1220 Uppsatser om Team orientation - Sida 11 av 82
Talang sökes! : En studie av två distriktsfotbollsförbunds talangidentifierings- och urvalsprocess till distriktslagen
The purpose of this bachelor essay was to analyze two Swedish district footballassociations and how the responsible coaches of the elite youth developmentteams identify and select talent. Key questions in the thesis were how thecoaches described their leadership and their own part in the team, how thecoaches identify talent, how they work with the selection process and theiropinions about the elite youth development team structure. The study wasbased on 7 semi-structured interviews. The interviews showed differencesbetween the district football associations but also many similarities in how theyselected the team during the talent identification process. All coaches wereinvolved in the selection process but the way they talked about developing eliteplayers varied.
Projektverksamhet med samhällsnyttan i fokus : införandeprocessen av SMS-biljetten vid Upplands Lokaltrafik
The aim of this thesis is to explore possible differences between public and private companies? way to manage projects. In order to analyze the managerial aspects, we have studied the project of a new payment system implemented at the public-transport organization Upplands Lokaltrafik (UL). The project enables mobile payment by text message (SMS). Most theory concerning the management of projects is developed for private companies.
En studie om lärares arbete vid övergångar : Hur arbetet som bedrivs i arbetslaget återspeglas på individ, grupp och organisation
This thesis is based upon the assumption that in Swedish school today it is a wide gap regarding the information flow when pupils are switching school. This was one of the reasons Skolverket published a report clearly stating that this is the case. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and describe how teachers are working in a teacher team at transitions to see and understand what their work may mean individually, in a group and to the school as an organisation. The questions at issue is to see how the teachers cooperate during transitions and how they notice students in need of extra support and students level of knowledge during transitions. The two last questions at issue is first to see how teachers approach parent?s expectations on the school and the teachers, secondly it is to examine what implications their work will have on the school.
Narkossjuksköterskors upplevelse och erfarenhet av kommunikation mellan vårdpersonal i en akut situation : en intervjustudie
Background: Good communication is very important for the safety of patients in emergency situations. Few studies have been conducted regarding communication among health care staff. The aim of the present study was to investigate anesthetist nurses experience of communication among health care staff during a situation of emergency in a hospital ward.Methods: The study is explorative and based on interviews with six anesthetist nurses. A qualitative content analysis was used as an analyses model.Result: The six anesthetist nurses experienced structured communication as of great importance during an emergency situation. Three main categories appeared from the material: i) the importance of the organization ii) communication structure and communication patterns and iii) education and experience with nine subcategories.
Pedagogiskt ansvarig : en kvalitativ studie om förskollärares tankar kring sitt pedagogiska ansvar
In the previous curriculum for the preschool Lpfö 98, the educational responsibility was documented belonging to all the team members. On the 1st of July 2011 a new curriculum was introduced to the preschool, Lpfö 98/10, where it is documented that the educational responsibility now belongs to the preschool teachers. According to curriculum experts at the Swedish school board this educational responsibility is not new, just a clarification of the preschool teacher?s educational responsibility.This study is a qualitative study and the purpose was to interview the preschool teachers about their thoughts concerning their educational responsibility. The purpose was also to examine if their educational responsibility has affected their role in the team at the preschool and if they believe that this has any significance for their profession.My result of the study shows that the educational responsibility of the preschool teachers now has been clarified and that they should take a leading role in the team towards the goals that are set for the preschool.
Invandrares möjligheter till samhällsorientering? : Implementering av samhällsorientering inom Kalmar län
This study examines implementation from national law in to local practice in the district of Kalmar to assure newly arrived immigrants orientation in civics. The study takes its starting point in Lipskys theory about street-level bureaucracy. Questions that are discussed are about how the education is understood by refugee?s coordinators, civic communicators and the new immigrates, how the organization has been and what role the demography and economic structures has played for the organization. It is a case study where interviews and enquete has been used.
Empowerment och paternalism på jobbet : En studie kring självbestämmande och delaktighet för brukare i daglig verksamhet enligt LSS
During the latter part of the 20th century the situation for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden changed and developed. Clients have the right to participation and self-determination in society and in applied measures under the law of individual rights legislation; LSS. The purpose of this study is to describe and understand how team-leaders and managers in day-centres in a municipality works with participation and self-determination for clients, and what the professionals consider affects the client's possibility to self-determination and participation. The research questions intended to be answered are:? How does the team-leaders and managers work to enable self-determination and participation of the users in the public day-centres?? What does the team-leaders and managers describe and understand as enabling and limiting factors for the client?s possibility to self-determination and participation?The study is qualitative and interviews have been held with eight interviewees, which I contacted through snowball sampling.
