

5872 Uppsatser om Technology Acceptance Model - Sida 11 av 392

Wallenius waters AOT luftrenare

This bachelors thesis was made forWallenius Water AB to develop a basisfor an Airpurifier prototype. Wallenius Water isone of the world's leading environmentaltechnology companies engaged inchemical-free water treatment based onUV-radiation. The thesis aim was toproduce a basis for a prototype that canbe used in three applications:Standalone, RAS systems and ventilationsystems. The work includes anintroductory description of the theorybehind AOP technology based on aliterature review on the subject. Asurvey of products currently on themarket and a product specification hasbeen used as the basis for thepreparation of a number of concepts inthis report.

Att öka livskvalitet genom mobile assistive technologies. En studie om hur rehabilitering- och habiliteringsverksamheter bör förhålla sig till mobile assistive technologies i syfte att öka livskvalitet för personer med nedsatt synförmåga

As the use of smartphones and other mobile technology in our society is constantly increasing,so too does the possibilities of visually impaired persons increase as they are becoming moreable to enhance their quality of life with the help of mobile assistive technology. The purposeof this study was to explore how rehabilitation and habilitation organizations, which areworking with the visually impaired, should approach new technology. We have researched thisby examining the possibilities, opportunities and barriers of using mobile assistive technology.Based on this, we formulated the following research question: What factors are important forrehabilitation and habilitation organizations to consider in order to support, promote andcreate quality of life through the use of mobile assistive technology in their work with thevisually impaired? To answer the above question an exploratory study was made at an eyeclinic in the Västra Götaland region. The study was done through a series of qualitativeinterviews with both staff and patients at the eye clinic.

Handelsbranschers användning av Augmented reality : En studie om dess möjligheter, utveckling och användning

Augmented reality is an interesting technology which has increased in popularity the last couple of years. Even though we see more and more of this technology the use of it doesn?t match up to its true potential. This paper aims to investigate the possibilities of this technology and illustrate how companies can use it in their business to reach out to customers in a new and exciting way. The study consists of three parts.

A Strategic Decision-Making Model for Supply Chain - A Void to be Filled

Many researchers emphasize the increasing strategic importance of supply chain management, but there is still a lack of concrete guidance for managers faced with strategic decisions in supply chain. Within decision-making theories, the rational decision-making model is the most commonly used. This because of its suitable foundation, enabling a structure to the complex decision process. The rational decision-making model is today not developed to include the aspects of strategic decision-making made in supply chain. The purpose of this research is to adjust a structured rational decision-making model, making it applicable for strategic decision-making in supply chain.

Commercialisation of inventions from a legal and business perspective

This thesis is about university spin-offs and the competition in high technology industries. In the light of efforts to increase the competitiveness of the European Union, an effective transfer of cutting edge technology from universities to the industry plays an important role. University spin-offs, start-ups founded to exploit academic inventions, are likely to face considerable market entry barriers. This is among other reasons due to high capital requirements for further technology development and lack of complementary resources. With a combination of relevant literature and empirical investigation, commercialisation of technologies within spin-offs is investigated and analysed.

Hur påverkar ny teknik företags relation och kommunikation mot sina kunder och leverantörer?: En studie av fyra företags utnyttjande av moderna affärssystem och effekterna i kund- och leverantörsrelationerna.

This qualitative case study, made with four companies, looks closer at how more effective information management, with the help of IT-systems, affect companies market communication and relations to customers and suppliers. Customer Relationship Management perspective is used and Enterprise Resource Planning-systems are the ground for new technology change. The main conclusions are that new technology affects the outcome of companies? relationships towards their customers and suppliers and that the processes and activities between the involved parties are more closely linked. Also involving your suppliers and external actors makes the information handling more effective and companies that do so most likely have a competitive advantage..

Utformning av lager : Modell för utformning av lagerfunktion med hänsyn till arbetsmiljö & säkerhet

Companies worldwide strive to reduce costs and capital tied up in stock. At the same time, the need for short delivery times requires efficient logistic flows. In order to meet customer demands an efficient warehouse activity is required.The purpose of this study is to develop a model for designing a warehouse system regarding to working environment and safety. The model is primarily designed and based on literature reviews of scientific articles and books, own knowledge and the authors previous work experience in the industry.The thesis has been done at Sandvik AB, the department Precision strip in Sandviken. Sandvik is a high-technology engineering group with advanced products and a world-leading positions within selected areas.

Genomförandet av bemanningsdirektivet 2008/104/EG : En problematisk implementering för Sverige?

AbstractThe use of temporary agency workers has increased significantly during the last decades. Due to considerable differences in the legal status and working conditions of temporary agency workers within the EU, the directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work was adopted in 2008. The current directive has a two folded purpose, first and foremost to improve the employment and working conditions for temporary agency workers, by establishing the principle of equal treatment. The second purpose is to create greater acceptance for the temporary work agencies, and also to review and remove any unjustified restrictions or prohibitions against them.There are several different models for labour market regulation represented within the EU. The Swedish and Nordic model has through history relied heavily on regulation via collective agreements, entered into by the social partners, with a minimal amount of state interference and regulation.For Sweden there is a potential problem in the implementation of the directive on temporary agency work, since it follows from case law by the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

Olika modellering av vårdprocesser utifrån metaforiska perspektiv : ? Skapar det nya drivkrafter för processutveckling?

