1220 Uppsatser om Team orientation - Sida 47 av 82
Katt bland hermelinerna - en undersökning om sjukhuskuratorns egen uppfattning om sin ställning i den medicinska organisationen
This bachelor thesis aimed to explore, in a qualitative manner, the relationship and the interaction between the hospital welfare officer and the rest of the nursing staff. We chose this subject because we wanted to explain the phenomena of being a medical outsider in the nursing team. Our questions at issue were the following three: How does the hospital welfare officer define his occupational sphere and how do the rest of the nursing staff define it, according to the welfare officer himself? Is the welfare officer's relation to his own professional role and to the rest of the nursing staff affected by where his office is placed - secluded from or within the clinic? How does the welfare officer himself value his profession in relation to the rest of the nursing crew? To answer these questions we interviewed eight welfare officers, placed in two different hospitals. We used three different theories to explain the primary information.
Har jämställda företag högre lönsamhet?
Vårt syfte med denna studie var att få en ökad förståelse för hur ett urval yrkesprofessionella, två barnmorskor och en kurator, upplever sitt arbete med gravida missbrukande kvinnor. För att uppfylla vårt syfte har vi genomfört en kvalitativ fokusgruppsintervju med ett tvärprofessionellt team, bestående av kurator och barnmorskor. Som analysverktyg valde vi rollteorin och teorin om X och Y. Våra huvudsakliga resultat är att motivationsarbete är något som är ständigt närvarande och att det familjesociala teamet finner sina arbetsverktyg verkningsfulla. I vårt resultat är det några verktyg som är mer betydelsefulla än andra i arbetet med gravida missbrukare.
Brinn för friluftsliv! : En kvalitativ studie om friluftsundervisning.
AimThe aim of this interview study was to examine how PE teachers related to factors (ramfaktorer) affecting the implementation of outdoor recreation in school.MethodWe conducted a qualitative interview study with six PE teachers in the Stockholm area. These were selected after all the PE teachers in Stockholm were contacted via e-mail. In the e-mail they declared the number of outdoordays (friluftsdagar) conducted at their school, for grades four, five and six. The selection was carried out in that we chose the PE teachers who declared the most and least number of outdoor days. After the transcription of the interviews we divided the teachers in to two groups, based on the width of outdoor activities in their teaching.
Projektledning : En rapport om projektledning inom postproduktion av la?ngfilm
Denna rapport beskriver processen som projektledare/bildkoordinator pa? fo?retaget The Chimney Pot genom hela processen inom postproduktion av en la?ngfilm. Rapporten a?r utfo?rd i kursen Praktiskt examensarbete inom programmet IT, medier och design pa? So?derto?rns ho?gskola under VT 2012. Rapporten beskriver olika faser inom projektledning och hur man anva?nder modeller och verktyg fo?r planering, informationshantering, kommunikation och hur man tilla?mpar la?mpliga modeller fo?r olika projekt.
Konsten att uppfattas rätt - Varumärkesstrategier för svenska artister
Personal branding is a common phenomenon within the Swedish business world, although less applied on the competitive and fast paced music industry. In order to strengthen Swedish artists' personal brands and to ensure congruence between the artists' presented identities and the target audiences' perceived images, we have developed a model, containing of seven essential factors. The seven dimensions authenticity, credibility, certainty, openness, availability, awareness and timeliness help improve strength when communicating brand identity, as well as minimizing potential discrepancy between identity and image. This report examines the brand strategies within the Swedish music industry through a case study of Sweden's largest pop star, Eric Saade, where Team Saade's communicated identity is compared to the targets audience's perceived image of Saade. Overall, Saade's personal brand has a high level of congruence, except from the clarity dimension, where his words are considered differing from his actions.
Uppfattningar om trender inom charterbranschen : - vart är utvecklingen på väg?
Aim: By studying the evolution of the market for package holidays over time we hope to get an understanding of the trends that have characterized the market. By doing so, we can get an idea of where the market is moving towards the future. This knowledge is essential for market participants to establish appropriate strategies that follow market trends.Method: We have used qualitative interviews with people involved in the charter industry.Result & Conclusions: The market is characterized by an increase in Internet orientation, where the travel directory and the physical travel agents are becoming less important. The understanding of climate impacts of travel has increased. More people of the third-generation buy package travels and countries in North Africa and Asia are growing in popularity.We believe the market in the coming years will be characterized by lower prices and lower quality.
Unga i riskzonen? : Social insatsgrupp i Södertälje
Social insatsgrupp är en strukturerad samverkan mellan i första hand polis, socialtjänst och skola med målen att förhindra nyrekrytering av ungdomar till kriminella grupperingar samt att underlätta avhopp från kriminella grupperingar. I examensarbetet har jag undersökt vad begreppetunga i riskzonen innebär för professionella från polis och socialtjänst i social insatsgrupp i Södertälje kommun. Södertälje kommun är en av de tolv kommuner där Rikspolisstyrelsen inrättat pilotverksamheten social insatsgrupp på uppdrag av regeringen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur representanter från myndigheterna polisen och socialtjänsten i samverkansprojektet social insatsgrupp i Södertälje kommun definierar unga i riskzonen. Detta med målet att försöka förstå vilka ungdomar som blir selekterade att ingå i projektet..
Myten om användaren - En studie av användardiskursen och dess visionärer
The myth of the user - a study of the user discourse and its visionariesThis study is a discourse analysis of the visions that implicitly are expressed in different texts about user-centered library theory. Several other studies have analyzed the discourse and conceptualization of how the user is expressed in the library debate. Therefore we have chosen to analyze the visions that are expressed by three different sources: the evaluation of the Swedish GÖK project, which was an reorganization of three different libraries in Sweden (Greenhalgh, Worpole & Landry 1995). The influential book by Michael E. Casey and Laura C.
