1220 Uppsatser om Team orientation - Sida 35 av 82
Motivationsklimat, målinriktning och självkänsla inom CrossFit
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats var undersöka sambanden mellan motivationsklimat, målinriktning och självkänsla inom CrossFit jämfört med konditionsbaserad gruppträning. Vidare undersöktes om Modellen för sambandet mellan motivationsklimat, individuella skillnader, och känsla och motivation kunde appliceras inom CrossFit. I studien deltog sammanlagt 95 deltagare, både CrossFitutövare (N=45) och deltagare inom konditionsbaserad gruppträning (N=50) från sydvästra Sverige. I studien användes Perceived Motivational Climate in Sports Questionnaire-2 (PMCSQ-2), Achievement Goals Questionnaire for Sports (AGQ-S) samt Physical Self Perception Profile-R (PSPP-R). Resultatet visade en signifikant skillnad i uppgiftsorienterat klimat och självkänsla mellan CrossFitutövare och deltagare i konditionsbaserad gruppträning.
Bland världsmedborgare och vita världar : en studie av relationen mellan vithet och solidaritet i fyra kvinnors berättelser om sitt arbete med immigranter
The aim of this essay is to examine the ambivalence that I consider work of solidarity carried out from majority position to be associated with, and whether it makes sense to understand the relationship between majorities and minorities involved in this work by using the concepts of race and whiteness. Through Ruth Frankenbergs work on white women and race I consider whiteness to be a racialized position, and through Sara Ahmeds phenomenology of whiteness, which describes racialization as made through the orientation of bodies, I investigate how this racialized position is shaped and maintained by the solidarity work. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four White women engaged in two organizations that works on integration of female immigrants through creating jobs in a cooperative and through educating in national and familial democracy. The work of solidarity told of by the interviewees seems to produce racialized notions about immigrated people of color, which acts as a counterpart to the whiteness that the interviewees themselves possess. At the same time, the work also challenge this binary division, especially by incorporating the non-white women in what in this essay is called "the white world"..
"The love that dare not speak its name" : om sexuell läggning och flyktingskap
The purpose of this composition was to examine which international and Swedish laws exist to govern the protection of asylum seekers claiming persecution on the grounds of sexual orientation. Additionally I wanted to look at what the need for such a right to refuge would be based upon, i.e. why asylum seekers ought to be granted such protection. In order to fulfil my objectives I based my material on international and Swedish laws, comparing these to studies of what negative impact growing up and living as homosexual in an oppressed environment can have on the individual, psychologically and socially. To highlight and exemplify my material I used Iran as a case-study to reflect my facts upon.I found that there has been, and still seems to be a lack of interest in and commitment to the persecution of homosexuals around the world.
Att mäta generell skam : En analys baserad på Raschmodellen
The purpose of this paper was to investigate whether Suzanne Retzinger?s linguistic cues for shame and verbal behaviors for hiding shame could be used to measure shame in surveys based on Thomas Scheff?s theory of shame. I created a measurement instrument consisting of 30 statements, which were all meant to measure general shame.The instrument was administrated to 180 respondents studying at Karlstad University, of whom 4 respondents were removed from the data set due to lack of standardization. With the polytomous rasch model used for the analysis, data from 176 respondents were analyzed, of whom 124 respondents were female and 52 were male.The result showed that the measurement instrument?s statements should not be used together because the analysis indicated multidimensionality.
Alkohol- och drogtester på arbetsplatsen
Purpose/aim: The purpose of this thesis is to examine if, and in that case how, the municipality of Umeå worked strategically with its communication during 2014 when Umeå was chosen as ?European Capital of Culture?. The research is mainly focused on the outlines of their communication plan, main goals, what communication strategies the municipality has chosen to and their choice of media channels.Material/method: Two methods are used for this research; qualitative interviews with four employees within the communication team during Umeå2014 and a text analysis of three formal documents which provide the framework of communication policies and media strategies during Umeå2014.Results: The results clearly indicate a well structured, strategic planning outlined in the formal documents. The four people intreviewed all had a good knowledge of the policies and strategies in the documents, they also described their work in accordance with these..
