able to meetcompliance with the new grid codes.The Requirements for Generators contains many non-exhaustive and optionalrequirements, because of this it has been difficult to, at this stage, exactly point outthe technical impact on the grid connection of future wind farms in Sweden.

Företag på Facebook. Varför är de där och vad gör de?

With the globalization, companies in the West chose to shift production to developing countries to cut down costs. This had a major impact when child labor and very poor working conditions in these factories were discovered and led many companies to take responsibility for their suppliers and the employees by adopting voluntary so-called Codes of Conduct.There is a subtle balance to enforce improvement of working conditions for employees at suppliers´ factories and to keep costs down. On the one hand, companies would like to conduct extensive audits at their suppliers to ensure code of conduct compliance and thus protect their legitimacy. On the other hand, audits are expensive so companies would like to minimize audits to keep costs down. Companies thus have to strike a delicate balance in relation to how many and what suppliers they choose to audit.

Interaktionsritualer och emotionell energi i samband med pensionering : En studie av fem kvinnors upplevelser från arbetsliv till livet som pensionär

Att tala samma språk är en förutsättning för ett gott ledarskap - En studie av lärande och förväntningar i samband med en ledarskapsutbildning skrevs i syfte att undersöka den upplevelse som studiens informanter förmedlar av en utbildning och ledarskap. Målet är att söka reda på de eventuella behållningar deltagare och företag haft av en ledarskapsutbildning samt den undervisning deltagarna fått ta del av. Studien avser vidare ge en bild av vad situationsanpassat ledarskap innebär utifrån litteraturen och den konsultfirma företaget använt sig av för att hålla i utbildningen. Vidare kommer en jämförelse att göras mellan den information som står skriven i företagets etiska riktlinjer, Code of Ethics och bilden av situationsanpassat ledarskap.Uppsatsens har en kvalitativ ansats som utgångspunkt med åtta intervjuer som är uppdelade i två informantgrupper, en deltagargrupp och en initiativtagargrupp. Den slutsats studien kommer fram till är att deltagarnas upplevelser av ledarskapsutbildningen är av positiv karaktär.

Applikationsutveckling baserad på mobilkameran

Mobile application demands a lot of attending to the program code. There are lots of different development platforms that can be used for development. Not only for the specific operating system there are also lots of different cross-platforms that should minimize the amount of program code. This report is comparing the way of creating an android application in the cross platform Xamarin versus in the platform Eclipse using the Android plugin. It contains a part about the architecture of Android and its functions.

Att tala samma språk är en förutsättning för ett gott ledarskap : ? En studie av lärande och förväntade behållningar i samband med en ledarskapsutbildning

Att tala samma språk är en förutsättning för ett gott ledarskap - En studie av lärande och förväntningar i samband med en ledarskapsutbildning skrevs i syfte att undersöka den upplevelse som studiens informanter förmedlar av en utbildning och ledarskap. Målet är att söka reda på de eventuella behållningar deltagare och företag haft av en ledarskapsutbildning samt den undervisning deltagarna fått ta del av. Studien avser vidare ge en bild av vad situationsanpassat ledarskap innebär utifrån litteraturen och den konsultfirma företaget använt sig av för att hålla i utbildningen. Vidare kommer en jämförelse att göras mellan den information som står skriven i företagets etiska riktlinjer, Code of Ethics och bilden av situationsanpassat ledarskap.Uppsatsens har en kvalitativ ansats som utgångspunkt med åtta intervjuer som är uppdelade i två informantgrupper, en deltagargrupp och en initiativtagargrupp. Den slutsats studien kommer fram till är att deltagarnas upplevelser av ledarskapsutbildningen är av positiv karaktär.

Omkonstruktion och arkitekturbyte av autopilot för obemannade farkoster

This thesis has been written at Linköping University for the company Instrument Control Sweden AB (ICS).ICS is a small company located in Linköping that develops software and hardware for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAV. At present, ICS has a fully functional autopilot called EasyPilot but they want to reduce the autopilot?s size to make it more attractive.The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if it was possible to reduce the size of the autopilot and how, in that case, it would be done. It was also necessary to examine whether the old processors should be replaced by new ones and how hard it would be to convert the old software to these new processors.To succeed with the goals many of the old components had to be changed for new, smaller ones. Some less necessary parts were also completely removed.

