1728 Uppsatser om Teaching supervision - Sida 65 av 116
Strukturerad intensivundervisning i aritmetik : - en studie med ett inkluderande perspektiv
Specialundervisning och nivågruppering i matematik har inte så stor effekt (Bentley & Bentley, 2011; Giota & Emanuelsson, 2011) och vår skollag (2010:800) gör gällande att undervisningen ska ske inom klassens ram. Med detta som utgångspunkt designades denna studie. Studien genomfördes med 21 elever i år två under nitton lektioner. Syftet var att se om intensivundervisning med hjälp av strukturerad undervisning kan ge effekt på elevernas automatisering av additions och subtraktionstabellerna inom talområde 0-20. Studien genomfördes som en experimentell design med fältexperiment och metoderna i studien var deltagande observation, fältanteckningar och diagnoser.
Digitaliserade möjligheter för skolan : En studie av två spels pedagogiska potential för historieundervisning i grundskolan
This essay examines computer and video games and their capacity of being useful in teaching sessions. Focus is being put at a possible pedagogical potential and how it is being expressed in games mechanics. To get answers on these subjects? studies by Professor James Paul Gee and Jesse Schell is used together in creating a model for analysis. With this model together with a narrative analysis this essay hopes to give clarifications on if a pedagogical potential is present and if so, how it is being expressed.Studies in this paper shows that a pedagogical potential is overall present in used material.
"Menniskan, icke naturisk eller djurisk i vanlig låg mening, utan såsom ofvan bildningens strider född till natur och enhet med sig sjelf i himmelsk mening" : Djur som aktörer och bildspråk i Carl Jonas Love Almqvists epik och lyrik
Play is an important part of children´s everyday life, it is through play children develop. Play occurs a lot in kindergarten and in this study, the aim is to examine how play activities play is used in preschool teaching and the role of the teacher´s in the play. Video recordings of play activities done and qualitative methods (conversation analysis) has been used to analyze the video recordings. The results of this study show that play are widely used as a pedagogical tool in preschool. It is through play children develop.
Särskild undervisningsgrupp : En undersökning om upplevelser och tankar kring en särskild undervisningsgrupp
The purpose with this essay is to explore how pupils in a special group of education experience how it feels to be part of this kind of group. Further I want to examine a special educationalist view of this kind of groups. To perform this essay I choose to interview four pupils and one special educationalist. Through the interviews I want to discover the pupils and the special educationalists thoughts and experience. The result has been compared with earlier research and the essay has its basis in different theories.
Talet om talen : Vuxenmatematikens retoriska vändning
This is an empirical study of how the mathematical talk of adult learners constructs/reconstructs different mathematical discourses. The study is to be regarded as an attempt to develop a discursive approach within the field of mathematics education and to complicate the status of mathematics in education and in society in general. My theoretical underpinnings consist of three possible mathematical discourses ? coercive, regulative and emancipative mathematics. From a discursive psychology perspective, I let these discourses function as analytical interpretive repertoires in relation to the adult learners? rhetorical use of mathematics and their claiming of mathematical subject-positions, named the coerced, the self-regulating and the responsible mathematician.
Musik och kunskapsskillnader : -En studie om musiklärares upplevelser kring kunskapsskillnader inom musiken
ABSTRACTMusic and differences in knowledge ? a study of music teachers experiences with differences in musical knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to, out of a music teacher?s perspective, see if the differences in music abilities between 7th grade students are at all, or in some ways connected to the previous schools they?ve attended. I will also research in what areas, in the subject of music, students are differing more, as well as less, in their knowledge. The analysis is based on interviews with six 7th grade music teachers working in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system.
Styrkor och svagheter med problembaserat lärande-en metastudie
AbstractProblem-based learning (PBL) was from the beginning developed in medical school, but is today used in education in other programmes as well. Investigations about PBL have been conducted in different disciplines and there is also metastudies. In this paper, a metastudy of 8 bachelor degree papers have been conducted. The questions answered were: which methods were used to investigate PBL in primary, lower secondary and upper secondary school,which advantages were found in working according to the PBL method, which disadvantages were found in working according to the PBL method and did teachers and students views about advantages and disadvantages about PBL as a method differ and if they did, how? The results showed that mostly qualitative methods were used to investigate the PBL as a method, mostly abilities of social qualities and independence were trained in working according to PBL, a disadvantage was that working according to the PBL method was considered more resourse consuming than traditional teaching methods and teachers and students views about PBL did not differ considerably.
Utomhusmatematik : ur lärares perspektiv
Syftet med denna undersökning var att ta reda på vad lärare i grundskolan anser om utom¬husmatematik, varför och när de själva arbetar med det. Arbetet innehåller utomhusmatemati¬kens yttre ramar. Jag har valt att intervjua sex lärare som arbetar med utomhusmatematik eller som tycker att det verkar vara ett intressant arbets¬sätt. Alla lärare arbetar i grundskolan och representerar två olika skolor. Två av lärarna arbe¬tar med utomhusmatematik en gång i veckan.
