
Barns anknytning i förskolan

Separationsångest mellan barn och pedagog

My essay is about a dilemma that came up on a preschool that I worked in. My purpose with my essay is to examine and to get an understanding for what children with attachement and separation anxiety goes through, and how a preschool teacher the best way can help them.The background story is about a boy named Sixten (not his real name). When separated from one of the preschool teachers Sixten exhibits a great deal of separation anxiety. In the story I give some clear examples of situations where Sixten displays this separation anxiety. I have in the essay viewed it from different perspectives and I have questioned my own role as an educator, but also my entire team. I have the whole time analyzed my own and my colleagues actions to be able to find out where the dilemma really is.I have gained new knowledge through the study of academic literature and my own analysis of the situations with separation anxiety. I have also learned how to use that knowledge in my work as a preschool teacher.


Anna Ejdre

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Lärarutbildningen


"Högskoleuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete) för att erhålla högskoleexamen

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