

374 Uppsatser om The Balanced Scorecard - Sida 24 av 25

Ekot från djupaste Afrika : En kritisk diskursanalys av nyhetsprogrammet Ekots gestaltning av konflikten i Goma, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo.

This is a critical discourse analysis of the conformation of the conflict in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, as constructed by Ekot, a news-show on Radio Sweden. The ambition of this bachelor thesis is to examine the production of a Congolese conflict for a Swedish audience and to find out how the construction differences with and without a reporter in the field. To obtain this purpose the narrative is studied as well as the use of voices that define the conflict. The construction of proximity between Swedish audience and the Congolese event and the meaning of sound to stabilize the formation of discourse within foreign news is examined as well. To conform and explain foreign news it must be put in relation to a starting point.

Energieffektivisering på Vista

Sweden has distinct seasons with cold winter and temperatures down to minus 25 ?C andpleasant summers with temperatures above 20 ?C. During spring and autumn there could becomechallenges with precipitation. The diverse climate in Sweden affects many homeowners. For thepeople living in leisure boats and permanent housing boats the seasonal changes are clearlyimpacting their economy and the indoor climate.

Industriella avloppsvatten i Chile : Identifiering av problem samt förslag på åtgärder

Chile and Santiago are struggling with heavy environmental problems as a consequence of urbanisation and industrialisation. In the Santiago region the air is seriously contaminated and most of the rivers are classified as heavily polluted.The aim of this thesis is to survey the industrial fluid waste situation in the Santiago region and to make suggestions on technological improvements or process changes. The purpose is also to study five different enterprises more closely and to give more detailed suggestions for improvement. Another purpose is to summarize relevant Chilean legislation.Information, provided by the supervisory authority, about the release of industrial wastewater to rivers has been analysed. Deep interviews have been made with authorities and consultants.

Retention of stumps on wet ground at stump-harvest and its effects on saproxylic insects

Low stumps represent on their own up to 80% of the dead wood remaining on clear cuts and therefore supply suitable habitat for saproxylic insects i.e. insects depending on dead wood for their survival. Recent stump harvesting activities threaten this substrate of ecological importance and increase the anthropogenic negative impacts on these species. Because of technical and environmental reasons (nutrient leakage, erosion) guidelines for stump harvesting recommend to retain stumps standing in wet parts of clear cuts. However, stumps in wet positions might not be a satisfactory substrate for saproxylic insects and therefore might not be as much used as stumps in dry positions.

Brain Gym® - En väg till ökad självkännedom i lärandesituationer? En studie vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö utifrån ett lärar- och studentperspektiv

Title: Brain Gym®? An approach to increase self-knowledge in situations of learning?- A study at the Malmö Academy of Music from a teacher and student perspective. Brain Gym® is a method developed by Paul Dennison in his studies of physiology and aims to eliminate potential blockages during the process of learning. During the influence of stress, as in learning, we do not possess a total access to our perceptive ability. Instead we are limited to our so called dominance profile.

Högtempererat borrhålslager för fjärrvärme

The district heating load is seasonally dependent, with a low load during periods of high ambient temperature. Thermal energy storage (TES) has the potential to shift heating loads from winter to summer, thus reducing cost and environmental impact of District Heat production. In this study, a concept of high temperature borehole thermal energy storage (HT-BTES) together with a pellet heating plant for temperature boost, is presented and evaluated by its technical limitations, its ability to supply heat, its function within the district heating system, as well as its environmental impact and economic viability in Gothenburg, Sweden, a city with access to high quantities of waste heat.The concept has proven potentially environmentally friendly and potentially profitable if its design is balanced to achieve a good enough supply temperature from the HT-BTES. The size of the heat storage, the distance between boreholes and low borehole thermal resistance are key parameters to achieve high temperature. Profitability increases if a location with lower temperature demand, as well as risk of future shortage of supply, can be met.

Think Clearly Outside The Bottle! : Hur kranvattnets kommersiella värde kan höjas

Due to the fact that bottled water has negative impact on the environment,Elite Hotel hasdecided to stop serving bottled water in their restaurants. Since Swedish tap water is regarded tohave great quality,Elite Hotel wants to look at the possibilities to carbonate their own sparklingwater and serving it in fancy carafes. This Master of Science thesis is about constructing a costefficient water carbonator system that suits Elite Hotel?s need specification. This thesis alsocovers other water refinement criteria.The work has been divided into three parts.

Rätt gåva för rätt tillfälle

This master thesis is a study of the Swedish hydropower capacity to balance wind power. The Swedish government has decided that it should be possible to produce 30 TWh from wind power in the year 2020. The Swedish municipalities have to have plans for wind power plants with total yearly generation of 30 TWh. Wind power is an variable energy source that needs to be balanced by other energy sources. In Sweden the Swedish hydropower can be used for balancing a large scale introduction of wind power.

