

3809 Uppsatser om Targeting group - Sida 1 av 254

Nödlösning i fickformat - stående kissande för kvinnor

The product "urinal funnel" for women has fascinated me for a long time. Not only because it solves a practical problem in a simple way, but also because it challenges our definitions of gender and behaviour. This report describes the process of making a new design for a funnel, taking material, ergonomics and construction in consideration. It also includes structuring a launching of the product in Sweden. It starts up with a large amount of information gathering, both by interviewing testgroup-perticipants, but also by researching and evaluating the range of existing funnels.

Noggrannhet vid målinmätning : Analys av ett eldledningsinstrument med förbättringsförslag

This Master Thesis has been conducted as an assignment of the Swedish Defence MaterialAdministration and the Swedish Armed Forces and aims to examine the Target Location Error(TLE) of a Forward Observer System. The targeting accuracy of the system is vital if the systemis to be used as a sensor for precision munitions. The analyzed system, EOI (FOI 2000), wasdelivered to the Swedish Armed Forces in 2007. The targeting sequence starts with deciding theposition of the system with a GPS-receiver, continues with methods where the north direction issettled and ends by measuring the distance, direction and elevation to the target. When allparameters have been measured the system calculates the position of the target.

NATO:s misslyckande att undvika civila dödsfall i Libyen 2011

This study revolves around the NATO-led Operation Unified Protector in Libya 2011. The military campaign was executed under a UN mandate to protect the Libyan civilian population. Despite the mandate civilians died because of NATO bombings. The purpose of this study is to identify inadequate measures in avoiding civilian casualties during the operation and to continue to work towards minimizing civilian casualties caused by military organizations in international interventions.Early in the operation, NATO?s objective altered from protecting the civilians to over­throwing the Libyan regime. At the same time NATO changed its military targeting.

CMS-baserat studentintranät : Undersökning och utveckling av studentintranät

Involving prospective users in a development process is important. This makes it easier to make a more usable product. This thesis is about developing an intranet targeting a school and focus is aimed towards intranet usability.The reader is given knowledge into how to design and implement an intranet using persona. Design and develop by using persona is difficult when there is a group with large variety of knowledge, age and technology interest, so as in this case. Persona although always helps during the development phase because of the strong links to the personas that are created, which gives developers a constant reminder of the end users of the system.The thesis describes how information is collected and processed.

"Jag har blivit en bättre mamma" : En studie om deltagarnas upplevelser av föräldrastöd i grupp

The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate the participants experiences of a parent support group and the effect of their participation on their parental role from a learning perspective. As the parent support group takes place as a group activity, the focus was on the individual learning processes which, in turn, are influenced by both the group itself as well as the leaders of the group. The empirical data was collected from a focus group interview with four mothers, and analyzed using empowerment and coping theories. Based on the participants´ narratives, the result showed that the parent support group had a great social and pedagogic effect on the participants. As a result of the received knowledge in the group from both leaders as well as from other participants, they felt less stressed and more confident in their parental role.

Läsaren i den informella läsecirkeln

The purpose of this Master Thesis was to study the reader in the informal reading group. To fulfil our purpose we have used the following questions: how did the reader become a reader and what does her reading look like, why do people choose to participate in a reading group, how may the group influence the individual member in her reading and interpretation of a book, does the reading group have a therapeutic function, how does the informant find the group dynamics and different roles in the reading group, and finally how does the informant experience the discussion in the reading group. We have used two studies about reading groups, one by Elizabeth Long and one by Jenny Hartley. Our theory is divided into reading and group psychology. We have interviewed seven women belonging to different reading groups.

Den rosa annonsen: en kvantitativ studie om homosexuellt bildinnehåll i reklam och dess effekter

Previous studies have pointed out the potential risks involved with targeting homosexual consumers by using ads with homosexual imagery in mainstream media. Many of these studies have indicated that there may be drawbacks with exposing heterosexuals to these kinds of advertisements. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether this is true for all groups of heterosexual consumers. An experimental study was carried out to examine the effects of explicit homosexual imagery on a heterosexual group with a generally positive attitude towards homosexuality. Empirical evidence suggests that homosexual imagery does not elicit any negative reactions among these heterosexual consumers.

