

10029 Uppsatser om Texture-based rendering - Sida 17 av 669

Automatisk trimning av externa axlar

This master theses deals with different methods for automatic tuning of the existing controller for external axis. Three methods for automatic tuning have been investigated. Two of these are based on the manuell method used today. The third method is based on optimal placement of the dominant poles. Different sensitivity functions are important for this method.

Differentiering ur ett konsumentperspektiv

Abstract Semester and year: Spring, 2008Writers: Victor Andersson and Filip ForslundTutor: Thomas HelgessonProgram: Marketing program, Halmstad University - School of Business and EngineeringTitle: Differentiation from a consumer perspective - How important is differentiation from a consumer?s perspektive when choosing a residence? Presentation of problem: How important is differentiation from a consumer?s perspective when choosing a residence?Purpose: The purpose is on basis from previous theories on the subject to describe what kind of differentiating that from a consumerperspective is the most important when choosing a residence. Key words: Differentiation, brand, apartment market Methodology: This thesis is built on an qualitative method, where eight open individual interviews have been made. Our choice of respondents was based on what kind of respondents that could give us the most accurate information on the subject which we based on relevant variables. Theory: The framing of the theories is based on a marketing perspective within the area of differentiating and focuses on how companies use different tools to differentiate their offer to create competitive advantages.

Building Information Modeling : En möjlig modern arbetsmetod för Sweco Theorells AB

To challenge the competition within the construction business there are requirements ineffectiveness and use of operating computer based programs and work-methods. Thecomputer based programs are continuously improved and can at some point be the start of anew work-method. The work-method of tomorrow can be Building Information Modeling(BIM).This Master of Science Thesis gives an understanding in what BIM is and what therequirements for Sweco Theorells are in a future BIM-use as a consulting-firm. Theunderstanding is presented through a study of theory within the subject. The way of thinkingand acting among different disciplines and individuals within the building process isexplained through an interview study.The term BIM is regularly used.

Enumerating Atlantic salmon smolt production in River Vindelälven based on habitat availability and parr densities : consequences of using different density estimation methods

Habitat mapping was conducted in the main stem of River Vindelälven in the autumn of 2009 along the salmon distribution area. The aim was to estimate the quantity of potential reproduction areas, including spawning and juvenile rearing habitats. The mapping included 61 km of various stream sections along the river length of 269 km. The total area of stream habitats was estimated to 647 ha of which 396 ha (61%) were considered as either potential or optimal juvenile nursery habitats. The area of these two habitat classes were used to estimate the smolt production in the river by using electro fishing densities of juveniles (0+ per 100 m2).

Att använda ett undersökande arbetssätt i NO-undervisningen : En jämförelse mellan kommunal- och resursskola

The purpose of this study is to compare an inquiry-based teaching method for natural sciences in municipal schools and special education and to find out if this way of teaching may be helpful when working with students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).The Swedish national curriculum of 2011 states that teaching methods should be fitted to every student?s needs and preconditions. The implication of this is very important for all students, especially for children with special needs. The theoretical framework that has been applied as a foundation for this study is Vygotskijs "Zone of Proximal Development" and Deweys "Learning by Doing". The method applied for the study is a semi structured interview and five teachers where interviewed.The result of the study shows that teachers with a higher education in natural sciences are more confident with regards to teaching natural sciences and the application of the inquiry-based way of teaching.

Synt och sånt : Datorbaserat musikskapande på folkbibliotek, en studie i förutsättningar och praktik

Recent papers and bills from the Swedish Government deal with the possibilities  of giving all Swedish citizens the possibility of their own creative actlvities in the cultural sector. This work is about where such actlvities shall be placed in order to make them obtainable  for all. As an example of creative work this work takes computer-based music-making. At the public library in Odense, Denmark there is a weil functioning sound workshop where the public gets the opportunity of making music with some assistance from the staff. This work shows  that also in Sweden  the public libraries are the most suitable  institutions  for placing studies for computer-based music-making  for the public depending  on the public libraries'  traditions in adult education.

Lärares motiv att bedriva utomhuspedagogik

The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of teacher´s motives to engage in outdoor education in their teaching. A qualitative approach through interviews was used and a total of eight teachers were interviewed. The result showed that there were several motives to engage in outdoor education. These motives were divided into three main categories which were: to engage in outdoor education from teacher`s interest, to engage in outdoor education based on teacher`s perceptions of children's needs and to engage in outdoor education based on external factors..