Barns inflytande i förskolan : En studie om och hur pedagoger arbetar när det gäller barns inflytande under skogsutflykter
According to pre-school curriculum, the children´s needs and interests from the basis for the design and planning of the educational activities. The curriculum also highlights that all children should have the opportunity to satisfy their increasing ability to influence the content and approach. The purpose of this study is to examine whether and how teachers work in involving children's influence and interest in forest excursions.The essay is based on a qualitative approach in which we have chosen to carry out unstructured observations by a team of three educationalists. The study includes children of 3-5 years of age.The results show that the educationalists take advantage of children's interests and needs foremost in conversations. The children are given the possibility of influence that of which concerns only themselves and nobody else.
Den självdestruktiva hälsan
Introduktion: Hemlösa har ett stort tandvårdsbehov och behöver engagerad tandvårdspersonal som är beredda att arbeta kliniskt med denna grupp. Syfte: Syftet är att studera vad som engagerar tandvårdspersonal till att arbeta med hemlösa. Metod: En kvalitativ studie och kvalitativ innehållsanalys har använts. Urval: Studien baseras på intervjuer med en tandläkare och en tandsköterska. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i två domäner. Domänen Fängslande speglar vad informanterna upplever spännande i kliniskt arbete med hemlösa. Tre kategorier finns under denna, Intresse, Ovillighet bland kollegor och Team-work. Under domänen Medkänsla finns två kategorier Nytta och Välvilja. Där speglas känslor som informanterna upplevde i arbetet med denna grupp.
Brukarinflytande hos personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Brukarinflytande hos PERSONER med psykiska funktiONSnedsättningar : Personalens syn på brukarinflytande.
Title: The customer?s contribution to the innovation-process ? a study of using customers to discover latent needs. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Robert Klein Supervisor: Agneta Sundström Date: 2014-06 Aim: The purpose of this study is to gain enhanced understanding of what knowledge costumers contribute with in an innovation-process lead by a producer of goods, and how that knowledge is used to fulfill latent needs. The area of research has formerly described which results customer-involvement lead to, but have been scarce in describing how results are produced. Method: From a qualitative onset, a case-study collecting data through observations and interviews capturing customer knowledge contributions, and producer use of fetched knowledge has been conducted. Data has been analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results have been processed in several steps in which material has been categorized and enriched continuously. Result & Conclusions: Customer-knowledge is broken down into market-knowledge, everyday-knowledge, and specialist-knowledge, which all are significant to a producer of goods.
Styrning av artikelplacering i lager
This thesis deals with the field of warehouse management, focusing on frequency control of stock. The purpose of the thesis is to reduce the warehouse staff mileage by placing an article based on its number of picks, i.e. how frequently it gets picked. In order to achieve relevant results the following four questions have been answered in the thesis: How should the articles be placed with regard to the picking frequency?Which factors, if any, needs to be addressed beyond the picking frequency when articles are placed based on frequency?Can the present picking system be improved?Is frequency placement with regard to the picking frequency profitable to implement for the company?The thesis is based on literature studies and on the data that has been collected from the company?s business system.
Att skapa en motkultur : En religionspsykologisk undersökning av Livets Ord som religiös minoritet i en sekulär kulturell kontext
In this textual analysis I have examined the book Att följa Jesus by Ulf Ekman and information from Word of Life's official website. The aim of this study is to see how a religious leader is shaping the identity of the groups members after a certain pattern that differs from the surrounding, secular society. The research focus of this essay includes several aspects: how a culture is formed in a religious minority in contrast to the prevailing cultural context; how the material can be explained by Paul Pruyser?s theory on the psychological worlds; how what Ulf Ekman writes about distinguishing themselves from the environment differs from how other religious minority groups distinguish their identity; and, how the psychological world, expected behavior, and context of Word of Life can be structured by Valerie DeMarinis? model of assessment. I have placed Word of Life in a realistic illusionistic world developed from Paul Pruyser?s theory of psychological worlds.
Bodaborg som spel: programmering
Vi har gjort vårt examensjobb på reklambyrån Aptera. På efterfrågan av Äventyrshuset Bodaborg, en av Apteras kunder, fick vi uppdraget att göra ett litet spel för reklamsyften, som ett sätt att nå ut till konsumenterna på ett underhållande och lite nytänkande sätt. I reklambranschen är det viktigt att man har bra och nyskapande koncept för att folk ska lägga märke till, och ännu viktigare, gilla reklamen. Och reklam finns ju i alla möjliga former, så det kändes som ett naturligt steg att även använda dataspel som ett reklammedium. Vi var ett team på fyra personer som skulle jobba med projektet, två grafiker och två datorspelstekniker och det skulle pågå under tio veckor.
Kundens bidrag i innovationsprocessen : En studie om användande av kunder för att upptäcka latenta behov
Title: The customer?s contribution to the innovation-process ? a study of using customers to discover latent needs. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Robert Klein Supervisor: Agneta Sundström Date: 2014-06 Aim: The purpose of this study is to gain enhanced understanding of what knowledge costumers contribute with in an innovation-process lead by a producer of goods, and how that knowledge is used to fulfill latent needs. The area of research has formerly described which results customer-involvement lead to, but have been scarce in describing how results are produced. Method: From a qualitative onset, a case-study collecting data through observations and interviews capturing customer knowledge contributions, and producer use of fetched knowledge has been conducted. Data has been analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results have been processed in several steps in which material has been categorized and enriched continuously. Result & Conclusions: Customer-knowledge is broken down into market-knowledge, everyday-knowledge, and specialist-knowledge, which all are significant to a producer of goods.