

20911 Uppsatser om Textbook-study - Sida 15 av 1395

Bo?r man ra?kna med en fo?delsedagseffekt? : En studie om sambandet mellan elevers fo?delsema?nad och slutbetyg i a?rskurs nio inom a?mnet matematik, samt en underso?kning om pa?verkansfaktorer inom a?mnet.

The aim of this study was to examine if there was a relative age effect in students grade in mathematics. The study was built on regression analysis and Spearman rho on student?s month of birth and their grades. It was found that there is a relative age effect in the student?s grades.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarn och deras sociala ålder

This study analyses social age as a phenomenon and if unaccompanied refugee children has a social age that, according to the Swedish culture, do not correspond with their biological age and if so is, the reason for that. Furthermore, our study has discussed the potential consequences of the effects for the unaccompanied refugee children and the social age when interacting with Swedish society. According to our study, the social age is effected by other factors besides cultural norms, values and role expectations that a society has on a specific biological age. The results in this study shows that social age is a vital component to someone?s identity.

Kriminalitet : En studie om faktorer som orsakar ett kriminellt liv bland unga män

Criminality is a very normal problem that occurs between youths within today?s society. In this study we will be accentuating and therefore be focusing on how young men are living their lives with criminality. In this study we have analyzed the underlying factors for what the causes and reasons are for young men to be part of the criminal life. One basic and underlying factor is families, growth, friendships and economic resources.

Barnlitteratur i förskolan : en nyckel till kunskap

The work as a personal assistant is sometimes associated with certain problems. Studies have shown that personal assistants often experience indistinct rules and roles concerning what should or should not be included in their duties. This study was undertaken to evaluate problems associated with the profession as a personal assistant, how widespread they are and how they are dealt with. Specifically, the study evaluates if the personal assistants have to do duties that they consider they are not assigned to do. Different roles (formal as informal) are also discussed which may be of current interest in this study, but also how we see people on basis of ethics and moral.

Filmspridning och ny teknik i samband med huliganvåld : En studie om hur filmklipp sprids och hur dagens teknik används av svenskafotbollshuliganer och supportrar

We have in this study preformed a quantitative examination on how hooligans use film and new technologies to spread private videos on the Internet. With today´s technologies it is very easy for hooligans to publish their videos. In this study, we have choosen to do a questionnaire poll based on seven questions about what people think of hooliganviolence on online video sharing sites. We have also conducted an online interview with a former swedish hooligan. The people who participated in our study are all anonymous, and therefore we have no age or gender included in our study.

Det är en mångfald i fråga om mångfald : Personalvetare och PAO-studenter samtalar

This is a study of the discussions and sense making that HR-professionals and HR-students present concerning the phenomenon of diversity, through the theory of social representation.Our purpose is to study the reasoning around the phenomenon of diversity and what meaning HR-students and HR-professionals create around it. This study also attempts to examine how HR-professionals and HR-students reasoning and interaction differ from each other. In this study we have used the qualitative method of social representation through focus groups.The common themes found in the data material were the meaning of the phenomenon diversity, how the work with human resources can be connected to the phenomenon of diversity and diversity as an issue in society. The main result in this study was that we found a wide range of meaning put into the word diversity by the participants and that the individuals in the focus groups actively strived for consensus..

Riskupplevelser hos trafikanter : sett ur ett förarperspektiv

The primary aim of the current study was to gain increased knowledge about drivers' risk experiences. The study was based on questionnaires answered by 30 private drivers and 30 bus drivers, with 50% men and 50% woman in each group. The study revealed no differences, either between men and women drivers with regard to their experience of risk, or between the groups of private and bus drivers. Gambling is common within the private drivers group. Mistakes are common in all groups.

En studie om användning av lärplattor i den första läs- och skrivinlärningen inom IT-satsningen ?en-till-en?

This study was aimed to examine what happened when a municipality in Sweden invested in ICT. The purpose of this study was also to find out how the change of process with ICT investment was expressed the need for more knowledge. This was called ?one-to-one? with the goal that all students would have their own computer during their years in school.Teachers have been interviewed and observed about how they work with ipads during reading and writing lessons. The teachers in this study said that they need more knowledge to improve their everyday work with ipads.

