

2799 Uppsatser om Technologies of power - Sida 13 av 187

Dynamiken hos ett EU-system för handel med gröna elcertifikat

In electricity markets evolving towards liberalisation and internationalisation, green certificates are seen as an important tool to promote production of renewable energy. In a green certificate market producers sell certificates received per unit of electricity generated from renewable energy. Trade in renewability is thereby decoupled from the the physical electricity trade. Tradable green certificates in combination with renewables obligation are implemented or planned in several EU member states. Integration at EU leveland the creation of a common certificate market seem like a possible next step.

RCC-Jordfelsskydd, mätmodul för övertonsanalys

The majority of all power cuts that affects individuals and communities are caused by earth faults on the power transmission lines at 10kV and 20kV level [1]. If these power cuts could be eliminated, less disturbances and interrupts would lead to large amounts of money savings.Swedish Neutral has developed such a protection system. When an earth fault occurs power is injected into the neutral point of the transformer. The RCC (Residual Current Compensation) protection calculates a compensation current exactly 180 degrees out of phase to the fault current. Doing this, the voltage at the fault location becomes very close to zero, without affecting the power transmission.The protection system can only compensate automatically for the fundamental frequency (50Hz), and manually for the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th harmonics.

Att välja sig ett språk : Kampen om definitioner i Stina Aronsons Feberboken

Feberboken, written by Stina Aronson and published in 1931, is a fragmentary meta literary autobiographical work told and written by the pseudonymous female author Mimmi Palm. The novel tells about a literary-erotic passion causing female subordination, fever and sick-ness. It balances between biography and fiction and consistently decontructs itself through its meta literary prespective. This essay finds that the structure of the novel and its thematical confusion of literature and erotique, fiction and reality, woman and man, derives from a struggle for definitions. Thus, the essay attempts to a close reading focusing on ambivalence and resistance and in order to determine the nature of the fever, it tries to analyze Feberboken in the light of early Swedish literary modernism.

Sårbarhetsanalys av ett infrastrukturnätverk - Användning av nätverksteorier för sårbarhetsanalys av komplexa nätverk

The aim of this report is to examine the possibilities to use network theories to perform vulnerability analysis on complex networks. The scoop of this work is also to improve the possibilities to chart, analyze and present the vulnerability in a power grid. In this report it has been, using power outage statistics, possible to verify, that network theories can be used to evaluate the vulnerability of an infrastructure network. However further studies to establish values on how vulnerable a network is are needed..

Balansering av en storskalig vindkraftsutbyggnad i Sverige med hjälp av den svenska vattenkraften

This master thesis is a study of the Swedish hydropower capacity to balance wind power. The Swedish government has decided that it should be possible to produce 30 TWh from wind power in the year 2020. The Swedish municipalities have to have plans for wind power plants with total yearly generation of 30 TWh. Wind power is an variable energy source that needs to be balanced by other energy sources. In Sweden the Swedish hydropower can be used for balancing a large scale introduction of wind power.

Lönsamheten i vindkraft : en studie om den förväntade lönsamheten i landsbaserad vindkraft

This thesis analyzes the expected profitability in land based wind power plants. The expected profitability is calculated on the basis of a wind power project in Vartofta, Falköping. The information required to calculate the expected outcome is then concentrated to this project, which is in this thesis called project Näs. In project Näs they plan to build three wind power plants, with each an effect of 2 MWh. These wind power plants are very capital intensive investments with a long and uncertain payback time.

Nätanslutning av vindkraft : vindkraftsbranschens aktörers perspektiv på nätanslutning och tariffer

Wind power is a growing energy sector in Sweden. However, it still represents only a small part of the total electricity production, about 0.7%. In order to create good conditions and to facilitate the establishment of wind power in Sweden, the government has for example, created a national centre for wind use. The objective has been to reach the governmental goal, which is an expansion of wind power by 10 TWh by year 2015 compared to the level in 2002. The Swedish electricity market was deregulated in 1996 which refers to the introduction of a competitive market in electricity production and trade.

"Fallbacks" - betydelsen av vandringstid för Atlantlax (Salmo salar L.) som faller nedströms vandringshinder

In Lake Vänern, Sweden, there is an endemic population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) that lives its entire life in fresh water. The salmon is hindered from migrating to its natural spawning sites in the northern part of the River Klarälven by nine hydro-electric power plants. None of the hydro-electric power plants have fishways so that salmon migrating upstream or downstream may pass. In the current situation, the upward migrating salmon are caught in a fish trap at the most downstream located power plant in Forshaga. From there, the salmon are driven in a truck, past eight power plants and released a few kilometers upstream of the eighth power plant at Edsforsen.

