

10029 Uppsatser om Texture-based rendering - Sida 5 av 669

Vägparametrar och deras inverkan på trafiksäkerheten : Fallstudie på länsväg 360 Lycksele - Vilhelmina

The interaction between the driver, the car and the road is essential for the road safety. This case study focuses on the road condition and its effect regarding road safety issues. By studying and isolating the road condition aspect and its contributing role to the accident occurrence, the aim is to explore their relationship, as well as highlight the road parameters that are commonly associated with accident occurrence. This result will be used to develop and increase awareness of the impact of poor road alignment and poor road surface conditions on traffic safety, in order to prevent these accidents from occurring. The road parameters chosen for this study include side friction, cross slope and rut bottom cross slope, road texture, curvature, drainage gradient and rutting.The case study was limited to lv 360 in Va?sterbotten, where all accidents with an unclear cause of the accident were studied, between 2003 and 2012 were carefully studied and assessed based on the condition of the road at the time of the accident.

Behuggning av betongytor: ett test av hantverksmetoder

During the latter half of the 18th century, when concrete started seeing general use in modern cities, the use of different methods to give the concrete a finished surface texture saw use. One of these was using different methods of mechanically altering the surface using a slew of cutting and crushing techniques with mallet and chisel. This was done in order to hide the often dull and gray look of concrete, and allude to other more expensive and luxurious stones. The work would possibly have been done by experienced stonemasons, using much of the same techniques and tools they would have used while working natural stones. Or did they? This essay explores, through the use of traditional handcrafts and tools, the claim that the working of concrete surfaces can be done with the same tools and skillset as the working of natural stone.

Att marknadsföra kultur ? utvecklingen av en ny visuell identitet för Malmö konsthall

In recent years the arts institutions? role in society have changed. With increased demands on attracting greater number of visitors they use concepts from corporate marketing to communicate with greater success. Theories from museum studies show that the importance of rendering authenticity now has become the new imperative in order to retain the status of a reputable institution. This thesis aims to discuss the development of a new visual identity for the public and non-profit institution Malmö konsthall.

KNITTING BIG : Ett undersökande i trikåteknikens möjligheter till volym i relation till en möbel

 Knitting Big är ett undersökande examensarbete i textildesign med fokus på stickningens möjligheter och förmåga att skapa tredimensionalitet i relation till en möbel. Syftet var att få kunskap i stickningens möjligheter till volym samt att svara på frågeställningarna: Hur förändrar den strukturerade textilen intrycket av formen? Jag vill även ta reda på vad etablerade möbelföretag anser om trikåns möjligheter inom möbeltextil. Projektet har utformats i skolans tre trikåtekniker: handstickning/handmaskin, industriell rundstickning samt industriell flatstick. Under projektet har jag samarbetat med möbelföretaget Homeline.

PixelCity Sharp-X : Jämförelser ur utvecklarperspektiv mellan C++ med OpenGL och C# med Direct3D

This essay serves to illustrate the main practical differences between the popular medium-level programming language C++ (C Plus Plus), and the newer high-level language C# (C Sharp). It will focus on the aspects that are readily apparent to the application programmer, such as differing syntax, constraints and capabilities.It will also feature a similar comparison between the open source OpenGL graphics library, and the proprietary Direct3D graphics library owned by Microsoft Corporation.It will not go into the differences in ?under the hood? mechanics that the application programmer seldom have to consider after having chosen his programming language or graphics API, such as C# being compiled into an intermediate language and is run on a virtual machine where C++ is compiled directly to machine code, or the differing principles of rendering in OpenGL and Direct3D.This is by no means comprehensive, many things have been left out or overlooked..

Goal-Oriented Action Planning : Utvärdering av A* och IDA*

Goal-Oriented Action Planning (GOAP) är en AI-arkitektur som tillämpar ett måldrivet beteende åt agenter i spel. Mål uppnås genom att planer med åtgärder genereras med hjälp av en sökalgoritm. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur två sökalgoritmer, A* och IDA*, presterar under planering i GOAP.De experimenten som används är dels en miljö där agenter simuleras, samt ett test där planer genereras för samtliga implementerade mål utan rendering och simulering av agenter. Data som utvärderas är bl.a. planeringstiden, antal besökta noder under sökning och genererade planer.Utvärderingen visar en tydlig fördel till A*, som i snitt är 38 % snabbare än IDA* vid planering av åtgärder i GOAP.

?Wie waren die Tempi??: Ett försök till ett ?historiskt informerat? framförande av Ludwig van Beethovens op. 57, första satsen, i avseende på hans vilja rörande tempoaspekter

An attempt were made to record the 1st movement of Beethoven?s Op. 57, with the objective of performing it as close to Beethoven?s will as possible, in the tradition of the ?historically informed performance? movement.The result of evaluating source material rendered a list of the most relevant material for this study, and hopefully that might prove useful for other studies with similar objective concering HIP and composer-intention based ?autenticity?.However, Beethoven?s will was only vaguely captured in the limited source material accounted for in this study, rendering it moderate-to-small reliability. It?s probably possible to achieve a higher degree of goal achievement, given more time and through the utilization of music psychology to further extrapolate the detailed parameters of Beethoven?s presumed extramusical will.The recording made was not to my satisfaction and has strengthened my view that the interpreter should take council from the collected knowledge of scholarly sources but must ultimately remain free in whether and how to utilize that knowledge.Lastly, I?ve measured the bpm in the resulting recording with a error margin of ±0,02 s.