Balansering av en storskalig vindkraftsutbyggnad i Sverige med hjälp av den svenska vattenkraften

This master thesis is a study of the Swedish hydropower capacity to balance wind power. The Swedish government has decided that it should be possible to produce 30 TWh from wind power in the year 2020. The Swedish municipalities have to have plans for wind power plants with total yearly generation of 30 TWh. Wind power is an variable energy source that needs to be balanced by other energy sources. In Sweden the Swedish hydropower can be used for balancing a large scale introduction of wind power.

Nutrient efficiency in Swedish dairy cows fed total mixed rations or partial mixed rations

The relatively poor economy in European dairy farming might be improved from efficient feeding systems and dietary management. Increasing herd sizes and transition to loose housing systems in Sweden, increases the possibilities for other feeding systems than separate feeding that is the traditional feeding system in Sweden. Other possible feeding systems are partial mixed ration (PMR) and total mixed ration (TMR), where the TMR system sometimes is associated with overfeeding and thereby increased environmental impact and high feed cost. Diets providing nutrients above or below animal requirements are considered as unbalanced, which in turn are associated with reductions in health, fertility and milk production. On the other hand, a balanced feed ration improves feed efficiency, nitrogen utilization and profitability.

Balanserad samhällsbyggnad i Eslövs kommun : fördjupning av översiktsplanen för östra Eslöv

This work has been made in cooperation with the municipality of Eslöv and the inventory area is a part of the deepening of the municipality plan of east Eslöv. The aim of the work is to test the principle of balance in the overall planning. Later in the detailed planning process a more detailed calculation is made and a suggestion of suitable measures for compensation is made. Then the method with green area factors can be used. The goal is to balance the negative influence on the environment from the planned impacts to gain a sustainable development of the city. The principle of balance means that the one responsible for the development also has to compensate for the negative impacts on nature and landscape that comes with the development.

Effekt av naturligt förekommande beta-glukan hos vuxna med hyperkolesterolemi ? en systematisk översiktsartikel med fokus på livsmedel i Svensk handel.

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: The effect of naturally existent beta-glucan in adults with hypercholesterolemia. - a systematic review with focus on the Swedish food market.Author: Ida Edman Hellberg, Frida HanssonSupervisor: Mette AxelsenExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 01, 2014Background EFSA states in 2010 that there are good evidence that three grams of beta-glucan/day from oat as a part of a balanced diet, has a positive effect on total cholesterol and LDL.Objective Evaluate if there is evidence for primary treatment of lifestyle related hypercholesterolemia with products naturally containing beta-glucan.Search strategyIn February 2014 the databases PubMed and Scopus were used for article research. The search terms used were; cholesterol level, beta-glucan, hypercholesterolemia, oat and barley.Selection criteria Articles, written in Swedish and English, on RCT-studies conducted on otherwise healthy adults with hypercholesterolemia (serum cholesterol >5,0 mmol/L) were included. The intervention product must naturally contain beta-glucan, and an equally product should be retailed in Swedish grocery stores. The control group needed to be supplied with a placebo product and the participants could not be on any lipid-lowering medication.

Platser för kontemplation i vår nära utomhusmiljö : från minneslundar till grönområden

Today, many people have the need of contemplation due to higher stress levels in every day life compared to before. By examining the conditions of a secularized place of contemplation in greenbelts close to residential areas, I hope to contribute to a more balanced picture of how we utilize our greenbelts in the future. This kind of place is not a common phenomenon in our everyday outdoor environment.I have taken my starting-point in the traditional memorial and by that means been able to study the design of an existing delicate environment intended for mourning and contemplation. In this paper I review foremost the secularized place of contemplation in greenbelts close to residential areas from two central questions. First I examine its possibility to function as a place for mourning and contemplation.

Investigating the reward cycle for play in young pigs

A reward cycle for investigating the emotional status in animals has been developed and it requires that animals go through three main phases, i.e. anticipation, consumption and relaxation. The reward cycle has not been tested previously for access to play in pigs. Therefore, the aim of this Master thesis was to investigate if growing pigs showed more behaviours indicative of excitement than pigs that were not allowed to play, performed play in a play arena and showed more behaviours indicative of relaxation after play when they were back to their home pen than pigs that were in their home pen the whole time. Forty undocked piglets (10 litters of Specific Pathogen Free half pure-bred Yorkshire and half hybrids of Yorkshire x Landrace balanced for breed between two treatments were used.

Externa ledarskapsutbildningar : En studie kring ett fackförbunds externa ledarskapsutbildningar

More and more preschools are choosing to reduce the sugar consumption. The reason is, inter alia, the increase of weight in the community, but there is also research showing that sugar is harmful to children. The discussions on sugar and children are also a hot media topic.I have chosen to use a qualitative method, interviews, to gather material for the essay. I have interviewed a teacher and a cook in three different preschools, in different municipalities. I have also looked at their various nutrition policies to see how the guidelines for their work on diet and health look like.

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