Nya medier, gamla regler : En studie om svenska journalisters förhållningssätt till medieetik på Twitter

The aim of this study was to look into the approach of swedish journalists towards Twitter and how they apply the media ethics when using Twitter.The method for this research was a survey answered by 371 Swedish journalists, from workplaces of various contents and geographical spread, of which 271 were users of Twitter. Our results are based on the survey and theories such as the social responsibility theory, the code of ethics for the Swedish press, radio and television, gatekeeping, normalizing twitter and the private sphere of Habermas.Our results showed that swedish journalists aim to apply the media etics in most aspects such as objectivity and gatekeeping. Also the guidelines of using twitter as a journalist, according to the respondents, mainly comes from the workplace and not the code of ethics. It also showed that the majority of the journalists were pleased with the current guidelines, or the absence of guidelines..

Application development for automated positioning of 3D-representations of a modularized product

This thesis presents an application that performs positioning of modules automatically based on given data for every module, and the development of it. The basis of the application is from a previous thesis code. On top of that code, more features and error handling has been added, as well as fixes for various bugs. A stress test has been performed and further development possibilities are being presented.The thesis work was carried out at Toyota Material Handling Mjölby (TMH) and was made in parallel with another thesis by Fredrik Holden who was generating data for the application. For a complete understanding of the theory and background, please also read Holden?s thesis report ?Development of method for automated positioning of 3D-representations of a modularized product?, as well as the former thesis  ?Analysis for Automated Positioning of 3D-representation of a Modularized product??..

Glava glasbruk : En undersökning av föroreningar i mark- och vatten samt ansvaret för dessa enligt miljöbalken

The Swedish industrial society has left several areas with contaminated soil and water which today is of danger for the environment and human health. One of these areas with contaminated soil and water is the region where the former Glava glassworks operated during 1859 to 1939. The main object in this study has been to study the responsibility for the contaminations according to the Environmental Code. The method used is a qualitative content analysis of relevant literature to answer the following questions:What types of contaminations can be found in the area of Glava glasswork and what health issues can these cause?What kind of activity has been conducted in the area that have caused the contaminations in soil and water?According to law, what are the responsibilities for the contaminations in soil and water at Glava glassworks?The contamination in the region has been confirmed to originate from the glasswork due to the environmental engineering survey made in the area in 2009.

Hur ett mindre bemanningsföretag kan organisera försäljning ? där fördelarna överväger nackdelarna

With the globalization, companies in the West chose to shift production to developing countries to cut down costs. This had a major impact when child labor and very poor working conditions in these factories were discovered and led many companies to take responsibility for their suppliers and the employees by adopting voluntary so-called Codes of Conduct.There is a subtle balance to enforce improvement of working conditions for employees at suppliers´ factories and to keep costs down. On the one hand, companies would like to conduct extensive audits at their suppliers to ensure code of conduct compliance and thus protect their legitimacy. On the other hand, audits are expensive so companies would like to minimize audits to keep costs down. Companies thus have to strike a delicate balance in relation to how many and what suppliers they choose to audit.

Standardisering av funktionsblock for PLC

Automationscenter & Bråvalla Elteknik AB is a company that offers the market completed total solutions where the customer can operate and monitor their production from the terminal. In these total solutions they lack standard circuit which are developed by the company and which could manoeuvre/control/monitor controlled process objects. This report defines the work of developing the most common standard circuits.The report is initiated by a short theoretical part about PLC and the PLC system, with a connected terminal, which has been used. Thereafter, the turnout of the demands of specification is reported, after discussing with the supervisor in the course of the project. The report concludes with a disclosure of how the programming, the documentation and the testing have proceeded and a final discussion concerning the project and proposals on continuation.The result is a CD with the documentation of standard circuits and how they are implemented in a new project.

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