

20911 Uppsatser om Textbook-study - Sida 14 av 1395

Straff utan Brott : En studie av män som fått sina öron avhuggna i Irak

This is a study of seven men that have suffered from a cruel punishment. The punishment involved getting their ear/ears cut off, prison with more torture and their families being deported from their homes to another town.My sample involved seven Iraqi men who suffered from this punishment during Saddams regime, they got this punishment because they refused to fight against Iran and Kuwait. I went to Iraq and met with the men in person and did interviews with them to understand the effect of the punishment on their personalities, and how the punishment have influenced their lives and interaction with other people in the society and around them.The study focuses on their suffering and how they have been able to live with this stigma. The method the study has used is the kvalitative method that involved interviewing them in their country Iraq and analyse their answers and then come to the results. My study was between 26 of March 2004 to 26 of April 2004.My study is based on the theory of social interaction and especially the symbolic interaction theories of G.H.

Bakomliggande orsaker till användandet av kosttillskott : En enkätstudie om användning och attityder till kosttillskott

Several studies shows that dietary supplements do not have any proven effects on health, yet these supplements are increasing in sales. The study aims to find out what attitudes and knowledge people involved in physical activity have towards supplements and which factors influence them to buy supplements. How these factors differ between men and women was investigated. The study is based on answers from 100 collected questionnaires from people who are physically active at several gyms. Of those who participated in the study, 56 percent were men and 44 percent were women.

Kravmärkt? : en studie om gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om krav och förväntningar i deras studiesituation

The purpose of this study is to investigate and describe the variation in perceptions of demands and expectations of study performance among a group of students at an upper secondary school. The study is inspired by a phenomenographic approach in which variations in perceptions of a phenomenon are of importance. Twelve students at a science program participated and were interviewed in groups of four. The results show that among the students there are several different perceptions of the demands and expectations to perform they felt present in their lives. The most important result is that it is the students' own demands and expectations on their performance and study results that are seen as the most demanding..

Matematikboken ? betydelse och kvalité : En studie av matematikbokens betydelse för elevers resultat i matematik samt utvärdering av matematikböckers kvalité

Det verkar råda stor konsensus om att matematikundervisningen är viktig för att Sverige skall kunna hävda sig och kunna konkurrera i en global värld. Samtidigt visar det sig att eleverna i allt större utsträckning har svårt att nå målen för undervisningen. En undervisning, som forskningen visar, är hårt styrd av den matematikbok som används.I Finland har det visat sig att vilken lärobok som används i undervisningen får statistiskt signifikanta konsekvenser för elevernas resultat. I uppsatsen undersöks om samma statistiskt signifikanta samband även föreligger i Sverige. 149 skolor omfattande 13 408 elever ingår i den statistiska kvantitativa studien.

Mjukvaruföretagens strategiska agerande

Background: In recent research literature, some researchers mean that companies in fast changing markets have to act proactively while others find that companies have to adapt to conditions and to react. This makes it interesting to study how software companies act strategically and also to study to what extent a flexible organisation is required by companies who proact and by those who react. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is the study how different types of software companies act strategically and what this requires of the company in terms of flexibility. Delimitation: The study treats only Swedish software companies with more than ten employees. Proceed of the Study: Representatives from four case companies as well as a consultant have been interviewed.

Vilken ställning har dagens ungdomsbok? En studie om hur dagens ungdomslitteratur bemöts av sin målgrupp

The purpose of this study was to investigate young teenagers 13-16 reading habits and attitudes concerning todays modern teenage literature especially written for the young teenagers. The study also includes the readers apprehension of the literature and how the target group is reached. The study is based on results from questionnaires, interviews and by compiling summaries of literature relevant to this study. Earlier research has been compared with results from this study. Reflections made by teachers and librarians concerning the youths reading habits are an integral part of the study.

Securitization as An Alternative Tool of Financing Student Loans ? A Case Study for CSN

The purpose of the study is to highlight the issue of student loans securitization, and assure the importance and benefits that could be realized by performing such a transaction. The methodology is a case study for The National Board of Student Aid. It is a qualitative study, mainly using interviews, literature and scientific articles. By using this information we construct a securitization transaction structure ?CSN 2006-1?, and conduct a cost/benefit analysis.

Kiwi och ASL : en kombination för framgång?