Management - Från start till landning
Syftet med uppsatsen var att utifrån ett projektarbete vid Malmö-Sturup Airport,lyfta fram och dra lärdom av grupprocesser ochprojektarbete. Viktiga lärdomar är att projektarbete ibland kräver förkunskaper inom process och metod snarare än branschspecifika kompetenser. En projektgrupp kan ha mer än en roll i arbetet och behöver då balansera dessa roller och relationer. En grupp med kompletterande personligheter når lättare effektivitet samtidigt som behovet av koordinator är stort. Styrningsverktyg är därför viktiga för att skapa struktur.
Mat! Vad är det för mat? : Gymnasieelevers kostvanor
Aim:The aim of this study is to examine similarities and differences in eating habits in students ages 16-19 in high school.Questions:How do eating habits differ between adolescent athletes and non-athletes?What significance does living conditions and religious background have on the eating habits of adolescents? Method: This study is of a quantitative approach using survey questions.The method used was questionnaires. Three schools participated in the study. The school provided programs with and without athletic orientation. My purpose was to give out 200 surveys but in the end the total of handed out surveys landed on 141.
Informella sittplatser i det offentliga stadsrummet : applicerat på gråbrödersplatsen, en ny plats i Lund
This thesis is about informal seatings, those which are planned to merge into the city core environment and to supply a flexible public space. The thesis discusses how a diverse range of elements could result in different functions and social meanings. These are illustrated with visual examples and conceptual drawings.
The position of the seating in a small public place is important, as well as its location in the city. Furthermore, the detail design of the seating, such as the form and dimensions have to be considered in order to create an informal seating appropriate for the user. This leads to the broad scope of this thesis which deals with the small scale - how the seatings can create a good environment in a small place; and the big scale - how a site can influence the city.
This thesis suggests the physical design of some informal seatings and also investigates how these seatings can strengthen the place through their function and how they relate to their surroundings.
Etablering av struktur för processorienterad verksamhet : En studie av företaget LOGOSOL
Snabba svängningar på marknaden, globalisering och kundernas höga krav ställer ledningen införstora utmaningar och bristen på en flexibel ledningsmodell blir tydlig. Den traditionelltfunktionsorienterade organisationsstrukturen räcker inte till för att leva upp till kundens varierandekrav och önskemål. Tillämpning av processorientering är inte bara utgångspunkt för effektiviseringoch kvalitetssäkring av verksamhet utan även för att möta framtida utmaningar samt att leva upp tillkundens olika önskemål.Syfte med föreliggande uppsats är att etablera en struktur på företaget för att de vidare skall kunnadriva verksamheten ur ett processorienterat synsätt. Arbetet försöker på djupet ta reda på hurnuvarande teoretiska modeller om processledning skulle kunna modifieras för att bättre kunnatillämpas av industrin.Tillvägagångssättet är inriktat på att analysera LOGOSOLs verksamhet och identifiera processeroch eventuella problem genom deltagande observationer, semistrukturerade intervjuer ochgenomgång av företagets dokument. I forskningsprocessens går empiri och teoriläsningen parallelltoch berikar varandra under arbetets gång.
Användningen av Microsoft Team Foundation Server i agila projekt
Idag pratas det mycket om ett fenomen som kallas Cloud Computing, vilket kan kort beskrivas som tillhandahållning av datorresurser så som informationslagring, processorkraft och applikationer via Internet. Begreppet Cloud Computing har ingen direkt motsvarighet på svenska men kan översättas till exempelvis molnbaserade datortjänster eller molntjänster. Vanligtvis så innebär Cloud Computing att it-företag hyr ut en del av en server samt annan datorservice till en organisation. Cloud Computing är ett attraktivt alternativ för både den privata och offentliga sektorn och efterfrågas i allt större utsträckning. Från ett arkivvetenskapligt perspektiv associeras Cloud Computing med många fördelar, men kanske med ännu fler nackdelar. De centrala problemföreställningarna relateras till tillit i en digital miljö.