Organiserat samarbete mellan lärare och kollegor inom IKT-baserad distansundervisning
Abstrakt Detta är en hermeneutisk studie där vi använt oss av intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Vi har studerat samarbete ur ett lärarperspektiv i distansundervisning på Blekinge Tekniska högskola (BTH). Vad vi fann var att lärarna och deras kollegor efterfrågade ett mer organiserat samarbete dem emellan. Två former för ett ökat samarbete är, samarbete i team och i distansnätverk, vilka kan existera parallellt med varandra. I nätverket ingår alla personer som arbetar med distanskurser, allt ifrån lärare till tekniker.
Ledarens användning av feedback från medarbetaren, för teamutveckling : En studie om hur systembaserad feedback från medarbetaren kan hjälpa ledaren att utveckla högpresterande team i företagsvärlden
In today's changing society, companies need to work with continuous change and improvement to evolve with the market. It is therefore important for managers to learn how to manage teams because they are expected to streamline selected products or processes in the business. Employees and teams need to develop in line with the changing environment in this process feedback is a tool and an important pillar. Leaders must learn to manage and transform feedback into something useful.The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of how systems-based feedback in the form of employee surveys can be a support for the leader in team development. We wanted to identify relevant behaviors and actions of the leader that may increase the work with feedback.
Lateral samverkan i teori och praktik. En studie av ett lokalt rektorsteam
Denna kvalitativa studie, baserad på reflexiv metod med en abduktiv ansats, är gjord i syfte att undersöka och beskriva ett lag- eller team bestående av rektorer. Rektorerna i det aktuella teamet har i uppgift att verka gemensamt för att stärka rektorsrollen, gynna en helhetssyn på de verksamheter som de är ledare för, stärka det skolområde som de är en del av, samt verka för de barn och elever som hela systemet är uppbyggt kring. I det aktuella skolområdet benämns lagarbetet mellan rektorerna som ?ledningsteam?, ?Team X? eller rätt och slätt ?rektorsteamet?. Det gemensamma arbetet för rektorerna sker i en bestämd och avgränsad grupp.
Första linjens chefers skattning av sina ledar- och chefsegenskaper samt strukturell empowerment före och efter utbildningsinsats för chefer inom kommunal verksamhet.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether there were any differences in how first-line managers within municipal care rated their management leadership qualities, and structural empowerment before and after the course in "leadership, learning and improvement". The study had a quasi-experimental design and 64 managers participated. There was a significant improvement in the LaMI factor ?Achievement orientation?, after participation in the course "leadership, learning and improvement". In other factors, there was no significant difference before and after training.
Arbetet inom skolan för att förebygga mobbning
My purpose in this work was to find out how staff in a middle sized school uses its local Equal treatment plan in its work against bullying. But also to see how the use of a standardized anti-bullying program works to prevent bullying. I have interviewed the principal, teachers, and what we in Sweden call a ?fritidspedagog? and the members of the anti-bullying team to get answers to my questions. The conclusion of this study is that the school follow and work according to what the Equal treatment plan states, both in terms of prevention, as in working with actual bullying cases. The school has also followed the National School Agency's recommendations on what should be the local Equality plan, but also to follow up and revise it each year. The interview shows that the staff at the school placed great emphasis on talking and discussing with students about how to behave towards each other, they also brought up things that happened at one time and talked about this. The staffs were very committed to work towards the prevention of bullying and the same was true with the school's headmaster.
Om arbetslaget och lärares lärande : En fallstudie av arbetslagets betydelse för pedagogers lärande om undervisning och lärande
The aim of this essay is to study the importance of team organisation of teachers? learning of teaching and learning and to find out different obstacles and possibilities.I carried out the study at a schooldistrict in a community in the south of Sweden. Data was collected by group interviews and document studies. To get all kinds of teachers, from pre-school to year six, in the groups the sample was made by the headmaster of the schooldistrict. Since it is a case study the findings can not be considered as general, but they can hopefully contribute the pedagogical discussion and future research.The findings show that there exists a difference between the expectations on policy level on the one hand and on the team level on the other hand.
Organiserat samarbete mellan lärare och kollegor inom IKT-baserad distansundervisning
Detta är en hermeneutisk studie där vi använt oss av intervjuer som
datainsamlingsmetod. Vi har studerat samarbete ur ett lärarperspektiv i
distansundervisning på Blekinge Tekniska högskola (BTH). Vad vi fann var att
lärarna och deras kollegor efterfrågade ett mer organiserat samarbete dem
emellan. Två former för ett ökat samarbete är, samarbete i team och i
distansnätverk, vilka kan existera parallellt med varandra. I nätverket ingår
alla personer som arbetar med distanskurser, allt ifrån lärare till tekniker.
Patienters upplevelse av multimodal smärtrehabiliteringsprogram : En intervjustudie
Background: Chronic pain is a condition that approximately 18% of the Swedish population suffers from. This condition affects many aspects of a person´s life and causes psychological, physiological and social suffering. Multimodal treatment is considered the most effective treatment for patients with chronic pain. Patient participation and motivation are very important to treatment. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore patients´ experience of a multimodal chronic pain treatment program regarding their experience of patient participation and interaction with the rehabilitation team.