

1070 Uppsatser om Target figures - Sida 26 av 72

Omslagstrender - en studie av vad som höjer uppmärksamhetsvärdet hos tidskrifter

Through interviews, a questionnaire survey and an in­depth analysis of the Swedish magazines Veckorevyn and Magazine Café has a number of parameters been made visible. It was difficult to obtain an unambiguous result when the journal's target audience is crucial for the cover design. Nevertheless, we can generally say that the transparent varnish of covers, PMS colors and enclosing the journal in plastic do not increase the attention value, as this occurs in many magazines. Due to today's tough competition among journals, we believe that they will need to niche themselves much harder to survive. We also believe that the new, big trend is that more covers will become more plain and stylistically pure, with one big communicating image and fewer coverlines, as many covers were designed during the 1940s..

Favorit på Internet: en fallstudie om tonåringars ingående i relationer med företag på Internet

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how teenagers are attracted and motivated to maintain a relationship with companies on the Internet. Companies that have teenagers as a target market have to understand their needs and wants, in order to establish relevant relations. The study has been carried out through a review of theory within the field of study. A case study was carried out through interviews with teenagers in the ages of 15 to 19. The results from the study showed that what mainly attract teenagers to visit a website are personal recommendations, the name on the website and high rankings on the search engines.

När naturen leker : hur barnets relation till naturen framställs i filmen ?Granne med Totoro?

The landscape architect is similar to the moviemaker in that they both want to mediate an experience with their creations. The landscape architect designs playgrounds and the moviemaker makes movies for children, but how does the relationship between children and nature look like in the landscape formed by the movie maker?s fantasy? The purpose with this thesis is to study how the relationship between child and nature is depicted in a movie as a medium, by analysing ?My neighbour Totoro?, a Japanese animated movie from 1988 by Hayao Miyazaki. The analysis consists of two combined analyses, Experiential Landscape Analysis and Gordon Cullen?s Serial Vision, both of which analyse the relationship between a human being and her environment as well as the emotional changes that occur as she moves in it.

Marknadens implicita värde på det permanenta mätfelet på Stockholmsbörsen

This study investigates whether the permanent measurement bias (PMB) has changed over time for Swedish companies listed on the Stockholm Stock exchange at least one year during 1996-2000 or 2005-2010. By using the Residual Income Valuation-model the markets' implicit value on PMB is generated through reversed engineering, as values for all variables except PMB are entered such as the market perceived them at the specific valuation date each year. This implicit value is classified into industries and then sorted by their median. Statistical tests are performed to see if there is a difference between the industry median and the accounting-based values on PMB. The difference from period one to period two is also statistically tested for.The study finds that the implicit values on PMB have changed somewhat between the periods; however the fluctuations are not statistically significant.

Personlig integritet på Internet : En studie om attityder

The internet has fundamentally changed the way people communicate. With all the information that we are sharing over the internet, and the ways which companies want to use our information, the importance of keeping our private information secure has increased. This thesis aims to discover what attitudes internet users have against privacy on the internet, and what ? if anything ? they are doing to protect their personal privacy.We distributed an online survey to internet users in the Stockholm area, and conducted three interviews with persons in our target population. The results of these studies show that people in general are very aware of privacy concerns on the internet, but that their attitudes toward how important personal privacy on the internet is, differ somewhat..

Språk och minoritetden ungerska minoriteten i Slovakien

The Slovak Language Law was adopted by the Slovak parlament in June 2009 and it becomea target for a lot of protests both outside and inside Slovakia. The Hungarian minority inSlovakia thought they were discriminated and therefore protested against the Language Law.The relations between Slovakia and Hungary are complicated and could have an impact on the discussion regarding the Language Law.The thesis is about the discussion that was raised in the Slovak media, in the thesisrepresented by some of the biggest newspapers in Slovakia, Pravda and SME..

Opion leaders and word-of-mouth - A Case Study of Masai Barefoot Technology

This research aims at identifying the opinion leaders in order to study their behaviour, characteristics, their role within the word of mouth process, and what importance they have upon another consumers purchase decision. Also, to investigate the content of the message being spread. The results from the study show that opinion leaders are strong in spreading word of mouth. Messages were adapted by opinion leaders to suite their target audience. The results further contribute to the discussion about Watts? ?influentials?..

Sociala medier - Ett framgångsrikt verktyg för offentliga verksamheter? : En kvalitativ studie av hur verksamheter som riktar sig till ungdomar och unga vuxna använder sig av sociala medier.