Professionell kultur i grundskolan : En studie om Skapande skola i Värmland
Formal writing is an essential part of teaching Swedish and is fundamental for higher education and professional career. The aim of my essay is to research what didactic methods Swedish teachers utilizes in upper secondary school to improve students' abilities to write formal texts. I will also examine students? project papers in an attempt to measure the extent of formal word choice. In the presentation of the literature I decided to use, for example, Per Olov Svedner?s perspective on writing as a process, Siv Strömquist?s manuals for essay writing and various literature regarding linguistic correctness and essay layout. Interviews with three upper secondary school teachers reveals that active feedback is a basis for students development regarding formal writing in both school and professional career.
Skolledares uppfattningar av speciallärares arbete
The essay treats how a process of implementation was executed and the teachers? relation to two curricula, Lpo94 and Lgr11, with two different grading systems, which have functioned as models for one and the same year. The purpose is to investigate the ways in which a change in curricula and syllabus affects teachers in their teaching and assessment practice in the subject of Swedish at secondary school. The investigation had a phenomenological approach and was executed by means of in-depth interviews, questionnaires and one observation. The results are based on a methodological triangulation with qualitative and quantitative data where visible similarities and differences are brought out.
Det vidgade textbegreppet : I teori och praktik
The essay is about the concept of text in a wider perspective, what can be included in that, how it can be used and above all, why one might want to use it. The essay will also include what the term popular culture implies, and school?s attitude towards it, since some of the medias that are a part of the text in a wider perspective, many times fits the description ?popular culture?. Most of the earlier research show that the positive aspects of the use of text in a wider perspective as the same time as it attacks school because school is opposing the popular culture. The essay consists of two parts and it begins with a theoretical part where I present existing research about the concept of text in a wider perspective and the research about popular culture.
Skriva för livet : en studie om lärares syn på skrivutveckling i skolår 4-6
Att eleverna får lära sig att skriva är ett av grundskolans viktigaste uppdrag. Under vår verksamhetsförlagda utbildning under tiden på Lärarhögskolan har vi sett att mycket av undervisningen under de första åren i grundskolan ägnas åt att läsa, samtala och skriva. Det har fått oss att fundera kring hur lärare fortsätter att arbeta med skrivandet. Vårt syfte med den här studien är att fördjupa förståelsen för och utveckla kunskaper om hur lärare ser på den fortsatta skrivutvecklingen i skolår 4-6. Syftet är också att utveckla förståelse för vad lärare anser vara viktig kunskap i ämnet.
Natur- och miljöarbete inom förskolan : en jämförande studie om två förskolors arbetssätt
Teaching preschool children about the environment. A comparative study of how two preschools work with environmental issues.My investigations are based on qualitative interviews and observations carried out at two preschools, one of which has a nature and environment profile while the other works in traditional ways with these questions. I sought to explore the ways in which pedagogues in each preschool raise environmental awareness and, more generally, awaken an interest in nature in the children. The consequences of methodological similarities and differences will be considered.This term paper concludes that the difference between an environmental profile preschool and a traditional preschool working on environmental awareness is not large. The knowledge gained by children in the latter preschool surpassed that gained in the former.
Utomhusundervisning med inriktning samhällsorienterande ämnen/Outdoor Teaching within the Social Science Program
Vårt ena syfte med vårt examensarbete var att få reda på vilka för- och nackdelar det finns när man använder utomhuspedagogik i undervisningen.
Vi ville även ha svar på hur elevers psykiska och fysiska hälsa påverkas av utomhusundervisning. Vårt tredje syfte var att ta reda på hur man arbetar med de samhällsorienterande ämnena utomhus.
För att uppnå dessa syften har vi valt att använda oss av kvalitativa intervjuer.
Resultat vi fått från pedagogerna har därefter jämförts, varvid vi dragit slutsatsen att eleverna mår bättre av att vara utomhus och att de då använder sin kropp vid inlärning.
Eleverna med koncentrationssvårigheter får större utrymme till rörelse och märks inte på samma sätt utomhus och de tysta eleverna har en praktisk uppgift att lösa som kräver aktivt deltagande.
Som pedagog kan man arbeta med de samhällsorienterande ämnena utomhus genom att gå på stadsvandringar och se vad bygden har att berätta..
Kan man läsa film? : en studie av svensklärares attityd till spelfilm i undervisningen
This thesis aims to examine how teachers who teach the Swedish subject, uses film in their education. The survey was given to 30 of these teachers in Nykoping, half which are working in junior high schools, and half which are working in high schools. One importantcondition to this works implementation, is the existence of the widen text concept that points to that all media is a concept that can be read and analysed. This is the attitude that The National Agency for Education aims at in different govern documents. The National Agency for education also request teachers to give the students tools to the media literacy that the society demands.