5317 Uppsatser om Teaching methods - Sida 44 av 355
Historieundervisning och digital teknik : Hur historielärare arbetar med digital teknik, historiemedvetande och historisk empati inom undervisningen under 2011.
This essay takes its starting point in the research on digital technology and theories on learning to apply the research on history teaching. The theories on learning from Illeris and Selander are used to find out how the digital technology should be used in upper secondary school, since there is no extensive research on how the new technology should be used in upper secondary school. From that point the essay?s primary goal is to investigate how teachers use digital technology, if they choose a particular study field while working with the technology. Furthermore it investigates whether or not the technology is an appropriate mode of operation when developing abilities such as historical consciousness and historical empathy.
Kan du bevisa det? : En enkätstudie av gymnasielärarens förhållningssätt till matematiska bevis
Practice of mathematical proof increase the understanding of mathematics anddevelop creativity skills, problem solving, communication, logical thinking andreasoning which are all important tools not only within the subject of mathematicsbut also important tools for the society in which we are living. The aim of this projectwas to investigate whether it is accurate that proof and proving has a subordinate rolein mathematic education in the upper secondary school in Sweden. This was done byconstructing of a digital survey that was sent to approximately 100 practicingmathematics teachers in a normal size city located in the middle of Sweden. Theresults of the survey show that the teachers consider themselves comfortable withtheir own skills in teaching proof. Paradoxically, the results also show that there is alack of teaching of proof and proving in the upper secondary school, although the newcurriculum puts more focus on proof and proving..
Vad tror blivande religionslärare? En livsberättelsestudie om sex lärarstudenters syn på religion
With this thesis I have examined the views of religion among six comparative religion teacherstudents, with the perspecitve of their life stories. I have also examined what stance they want to take due to their personal beliefs in their forthcoming teaching. To achive this I have used in-depth interviews among the six soon examined teacher students, and within the interviews I have had a particularly focus on turning points of the students? life stories. Later on I have used their turning points in an analysis with the hypothesis of ?Rites des Passage? and ?Structure and Anti-Structure?.In my survey I have found a significant relationship between the students? life stories - inparticularly their backgrounds and tourning points - and their views of religion.
Processbarhetsteorin i undervisning : ???Analys av två program som används av andraspråksinlärare
I have with this thesis sought to understand how chick lit could be useful in the classroom in the teaching of Swedish B-course in high school. Based on the model of critical literacy I am arguing that this genre would help to meet the objectives of the policy documents which, among other things, are to critically examine and analyze various types of texts.I have found that some of these texts could be used for analyzing and critically examine the ideological dimensions of texts and cultural heritage by the model of critical literacy, and also as a counterweight to the more traditional teaching of the canonical literature as a literary historical stuff that students should learn. I have also wanted to create a basis for discussions about literature in the classroom based on the chick lit genre. To do this I have, based on three themes and questions from the model of critical literacy, tried to focus on issues that might emerge from the ideological analysis and critical review. The model aims to deconstruct norms of society, and in the work of chick lit, I wanted to show how you could deconstruct norms around gender..
Life Cycle Cost : Studie om LCC som verktyg att utva?rdera geoenergianla?ggningar
Life Cycle Cost, often abbreviated as LCC, is a common tool for comparing the total cost of different alternatives, such as heating and cooling methods. Common heating and cooling methods in Sweden are geothermal energy, district heating and district cooling. This report aims to evaluate how different heating and cooling methods differ from each other while being applied on three different types of buildings, using selected LCC-models. Information about the selected LCC-models wasretrieved from each separate model and its website. Reports and agencies were used as sources for information about the heating and cooling methods.
Utveckling av undervisningsmaterial kring fordonselektroniska styrsystem : för fordonselever
Denna rapport handlar om utveckling av ett undervisningsmaterial för elever på fordonsprogrammet inom området elektroniska styrsystem. Rapporten beskriver processen från idé fram till färdigt undervisningsmaterial. Detta har tagits fram för att ge eleverna en bredare, mer generell kunskap inom detta ämnesområde än vad som är möjligt att få genom enbart teoretisk undervisning kring utvalda märkesspecifika system. Undervisningsmaterialet bygger på teoretiska avsnitt som varvas med praktiska övningar kring en mikrokontroller med tillhörande sensorer och aktuatorer. Genom att skapa korta styrprogram som hanterar dessa sensorer kan olika funktioner skapas med hjälp av mikrokontrollen. Detta gör att många av de delfunktioner som används inom fordonselektroniska styrsystem kan simuleras..
Odlingsmetodernas påverkan på vitaliteten hos Prunus avium :
The objective of this study was to get a better understanding of how the cultivation methods influence the vitality in Prunus avium. The purpose was also to examine if there was any differences in shoot growth and trunk expansion depending on the method of cultivation. To find the answer to this question a literature study and a case study has been done.
The literature study concerns the concepts vitality and stress. Different definitions of these concepts are shown and their connection whit establishment is explained. In the background the species Prunus avium, and the four method of cultivation that are included in this case study are described.
Measurements of the shoot growth and trunk expansion were made in this study, and as a complement to these methods, a visual estimate of the vitality was made.
Rysk vilseledning - ett gammalt koncept i ny uniform?
The Russian operation on the Crimean peninsula has been referred to as a victory enabled by the operationalization of the concept of New Generation Warfare. According to some military theorists, this concept and its operationalization cannot be characterized in terms of the traditional wars waged up to this point. It is, however, also argued that this new generation of warfare is primarily a new approach to strategy, a new way of applying traditional methods to achieve political goals. The purpose of this study is to discern whether Russia employed strategic deception in its operation in Crimea and if this is the case; what methods and principles were used and if these can be explained using a traditional view of deception. The application of theories on deception by Michael Dewar and Barton S.
