1220 Uppsatser om Team orientation - Sida 53 av 82
Från internkund till hockeyspelare : En innovativ studie om samarbete på ICA Logistik
Syftet med denna uppsats är att hitta en innovativ definition av begreppet interna kunder samt föreslå en implementeringsstrategi för en av den svenska matvarugrossisten ICAs lagerenheter. Vi har nått våra slutsatser genom kreativa studiebesök, interaktiva intervjuer, en innovativ workshop och litteraturstudier. Vi har utgått från leanfilosofin och teorier om kulturer, förtroende och kommunikation i organisationer. Inom samtliga områden har vi stött på kopplingar till inre och yttre effektivitet. Under intervjuerna upptäckte vi att ICA står inför vissa utmaningar när det gäller de anställdas förtroende, kommunikation och individualistiska tankesätt.
"För barnets bästa" : Skolkuratorers samarbete med övrig skolpersonal gällande anmälningsskyldigheten i Socialtjänstlagen vid misstanke om att barn far illa
The purpose of this essay was to study how school welfare officers cooperate with other school staff, regarding children in vulnerable positions, and how the school staff apply their obligation to report to the social services if they have concerns regarding children at risk, according to the law of social service, SoL.We have especially focused on questions concerning cooperation, both between the school staff, and between the school and the social services. We also wanted to identify some of the restraining factors and dilemmas that could come up during the process of reporting children at risk to the social services. The study was based on qualitative interviews with ten school welfare officers from the same municipality.Our conclusions of our study are that there exists a well-developed cooperation between several organizational levels, including the school welfare officers, other professions in the schools and the social services. There were though opinions among the school welfare officers that they wanted to increase their professional claims in relation to the school nurse, due to their larger competence in talking to children. Regarding the formal responsibility to report to the social services, a majority of the school welfare officers felt they had access to the support they needed from both their principal and the students healthcare-team, and that they were not left alone in the process..
VIBRATIONSSKADOR - FÖREKOMST OCH FÖREBYGGANDE : Analys av ett strukturerat arbetssätt inom bostadsproduktion
Ask any constructional worker and there is a high probability that this person knows a colleague with pain or other disorders caused by working with power tools.According to the Swedish Work Environment Authority 71 percent of the Swedish constructional workers is exposed to vibrations at least 25 percent of the working hours. Despite this, the number of reported occupational sicknesses caused by vibrations is as low as 1, 4 percent.JM Ltd. is one of the largest constructional companies in Sweden. Their main business is new housing and development of residential areas. God quality and low impact on the environment is a part of great importance in the company?s long-term goals.
Alternativ Start till Motorsåg : Reviderad för allmänheten
E-Series 450 is a chainsaw designed by Husqvarna AB to the semi-professional user. Husqvarna is a world leader when it comes to chainsaws, trimmers, lawn mowers and garden tractors. The problem in hand can be addressed by the question. ?How easy can we start a chainsaw? The purposehas been to provide a solution to the question above and give Husqvarna a good base of which they can continue towards a finished product.
"Det är så samverkan ska fungera" : En fallstudie av hur lokala aktörer agerar när en krissituation uppstår
AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate how a local authority acts when anunexpected event occur. It´s done with a basis in two crisis communicationstheories; Coombs SCCT theory and Gilpin and Murphys complexity theory,which largely are each other?s opposites. To conduct the study, a case studyof the floods that hit Kristinehamn in the summer of 2014 was carried out,which gave us a good opportunity the achieve the aim of the study. Themethod used was qualitative research interviews.
MÄN MED KLASS - En jämförande studie om maskuliniteter och klass
The focus of our dissertation is masculinity which is often a topic of debate in today?s society concerning areas such as violence, sport and paternal leave. Male studies are a relatively new field which means there is a lot remaining to be explored. We have chosen to explore how social class reflects on male identity. The reason we have chosen social class as a variable is due to a focus in the general debate of identity amongst the social sciences towards identities formed through consumption in the world of global mass-media.
Flygtaktiskt Kommando i förändring - en analys av uppgifter och förslag till organisationsstruktur
A1160Problem: Studien behandlar omorganisationen av Flygvapnets taktiska kommando (FTK) utifrån uppgiftsperspektivet och är avsedd att besvara frågorna Vad ställer uppgifterna för krav på organisationsstrukturen? Vilken typ av organisationsstruktur är lämplig för FTK?Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att analysera och beskriva FTK:s uppgifter och organisationsstruktur samt föreslå en lämplig organisationsstruktur för FTK. Detta görs mot bakgrund av utvald litteratur om organisationsstruktur inom fältet organisationsteori.Teori och modell: FTK:s uppgifter har analyserats med utgångspunkt i de utformningsparametrar och situationsvariabler som Mintzberg introducerat för att välja organisationsstruktur. Dessa har sedan analyserats mot följande tre utvalda organisationsstrukturer: professionell byråkrati, processorienterad organisation med team-baserad struktur och projektorganisation.Metod: Kvalitativ studie, respondentintervjuerResultat: FTK:s uppgifter befanns ha en grundläggande bas som omfattar ledning av luftstridskrafter, men inom ramen för detta finns också stora skillnader mellan de uppgifter som löses. En kombination av de studerade organisationsstrukturerna föreslås vara lämplig för FTK.
Att konstruera en kvinna - från barn till vuxen : En studie av vilket innehåll som ges till kvinnor i livsstilsmagasin samt hur kvinnan gestaltas och beskrivs i dessa.