Offentlig upphandling : Ändringarna i LOU och dess inverkan ur en rättssäkerhets- och nondiskrimineringsaspekt.
AbstractThe author Selma Lagerlöf was born in 1858 at Mårbacka, in Värmland and died in 1940. Fifty years after Selma´s death were her correspondence released and ten thousand of letters were found in the collection. But it was just the correspondence between Selma and Sofie Elkan who interested people because they wanted to know if Selma and Sofie have had a sexual relationship. Later, in time for Christmas 2008 the Swedish Television shows a film about Selma. "Selma Lagerlöf Society" was critical to the movie and thougt that the movie focused too much on Selma`s sexual orientation.
Learning study på estetiska programmets teaterinriktning En närstudie i scenisk närvaro Learning Study on the Theatre Orientation at the Aesthetic Programme. A Close Study in Scenic Presence
Syftet med följande arbete är att undersöka om och hur Learning study som är en metod att granska, analysera och utveckla pedagogiken, kan förbättra undervisningen i teater på gymnasiets teaterestetiska inriktning. Jag vill säkerställa att kommunikationen i undervisningen fungerar och förbättrar deras kunskaper gällande begreppet närvaro inom teaterämnet. Enligt den ryske teaterpedagogen Stanislavskij så innebär närvaro en överensstämmelse mellan skådespelarens övertygelse i karaktären och det uttryck skådespelare och regissör vill förmedla. (Järleby, 2001, s. 174-175.) I detta arbete har jag även reflekterat och redogjort för tidigare forskning genom två studier inom Learning Study och en studie i teater.
Homo, gay, flata - är inte det samma sak? En diskursanalytisk intervjustudie med icke-heterosexuella kvinnor
Based upon theories founded on social constructionism, and criticism raised against these theories, this study aims to present a more complex perspective on non-heterosexuality from what has earlier been presented in Swedish lesbian, gay, bisexuality and transsexuality research. Fourteen semi-structured interviews with non-heterosexual women were analyzed using a discourse analytic approach. Four discourses about sexuality were described: "definition, preferably as either-or (heterosexual or homo-sexual)", "normality", "sexuality as constant and unchangeable", "sexuality as homogenous". Different ways of relating to and challenging the positions offered through these discourses were discussed. In conclusion, the study discussed which implications these findings have for psychologists working with non-heterosexual women, and how discursive positioning can be understood from within a psychological framework..
Religion i skolan : En studie av gymnasieelevers uppfattning om ämnet religionskunskap A
This essay aims to investigate how students in upper secondary school perceive the subject religion A. The study is both qualitative and quantitative and I will use a survey to investigate the perception of religion among students both vocationally oriented and theory oriented. I will use questions concerning religious background and perception on the subject in relation to the curriculum but also try to investigate whether there are differences on perception between the vocational and theory orientation. The theoretical approach is mainly based on the curriculum concerning religion A but former research is also used such as books written by Sven G Hartman (2000), Ulf Sjödin (1995), Ove Larsson (1991), Elsie Davidsson (1989) and Anders Törnwall (1988). The result in the study is that students for the most part perceive the subject religion A as something positive and the background has a connection to their present perception.
Vad spelar vi för roll? En studie om bibliotekariers syn på utvecklingen inom biblioteksfältet och sin egen yrkesroll vid svenska bibliotek
The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to gain deeper knowledge about how librarians in public libraries in Sweden view theirprofessional role with regard to the last decades of change in the library field. Especially concerning the technical evolution and towards a higher user orientation and market mindset, and in which ways this has influenced the librarians everyday working tasks. A particular focus has been placed towards the reference transaction, the use of computers and e-media, and the stock development. We believe that there currently is a changeover, from the libraries traditional line of function, towards them as more of service institutions.The method used in this study for answering the research questions and to gather empirical information is semi-structuredinterviews.