

20911 Uppsatser om Textbook-study - Sida 28 av 1395

Effekter av muskeluppbyggande träning på muskelstyrka och funktionsnivå hos personer med Multipel Skleros: en litteraturstudie

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of our most common neurological diseases. The development of the disease often make the affected persons live with it for a long time. There are two types of the disease, the first is a progressive type and the other is relapsing remitting. Strengthening exercises isn?t commonly used as a treatment method although muscle weakness and fatigue are common symptoms.

Idrott och doping : En studie om idrottande ungdomars tankar om idrott och doping

The purpose of this study was to look at teenagers' thoughts and ideas regarding sports and doping, and what they think about information on doping.Important questions for our study were:What do sports mean to teenagers?What thoughts do teenagers have about demands and expectations in sports?What thoughts do teenagers have about doping?What do teenagers think about information on doping?What factors do teenagers think affects a teenager to use doping?The study was made from a qualitative approach. The material consists of twelve interviews with teenagers in the age of 16 - 18. Sports mean a lot to the teenagers in our study and they don't approve of doping in any way. Many of the teenagers asked for more information about doping.

Motiv och förutsättningar för Arbete med spänning på det svenska stamnätet

In this thesis, the conditions of using the maintenance method live work at the Swedish TSO, Svenska Kraftnät has been analyzed. The study is limited to only include live work on 220 and 400 kV. The live work method is a type of maintenance that can be done, on lines or stations, even though they are still energized. The purpose of this thesis has been to map the present live work situation at these levels in Sweden. The study is based mostly on interviews with people who have specific field competence with in live work but also with personnel at Svenska Kraftnät.

Åtta 11-åringar och deras frågor och funderingar kring livet : en jämförelse av två studier

The purpose of this study is to describe children?s life issues. What kind ofquestions they have aboutlife, their thoughts about life. Another purpose of this study is to see the differences in how children?s thoughts about life have changed through the years.

Medborgardeltagande i planering - Uppsala kommuns trafikplan

The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting an individual's working life mobility and how this mobility is perceived by the individual. The study has a qualitative approach and the theoretical part is based on Castells', Giddens' and Bauman's theories of modern society and employment in relation to the individual. The study concludes that external circumstances in combination with internal driving forces are the reasons behind changing careers. The process is predominantly perceived as positive, especially education tends to strengthen self-identity. Work in general is regarded as important for a person's identity and new career changes are expected in the future..

Sjukgymnastik i skolan - behövs det?: en kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study was to investigate physical education teachers (PET) view of the needs of physiotherapy in compulsory school. Semi structured interviews were conducted with five PET. The study was carried out as a qualitative content analyse study. The interviews were coded in categories independently by the two authors. The categories were then brought together in four major categories: PET work situation, pupil health, physiotherapy and cooperation.

"Är ditt pass köpt i Botkyrka?" : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Public Service digitala nyhetsrapportering om "Jakten pa? papperslo?sa"

The study examines medias impact on every day racism through Agenda Setting and Framing. Prior studies on the subject are either conducted from an American perspective, or are several years of age. In this study we highlight how todays media depicts our society and how it affects the concept of the world on an individual level. The study is a content analysis of the case study on the news stories ?The hunt for the unregistered immigrants?, which have been analyzed through critical discourse analysis.

Den levande uppfattningen om landstinget : En studie om hur Landstinget i Värmland uppfattas av invånarna i Värmland

The study´s purpose is to identify how their communication affects their brand. The study will be made trough the perspective image, the values and associations which the target audience have about the County Council. The study has two question formulations: Which parts in the County Council's communication affect their brand? How does the residents in Värmland's image about County Council's look like? The study is based in Balmers 6C's of Corporate Marketing. There´s also some organizational communication added  to the study.The two methods has been used in the study, qantitative survey's and qualitative interviews.

Models of Service Marketing - A Study on the Marketing Functions of Project Workers in Knowledge-Intensive Companies

The purpose of my study is to question the model service marketing triangle and propose an alternative ways of looking at service marketing. The study is based on a deep, qualitative research. In the research of the material an abductive approach has been used. The primary information sources are interviews with project workers, which are being analyzed together with the theoretical background in part argumentations in the course of the thesis. In the last chapter they are unified.

Kreativ produktexponering inom e-handeln

This study investigates whether creative online product exposure within the clothing industry has a positive effect on the behaviour and attitude of today's consumers. Product exposure is the most important stimulus in the online marketing universe, yet few studies exist on this topic. Thus, this study pioneers in this specific research field. Through empirical analysis this study reveals that product exposure has a significant and direct effect on the perceived corporate ability and consumer involvement. Moreover creative product exposure indirectly increases the perceived product quality, intention to buy and the overall attitude towards the brand.

Identitet och kärlek : en studie i ungdomars identitetsskapande

This study is generated from a European Union project founded Barcelona, Spain and contents a questionnaire that is the same in the different studies, but with different questions or thesis in each of them. Our question is if there is an identity creation in the meeting with other people and if so, how that identity creation is constructed. The identity-creation-meeting in the study is a fictive love relation story. Two high school classes in the Stockholm area have participated in the inquiries.The work of Bjerrum-Nielsen & Rudberg (1991) shows that the two sexes differ in their opinion about what is desired in a relationship. The result of our study points out that both young men and women mostly prefers the same qualities in a relation in spite of that gender socialisation directs the informants towards stereotypical roles.

Primärvårdsläkares uppfattning om sjukgymnastik: en kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study was to investigate physician?s view of physiotherapy in primary health care. Semi structured interviews were conducted with five physicians. The study was carried out as a qualitative context analyse study. The interviews were coded in categories independently by the two authors.

Tre aktörer-en marknad. Jämförande fallstudie av en offentlig, en privat och en ideell organisation som arbetar med budget och skuldrådgivning.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the factors of children?s voluntarily reading in their spare time. We also want to know if the children choose non-fiction books for their voluntarily reading. The method as well as the empirical basis of this study is qualitative, with interviews of twenty-eight children in ages between 9 and 12 years. We conducted nine interviews with 3?4 children in each group.

Samveerkan mellan Försäkringskassan och Arbetsförmedlingen. En fallstudie om samverkan kring arbetslivsintroduktionen i Göteborgs centrum.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the factors of children?s voluntarily reading in their spare time. We also want to know if the children choose non-fiction books for their voluntarily reading. The method as well as the empirical basis of this study is qualitative, with interviews of twenty-eight children in ages between 9 and 12 years. We conducted nine interviews with 3?4 children in each group.

L?gkonjukturens p?verkan inom byggf?retag

The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of how medium-sized construction companies adapt and how they choose to reorganize their operations in relation to the recession. The study has as its theoretical starting point theories about organizational learning, the impact of the economy on construction companies and strategies for dealing with recessions. The method used to conduct the study was semi-structured interviews with representatives from 15 different construction companies. The results of the study show that they used several strategies to adapt and reorganize the business in accordance with the recession. Some construction companies had to make cost savings as a result of the recession.

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