Gästlojalitet : En kvantitativ studie utförd på ett hotell i Sverige

This study is about exclusion and childrens role-play in Swedish preschools. 8 preschool teachers, in 4 different preschools, have been interviewed about exclusion and low and high rating roles in children's role-play. The interviews was recorded and then analyzed. Relevant research in this study was from Corsaro, Tellgren and Löfdahl amongst others, and the results of the interviews is what this study is based on. The study showed that one of the most common roles in childrens role-play is the role of mother and that the roles children play are based on social norms and values.

En intervjustudie med lärare och specialpedagoger om arbetet med elever som har läs- och skrivsvårigheter

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to deepen my knowledge in how teachers can teach pupils with reading and writing disabilities, and also find out how a co-operation with remedial teachers can look like.The study is based on qualitative interviews with two teachers and two remedialteachers.The study shows that the two teachers´ co-operation with the remedial teacher appeared to bedifferent. The teacher who had the longest work experience was the one of the two that had a co-operation with the remedial teacher, the other teacher who graduated in 2007 did not have any co operation at all with the remedial teacher.The study also showed that the teachers and the remedial teachers in the study had different opinions about what method to use for pupils with reading and writing disabilities, and that the LTG method was the one most frequently used .All the participants in the study agreed that reading and writing disabilities is a large area, andthat there is a large variety in difficulties among the students . Some of the difficulties the participants had experienced were problems with decoding, pupils that had problems with learning the letters..

Ledarskap i offentlig sektor : Organisationsfaktorer, ledarskapsmodeller, förutsättningar och medarbetarens hälsa

The purpose of this study was to examine leadership in the public sector based on leadership models, organizational factors, conditions and health of employees. The study was divided into sub-study one and two. In sub-study one the design was an observational study using cross sectional design in which 67 first line managers in the public sector answered a survey about conditions and leadership models. Sub-study two was an observational study using case-control design focusing on a health promoting leadership intervention in the municipal sector. Two semi-structured interviews and 41 surveys were collected.

Vintercykling i Umeå : Om faktorer som påverkar viljan att cykla till sitt arbete i Umeå under vinterhalvåret

The aim of this study is to identify factors, which decide wheter you choose to commute with bicycle to work in the winterseason. The study is conducted in Umea, in the norhtern part of Sweden. The study is based on 509 answers from a webbased survey, conducted on municipal employees. The study has investigated which factors that affect different commuting groups from a gender perspective. The groups, which has been compared is motorists, wintercyclist and summercyclists.

Musik som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel : En undersökning i hur musik används i skolan och vilka effekter användandet ger

This paper aims to examine how, and if, music is being used integrated in other subjects thanmusic in school. The study is based on qualitative interviews and I haveinterviewed fourteachers, regardless of whether they use music a lot or not.The questions the study is basedon are if there might be a connection between theteachers' own feelings for music andwhether they use music inschool or not, how music is being used and does the use of musicgive any effects?The result of this study shows that there can be a connection between the teachers ownsfeelings for music and the fact if they use music when they teach or not. One of the teachersI?ve interviewed had bad music experiences and didnot use music in her teaching.

Länkanalys: En undersökning av ett biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapligt delfält

The aim of this study is to analyse and investigate a rather new field of LIS studies, i.e. link analysis which is a part of webometrics. Webometrics has been described as the quantitative study of web based phenomena drawing on bibliometric or informetric methods. Link analysis has its counterpart in citation analysis within the field of bibliometrics. The questions the study investigates are if webometrics can provide LIS with new knowledge and if there is a place for webometric studies in LIS research.

Servicelandskap i Dagligvaruhandeln. : Image, lojalitet och relationer.

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to clarify and analyze the servicescapes impact on brand image and customer loyalty among general dealers. The research question that we have used in the study is what characterizes the connection between the servicescape and the possibility to maintain and strengthen the customer relation among general dealers. The study is based on a qualitative approach and we have conducted eight interviews with experts and special advisers within the field. We have chosen to focus our study on the fact the market for general dealers have changed and the demands from the customers are severed throughout the years. The servicescape consists of the physical surroundings where the service is produced, examples of factors that influence the servicescape is the employees and the customers.

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