Introduktion till Socialkonsekvensbeskrivning - SKB, samt metod vilken kan användas inom SKB
Often, the green is handled as an opposite to the built, but if it could be seen as a part of the built and the society, the planning will be easier to handle. The thesis work wants to create a method that treats villages in an analytic way in a context; with green, blur, grey and all the other colors that together are the completeness.This master's thesis is made to be used as foundation in detail plannng in the municipality of Örkelljunga. Target audience is on one hand those who work with planning and green matters in Örkelljunga municipality, but also other planners who work with landscape.Literature in the field of green city planning has been studied and 30 methods for analysis have been valued. The method for analysis that has been used in this work is a merging of ten different methods and has included literature studies, sketches, interviews and work on spot. The ten methods are consciously chosen to together make one comprehensive and true image of the village, as far as it is possible.
Gymnasieelevers upplevelser av hälsoprojekt : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie
Studies show that children?s and adolescents health decreases, especially the mental health. There are today many health methods that flourish in the school area. Methods that is external and used as individual interventions and methods that have the intention to integrate health in all aspects of the school curriculum.Research on health projects often show what the intervention or method has produced. Few studies have been found who discuss the pupil?s own experience regarding health projects.
?Läsa för livet!?: En studie rörande sambandet mellan presentation, genomförande och uppföljning av fiktionstext i gymnasieskolan
The object of this study has been to establish whether there is a correlation between a teachers efforts in presenting, working with and creating a connection to ?real life? when working with fictional texts. A further hypothesis is that presentation, realization and the follow up activities has a correspondence to how well the goals for the lesson are achieved. In order to achieve the presented objects the methods of observation and interview are chosen. Firstly classroom observations are made and subsequently interviews with teachers that struggle with these questions on a regular basis are conducted.
Yngre elevers motivation till skolbloggsskrivande
Detta examensarbete visar på vilka faktorer somyngre elever finner motiverande när det kommer till att skriva en skolblogg. Undermin senaste verksamhetsförlagda utbildning genomförde jag projektet skolblogg.Alla elever i åk 5 fick starta varsin skolblogg. Under mina fem veckors praktikså observerade jag att eleverna tyckte detta var ett roligt sätt att arbeta på.Jag har intervjuat 12 av eleverna i denna klass för att ta reda påmotivationsfaktorerna till skolbloggsskrivandet. De faktorer som jag kom framtill är: att andra kan läsa, att få göra något nytt och annorlunda, att få mertid med datorn, att få skriva, att kunna läsa klasskompisarnas skolbloggar, attfixa med designen mm. Kunskap om elevers motivation får oss lärare att förståeleverna bättre vilket i sin tur leder till att vi kan anpassa undervisningen.Förhoppningsvis kan detta arbete leda till att lärare kan få en insyn iskolbloggen som undervisningsmöjlighet och bidra till en förståelse för attInternet ger oss den möjligheten..
Undervisningsmetoder : litteraturundervisning - hur den ser ut enligt litteratur i ämnet och lärare i skolan
Målet med mitt arbete är att ta reda på vilka undervisningsmetoder som presenteras av forskare och lärare i litteraturen och sedan jämföra resultatet med lärares egna erfarenheter. Jag har fokuserat på litteraturundervisningen på högstadiet. Jag har använt böcker skrivna av bland annat Gerd och Gerhard Arfwedson, Ulla Lundqvist, Göran Ejenby & Gunilla Molloy, Olga Dysthe och Aidan Chambers. Jag genomförde sedan en enkätundersökning bland svensklärare på högstadiet för att få reda på hur de verkligen arbetar och vilka metoder de eventuellt använder sig av. Resultatet visade att de flesta av lärarna själva inte anser att de har någon specifik undervisningsmetod, men när jag läser deras svar kan jag tydligt se att de arbetssätt de beskriver är just delar av de metoder jag skrivit om.
Undervisning av elever i behov utav särskilt stöd : Fyra skolors arbetssätt
Today?s schools agrees that there are students that are in need of special help in school, but how this help best connects to the students can the schools not agree about.That?s why I in this essay have chosen to look closer at four different compulsory schools and they?re teaching of students requiring special help. I choose to look at two community schools and two open schools.The aim with this essay is to see if the teaching of students in need of special help is different or the same on the four schools. One of the theories that I have used is Haug´s theory about segregated and included integration.In my essay I have used qualitative research interview. I have interviewed one person from each school management.The result shows that it is not the way the schools teach the students that is important, instead the schools see the contacts between families and the school and the personals attitude agents the students as the most important factor when they work with this students..
RECIPROCAL TEACHING I NÄTBASERADE MILJÖER - En litteraturstudie om hur dialogiska processer kan främja läsförståelse med hjälp av digitala redskap
Denna studie har genomförts för att ge en inblick i hur man kan använda digitala redskap för att främja elevers läsförståelse enligt metoden Reciprocal Teaching. Metoden som är framtagen av den amerikanska forskaren Ann Brown baseras på fyra olika aktiviteter. Dessa är sammanfattning, ifrågasättande, klargörande och förutsägelse. Genom att använda sig av aktiviteterna så får deltagarna visa att de har förstått innehållet samt att de kan kritiskt granska och utvärdera. Metoden används i gruppbaserat lärande, även kallat communities.Syftet med den här studien har varit att hitta digitala redskap som skulle kunna främja metoden och hypotetiskt kunna appliceras inom dagens informationssamhälle.