Total amount of words: 15 269.In this essay, the purpose is to examine the personalization of Swedish national coaches during international championships in the Swedish tabloids. Research shows that a leader nowadays is representative for her organization. Therefore it could be assumed that the way the national coach is portrayed can have some kind of effect on the public opinion about the team as a unit and their sport federation in total. This essay is a quantitative study of the sport tabloids Sportbladet och SPORT-Expressen during three international championships: Euro 2012 in football, WC 2013 in ice hockey and Euro 2014 in handball. We have studied the coverage of the national coaches Erik Hamrén, Pär Mårts and Ola Lindgren/Staffan Olsson in contrast to the coverage of their teams in total.The main results are that the national coaches are mentioned in every second article that is written about the national teams during the championships. They are mainly portrayed in a neutral way, even though the coverage of them is affected by the results in the matches.
Passivhus av helväggselement i träull
Environmental destruction is a growing problem in our world. Almost every day there are new reports concerning that we have to do something about the greenhouse gasses. Simultaneously is the human constantly more eager to have a life with higher standards and therefore uses more energy. The environment is a question that is highly up-to-date and more people try to find solutions on how to save our planet. One way to decrease the energy demand is to build passive houses, where the houses don?t have any active heating.
Att stärka barnens sociala förmåga i förskolan. : Pedagogers arbete med barn i svårigheter i socialt samspel och hjälpmedel i arbetet.
The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how seven Swedish preschool teachers and two special education teachers think and work with children who show a lack of social skills. The study method has been semi-structured interviews with the educators which have been analyzed and sorted under different themes/categories. The theoretical framework used in this study is sociocultural, relational and categorical perspectives. These perspectives have been chosen in order to better understand how teachers see their role in supporting children in need of special support. The environment in the preschool is found to be of great help and the teachers? approach is of great importance.The research emphasizes the importance of integrating thinking, feeling and behavior.
Träning och kost på ett idrottsgymnasium -En explorativ undersökning som handlar om sambandet mellan kost och träning på ett ishockeygymnasium : Exercise and nutrition at a sportsgymnasium -An explorative survey of the relation between exercise and nutrit
This is an examination report in physical education. It focuses on the relation between excercise and nutrition and how this relation works in an icehockeygymnasium in a midsized city in Sweden. The training ratio for the students are 11-12 times a week which indirectly means that the nutricion is very important to them so that they have the strength to manage both training and school. In this examination report you can read about how the food is composed and how many meals the students are offered through their education program. The persons that I´ve interviewed are the head coach, the president of the school restaurant and three students.The students have practise in the noon two times a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Brukarmedverkan i partneringprocessen : Ett praktiskt processverktyg för att effektivisera byggprocessen
SAMMANFATTNINGPartnering är ett samverkansarbete mellan olika aktörer i ett byggprojekt där alla strävar mot gemensamma mål, vilket bidrar till ett mer hållbart byggande. Metoden härstammar från USA och har börjat implementeras allt mer i den svenska byggbranschen. ByggDialog är ett företag som arbetar enbart med partnering och strävar efter att förändra arbetssättet i dagens byggbransch. Kundens behov och önskemål sätts alltid i fokus, men för att skapa ett bättre samarbete bör kunden dela ByggDialogs värderingar. Resultatet av ett bra partneringarbete ger ett team som har en öppen dialog och arbetar mot samma mål.
SPUTNIK -En kvantitativ studie om anhörigas uppfattning av verksamheten Sputnik
ABSTRACTThe aim for this study is to examine how relatives to children who participated/participate in Youth and family team Sputnik-group, oriented towards support groups for children of substance abusing parents, perceive the work done by the organization. On the basis of this aim three questions were formulated: do the relatives perceive a change in the communication with the child as an effect of the child?s participation in Sputnik?s activities, do the relatives perceive a change in their relationship with the child as an effect of the child?s participation in Sputnik?s activities, do the relatives think that their awareness of substance abuse have changed following the child?s participation in Sputnik?s activities. Previous research, Mead?s perspective, the concept of ?groups? and support groups for children, were used to interpret the results.
LEDARSKAP OCH PERSONLIGHET INOM IDROTTEN : Prefererat ledarskap i relation tillpersonlighet hos lagidrottare på elitjuniornivå
Syftet med studien var att studera sambandet mellan elitjuniorers ledarskapspreferenser och deras personlighet. Urvalsgruppen bestod av 167 elitjuniorer, i åldrarna 16-20 år (M=17,29). Försökspersonerna var av både manligt (116 st) och kvinnligt (51 st) kön, vilka var aktiva inom interaktiva bollsporter. Deltagarna fick svara på tre olika frågeformulär (1) Demografisk fakta (2) Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS) (3) NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). Efterföljande korrelationsanalyser visade signifikanta samband mellan Extraversion, Demokratiskt ledarbeteende och Positiv Feedback, samt mellan Neuroticism och Socialt stödjande ledarbeteende.
Arbetsterapeutens roll vid demensutredningar
Sammanfattning: Syftet med studien var att beskriva arbetsterapeutens roll viddemensutredningar. Inklusionskriterierna för deltagarna varyrkesverksamma legitimerade arbetsterapeuter som arbetar meddemensutredning. Deltagarna valdes genom ett ändamålsenligt urval ochäven ett snöbollurval tillämpades. De sex arbetsterapeuterna som deltog istudien var verksamma inom primärvård, slutenvård och öppenvård påminnesmottagning. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuermed stöd av en intervjuguide.