

3341 Uppsatser om Text matching - Sida 2 av 223

Att skapa kunskap i informationshavet : Om hur text kan struktureras för att skapa lärande i intranät

Creating instructions is not just about words, but also about text structure. A company creates many instructions to document their management systems, which often are presented through an intranet. This study examines how the text can be presented to make content understandable and give employees the knowledge to take action. An interview survey was made at Skanska Sweden and their management system "Vårt sätt att arbeta". The results show that it is mainly about creating an overview of the system and creating separations between different text sections.

Att skapa kunskap i informationshavet - Om hur text kan struktureras för att skapa lärande i intranät

Creating instructions is not just about words, but also about text structure. A company creates many instructions to document their management systems, which often are presented through an intranet. This study examines how the text can be presented to make content understandable and give employees the knowledge to take action. An interview survey was made at Skanska Sweden and their management system "Vårt sätt att arbeta". The results show that it is mainly about creating an overview of the system and creating separations between different text sections.

Argumentera mera! : Sju svensklärares syn på arbetet med argumenterande text

This essay is a qualitative study that examines seven teachers ? views on argumentative texts. The aim is to examine how teachers work and discuss argumentative texts, and how they work to develop students ? writing. The main question is: What are the teachers experience, perception and attitude about working with argumentative text? Furthermore: What specific features are important when they mark this type of text? : How do teachers work with formative grading in terms of writing this type of text? Research shows that Swedish students ? ability to write argumentative texts are inadequate.

"Jo, läspade Violet." : Översättningsanalys av anföringsverb i svensk och polsk skönlitterär prosa. En fallstudie.

In this study I compare the use of reporting verbs in direct speech in Swedish and Polish literary prose. The aim is to examine how differences in usage are reflected in translations to and from Swedish and to what extent the translator adapts the text to the target language and its literary conventions.I have compared the material on two levels: source text versus source text in Polish and Swedish respectively, to see what kind of speech verbs are most commonly used, and source text versus target text, to study the strategies the translators have used and to what extent reporting verbs are altered or not.I have also studied quotation verb + adverbial phrase or prepositional phrase, to investigate if they are more frequent in the two target texts or adapted to the literary concentions of the target language. .

Det vidgade textbegreppet : I teori och praktik

The essay is about the concept of text in a wider perspective, what can be included in that, how it can be used and above all, why one might want to use it. The essay will also include what the term popular culture implies, and school?s attitude towards it, since some of the medias that are a part of the text in a wider perspective, many times fits the description ?popular culture?. Most of the earlier research show that the positive aspects of the use of text in a wider perspective as the same time as it attacks school because school is opposing the popular culture.       The essay consists of two parts and it begins with a theoretical part where I present existing research about the concept of text in a wider perspective and the research about popular culture.

Skolråd, bidrag och inspektion : Den fortsatta etableringen av ett statligt skolväsende mellan åren 1871 - 1882

This study investigated a local aspect of theSwedish elementary school modernization process between the years 1871-1882.Previous studies have been drawn from the school inspectors own reports andshow that the schoolboards housed a negative and resentful attitude towardsreforms and the school inspectors often felt that the parish priests were moreinclined to changes than the schoolboards themselves.  Other research on elementary schoolmodernization has stressed the matching grants as a major cause of developmentand further establishment. In this study, however, a schoolboards own notes inthe form of meeting protocols during an eleven year period as well as a letterby a priest Erik Lundberg, Redogörelseför skolhusfrågan i Tierp dated 6 October 1880 were analyzed to see if theprevious explanation of school modernization, in particular with regard to thereluctance to change by the schoolboards goes to demonstrate and confirm. Theresults of this study have shown that even if the schoolboards do notimmediately follow the school inspectors instructions, it seems not primarilybeen due to resentment. Reforms within the school world are well known forbeing time-consuming but for the current period, as this study concerns andwithin this specific parish there were conflicts of interest which are notshown when only the inspector?s accounts and reports are examined.

Det dialogiska klassrummet : En kvalitativ studie om dialog mellan lärare och elever

En vetenskaplig text. Hoppas att denna text blir till nytta för kommande studenter och blivande lärare..

En uppgörelse med unkna ideologiers våld

Hedemyr?s project has been about finding a meaningful position of utterance and a language for her practice. The general theme is performative art in public spaces.This text is a meta-narrative about this development and transformation process. It is also a proposal for choreographic practice as text, and thus a suggestion for what performative text could be.Her master project includes three intertwined parts. The foundation is an ongoing ?doing?.

