

2157 Uppsatser om Teacher thinking - Sida 24 av 144

Inkludering i skolan : Men till vilket pris och för vems bästa?

Within special education, there is a big dilemma where some mean that school should include all pupils in the same school class, regardless of the students' needs for assistance, while others believe that students with special needs to be placed in small adapted groups where students have similar needs is to exclude pupils. While others argue that the inclusion can sometimes lead to exclusion. The aim is to investigate what meaning teachers and special education teachers gives the concept of inclusion in school and what consequences it entails in teaching. This study is based on a number of qualitative interviews of teachers and specialist teachers to obtain answer of the following questions.Has the concept of inclusion and integration the same significance and meaning according to those asked teachers, special educators and special educators?Which students should be included, according to those asked teachers, special teachers and special teachers?What is required to work from an inclusive perspective, according to the asked teachers, special teachers and special teachers?Perceive the asked teacher, special educators and special teachers some disadvantages of inclusion?Which students receive special education instruction in the schools were asked?Do the asked teacher, special educators and special teachers think that there is a school for all?The results of this study is that teachers and special instructors have difficulty indistinguishing the concepts and that they puts the same emphasis on inclusion as the integration, the students must adapt to school and not vice versa.

BARA MATEMATIK? : En empirisk studie om matematiksvårigheter och dess orsaker

SvenskaDetta är en kvalitativ studie som är baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer. Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på hur två matematiklärare och en specialpedagog ser på/beskriver matematik­svårigheter och hur de arbetar med elevernas matematiksvårigheter som de upp­täcker hos sina elever. Jag är väldigt intresserad av att höra vilka matematik­svårigheter och orsaker till matematiksvårigheter lärarna ser hos sina elever samt lära mig hur skolan och lärarna jobbar med dessa svårigheter hos eleverna. Samtliga informanter hade samma svar på mina forskningsfrågor. I resultaten av hela min studie har jag kommit fram till att orsaker till elevernas matematiksvårigheter bland annat är: dåliga baskunskaper, låga baskunskaper förståelse av positionssystem samt begrepp.

IT och flerspråkighet i gymnasieskolan

The purpose of the study is to examine the multilingual student?s use of IT in school.The study also highlights the teacher?s view of development and how they use IT in their own teaching.A qualitative approach study was conducted to acquire a deeper understanding of students' language learning by using IT. In the study, it was assumed socio-cultural perspective in which learning takes place through interaction with others.The result shows that multilingual students have difficulty understanding information available on the internet and they are either waiting to meet a teacher to get a clearer picture of what to do or doing tasks even though in some cases misunderstand the task. Language teachers also confirm student?s impression and at the same time express the concern that students are reading less.This study shows that there may be correlation between students' learning motivation and an understanding of instructions online.

Med humor i verktygslådan : - en studie av lärares humorkommunikation.

The purpose of this study is to illustrate teacher humor by critically examining it from an interpersonal- and humor communicative-perspective; and to discuss teacher interpersonal humor communication-skills in relation to the Swedish high school curriculum, collegial relationships and pedagogical aspects. The study?s empiric material consists of semi-structured interviews with six high school-teachers currently working at the same school, but of different age and gender. The interviews indicate that the informants all have developed humor competence, an interpersonal communicative-skill that allows them to use humor efficiently. Moreover, the result demonstrates that the teachers have various humor approaches but that they all use humor in the classroom for much of the same reasons.

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i förskolan : En kvalitativ fältstudie kring två olika förskolor och deras språkutvecklande arbetsätt

The aim of this study was to examine how the activities of two preschools develop the language in matter of the teacher?s work of procedure. The following research questions were essential for the survey and therefore formed the basis of the examination:How do the teachers in both preschools work in a language evolving way?What significance does the environment have for the language development?Are there similarities and differences between the preschools in their language development approach?The study is based on a qualitative method, where the teachers of both preschools were interviewed with the purpose of obtaining information. The teacher?s statements and interviews were analyzed in relation to previous research, where the theories of different writers form the base of the theoretical connection to the study.The teachers view in developing the language regarding to their aspirations in measuring the language an important position in their operation, can be portraied as the conclusions of this study.

Empowerment : En studie i att skapa förståelse för olika former av empowerment

Abstract______________________________________________________________________Title:A study about creating understanding for different kinds of empowermentLevel:Bachelors thesis in Business Administration, 15 creditsAuthor:Fredrik LegovicSupervisor:Tomas KällquistDate:2014 - JuneAim:The main purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for different kinds of empowerment and how it affects the staff in the public sector.Method:The choice of method was based on the research aim. The method used to meet the objective was qualitative. The qualitative study was conducted with a hermeneutic basis, where individuals were asked to describe their experience of empowerment and how they feel affected of it. This thesis has a deductive approach, where existing theories dealing empowerment formed the basis for the design of interview substrate, which is then paired with the empirical evidence, based on this the conclusions was drawn.Result & Conclusion:What separates the different kinds of empowerment and how it affect the staff depends most of all on how the management chooses to communicate and share information with their staff.Suggestions for future research:A study regarding managers that works with different kinds of empowerment, and how that affects them, could be regarded as an interesting future research.Contribution of thesis:It shows that different kinds of empowerment affect the staff in different ways, which I made clear to the readers.Keywords:empowerment, thinking skills, relations and organizational - structure and theory.