Optimerad styrning av kondensatorbatterier - Ny möjlighet att minska förluster med elektronisk brytteknik

Transmission of reactive power is well known to cause active power losses. Thus, newcomponents who can help minimizing these expensive reactive power flows are ofgreat interest to the power distribution companies. ABB Corporate Research hasdeveloped the first electronic power breaker. One possible application for thisbreaker is transient-free switching of capacitor banks. This could prove a usefuldistribution voltage complement to the switch-sync technique, mainly applied to transmissionvoltage level.

Fallet SAS : En studie i hur medial diskurs reproducerar maktförhållanden på arbetsmarknaden

Aim: The purpose of this study is to explore how the media through a certain discourse constructs a view of the labor market and the power relations between companies, unions and employees. The goal is to explore this through studying the media coverage of SAS? financial situation between September-December 2012 and our research question is the following: What view of the labor market and its power relations was constructed and reproduced by Swedish newspapers through their portrayal of SAS during September-December 2012?Method: This study analyses the findings with the help of questions based on theories of social constructivism, discourse, agenda-setting and power. A content and discourse analysis was compiled of 360 articles from five Swedish newspapers that addressed SAS and their situation from September-December 2012. The results of these analyses were further processed using power analysis and John Gaventa?s power cube.Results: In this study we conclude that the medial discourse constructs identities of the different actors and affect power relations between them, in favor of the company.

Socialarbetare : professionell medmänniska eller byråkrat?

The purpose of this study was to examine how social work professionals view their professional role and how they think about the concept of social work. I also wanted to investigate what they believe characterize a professional social work. For the purposes of this study, I chose a qualitative approach in which I interviewed five people linked to the social work. The theories which I have assumed in the analysis of the results are power theory, organization theory and professional theory. The results of this study show that the respondents believe that a professional social work is performed by someone who has training and experience in the field.

Den gröna konsumentmakten - medborgarens ekologiska insats

The aim of this thesis is to form a theory of the green consumer power and to distinguish whether this phenomenon could indicate a movement toward the ecological citizenship. To do so, scientific theories regarding the responsibility of companies have been used, as well as the public choice theory, to link individuals as citizens to individuals as consumers. The motives of corporate environmental responsibility, along with consumers ability to bring pressure in different dimensions, are later drawn on as indicators applied to empirical information. The largest producer of ecological products in Sweden, Arla Foods, is employed as case study to explore if the green consumer power can and does exist. The ecological citizenship uses the ecological footprint, to define in what ways we can minimize our part of environmental degradation.The study seems to strengthen the theory, consumers do have a power to make companies go green and they tend to use it increasingly.

Kan Urban Computing influera Sport-IT? : En studie om nästa generations coachingverktyg

The Swedish government?s objective regarding information technology is to be world-leading in using the possibilities that digitization provides. In some aspects this has already been done, but in some areas much is yet to be accomplished. Although sports and recreational fitness activities are amongst the fastest growing areas of personal and consumer-oriented cloud computing-based technologies around the globe, there are areas within the genre that?s not evolving as quickly.

Mätning i nätstationer - nyttor och problem

The purpose of this study has been to investigate advantages and problems with distributionsystem metering in substations. This report is a study in cooperation with Göteborg Energi.The analyses in this report are made for GENAB, a subsidiary company of Göteborg Energi.To analyse advantages and problems in advance is interesting information for GENAB. Theresult of the report could be based upon whether installation of metering in distributionsubstations will be implemented and in that case which kind of measurement that is relevant.The most relevant and strategic place to implement measurement is at the distributionsubstations on the secondary side (400V), this is due to the placement of the currenttransformers. The measurements in this study involve current, voltage, power, power factor,temperature, energy and power quality.Measuring instruments that are relevant to implement are intended to measure current,voltage, power, power factor, energy and, possibly, power quality in the same measuring unit.It is desirable to have a measuring instrument that measures both energy and power qualitybut since it is most often a cost question, it can be established that energy meters have a lowercost.Metering in distribution substations gives a better illustration of the power network. Thisresults in many advantages for GENAB.

Solenergisystem i Kista Galleria

Solar energy is the one most talked about among energy sources due to its huge potential amongst renewable energy technologies. A greater use of the solar energy may be the solution to today's climate threats. Normally there are two different types of solar technologies, solar cells and solar thermal collectors. Solar cells convert solar energy in to electricity whilst solar thermal collectors convert solar energy into heat, which can be used to heat hot water for households. This goal of this study has been to investigate the possibility of implementing solar energy into the energy system of Kista Galleria, one of Sweden's foremost venues.

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