

374 Uppsatser om The Balanced Scorecard - Sida 25 av 25

Datorkompetens : En studie av förväntad datorkompetens vs verklig datorkompetens vid Örebro Kommun

More and more preschools are choosing to reduce the sugar consumption. The reason is, inter alia, the increase of weight in the community, but there is also research showing that sugar is harmful to children. The discussions on sugar and children are also a hot media topic.I have chosen to use a qualitative method, interviews, to gather material for the essay. I have interviewed a teacher and a cook in three different preschools, in different municipalities. I have also looked at their various nutrition policies to see how the guidelines for their work on diet and health look like.

Hästägares kunskapsnivå och attityder angående hästutfodring

Horse owner?s knowledge about horse feeding and nutrition is directly linked to the horse?s health and welfare. According to several studies, both Swedish and foreign, horse owners generally have inadequate knowledge about horse feeding. The housing systems and feeding routines of today differs in many ways from what horses have adapted to through evolution. Wild horses live in harem herds and roam on large open fields, spending about 60 % of the day grazing, mainly grass and herbs.

Socker i förskolan : En rörig fråga eller en riktig beta?

More and more preschools are choosing to reduce the sugar consumption. The reason is, inter alia, the increase of weight in the community, but there is also research showing that sugar is harmful to children. The discussions on sugar and children are also a hot media topic.I have chosen to use a qualitative method, interviews, to gather material for the essay. I have interviewed a teacher and a cook in three different preschools, in different municipalities. I have also looked at their various nutrition policies to see how the guidelines for their work on diet and health look like.

Samverkansplanering : en jämförande studie mellan praktik och teori

Collaborative planning ? a comparative study of theory and practice Why There is today, according to my experience, a growing interest and demand for a more inclusive and transparent planning process. Also, if we are going to be able to reach a truly sustainable society it is my belief that there is a need for a more integrated collaboration between different actors. Where the social, economic and ecological values can influence and benefit from each other. The question then is, how can the planning system accommodate that kind of collaboration? Purpose My aim for this thesis has been to study a selection of the theoretical work that exist about collaborative planning.

Ekologiskt uppfödda kycklingar : en jämförelse mellan två olika foder

Organic rearing of broilers is not a large production in Sweden. In order to create a sustainable yet efficient production of organically produced poultry meat, at a price that the consumers are willing to pay, much more knowledge is needed. It is therefore important to do more research on organic broilers under Swedish conditions. This report is aimed to be a base for further studies. In the study 2000 broilers of the hybrid Ross 308 divided in to two equal groups. The broiler hybrids that are used in Sweden are selected for a high growth rate and are normally slaughtered at the age of 5 to 6 weeks, with a slaughter weight of 1.7-2 kg.

Den rättvisande bildens betydelse för kommuners redovisning - i skenet av den dolda pensionsskulden

Bakgrund: År 1992 trädde en ny kommunallag i kraft vilket innebar flera förändringar av den kommunala redovisningen. År 1997 kom en kommunal redovisningslag och begreppet god redovisningssed fördes in i kommuners redovisning. Seden kantas av särregler som balanskravet och blandmodellen som är politiska beslut och inte är redovisningstekniskt motiverade. Kommunallagens krav på ekonomisk balans trädde i kraft år 2000 och är en av hörnstenarna i kommuners krav på en god ekonomisk hushållning. Balanskravet innebär att kommuner ska visa ett positivt resultat.

Hur påverkar en ökad andel solceller Umeå Energis elnät? : ? En utredning med fokus på spänningsvariationer och osymmetri inom landsbygds- och tätortsnät vid en- och trefasanslutning av solcellsanläggningar

A good power quality can be an important prerequisite to achieve a sustainable society. Scandinavia's electrical system is in many respects superior, and Sweden has a fossil free electricity generation at 97 % and a reliability of electricity distribution at 99.98 %. Meanwhile, the EU has an ambition to expand the electricity market in order to achieve a joint trading business across Europe. This cross-border market will result in a large proportion of fossil energy sources integrated into our electrical system, which also leads to an increased need for renewable electricity production in Sweden. One part of this development is to increase the share of renewable micro generation that is locally or regionally connected to the power grid.

