

1346 Uppsatser om Target classes - Sida 4 av 90

Axe Anarchy - En avvikelse från det vanliga : En studie av hur Axe:s varumärkesutvidgning kan påverka Axe:s varumärkesvärde

The concept of brand equity emerged inthe eightiesto justify the long term value of marketing investments. Brand equity signify the value that a brand adds to a product and is the result of the marketing of a brand. One of the most widely used strategies to enhance brand equity is to do a brand extension, which means that a firm uses an established brand to introduce a new product to the market. At worst, a failed brand extension can damage the brand equity, which Vinjamuri (2008) claims that the brand Axe is currently in danger of doing. This January Axe launched an extention including products for both men and women for the first time and Vinjamuri claims that this can disappoint Axe´s former target group (men between 14 and 27 years old) (Newman, 2012). In this thesis Axe´s brand equity among the extensions target group (men and women, age 14 to 27) in Sweden is studied to find out if the brand extension is likely to affect the brand equity in the target group.

Music Television : en TV-kanals förändring i ett nytt medieklimat

Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to analyze and discuss how MTV is affected by the development that takes place on the world?s media market. The aim is also to see how MTV?s target group?s image of the channel can give guidelines in how MTV should act in this new media era.Material/method: I have examined the development on the media market and then created a model consisting of relevant factors that could affect a TV-channel today. Those factors and the two factors image and profile are then applied on MTV.

Buskröjning längs skogsbilvägar : en produktivitetsstudie av två kättingslagor

To regularly remove woody vegetation along the roadside of forest roads is an important part of the road maintenance, since the vegetation binds moisture in the road side and, thus, the removal makes the road drying faster with results in improved bearing capacity. Vegetation removal also makes it easier to upgrade the road by material recycling from the ditch and, moreover, the visibility along the road is maintained.The aim of the study was to evaluate what type of chain flail is the best and most cost-effective for removal of different kind of woody vegetation along forest roadsides.Time studies were made on two chain flails when removing woody vegetation in three different classes; easy-, middle- and heavy shrub removal. The studied flails were one light and rather simple flail named Optimal M160 and a heavier and more advanced flail named Slagkraft H210. The removal was made according to Holmen Skogs? specification and the quality of the cleaning was measured by objective belt inventory.The productivity was higher with the heavy flail within all cleaning classes.

Pedagogens inverkan på elevgruppens beteende i klassrummet

 My goal with this essay was to find out what makes certain teachers more successful than others to hold good and well functioning classes. This is important because this in turn affects the learning of the students. I wanted to find out what factors people within the world of research have pointed out as important aspects when creating a good teaching situation, with focus laying on the teacher?s behaviour in the classroom. In my investigation I have used qualitative research, observing two upper secondary school classes, for a total of nine lessons during a two-week period. In my observations I wanted to see if the class as a whole was behaving differently when interacting with different teachers.

Resebloggens relevans - innehållet som fångar läsaren

This study investigated whether in-situ audiometry, delivered via hearing aids, is a better option as a basis forprescribing hearing aid amplification, compared to conventional audiometry. By examining the real ear insertgain (REIG) in 29 ears (18 subjects), that had been fitted with a hearing aid programmed using both conventionalaudiometry and in-situ audiometry, the study looked at whether in-situ audiometry based prescription is closer tothe NAL NL1's fitting target than audiogram based prescription. The hearing aid Siemens Pure 7mi with speakerunit M was used on all participants. The results showed how in-situ audiometry based gain at certain frequenciesis more consistent with the target curve, especially at 1000, 1500, 2000 and 4000 Hz. It was not establishedwhether the findings of the study were statistically significant.

Brand Culture : Between consumers and brands

The empirical data that lies behind this survey comes from field work between 1992 and 1995. This field work represents work I made myself as a sales-man for the company, Malmberg Original Water. The task was to implement the Malmberg mineral water brand on the restaurant market of the South-Swedish area. Our aim was to reach the upper-scale, premium market of restaurants. The mission was successfully completed, and at 1996 we had completed the position as the most exclusively positioned mineral water brand in Skåne (Southernmost Sweden).

Hbtq-frågor, varför då? Barnen är ju så små... : En studie om huruvida lärare tar tillvara på hbtq-perspektiv i sin undervisning i årskurs F-3

This study investigates whether teachers working with children ages 6 ? 9 are including an LGBTQ perspective in their teaching methods. The purpose is to critically examine sexuality and gender as part of the teaching methods in Swedish schools; whether teachers are working with LGBTQ questions in their classes, and if so, how. The following research questions are answered: Are the teachers incorporating an LGBTQ perspective in their classes, and if so, in what sense?Are LGBTQ questions relevant and of interest in the education?Do teachers feel like they have gained the right tools in their pedagogical education and/or in their workplace to work with LGBTQ questions in their class room? And if so, in what way? The method used is qualitative research in the form of interviews and observations.

