

2157 Uppsatser om Teacher thinking - Sida 3 av 144

Relationen mellan interkulturellt ledarskap och praktisk kunskap

My essay is concerned with intercultural leadership and practical knowledge. The essay is about ethical dilemmas and the diversity of issues we face constantly at the preschool. In my story I examine the different views of knowledge and the opportunities to lead people in an intercultural way, and how they relate to each other. I start by looking at the ethical ideas that form the basis for our actions and our view of knowledge. Then, I examine how the practical wisdom guides the ethical dilemmas that arise at the preschool.

Fysikdiskursen på Komvux : Betydelsen av student-lärarinteraktioner

This study draws upon the framework for analyzing the discourse of a science classroom introduced by Mortimer and Scott (2003). It has been used for many studies before on high school youths, but never on adults. Therefore, this study focuses on the interaction between teacher and students in an adult education on high school level in physics, and how students can change the classroom discourse. Observations took place in two different schools for adults, in four different teaching groups. The result was analyzed by pattern of interactions, communicative approach, teaching purpose, type of student questions and their effect on the classroom discourse.

Om konsten att möta elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En retrospektiv fallstudie

The development of five individual pupils? writing abilities, as reported by six of their teachers, is analysed. The thoughts and reflexions inspired by the everyday interaction between the teacher and the pupil suffering from some kind of reading and writing disability are presented. The purpose is to capture what was unique and characteristic in the measures that triggered a positive response in the pupils. Some of the questions answered in this study are: How does the phenomenon of reading and writing disabilities manifest itself in the classroom, and what are the consequences for the individual pupil of the various pedagogical measures available?One conclusion that may be drawn from this study is that there is no cut-and dried method for working with pupils suffering from reading and writing disabilities.

Barns inflytande i förskolan : En studie om förskollärares uppfattningar gällande barns inflytande i förskolans rutinsituationer

The purpose with this degree thesis was to investigate the preschool teacher´s view onchildrens´s influence in preschool routine situations. The target group for this study ispreschool teacher´s that currently are working with children that are 1 ? 5 years of age. To manage to answer the aim of this study semi-structured interviews were conducted. I have performed interviews with five preschool teacher´s that currently work in a preschool that is situated in a medium sized city, in the county Värmland, Sweden.

Läsa med självförtroende : En fallstudie om hur lärare arbetar för att motverka Matteuseffekten

The aim of the study is to investigate how a teacher and a special education teacher cooperate to prevent a pupil with reading difficulties from ending up in the vicious circle of the Matthew effect, and to find out how a pupil with reading difficulties experiences his or her reading situation. This case study is based on a phenomenological perspective whereby qualitative interviews illuminate a commonly occurring problem in today?s schools. Interviews were conducted with a teacher, a special education teacher, and a pupil in grade 1, in order to cover everyone?s perspective in this situation.

Guru, kritisk vän och förebild : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur några studenter på Södertörns högskola upplevt sin VFU

The Swedish teacher education is continuously changing along with the understanding of learning. The teacher education at Södertörn University has an intercultural profile, which is considered modern and innovative. In this essay, students? experiences from their practical training are analyzed to examine the correspondence between teacher practice and the modern teacher role conveyed by the University. The results show that some students have experienced practical training where the standards of the University?s teacher role were met, whereas others feel that they have not received the practical guidance needed to be able to wholly use their education in their future employment.

Tankar om pedagogrollen : en vetenskaplig essä om vad som utmärker en god pedagog i dagens förskola

In this essay I reflect on what makes a good preschool teacher today. I discuss the importance of education, the importance of experience and practical knowledge, but also the importance of capacity for self-reflection and listening. I bring up examples from my workplace, where some think more about their limitations than on what and how much they actually can. Others are more satisfied by what they can and see less of their limits. Some are also lack of the will to see differently and to do changes.

Varför tvivlar jag? : En essä om att omsätta vetenskapliga teorier med praktisk kunskap

This essay is about the development process I have undergone during my experience-based preschool teacher education. I write about my internal process, about how I as a childcare worker go from assertiveness and believing in myself into fighting doubts, thoughts and feelings as a preschool teacher. The purpose with this essay is to make the difficulties with managing new knowledge and practicing it in real life visible, and at the same time overcome your uncertainty in a new professional role. The essay is based on two stories from my professional life where I, in the first one portray my actions and behavior as a childcare worker and in the second one as a preschool teacher. Based on my stories I try to answer questions as what does the individual learning process look like when going from one professional role to another in the same profession? What impact does theoretical knowledge have on practical knowledge?I have used reflection and writing as methods for my paper.

