1220 Uppsatser om Team orientation - Sida 40 av 82
Backlash för feminismen? : En analys av svensk jämställdhetspolitisk idédebatt 1998 - 2011
The aim of this thesis is to investigate and analyse the debate of ideas on gender equality policy during 1998 - 2011. The questions raised in this thesis are; which gender equality policy ideology has prevailed during 1998 - 2011, and which ideological orientation have the different ministers of gender equality expressed during the same period of time? I have conducted the study by analysing government publications and debate articles against a ideological framework consisting of different types of feminist theory. In order to get a result as representative as possible, I have only used the material from each of the ministers during their time in office. The research method that I have used when analyzing the material is qualitative text analysis.
Marknadsföringens roll inom ishockeyföreningar : En fallstudie på elitserielaget Södertälje SK
Sports Marketing is a growing part in the world of sports today. Our main purpose of this paper was to analyze which role marketing plays for an ice hockey organization in the Swedish elite today. For this study we did a case study research on the Swedish team Södertälje Sportklubb, where we interviewed seven people. In addition to the people in the organizations we chose to interview two sport journalists. This research was made from an organizations point of view and all of the interviews were of qualitative character.
Den katolska kyrkans föredöme : En ikonografisk analys av Maria Magdalena
The study aims to describe and analyze the image of Mary Magdalene as expressed in the French artwork from 1400 and 1600s that this study deals with. The study also examines the historical context in order to find explanations for why the images of Mary Magdalene have changed. In the study Erwin Panofsky?s iconographic method is used to analyze the artworks and finding their underlying meaning. Delimitations are made that only works of art made by French artists from the 1400 and 1600s are analyzed and delimitations are also made that Mary Magdalene will act on her own in the works of art.
Obligatorisk arbetslöshetsförsäkring och förhöjd finansieringsavgift
The question about how the unemployment insurance should be designed is today a veryinteresting topic. In 2007 the Swedish government introduced an increased financial fee formembers in the unemployment benefit societies. Since this the number of members in thesesocieties has decreased dramatically. At the same time Sören Öman was appointed head of acommission whose obligation was to investigate the initiation of compulsory unemploymentinsurance. In May 2008 Öman delivered a separate report describing how the initiation of theinsurance should be dealt with.
Snöröjning på tunna isar: framtagning av nya koncept för
Att på ett snabbt och effektivt sätt forsla bort snö från testbanor ute på sjö-isar innebär i dagens läge att väldigt stora och tunga maskiner måste användas. Problemet är att isarna inte är tillräckligt tjocka i början av säsongen. Detta gör att de effektivaste redskapen för att röja snö inte går att använda, på grund av vikten. Därför måste lätta fordon användas tillsammans med lätta slungor eller fräsar. I nuläget finns inte kravet från kunden på tillverkarna, att minimera vikten på redskapen, vilket gör att de automatiskt blir tyngre ju mer snö de kan röja undan.
Snöröjning på tunna isar: framtagning av nya koncept för snöröjning
Att på ett snabbt och effektivt sätt forsla bort snö från testbanor ute på
sjö-isar innebär i dagens läge att väldigt stora och tunga maskiner måste
användas. Problemet är att isarna inte är tillräckligt tjocka i början av
säsongen. Detta gör att de effektivaste redskapen för att röja snö inte går
att använda, på grund av vikten. Därför måste lätta fordon användas
tillsammans med lätta slungor eller fräsar. I nuläget finns inte kravet
från kunden på tillverkarna, att minimera vikten på redskapen, vilket gör
att de automatiskt blir tyngre ju mer snö de kan röja undan.
För att bestämma kapacitet på slungorna/fräsarna hos Track Team AB utfördes
tester på befintliga slungor och resultaten dokumenterades.
Sexuell hälsa, ungdomar och unga vuxna - En studie om efterfrågade insatser i det preventiva och hälsofrämjande arbetet med sexuell hälsa i Västra Götalandsregionen
We have from three studies examined how adolescents and young adults, actors and the researchfield describes the preventive and health promotion work with sexual health. The questions weasked ourselves was based on what efforts adolescents and young adults demand, whether there aredifferences between age, gender, place of residence, ethnicity, employment, and sexual orientation.Furthermore, we investigate if these requirements are consistent with the offered interventions fromparticipants, as well as which perspectives the work with STI / HIV and SRHR issues should bebased on. The investigation concerns the work of Västra Götaland and is answered by interviewswith participants regarding the activities offered by actors, a quantitative analysis and text analysisof the answers of adolescents and young adults, and an international research overview of theresearch field. Our results show a high demand for basic preventive work from the adolescents andyoung adults. Furthermore, there is an increased demand of action from men, LGBTQ group anddepending on the place of residence.
Brukares erfarenheter av kontakten med ett lokalt anpassat Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Team. : En kvalitativ studie
Det är av stor vikt att hitta faktorer som leder till bättre livskvalitet för personer med allvarlig psykisk ohälsa. Ofta har dessa personer ett behov av flertal insatser/stöd och behandling samtidigt. En vanlig situation för dessa personer har dock varit att de ?faller mellan stolarna? då ingen instans tar ett helhetsansvar om brukarnas situation, trots den komplexa problematiken. En insats som tar ett samlat grepp om personer med allvarlig psykisk ohälsa är Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) och Case Management.