Social media is used widely around the world by millions of people every day. In this report an analysis has been made of how organisations that are directed towards marginalized adolescents and young adults, are using social media in their working processes. The data has been gathered through qualitative interviews and case studies of three organisations, which are in different stages in their use of social media. The results from the study indicates that every chosen organisation wants to use social media applications for the same purpose, which is to be available where their target audience is situated, but their progress is reduced by elements such as priority, lack of knowledge and time..

Effektivisering av mellanspänningsnät med enkla medel : Feldetektorer och sommardriftläge

Renewable energy and the charging of electrical vehicles will increase in the future. Therefore the risk of outages is also increasing, partly because renewable energy is intermittent and the production amount can change fast. Charging electrical vehicles is often demanding high effect in short time, which could make faults occur. It takes more advanced technology to short the outage time. Today Övik Energi has high reliability in the power grid, but in order to maintain the reliability, it is time to prevent problems that can occur in the future. This thesis has presented a suggestion for the placement of fault detectors Protrol IPS2, in which a total of four detectors is proposed.

Keramisk List : produktutveckling för Askersunds Kakelmakeri

In this report presents a thesis by Frida Altskog performed in collaboration with Askersunds Kakelmakeri. The project?s goal has been to produce a ceramic ledge after the company?s specifications. The company?s desire and production facilities have been in focus.

Brott och straff under 1600-talets första del : En komparativ undersökning av Sjuhundra härad och Njurunda härad

The aim of the study was to investigate the crimes and punishments that were commonly occurring between the years 1601-1651, and how the distribution was between men and women represented in the court in district Sjuhundra and Njurunda district. To answer these questions, a quantitative examination of court records conducted in which the crimes and punishments have been categorized. The results that have emerged have been the basis for the conclusions issued in the essay. The results showed that the most common target types were various civil and propertycase and the most common punishments were sentenced to fines and settlements. It was predominantly men who were in the court, the proportion of women was between 13-22%.

SuperBooky- modernt webbaserat bokföringsprogram för småföretag

The aim of this report is to give the reader insight into the development of theweb-based accounting application SuperBooky. Accounting is a complex task thatmany beginner entrepreneurs struggle with. The development of this application wastherefore focused on making accounting as convenient and as easy as possible. Theend product targets small enterprises and its functionality was designed with this inmind.To make sure that the application was designed in a user-friendly way, polls werecarried out among individuals with basic accounting knowledge. These polls werethen used as a basis when the application was under development, to ensure that itwas well-suited to the target audience.This project was carried out as a bachelor?s thesis for Chalmers University of Technologyand University of Gothenburg during Spring 2015.

Ett socialt nätverk anpassat för äldre : En studie av det sociala nätverket Modernfamilies

In this paper we analyze a social network specifically designed for the elderly, people with Dementia and people with generally low computer experience. This is a relatively unexplored use for such software, and our goal is to find out whether the technique to be used is simple enough to use for the intended user group, and generally how the whole situation is experienced by the users. To achieve this we conducted an expert evaluation and interviewed a number of users at two separate occasions during their first weeks with Modernfamilies. We came to the conclusion that this software generally is simple enough to use for the intended target group. Some of the users we came in contact with experienced the software as a positive addition to their daily lives, while some could not see any reason for a further use.

"TILL SYVENDE OCH SIST ÄR DET VI SOM BESTÄMMER" En undersökning av folkbibliotekariers syn på användare på fyra filmavdelningar

The aim of this master´s thesis is to examine how librarian´s views of the users can vary for different types of materials in public libraries. We have seen that literature and reading are the central parts of the libraries in Sweden. All other types of media are traditionally seen as complements and in focus for the study is feature film as an example of these other medias. We examine policy documents to see the official view of the general target group of the libraries and compare it to the view of the users of feature films as expressed by the librarians. The study includes several different types of empirical materials such as interviews, observations and documents and the method used is case studies.

Reklam för Responsiva Webbplatser : En studie i hur reklam bör utformas för internet

Advertising in responsive websites is a quite new phenomenon and has therefore, previously not been a target for any mayor research. Todays society, where new technological innovations persistantly supersede others must be seen as a possible changer for how companies advertise to this society. This paper sheds light on many of the difficulties connected with advertising for responsive websites, but also possibilities and advices for the future. Through a litterature review and a focus group with respondents from a large communication agency in Umea?, insights, implications, solutions and thoughts both connected to specific websites but also around advertising for the future as a whole is presented.

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