The study was conducted in Jönköping County Chamber of fibrillation and is about change and improvement of process modeling technology. The process for treating patients with fibrillation is in the need to evolve and improve. In order to develop the care they needed a current state description which usually is made with the traditional process modeling tool.Many scientists and health professionals is in the opinion that this technology gives a too rigid image to describe the care processes. It also does not sufficiently take into account the human aspects. This reasoning suggests that the process modeling technology in healthcare is in the need to develop multiple perspectives.

Surfplattan som ny teknik vid två bibliotek : Barn- och ungdomsbibliotekariers attityder och lärdomar

Biblioteken som plats för teknik är något som diskuteras och förändras. Den teknik som här undersöks är surfplattor ochde bibliotek som undersökts närmre är biblioteket Miini (målgrupp 0-5 år) och biblioteket Dynamo (målgrupp 15-25 år)i Göteborg. Frågeställningen lyder: Hur påverkar bibliotekariers attityder till ny teknik deras kunskaper ochtillgängliggörande av teknik på bibliotek? Hur går surfplatteverksamheten och bibliotekariernas kunskaper kringsurfplattor att utvecklas?Studiens resultat visar att attityden till surfplattan inte nödvändigtvis påverkar bibliotekens tillgängliggörande avteknik. Däremot finns det ett behov hos bibliotekarier att ha en gemensam strategi vad gäller syftet med surfplattan ochvad den ska användas till.

Yrkesrelevant Gymnasiearbete på El- och Energiprogrammet

The purpose of this development project is to create a model for working with a high school project in Electrical and Energy Program. It should be conducted in a form like companies do according to the goals from The Swedish National Agency for Education. In order to fully perform this we use the concept of Young Entrepreneurship. The model is created according to the new conditions from The National Electrical Safety Board. There is now an exception saying that a student during education is released from the demand of employment that is the normal procedure where you are under supervision from a certified electrician. During the project there has been theoretical and practical examinations in order to clear out the advantages and disadvantages using this model, but also to examine whether it is useful in the future and to what extent it can be used. The result indicates that the model is useful and fulfills the goals from The Swedish National Agency for Education but that the model has its limitations and difficulties.

Beräkning av energianvändning i svenska småhus

An energy calculation model for Swedish houses   that is fast, flexible and user-friendly has been developed within the   framework of this thesis.  The model   also provides a set of actions which may be investigated in the model based   on savings and payback period. Energy use in a house depends on the technical   conditions, such as building envelope and heating systems, which outdoor   climate the house is exposed to and who lives in the house. Energy use for a   house can be divided into heating, hot water and household electricity. There   are several methods to calculate the energy use of a house. This report   summarizes the methods that may be suitable for a fast and user-friendly   calculation model.

Marknadens riskpremie ex-ante på Stockholmsbörsen

Resultaten visar på att abnormal earnings model är en mertillförlitlig modell i förhållande till dividend growth model. Dettafrämst då abnormal earnings model grundar sig på mer tillgängliginformation samt att tillväxträntan i dividend growth model harkonstaterats vara orealistiskt hög. Analytikers prognoser tenderaratt vara optimistiska i början av undersökningsperioden 2000-2002. Perioden 2003-2007 präglas mer av pessimistiskavinstprognoser. Marknadens riskpremie fluktuerar mindre underperioden 2005-2007, vilket kan förklaras utav införandet av IFRSår 2005..

Tar vi barnens intresse för natur och teknik på allvar? : En kvalitativ studie om hur några förskollärare resonerar runt möjligheterna att ta tillvara barnens intresse för naturvetenskap och teknik i förskolan

The purpose of this study was to examine and compare what six preschool teachers thought about their opportunities to take advantage of children's interest in natural sciences and technology, across four kindergartens. The following questions were explored in order to achieve the aim of the study: How do the preschool teachers interviewed describe their work with science and technology in the preschool and what these preschool teachers think about the meaning of motivation in the children?s learning of natural sciences and technology in preschool.  The study used a qualitative approach in the form of semi-structured interviews and interviewed a total of six trained pre-school teachers from four kindergartens with different profiles. The first kindergarten focuses on mathematics, science and technology.

Vem är normal?

My project is about attitudes towards disabled people, about our fear for those who are different, about acceptance, ideals and normality.My inspiration has been prosthesis, and mostly people that are born without limbs. Through my research I have come across a lot of questions. Such as, why is a prosthesis so important and for whom? Why is it so important to be normal? What is normal and for who? People that are born different se upon themselves as normal, until they realize that others don?t. Many of them want to learn how to deal with life without prosthesis. And therefore they reject these. Sometimes the prosthesis is aids that are highly necessary.

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