EGEN ZON - Rumsgestaltning för barn nio till tolv år på Stadsbiblioteket i Halmstad

Spatial design for children nine to twelve years old at the Halmstad City Library. An investigation about the specific needs of the target group and how the child department can be designed to stimulate their experience of visiting the library. The aim was to create a spatial concept from the children?s ideas that inspires to playfulness and lust to read at the library. A more personal goal was to collaborate with an external part to prepare for my future role as a designer within child culture.

?Det ska inte vara dött och tråkigt på ett skolbibliotek. Det känns gammalt??

The present study deals with the usage of the school library for upper secondary school students. Is it a place for working or studying? The questions are:? What do the students say they use their school library for?? Are there any differences between students in theoretical programs and students in practical programs with regard to their use of the school library?? What are the features of the ideal library from a students? point of view? My study represents a user?s perspective. The investigation is both quantitative and qualitative. Eighty-two inquiries from four different classes, representing two theoretical and two practical programs were carried out.

I vilken omfattning tillämpar sågverksindustrin target costing?: en fallstudie på två träindustriföretag

I takt med ökad globalisering och konkurrens, runt om i världen, har kundernas preferenser förändrats. Detta har gjort att företagen måste kunna kalkylera bättre med faktorerna pris och kvalitet. Mot bakgrund av detta behandlar denna uppsats i vilken omfattning stora sågverksföretag arbetar med kalkylering i sin ekonomistyrning. Dels har jag beskrivit den arbetsgång som tillämpas vid kalkylering i branschen och dels har jag jämfört denna med arbetsgången vid så kallad ?target costing? (målkostnadskalkylering).

?Man känner sig otillräcklig? : En kvalitativ studie om fem lärares upplevelser av att undervisa nyanlända elever i ordinarie klasser

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers in primary schools experience the situation of teaching newly arrived immigrant pupils in their regular classes and also how they plan their teaching for these pupils. The empirical study did intend to answer the following two questions; how do teachers experience the situation of teaching newly arrived immigrant pupils in their regular classes? How is teaching of newly arrived immigrant pupils in regular classes being formed? A qualitative method was used in the form of interviews with five primary school teachers from two different schools. The overall perspective I have assumed in this study is the sociocultural perspective, but I have also taken up a second language perspective and an intercultural perspective. All the teachers in the study have described their experiences of teaching newly arrived immigrant pupils in terms of difficult, tough and demanding at the beginning, but nowadays somewhat easier.

Base stations for communication in obstructed environments

The purpose of this project was to produce signal relay stations that could receive information via 2.4 GHz radio and relay the information to a designated target station. If a relay station was located outside of signal range for the target station it was supposed to utilize other relay stations to transfer the information to the target station, so called multi-hop.The would-be application of the relay stations was orienteering. When an orienteer punches a checkpoint the signal stations would relay information of who punched the control, when it was punched and the checkpoint that was punched to the speaker tower in the goal area.The work resulted in prototypes which fulfilled the statement of purpose and was tested at an orienteering competition with satisfactory results. The performance of the prototypes was tested and found adequate for the would-be application..

Hur elever med ickesvensk etnisk bakgrund tolkar två lektioner i skolan : samt ett uttryck av maktförhållande mellan lärare och elever

This paper examines how pupils with a non-Swedish background, in a secondary school in Stockholm?s suburban, Sweden, interpret and absorb the contents of school-room classes. It also examines whether the interpretations are influenced by a power-relation between teacher and pupils. The pupil?s interpretations, including their values and perceptions as regards to the content, are central to our study.Firstly, classes on world conflicts and corporal punishment for children were observed and these observations were the foundation to this study.

Shooting Target - Konstruktion : Product Development

The shooting sport is one of the most widespread sports in the world and it isbeing practice in most countries. Based on their own experiences, in competition -and hobby shooting, the client M4Solutions found a demand and need for ashooting target that is manufactured in Sweden.The purpose of the project has been to develop, with the help of Marcus Walldén,two shooting targets from idea to finished product. These two shooting targets,Plate Rack Target and Dueling Tree, would each be equipped with a mechanicalresetting system but will in the future have the ability to be provided with anelectronic resetting system.The project from the client was divided into two theses. One of these two, writtenby Marcus Walldén, focused on the tripod parts and the overall design work forboth Plate Rack Target and Dueling Tree. The thesis that is presented in thisreport have focused on resetting systems, the design of protective plates and otherperipherals for both shooting targets.This work has primarily been in CAD environment where design, constructionand development has been given free rein.

Varumärkesimage ? utanför företagets kontroll

Companies spend huge amounts on communicating their brand through marketing. Many of these contact areas where the consumer comes in contact with the brand is con-trolled by the company. The brand image is also affected from outside the company. It can be from users, media, blogs etc.Burberry is an example of a company that got in trouble with their brand image after hooligans where associated with their products. If a company with a brand with a strong image is associated whith consumers that are not compatible with the target group the company wants, there is a risk of a negative affect on the brand image.Our purpose is to investigate and describe the phenomenom when a company brandimage is affected by being associated whith consumers not compatable whith, by the company, intended target group.We have chosen a qualitative research where we use a multiple case study.

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