This paper aims to examine how, and if, music is being used integrated in other subjects thanmusic in school. The study is based on qualitative interviews and I haveinterviewed fourteachers, regardless of whether they use music a lot or not.The questions the study is basedon are if there might be a connection between theteachers' own feelings for music andwhether they use music inschool or not, how music is being used and does the use of musicgive any effects?The result of this study shows that there can be a connection between the teachers ownsfeelings for music and the fact if they use music when they teach or not. One of the teachersI?ve interviewed had bad music experiences and didnot use music in her teaching.

Kommunikation från organisation till målgrupp : En undersökning om en NGOs kommunikationsarbete i Tanzania

In this study I have examined how narrative techniques can be used to promote the reading value and readability in information. My focus has been on the communication-agency Mandoly?s information-brochure which function is to inform other companies about their own potential for development in collaboration with Mandoly. The purpose with this study is to examine how it is possible to increase the reading value in order to engage the target group. In my study I have used four methods: analysis of Mandoly?s old information-brochure, literature studies, a qualitative interview, and an user test.

Före och efter Lpfö, 98; Fyra förskollärares reflektioner om arbetet före och efter införandet av läroplanen.

Since 1998, the Swedish preschool has its own curriculum and with this the preeschool became the first step of a lifelong learning. The aim of this study was to explore how preschool teachers perceive their work before and after the Swedish curriculum was inserted. A qualitative method was used in this study. Four different in-depth interviews were conducted with preschool teachers, all experienced working at least before 1993. The curriculum theory and curriculum history were used to analyze the empirical data.

Upplevelseredovisning : Resursallokering i en restaurang

This study is about exclusion and childrens role-play in Swedish preschools. 8 preschool teachers, in 4 different preschools, have been interviewed about exclusion and low and high rating roles in children's role-play. The interviews was recorded and then analyzed. Relevant research in this study was from Corsaro, Tellgren and Löfdahl amongst others, and the results of the interviews is what this study is based on. The study showed that one of the most common roles in childrens role-play is the role of mother and that the roles children play are based on social norms and values.

Ungdomstjänst : ur ett myndighetsperspektiv

The aim of our study is to explore the thoughts and beliefs held by the professionals who work with the sentence youth service for young offenders, and how they feel about the same.How is the sentence youth service perceived from a professional perspective? How does the concurrence look like between the police, the social services and the prosecutor, when it comes to young offenders? What kind of difficulties/challenges do the professionals see in the possibility to effect the sentence youth service?The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consists of seven semi-structured interviews with two police officers, four social workers and one prosecutor.The results of our study indicate that youth service is a good sentence for young first-time offenders; the study also indicates that concurrence between the different professions is a success factor; furthermore the study revealed that it was very difficult finding adequate working places..

"Det finns inget bättre än en lärare som verkligen bryr sig om dig" : En studie om vad som gör gymnasieelever studiemotiverade ur elevens perspektiv

My purpose for this essay is to examine what factors are considered to have high influence on motivation to study and what measures can be taken to enhance student?s motivation to study from a student perspective. The main source of theory for this study has been the classification of motivational factors that has been based on Herzberg?s twofactortheory with complementary theoretical sources. The study is based around two research methods, one survey together with complementary student interviews. The empirical material consists of 118 completed surveys together with nine student interviews. The study?s results have found that students find the main source of rising motivational level originates from the professional role of the teacher. Additionally the students find the main source of subsiding motivational level originate from rising level of stress and uninspiring teachers.

Vinflaskans framsidesetikett som marknadsföringsverktyg i Sverige

This study is about exclusion and childrens role-play in Swedish preschools. 8 preschool teachers, in 4 different preschools, have been interviewed about exclusion and low and high rating roles in children's role-play. The interviews was recorded and then analyzed. Relevant research in this study was from Corsaro, Tellgren and Löfdahl amongst others, and the results of the interviews is what this study is based on. The study showed that one of the most common roles in childrens role-play is the role of mother and that the roles children play are based on social norms and values.

Vi måste ge barnen många verktyg! : En undersökning om hur pedagoger väljer läsinlärningsmetoder i första klass

This paper aims to examine how, and if, music is being used integrated in other subjects thanmusic in school. The study is based on qualitative interviews and I haveinterviewed fourteachers, regardless of whether they use music a lot or not.The questions the study is basedon are if there might be a connection between theteachers' own feelings for music andwhether they use music inschool or not, how music is being used and does the use of musicgive any effects?The result of this study shows that there can be a connection between the teachers ownsfeelings for music and the fact if they use music when they teach or not. One of the teachersI?ve interviewed had bad music experiences and didnot use music in her teaching.

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