Bilderbokens text och bild i samspel : En studie av Tove Janssons Hur gick det sen?-boken om Mymlan, Mumintrollet och lilla My

The Picture book - text and image in interaction. A study of Tove Jansson's picturebook: The Book About Moomin, Mymble and Little MyThis study examines Tove Jansson's picture book The Book About Moomin, Mymbleand Little My, to show relationships between text and image in the narration of thestory. This is done through an analysis based on Ulla Rhedins dissertation The picturebook - towards a theory where the conclusion is that the picture book as book mediumcan be divided in three different picture concepts. The various concepts are; the epicpicture book, the expanding text as well as the genuine picture book. This study hasperformed a text and image analysis showing that the image colors, the differentspreads, landscape scenes and characters' placement, et cetera play a role in placingthe picture book in its concept.Tove Jansson used more than text and image to work out the story of theMoomintroll, Mymble and Little My, there are holes in the picture book that have animportant role, which the analysis will show.

"Min dialekt är så yeee yeee wow" : En undersökning av gymnasieungdomars attityd till dialekter

The essay is about the concept of text in a wider perspective, what can be included in that, how it can be used and above all, why one might want to use it. The essay will also include what the term popular culture implies, and school?s attitude towards it, since some of the medias that are a part of the text in a wider perspective, many times fits the description ?popular culture?. Most of the earlier research show that the positive aspects of the use of text in a wider perspective as the same time as it attacks school because school is opposing the popular culture.       The essay consists of two parts and it begins with a theoretical part where I present existing research about the concept of text in a wider perspective and the research about popular culture.

?Det känns som att man tolkar texten utifrån var man befinner sig just nu?. En studie av det transaktionistiska förhållandet mellan läsare och text

This master?s thesis investigates the contextualized relation between a reader and a text, in a non classroom-oriented situation. I am studying the questions of (a) in what way a persons education, personal experiences and opinions, and (b) how the text; its design (language) and message, holds a function in ? and forms ? the reader-text relation. At the same time I am testing the theoretical framework of Louise Rosenblatt, for the purpose of finding an adequate method to analyze this relation.

"Det känns lite knepigt att kalla en skulptur för text" En studie av svensklärares syn på det vidgade textbegreppet i gymnasieskolan

This study aims to draw attention to the discourse of Swedish language teachers and their literary repertoires from a didactic perspective. This leeds to the following inquiries: ?how to define and delineate a broader concept of text;? ?how realized is this concept in Swedish upper secondary schools;? and ?how does the use of the broader concept of text effect the ability to learn.? The empirical data comprise group interviews with six teachers who work at two different schools, in different towns, located in southern Sweden. The data are transcribed and carefully analysed by tools consistent with methodological approaches. The theoretical framework consists of discursive psychology.

"Det är svårt det där med sanning? : En studie av text/bildrelationen i Sven Nordqvists verk När Findus var liten och försvann & Var är min syster?

The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between text and picture in two works by Sven Nordqvist, with the focus on how the action is propelled. The two works are compared in order to bring out any differences in the relationship and what significance this can have for the interpretation. The study also considers the theory of conceptual worlds to examine how the books can promote pupils? literary understanding. The method of analysis is based on Rhedin?s (2001) theoretical concepts and elements of Nikolajeva?s (2000) terminology.

Textinnehållets betydelse för läsförståelsen : En komparativ studie av flickor och pojkar i åk 7

Research reports as PISA and PIRLS show that reading comprehension among Swedish students have deteriorated in recent years and that girls have better reading comprehension than boys. The basis for this study is Maj-Gun Johansson's reading comprehension test done during the four years between the years 2005-2008 in the seventh grade in a municipality in Sweden. The main purpose of this study is to examine reading literacy in terms of the influence of content and form of texts viewed from a gender perspective. The study is divided into two parts. The first part is a survey on local reading comprehension compared with results from a similar national text.

Audiovisuell text och dess inverkan på elevers ordinlärning i engelska

Uppsatsen behandlar användandet av videotext som text i egen rätt med syfte att undersöka huruvida Utbildningsradions skolprogram kan vara till nytta för eleverna. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är att ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande är lämpligt eftersom avkodning av text är en aktiv process där lyssnaren interagerar med texten för att skapa mening och därmed lärande.Språkforskning och forskning kring användandet av audiovisuell text visar att engelsktextade och nivåanpassade program effektiviserar ordinlärningen hos eleverna. Tidigare forskning tyder på att det finns en koppling mellan top-down- respektive bottom-up-strategier i växelverkan vid läsning, och videotextens möjligheter att presentera en tydligare helhet med fler möjligheter att associera ords betydelser till ljud, bild, känsla och liknande. Undersökningen jämför om ordinlärningen utifrån en videotext ger mer eller mindre behållning än ordinlärning utifrån en tryckt text. Först gjordes ett förtest av de tillhörande ordlistorna.

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