Barns anknytning i förskolan : Separationsångest mellan barn och pedagog

My essay is about a dilemma that came up on a preschool that I worked in. My purpose with my essay is to examine and to get an understanding for what children with attachement and separation anxiety goes through, and how a preschool teacher the best way can help them.The background story is about a boy named Sixten (not his real name). When separated from one of the preschool teachers Sixten exhibits a great deal of separation anxiety. In the story I give some clear examples of situations where Sixten displays this separation anxiety. I have in the essay viewed it from different perspectives and I have questioned my own role as an educator, but also my entire team.

Att undervisa förskolebarn - förskollärares strategier

This study gives voice to which strategies preschool teacher?s use they teach preschool children in different performance tasks. The overreaching aim of this study was to find out what teacher give expressions to, verbally and in action, and what educating strategy they use when the purpose is that the children are to learn something specific. The theoretical starting-point of the study is a phenomenography research which aims in finding and systematizing of forms of thought in terms of which people interpret significant aspects of reality. The study has a Sociocultural perspective which means that the structuring occurs through choice of which activities children have access to observe and engage in, as well as through in-person shared endeavours, including conversations, recounting of narratives, and engagement in routines and play.

Besjälad pedagogik : Utifrån en lärares livsberättelse

The aim of this essay is to bring up and mediate a teacher?s life story and professional history to take part of her experience of an animated pedagogy. As a tool I use the life story method, which is a qualitative interview method which purpose is to put the narrative person?s life history in the centre.One of the goals for an animated pedagogy is to learn how to be. Animated pedagogy is about making teaching living and making it meaningful and exciting.

Byggnadsminnesmärkta trädgårdar och parker ? lagar och stöd för att skyddavårt gröna kulturarv

SvenskaDetta är en kvalitativ studie som är baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer. Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på hur två matematiklärare och en specialpedagog ser på/beskriver matematik­svårigheter och hur de arbetar med elevernas matematiksvårigheter som de upp­täcker hos sina elever. Jag är väldigt intresserad av att höra vilka matematik­svårigheter och orsaker till matematiksvårigheter lärarna ser hos sina elever samt lära mig hur skolan och lärarna jobbar med dessa svårigheter hos eleverna. Samtliga informanter hade samma svar på mina forskningsfrågor. I resultaten av hela min studie har jag kommit fram till att orsaker till elevernas matematiksvårigheter bland annat är: dåliga baskunskaper, låga baskunskaper förståelse av positionssystem samt begrepp.

Rytmik för Skådespelare - Vad kan en rytmikpedagog tillföra i en högre teaterutbildning?

Skådespelaryrket kräver mycket av en människa både intellektuellt, färdighetsmässigt och fysiskt. Det förväntas också ofta av en skådespelare att vara musikalisk. Musikalitet kan yttra sig på olika sätt. I skådespelarsammanhang vill jag påstå att musikalitet kan finnas i allt från texthantering till hur man rör sin kropp. Jag är rytmikpedagog, men har också arbetat som skådespelare.

Den kritiska Messengergenerationen : En studie om politiska diskussioner i sociala medier samt skolans roll i att forma kritiskt ta?nkande individer

The purpose of the study is to explore how social media can be used as a forum to discuss politics and also how young people use critical reflection to evaluate the information available on social media. To achieve the purpose, a qualitative research is used. The empirical data is collected through semi-structured interviews with six high school students who voted in the Swedish parliamentary elections in/of 2014. The empirical data were then analyzed based on previous research on social media, and the school's mission to foster individuals who think critically. The analysis is also based on the theory of deliberative democracy model.

Vad står det där, Fröken? : Läs- och Skrivinlärning, samt svårigheter som kan uppstå.

AbstractI have chosen to make a study of the learning of reading and writing, as well as other learning difficulties that may occur, in this research.My choice of subject is based on the realizations I made during my time as a student teacher; that each teacher has his/her own way of teaching reading and writing. Sometimes, however, learning difficulties occur, and this insight caught my attention. It made me think about the underlaying reasons and how we, as teachers, can bring attention to these difficulties. With these questions in mind, I recorded my observations based on a series of interviews and literary studies in an attempt to answer my questions. The resulting research emphasizes how important the actions from the teachers are, as well the importance of having variety in your lesson plan.

Klassisk pianoimprovisation som konsertform

The thesis contains mainly personal experiences relating to classical piano improvisation, based on the CD record Härlig är jorden, Piano improvisations in Various Classical Styles. Sex classics: Mozart, Stravinsky, Bartók, Chopin, Debussy and Liszt play the main roles in that record.The idea is (apart from aiming at stimulationg the styles as faithfully as possible) to look at the various classical styles as different musical rooms created by the composers for us to enter and use. It is also a personal pedagogical goal to structure my ideas, including formulating the strongest possible requirements on the quality of my improvisations. A leading theme manifesting itself in different quises (depending on the style used) is not only a means for improving quality further. The audience has shown a great interest in this form.

En studie om elevers självkänsla : Elevers utsagor om uppmuntran och stöd i en sjätteklass

 Abstract Study: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced level, 15hpUniversity of SkövdeTitle: A study on students' self-esteem Students' statements on the encouragement and support in a sixth gradeNumber of pages: 26 pagesAuthor: Marie Agapuu & Ingrid SvenssonTutor: Anna-Stina AhlrikDate: January 2009 Keywords: Self-esteem, encouragement, support  A good self-esteem of students will often coincide with good academic performance, but it has also shown that students do not have low self-esteem due to low academic performance. Students' self-esteem is both a complex topic and concepts. We want this study to draw attention and to discuss teachers' efforts to enhance students' self-esteem in school. Encouragement and support of the school adopted in the study contribute to strengthening students' self-esteem. The study examines whether and how nine pupils in a sixth class is that they get encouragement and support of / from their teachers in school subjects and in learning situations.

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