Klassrelevans -Föreställningar kring klass på Lunds Socialförvaltning

This thesis is based on the conception that class is relevant. The thesis discussesclass relevance and consciousness of class amongst personal at the department ofsocial welfare in Lund.I have studied different theories of class from Karl Marx, Max Weber and PierreBourdieu. The study´s empirical survey is based on interviews with the personalat the department of social welfare in Lund. Then I have applied their view onclass on models based on the theories mentioned above.Out of my analysis I can draw the conclusion that the consciousness of class ishigh and that the applied models matches the interviewed personal. An importantaspect is that class perspective is bound to class.

K3 eller K4 - Vad styr valet av redovisningsregelverk?

There will be changes in the accounting regulations in Sweden. Firms will be categorised as K1-K4 firms depending on the size of the company. There will be different levels of accounting in the four categories. Firms will always have the possibility to choose a more advanced accounting regulation than the one they are obligated to due to their size. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate which factors that influence the management in K3 firms in the choice between the K3 and K4 regulation.

Sexköp och fiskmetaforer - En diskursanalys av prostitutionsdebatten 1993-2011

"A discourse analysis of the debate on prostitution 1993-2011" The aim of this essay is to investigate how prostitution is constructed in the debate. The analysis is based off debate articles from four of the biggest Swedish news papers. Articles from two periods of time has been chosen, 1993-1999 and 2008-2011. The specific periods were selected because they revolve around the Swedish ban on the purchase of sexual services in 1999, and when it was evaluated in 2008. With a constructivist aim based on gender research, the themes and subject positions of the debate are explored via discourse analysis.

Valfrihet eller solidariskt ansvar? : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Socialdemokraternas ståndpunkt i ebo-frågan mellan 1994-2009

The objective of this undergraduate thesis is to study the Swedish Social Democatic Party?s standpoint of the law allowing asylum seekers to choose where to live (ebo) between 1994-2009. The study?s empirical material is being based on official documents from the Swedish Parliament, which is being analyzed by a method called ?process-tracing?. A research question has been formulated to supplement the objective:What arguments has the Swedish Social Democratic Party expressed pro and con the law of ?ebo?? The study?s theoretical framwork is based on two theories which explain incentives behind parties? decision-making, strategic or ideological, on three arenas. As the law was ratified the party took a positive standpoint, but later shifted to become stricly against it.

Den transvestitiska förklädnaden : en tolkning av androgynitet i Virginia Woolfs roman Orlando.

AbstractThis paper is an analysis of Virginia Woolf's novel Orlando. My rendering of the novel is inspired by queer-theory and in particular the theories of Judith Butler. In my interpretation I have put my focus mainly on androgyny and transvestite disguise. The purpose of my analysis is to create an understanding of the theme of androgyny in Orlando and see how it relates to the writer's feminist approach. I?ve also used concepts like transvestite disguise and cross-dressing to interpret the main character, Orlando's constant changes of clothes, between female and male clothing.

IT-konsultens konsultationsprocess

How does IT-consultants reason in their consulting process regarding the development of a clients IT-based internal recruitment system? The purpose with this paper is to investigate how an IT-consultant is reasoning in a consulting process and investigate whether consultants are using established models and methods in their work. We have chosen to work with a qualitative examination to attain our purpose. In our work gathering the empirical facts we have been working with a case study, an observation and a simulation exercise. The combination of these has made it possible to carry out the paper and produce the most correct data possible.

Volontärarbete : -God gärning eller hobbyverksamhet?

The purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to highlight the western involvement in Thai orphanages and, on basis of Western moral development workers and volunteers, enlighten how Western colonial heritage can be recreated in the humanitarian economic aid.The study is based on the recent tsunami disaster in 2004 which led to a huge voluntary effort by Western volunteers and organizations who wanted to rebuild the country. Now, seven years after the disaster, the country has recovered well and thanks to a strong turism, and industrial growth, the country has now reached the position of a middle income country with regional power.The study presents a selection of previous ressearch in the area from different critical perspectives. It is a field study based on qualitative interviews with six informants that highlights the individual engagment in humanitarian assistance. Theories based on Post-colonialism and globalization have been used in order to analyze and reach the result of this study..

Wallenius waters AOT luftrenare

This bachelors thesis was made forWallenius Water AB to develop a basisfor an Airpurifier prototype. Wallenius Water isone of the world's leading environmentaltechnology companies engaged inchemical-free water treatment based onUV-radiation. The thesis aim was toproduce a basis for a prototype that canbe used in three applications:Standalone, RAS systems and ventilationsystems. The work includes anintroductory description of the theorybehind AOP technology based on aliterature review on the subject. Asurvey of products currently on themarket and a product specification hasbeen used as the basis for thepreparation of a number of concepts inthis report.

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