Matematik i förskolan : Barns antalsuppfattning i de tidiga åren

Purpose: The current thesis assignment aims to explain, understand and follow the strategies the young children employ into a conception of numbers. This thesis is based on a study performed by Doverborg and Pramling Samuelson.The following research questions serve to refine the stated goal:How mathematical thinking regarding conception of numbers occurs within younger children and which strategies they use?How is the interaction between the teacher and the younger children?Method: The study is organized as a qualitative study and was conducted in a pre-school with a group of four children. The children that have participated within my study are between two and three years old. They were filmed in four exercises.

Arbetsglädje : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur fem lärare i grundskolans tidigare år beskriver arbetsglädjens betydelse och påverkan

The goal of this study is to examine what five teacher?s impression of the teacher?s role is in their previous years. How important the ?joy at work? is in relation with the educational progress? And what aspects that contributes to the? joy at work? and what obstacles that stops them. The essay will also go through the concepts of a teacher role, with connection to the theoretical perspectives of Csikszentmihalyi?s Flow and Antonovsky?s Salutogenesis (KASAM).The method I used was interviewing five teachers and I used Larsen?s chapter of ?content analysis? as a basis, I also used Flow and KASAM as theoretical references in my analysis.

Viljebegreppet och psykologin : En studie av psykologins framväxt som vetenskap i Sverige genom en analys av viljebegreppets betydelseförändring

The aim of this study is to elucidate the process in which psychology was separated from philosophy and established itself as a distinct academic discipline in Sweden. I argue that the concept of will, as well as the concepts of thinking and emotion, have a lot to tell us about the rise of academic psychology in Sweden. This is done through an analysis of psychology textbooks, encyclopaedia-articles and academic texts on the themes will and psychology, from around 1800 till 1950.Prior to the establishment of the first chair of psychology in Uppsala 1948, the discipline was above all a part of the philosophical discipline. For psychology to become a science of its own, it was crucial to obtain a position among the empirical sciences. It thus had to distance itself from philosophy, and in particular from metaphysics.

Upplevelser av att vara icke heterosexuell i arbetslivet

Forming teacher teams is currently the standard way of organizing teachers in Swedish Compulsory Schools. This is the result of a process that started in the 1970s.Traditionally the culture of teaching has been one of isolation. Once the door to the classroom is shut, what happens behind the door is up to the teacher to decide. Over the past thirty years a lot of time has been dedicated to making fundamental changes in the way teachers interact with their colleagues. Today the idea of teachers forming teams is generally accepted but still the core of a Swedish teacher?s job is that of a lone worker.

Thinking like a designer : Hur Design Thinking kan användas som strategiskt verktyg för affärsutveckling

Design Thinking är ett spännande och fortfarande relativt outforskat område med rötter i Service Management. Med hjälp av designerns verktyg och metoder och en mångvetenskaplig grund med fokus på kundens behov kan Design Thinking bidra till att utveckla produkter och tjänster och genom detta öka lönsamheten för företag. Syftet är att göra en deskriptiv studie av området Design Thinking som metodiskt arbetssätt vid tjänsteutveckling. Detta appliceras sedan på verkligheten för att komparativt se hur tre svenska bolag arbetar med tjänstutveckling inom en av världens största tjänstebranscher utifrån områdena Service Management och Design Thinking. Uppsatsen beskriver utvecklingen från Service Management till Design Thinking och hur man har gått från att utveckla tjänster till att designa tjänster.

Designteori i praktiken : En undersökande fallstudie om hur designteori manifesterar sig i praktiken

New technologies and new consumer behaviors are having a large impact on mediacompanies. The biggest change is in the behavior of the younger demographic whereold platforms like television are abandoned for new online platforms. In this newworld, media companies and organizations need new tools and business models tostay competitive. One such tool is Design Thinking, a term used to describe a cognitivedesign-specific set of activities used during a design process. It has been popularizedin commercial areas and there the term is used to describe an applicable workflowused to promote the skills required to use Design Thinking.

Fysisk aktivitet : två skolor, två arbetssätt, en rektor

The purpose of this study is to examine how two different primary schools with the same school management district work with daily physical activity. We have chosen to conduct our investigation based on interviews. Through the interviews, we can highlight the teacher´s and principal´s interpretations of the concept regarding physical activity and find out the school´s arguments and working methods for pupil´s physical activity. These two schools work with physical activity in two different ways and the study describes the teacher´s and principal's choice of approach. Since our training is directed towards the younger ages, school years 1-3, we chose to interview teachers who work in these classes.

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