Hur motiverar man beställare till att ge utrymme för landskapsarkitekten att arbeta med brukare i en planerings- och projekteringsprocess?

Residential estates are created without any adaptation to the users who will use them. Clients wouldprofit on involving users in an early project stage to create housing estates adapted to the user?s needsand wishes. Clients of the housing estates that require missions from consultants should realize that noone exclusive can represent other people's needs, regardless of the theoretical expertise they possess. TheSwedish million programme in the 1970s is an example of how objective expertise gained control, whichled to the creation of outdoor environments where few wanted to stay and live.

Hur kan man få ned dödligheten hos kalvarna i dikobesättningarna?

This work is a literature review along with interviews from nine suckler herds. How to reducecalf mortality in the cow herd is the focus of this paper. To get profitability of a herd, it isimportant that you get a live calf per cow and year. Good fertility of the cows thus is veryimportant. During the years 2007 - 2008, approximately 5.5% of all calves born by beef cowsdied and about 8.5% of the calves born by heifers died.

Hur tillgänglig är staden? : fallstudie av Kungsgatan och Föreningsgatan i Malmö

How accessible is the city? Is there more factors than merely the strictly physical that affect how accessible the city is perceived? These questions are the starting point of this study. The greatest emphasis, in this study, is placed on the perceived parameters that affect us humans when we move in our cities. Experiences and internal images can change our behaviour and prevent free movement in the city. The result from this study shows that a city can not be seen as fully accessible unless both the physical and the perceived accessibility are fulfilled.

Förslaget i fokus : om att skapa kommunikativa bilder

Th is thesis is about how to create communicative images. It is mainly for landscape architects. With communicative images, I mean images created with the purpose to communicate a proposal or idea in a direct way to. By only looking at the image, the viewer should get an idea of what the proposal entails. A communicative image should also create an interest in the proposal.

Toleransproblem vid produktion och montering av prefabricerade betongelement

The idea with constructions made out of prefabricated elements is that it should be quick and easy to build as the demands for lower production costs, increased profitability and shorter production times are constantly increasing. High accuracy in measurements and well-balanced tolerances is required to achieve this. The fact that the concrete-elements doesn?t fit and that damage occurs during assembly is a highly topical issue even though we now have methods and systems that make this high-intensity construction possible. Through this report we want to highlight the problems that cause the dimensional and tolerance problems and give suggestions on how to come to terms with these.

Odlingens och lagringens inverkan på utsädes grobarhet :

At seed-growing the aim is to produce a commodity with high germination capacity, good soundness and purity, and also slight admixture of seeds from other species. The capacity of germination and the vigour of the seeds may become impaired in consequence of mechanical damage, infection of diseases, growth of mould, attacks of vermin, high drying temperature, secret germination, sprouting in the ears etc. The germ belongs to the outer and most unprotected parts of the seed, and consequently this is much exposed. Even quite sound seeds can instantaneously have low capability of germination. It can be due to the fact that the seeds are in rest of germination, i.e.

Drömmen om en effektiv inköpsprocess - ett modeföretags eviga kamp

För företag som verkar på den dynamiska och konkurrenskraftiga modemarknaden är den storautmaningen att skapa en hållbar konkurrensfördel för att på ett lönsamt sätt vinna kampen omkunden. Ett viktigt verktyg är en effektiv och flexibel inköpsprocess. Utformningen avinköpsprocessen avgör förmågan att möta den krävande modekundens efterfrågan. Vår studie avseratt undersöka hur inköpsprocessen bör organiseras hos en produktutvecklande modedetaljist för attvara effektiv och kunna möta marknadens förändringar. För att påvisa ämnets praktiska relevans ochförtydliga problematiken används ett fallföretag där kvalitativa empiriska undersökningar har utförts.En inköpsprocess består av olika aktiviteter som tillsammans påverkar processens utfall.

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