Hur formas ett inlärningsklimat som är framgångsrikt över tid? : En observationsstudie om fotbollstränares beteenden och träningsaktiviteter
Aim and research questionsThe over-all aim of this study was to gain insight info how two male coaches of a specific soccer team behave in a practice environment with regards to educating the players.More specifically, the study sought to map the extent to which said behaviour matched two specific methods of learning; these being Teaching Games for Understanding (TgfU) and Enhanced Guided Discovery (EGD). Research questions: (1) Do the coaches employ the methods and guidelines, which are outlined in the educational plan provided by the soccer association? If so, what form does this application take in practice? (2) To what extent and in what ways do the coaches utilize feedback and questioning techniques in the education of players? (3) What similarities and differences in behaviour can be identified between the chosen soccer team?s two coaches?Method: The data for the study was collected through field observation. The subjects were two youth elite soccer coaches and observation of these coaches took place during five regular practice sessions on the soccer field. All data gathering and analysis were carried out using a modified version of the Coach Analysis and Intervention System (CAIS).
Spelfilm i historieundervisningen : Nio lärares användande av spelfilm i historieundervisningen samt en analys av praktiskt, pedagogiskt användande av en spelfilm
The main purpose of this C-essay is to answer the question: What have been the consequences and effects of the merit point system on language studies and the parties concerned (teachers, students and principals) during the school year of 2010/11?The merit point system is the result of a political decision and was implicated for the first time in the Swedish upper secondary school during the school year 2010/2011. Being a completely new phenomenon it is of great interest and importance to study its effects.The study in this essay also aims to verify, falsify or nullify two hypotheses very often referred to in the political discussions regarding the merit point system:The merit point system will replace affection and interest as main reasons for language studies in upper secondary school and cause a rectification amongst the students choices of additional courses.The merit point system will have a segregating effect upon society and make it harder for people to rise in society through education in the future.A verification of these hypotheses would imply the appearance of an increased rectification amongst students as well as an orientation towards an in the future more segregated society.The empiric material has been collected and examined with qualitative as well as quantitative methods (questionnaires and interviews) and belongs epistemologically to the phenomenological and hermeneutical traditions..
Att agera "spjutspets" : - en analys av en funktion knuten till en kompetensutveckling inom äldreomsorgen
The purpose of my study was to examine a competence-development in care of older people in which some of the personnel have been ?spjutspetsar?. More specifically my aim was to investigate how the personnel managed to supervise others in the organization. My main research questions were: How do the care-managers and the care-workers persecute their functions as ?spjutspetsar?? What form has the internal meeting between the competence-development and the organization ideology taken? What possibilities and obstacles have the care-managers and care-workers been confronted? In my study my research method is based on eight qualitative interviews.
Vad hände sen? : Medieelevers syn på arbete efter gymnasiet
I have in my thesis performed a survey that builds on interviews of five former students at Mediepedagogiskt Center (Mpc) that is located at Sundsta-Älvkullegymnasiet in Karlstad which is incorporated into Karlstads-Hammarö comprehensive upper secondary school. The sample group of students all has various withdrawal years between 1997 - 2004. The aim of the survey is to evaluate any direct qualities that these students have had that helped them to get a occupation within the media industry after the completion of their education at Mpc. This survey also tries to evaluate whether the orientation of their particular style of education is a factor for achieving employment. Before 1998 the course was divided into three A and B-level courses within the directions, photography, graphic design, text communication, sound production and film/television. After 1998 these are now divided into one A, B and C level courses, and one another level courses on A and B-level. The result shows that something more than? just? a good schooling with high grades is needed to succeed into getting a occupation within the media sector.
Stadsodling som begrepp i Sverige - bakgrund, nulägesbeskrivning och tänkbar utveckling
The structural rationalization of rural firms in Sweden has led to many new creative ways of developing companies. The agriculture sector is characterized by the need of capital in form of buildings, labor and inventory. The rationalization process has led to free capacity in rural firms when new technology make buildings and inventory not longer necessary for the production process. To get a better cost coverage this free capacity can be used to start-up new business areas that help the rural firm to growth.The study aims to identify factors that motives entrepreneurs in rural firms to develop new business areas. The purpose is also to analyze driving forces that lies behind development of rural firms and the forces that support or not support development in rural firms.The study is built upon five cases that all can be categorized as firms with different size and orientation.
Vågar du satsa på kulturell mångfald- Har du något att förlora?
Vi lever idag i en allt mer globaliserad värld, vilket bidragit till ett mångkulturellt samhälle. Dagens organisationer står i och med detta inför utmaningen att anpassa sig. Utmaningen med mångfald är, att trots skillnader, lyckas samarbeta. Genom samspel och god kommunikation formas människan in i den sociala miljön på arbetsplatsen. Denna studie undersöker medarbetarnas attityder till och upplevelse av sin organisations kulturella mångfaldsarbete.
En ?vergiven torpmilj?. Materiella och immateriella l?mningar fr?n torpen kring Brunnslid i Kinneveds socken, V?sterg?tland.
This essay presents an investigation of the ruins of an assembly of crofts in a rural area in the south of Sweden, outside the town Falk?ping. Using literary sources and intangible sources, and then combine them with the information found by investigation of the physical remains of the crofts, the essay attempts to capture the life and the living conditions of the crofters. The investigation is focusing on the period between the nighteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century, and looks into the the living conditions according to, for example, the buildings, the orientation in the landscape, demografical changes, the transformation of the area over years and how the crofters were affected by powerty.
The investigation shows that the crofters in many ways were in vulnerable and exposed positions, powerty summarized as a lack of freedom ? concerning economical, political and social dimensions.