Energiförbrukning för putsade, odränerade träregelväggar i fuktigt respektive torrt tillstånd

In recent years, moisture damages have been noticed in rendered, undrained stud walls. The design is built on the principle one-stage tightening which means that there is no air gap in the construction. The damages have occurred when water has permeated through the rendering in leaking connections and fittings for windows, doors, canopies, balconies, terraces and awnings. Behind the plaster carrier, which consists of either polystyrene or rigid mineral wool, plasterboard has often been used as a wind protection barrier. In many cases the wind protection barrier and the underlying wooden studs have been exposed to mould and in some cases even rot.

Akka. Ett skrivbord för hemmet anpassat för rullstolsburna.

A woman is dying of cancer, she refuses to use her walking aid. Because she is embarrassed. This means she can?t leave her house, and her last days become very limited.Why do we act like this?Can the view we have of products adapted for disabled be changed by working with colour, texture, form and materials?There are many products adapted for disabled, the products often have a good function and well developed ergonomic aspects but the visual aspect leaves a lot to wish for. There is neither effort nor money put in to the exterior design of most of these products.A lot of the solutions that are invented for adapted products can be used in design of ?regular? products.Why should we then divide products in to adapted and non-adapted.

Lilaköttig taggsvamp, Sárcodon fuligíneovioláceus : miljökrav i Sverige och en analys av vad som styr artens etablering

Burnt Spine-cap Sárcodon fuligíneovioláceus are one the most endangered mycorrhizal fungal species in Europe. They have their main distribution in Sweden. It form mycorrhiza with pine and dependent on limestone, which makes it connected to a rare environment. It has therefore been important to study the ecology of it further and to recognise the requirement it has on the environment more accurate and what it need to establish in a new area. In this study, 31 of 34 known sites in Sweden was visited and studied in field and their history analysed through aerial photographs.

Utveckling av mobilapplikation

The company System Andersson is developing systems for controlling materials and production in industries. They want to add a new service, where parts of those systems are accessible through cell phones.In this paper we are investigating which technology are best suited for this kind of application. And then we describe how we are developing a prototype fort this application, based upon that technology. After investigating technologies such as Java ME, Microsoft Silverlight, and web applications we settled upon building the system as a web application, customized for a mobile environment.To build a web page which is readable by many different cell phones we use the markup-languages which are developed for cell phones. We put much effort in reading about the standards and recommendations for the mobile web, produced by the organizations W3C and OMA.

En jämförande studie av algoritmer för visualisering av volumetrisk data i datorspelsmiljö.

I denna studie undersöks två algoritmer för att rendera volumetrisk data. Studien syftar till att undersöka om det är möjligt att använda dessa algoritmer i en datorspelsmiljö. De båda algoritmerna, som kallas för shear-warp-algoritmen och footprint-algoritmen, jämförs mot varandra för att ta reda på vilken som är bäst på att lösa uppgiften. Algoritmerna testas också för att se om de är lämpade att verka i en datorspelsmiljö med avseende på om de kan generera tillräckligt antal bilder per sekund.Resultatet av studien visar på att ingen av de två algoritmerna är lämpade inom den domän de är tänkta att verka inom. Även om shear-warp-algoritmen är effektivare på att lösa sin uppgift än vad footprint-algoritmen är så visar studien att ingen av dessa två algoritmer är lämpade i den domän de är undersökta i..

A Brief Moment Of Peace. Ett utforskande i visuellt uttryck inom 3d-grafik och animerad film

This project was about the creation of a shorter computer animated film. Thegoal of the project was to explore a different technique of the visual outcomethat should not rely on photorealistic rendering and how to find new interestingways to use 3d-graphic for visuals. A big part of the project was also toincorporate music to create a chosen atmosphere and impact on the viewer butalso to help the story forward and questions such as; ?How can you create anexpression for the feeling you want to transmit?? were formulated. The scenewas built up in a 3d-application consisting of a house and surrounding garden,which within an character was animated to tell the plot.

Storage stability in a milk based UHT-beverage : effect of pH, carrageenan and storage time

The different characteristics of many food products, such as aroma and texture, changes during storage time and become undesirable. The reason is instabilities within the product which become prominent as the product ages. These changes in characteristics are quality losses caused by changes in the product?s intrinsic and extrinsic environment. The stability in UHT-milk and beverages similar to it have been studied in the past decades and a certain focus have been on age gelation which is a common defect in these type of products.

Den villkorliga självkänslans relation till self-efficacy

A self-esteem that is contingent on affirmation from others leaves the individual psychologically vulnerable. Ccontingent self-esteem has been shown to be either relationship or competence based. The aim of the current study was to examine the relationship between relationship based self-esteem, competence based self-esteem, the under dimensions of those, and self-efficacy. Questionnaires were handed out to 69 university students. The results indicated that competence based self-esteem predicted a significantly low self-efficacy.

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