

2157 Uppsatser om Teacher thinking - Sida 25 av 144

Våga inte blunda : en studie om förskollärares syn på anmälningsplikt enligt socialtjänstlagen

The aim of this study was to capture preschool-teachers thoughts and experience basing on the obligation. Are there any policies and procedures for preschool-teachers to use when suspicion that a child is being abused occur. Are there some factors that may affect preschool-teachers to report to the social service? How does the preschool-teacher find the contact with the Social Service? I conducted four interviews with four preschool-teachers, two of these preschool teachers are employed at the same municipal preschool and the other two are employed at two other preschools. The interviews were semi-structured and were conducted at each individual?s workplace.

 Vilka mål står till grund för planeringen av NO-undervisning för de tidiga åldrarna?  : En undersökning med lärares uppfattningar i fokus.

 This study aims to deepen the understanding of which opinions and perceptions the teachers in the study have about the national goals, as well as local, when they plan their lessons in science studies for the younger ages. We wish to illustrate which goals these teachers find most important, their opinions on how they use these and how the different goals affect their design of teaching. The study also aims to examine which syllabuses, national or local, the teachers believe have an effect on their planning. Data were collected by interviews with four teachers, combined with questionnaires sent to 25 teachers teaching in science studies in forms 1-6. To analyse the data, key terms from Vygotsky and a sociocultural theory was used, such as situated learning, artifacts, the zone of proximal development, thinking in group and mediation. The data was also interpreted and examined by recent studies regarding this subject. The results show that the teachers find their own knowledge, the national syllabus and their colleagues as most important for their planning.

- Jag kunde prata med min son : En fokusgruppsstudie av föräldrars deltagande i föräldragrupp

The purpose of our study is to examine how parents experienced their participation and their involvement in a solution-focused parenting group. The parenting groups are a part of the social welfare system in a town in south of Sweden. The study is conducted as a qualitative study with focus groups. 11 parents have participated. The study´s theoretical framework considers solution focused theory, social constructionism and process within groups.In the study we found that participants generally perceived their participation as positive and that they received confirmation by meeting other parents in the same situation.

Lärare och bibliotekarie funkar det? En fenomenografisk studie av gymnasielärares uppfattningar om gymnasiebibliotekariens betydelse i undervisningen.

Resource-based learning or problem-oriented learning are teaching methods that are becoming more and more common in schools today. In order to make these teaching methods work there is a demand to make students information literate. This entails that school librarians ought to play a more important role in teaching than before since they are the ones that are the most qualified when it comes to mediating information skills. The aim of this thesis is to find out how nine teachers at six senior high schools apprehend the professional role of the school librarian and how they apprehend the conception of information literacy In order to learn about these conceptions we have chosen to study to what extent collaboration exists in the schools in question and the teachers conceptions of the importance of the school librarian in this context. We have used phenomenography which is both a set of theoretical assumptions and a methodology.

Att fråga eller inte fråga, det är frågan : En studie av frågor mellan lärare och elever under kemilektioner

This report presents the use of questions by both teachers and students in chemistry class. Both students and teachers have been observed during 24 lessons, both theoretical and practical. In addition, interviews have been made with the teachers and the students have answered a questionnaire. The result show that a high number of questions are asked, more than one per minute and that both teachers and students ask the same amount of questions. This contradicts earlier findings were teachers questions dominate.

Välbefinnande och Kognitiv Prestation : En experimentell studie om positiv sinnesstämning främjar kreativitet och flexibelt tänkande

The purpose of the study was to investigate, through an experiment, if positive mood promotes creativity and flexible thinking. Participants were a total of 93 college students. The main hypothesis was that subjects induced with positive mood would perform better than subjects induced with negative mood, at a test reflecting creativity. To further explore the implications of priming (subliminal manipulated moods), a neutral control group was included. The cognitive test used in the study was Duncker´s The Candle Problem, a test which aims to get the subjects to apply flexible and creative thinking.

Reflekterande eller reproducerande matematik : en jämförande studie mellan två undervisningsmetoder i matematik, det laborativa och det traditionella

In each classroom there is a teacher with good intentions wanting what´s best for their pupils. But grades and tests in mathematics from 2009 in Sweden shows there is a crack between the subject being taught and the learning child. The purpose with this research is to find an understanding from a teaching and learning perspective of which teaching method is more suitable for teaching and learning mathematics by doing a comparison between two methods. The main question is:What are the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional and the laboratory method of teaching, supported by the two keywords teaching method and learning?This C-paper is based on a qualitative research aiming to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior.

Spelar läraren någon roll? Instrumentallärares berättelser om sin musikundervisning

Title: Does the teacher play any role? Instrumental music teacher's stories about their music teaching.This paper focuses on how instrumental music teachers describe their own significance for- and relationship to the pupils and if the teacher-pupil relationship has any significance for the pupil's success in music learning. How important are the teachers? What kind of teaching behaviours do the teachers emphasize in their telling? The theoretical background is psychology and educational theory. My research method is qualitative, particularly interviews.

Intet : ? en onto-psykoanalytisk läsning av Bruno K. Öijers debutroman Chivas Regal

The aim of the study is to investigate pupils? attitudes to and experiences of reading aloud by the teacher in grade 1. The study answers questions about how the pupils perceive the reading aloud, what they think they learn from it, and what books they prefer the teacher to read from. The study was conducted with the aid of semi-structured interviews with eleven pupils, six girls and five boys. The study shows that the pupils have a great deal to say about reading aloud.