Koncernchefens : Rättsliga ställning och interna skadeståndsansvar

At first glance, the group CEO's (koncernchefens) legal position looks easy. It is the CEO?s responsibility to lead and make decisions on matters which affect the entire group, all while defending the company?s best interests. However, when one looks closely at how the Companies Act (Aktiebolagslagen) regulates how a company should organize itself, as well as the options available to manage the group, one rea-lizes that simply appointing a group CEO does not necessarily make the company compatible with the Companies Act. A group CEO threatens to reduce both the Board and CEO's legal administrative districts which are not in accordance with legal and commercial principles.In order to introduce a group CEO it requires a detailed investigation of the group's legal relationships.

Målstyrning inom den offentliga sektorn : en studie inom två sydskånska kommuner

The purpose of this investigation is to show how politicians state primary goals and how they break them down into secondary objectives within the sector of Child-and education area. This is supposed to create a general image on how the targeting process is handled within the public activity. Finally, this will lead us to what is necessary for the targeting process to work successfully within the public activity.  We have implemented a qualitative study within the two chosen municipalities. This case study is based on personal interviews that are conducted through semi structured questions.

Grupptrötthet : En attitydundersökning om hur grupptrötthet uppstår och vad dess effekter är.

In today's society there is a trend in progress that it is positive and effective to have working groups or teams in organizations. But is it really all good? This essay explores this question through the concept "group weariness". Group weariness is defined as a negative attitude towards working in groups based on previous experiences of the working form. The aim of this study is to explore the concept of group weariness through a quantitative study.

En dag på sommarovet : Analys av en novell

This thesis is an evaluation of the campaign [The digitally curious] that is part of the regional marketing campaign Futurum.kom. Its purpose was to strengthen the library's role in society. The campaign includes Regionbibliotek Kalmar, Länsbibliotek Sydost and also 25 public libraries in Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. The campaign [The digitally curious] is one of several cluster campaigns targeting their marketing to a specific audience and aims to promote awareness of what libraries have to offer and provide information on digital media and services. The target group for the campaign is a man between 45-65 years old, who is interested in digital technology.

Berättelser om livet, mödraskap och gruppen

In 2007 the Prevention Unit at Södermalm in Stockholm started a group activity for parents and children. The group activity?s intention is to offer families support in their early interaction. This study is a part of providing knowledge about this intervention. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the stories which are produced by five participants in a support group for parents and children.

Insättningsålderns påverkan på kalvens hälsa i gruppbox :

In modern dairy production, the newborn calf generally is separated from its mother and put in a single pen for some time before it is introduced to group housing. Group housing is becoming more and more common because it saves the farmer a lot of valuable time. Even thought group housing has a lot of benefits it is often associated with a higher morbidity and mortality in the young calves. Therefore, knowing the optimal way to use the group pen lies in many farmers? interests and the importance of different factors such as the optimal age of introduction is important to evaluate. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of age at introduction to group housing on the health of the calves in the group pen.

Extern- och internrekrytering till ledningsgrupper

Having the right executive group is vital for the success of a company. The complex context, in which the company operates, makes it difficult to create a well functioning and high performing group. This study aims to investigate how the executive group should be composed in terms of externally and internally recruited people, in order to take full advantage of the positive aspects associated with each one. Furthermore, we will discuss why and when a company chooses to recruit people to the executive group either externally or internally..

Koncernbidragets hantering ur ett ABL-perspektiv: - En analys av det vedertagna tillvägagångssättet

The use of group contribution between consolidated firms is a common phenomenon in Sweden where taxation is not based on the return on the consolidated level but on the return on the individual firms. However, the process of handling the group contribution does not work without problems. This thesis analyzes three main issues where group contributions oppose the Swedish Companies Act. ? The Swedish Companies Act enacts the decision regarding group contributions to be made at a shareholder?s meeting.

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