På riktigt : Fyra lärares erfarenheter av blogg i undervisningen

The purpose of this thesis was to find out what experiences teachers have from using a class blog in teaching. What are the advantages and disadvantages by the use of blogs in education?I have used qualitative interviews with four teachers in grades 1 to 6 who have worked with a class blog in teaching between one and three years.The study has shown that teachers' experience is that the blog serves as motivation and promotes learning for many different pupils and that, together with other digital tools is more equal. The main benefits that teacher mention is the expanded concept of text that offers multiple forms of expression and the authentic reader, which makes it more real, important and meaningful. Other benefits that come up are that it helps students to see their learning and learn from and with each other.

Reducera hittills ovärderad process genom Lean Thinking

Detta examensarbete har utförts på uppdrag av Koenigsegg Automotive AB, som utvecklar, tillverkar och säljer högpresterande sportbilar. Företaget erbjuder fälgar tillverkade helt i kolfiberkomposit, som ger betydande viktbesparingar i jämförelse med traditionella metallfälgar.Efter tillverkningen kräver fälgarna viss bearbetning vid anläggningsytan mellan fälg och däck. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att undersöka möjligheten att utföra bearbetningen av fälgarna in-house i Ängelholm, och målet har varit att konstruera en maskin för detta ändamål.Projektet inleddes med en litteratursökning, där svårigheter och möjligheter gällande bearbetning av kolfiberkompositer undersöktes. Till följd av de undersökningar som gjordes, valdes bearbetningsmetoden svarvfräsning och ett antal konstuktionskoncept genererades. Genom ett antal utvärderingar utvecklades ett speciellt koncept vidare till ett komplett produktförslag.Produktförslaget är komplett med analyser, beräkningar samt tillverkningsunderlag, som ger uppdragsgivaren bättre insikt i sina möjligheter.

Samverkan : mötet mellan förälder och pedagog där kommunikationssvårigheter råder

This study, written in the form of an essay starts with the visualized narrative of a preschool preparatory training experience. The narrative illustrates a troubled conjunction between teacher and parent. The troubled conjunction concerns how long the preschool preparatory training should be. The objective of this study is to explore my own actions and with the outset of my professional role assess and learn what happens in this meeting.My question formulations are: How can I relate to parents with other expectations then mine? What kind of dialog can I hold with the parents?I closely monitor my experiences and my practical knowledge, objectively and meticulously.

Förväntningar på IUP : Analys av vilka förväntningar lärare, elever och föräldrar har på Individuell utvecklingsplan

AbstractMy purpose of the investigation is to enter deeply into the knowledge of the Individual plan of the development and to examine how teachers, pupils and parents look at the Individual plan of the development and the purpose of the Individual plan of the development in school. My question of the main problem in this investigation was to examine the expectation on the Individual plan of the development from teachers, pupils and parents and if the Individual plan of the development has been influence the cooperation of parents and the influence of the pupils also how and if teachers, pupils and parents apprehend some kinds of changes.The review of the literature begin with a closer study about our document of control, witch are the curriculum of the compulsory school (Lpo 94), The National Agency for Education General Advice for the Individual plan of the development (2005), a study of the development of the cooperation of the parents and the influence of the pupils under the years of research about it.I have in my investigation used qualitative interview in different forms like the ordinary interview, interview on telephone and focussed group interview with teachers, pupils and parents. The result of my conclusion from the investigation is that the information and the knowledge of the Individual plan of the development are important to be able to increase the influence from the pupils and a different cooperation from the parents in the development of the school with the Individual plan of the development. My examination is small and not generalised but I believe that it still can represent the attitude of the Individual plan of the development. The consequence of the investigation shows that pupils and parents have vague idea of the Individual plan of the development.

Inkludering av barn med särskilda behov : En intervjustudie om fyra pedagogers resonemang om sitt arbetssätt för en inkluderande verksamhet

The purpose of this study is to gain insight of four preschool teacher?s perspectives and reasoning in two different local if they working to counteract exclusion. The questions this study assumes are: How does the teachers in preschool reason about how they working against exclusion of children with diagnosis in the free game, if there are? How does the teachers reasoning about their methods and personal strategies they uses to include children with diagnosis in the free game, if they are excluded? How does the teachers reasoning about the diagnosis effect of these children?s social interaction with other children if the diagnosis became their identity? The method in this study to collect material about the teacher´s perspective on the subject is semi-structured interviews. The collected material has been analyzed and interpreted from a socio-cultural perspective.

Barns religionsfrihet i förskolan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

AbstractMany opinions are divided on what religious freedom should protect and the area is unexploredin preschool. Is it the parents, the child or preschool teacher right? The aim of the studywas to investigate Maria klasson Sundin´s concept and theoretical models of religious freedomfor children through three Swedish preschool settings and also how three teachers interpretsand expresses children's freedom of religion. Through a qualitative interview study theaim was to investigate how the concepts of religion, autonomy and freedom is interpreted andexpressed by the teachers so a picture through this three concepts can categorise the teachersin a model; freedom of thought, tradition and life interpretation model so a broader picturecan be made to understand how the children's freedom of religion is expressed in the preschoolsetting and how the teachers work. The Result showed through the analysis that themodels fail to categorise the teachers in any theoretical model but on the other hand the understandingof preschool teacher?s expression and interpretation of the concept of religion,autonomy and freedom showed both diversity and lack of knowledge on the subject mattersreligious freedom which fall within the child rights issues.

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