

1346 Uppsatser om Target classes - Sida 13 av 90

Marknadsföringens anpassning till målgruppens karaktär : En kvalitativ fallstudie på Findus AB

The purpose with this project has been to investigate how a company`s marketing and product development can adapt to a specific target group..

"ANDAS SKA MAN ÄNDÅ GÖRA" : - Föräldrars förlossningsupplevelser då psykoprofylax använts som förlossningsförberedelse

Several factors can affect the childbirth experience among parents. Previous research showed that parental education was insufficient. Parents who participated in both regular parental classes and psychoprophylaxis education were more satisfied with the psychoprophylaxis education compared to those who participated in only traditional parental classes. Psychoprophylaxis should be more considered as it could help the woman to handle her pain and contribute to increased self-esteem. The aim was to describe and illustrate the parents' childbirth experiences when psychoprophylaxis was used as childbirth preparation.

Skriva lätt och förklara rätt : Om att anpassa webbtexter för nyanlända invandrare med måttliga kunskaper i svenska

In this degree project I have studied how an anti-discrimination bureau can adapttheir online information to the target group ? immigrants who only have modestunderstanding of the Swedish language. This group is often subject of discriminationmatters, and therefore it?s important that they can take part of the information.To find answers to my questions I have studied different relevant theories, performeda readability analysis on the online information and have had qualitativeinterviews with representatives from the target group. I have also tested my rewrittentexts on both representatives and other readers.The result from my studies has shown that it is words that are the most difficult inthe current online information, while length and structure of the sentences are alsoof importance when it comes to the readability.

Food consumption of Middle Easterners in Sweden

This paper gives the reader an opportunity to explore new grounds regarding a relatively new field that has opened in Sweden. The result is based on an explorative research conducted by us, with starting point whether immigrants, consisting of Middle Eastern ones, can be seen as an attractive target group for big grocery shops. In order to understand whether they are attractive to target, we need to grasp underlying factors such as our research question: ?What are the habits of Middle Eastern consumers regarding food that marketers from Sweden can target?? To do so we were forced to investigate what kind of lifestyle an immigrant from the Middle East has, since the immigrant?s lifestyle influences what sort of food he/she will consume. When investigating the lifestyle we were able to concentrate on certain areas that we saw had a clear relation in influencing immigrants? food choices, such as religion, acculturation and so forth.

Ökad användning av biodrivmedel i vägtransportsektorn : en styrmedelsanalys

The Swedish road transport sector relies almost completely on fossil fuels. In 2007, as much as 96 percent of the total sales of fuels was made up of petrol and diesel, while at the same time the share of total emissions of greenhouse gases in Sweden that came from road transports amounted to close to 30 per cent. Sweden is by no means worse off than any other European country in these respects. In order to address the questions of high oil dependence and CO2 emissions the European Commission has proposed a reinforcement of the legislative framework, with a 10 percent minimum for the market share of biofuels in 2020. Furthermore, the proposed target is binding for the member states, unlike the current voluntary target of 5.75 percent by 2010. More than doubling the usage of biofuels in only a bit more than a decade will most likely not be possible without policy interventions.

Utformning av webbportal för tjänstlediga medarbetare vid Volvo Cars Engine och utexaminerade elever från Volvogymnasiet

This report describes the development of a web site for co-workers on leave of absence at Volvo Cars Engine AB and graduated students at Volvo Upper Secondary School in Skövde. The aim of the web site is to be a complement to existing communication channels in the promotion of the contact between the target group and the company. The work was divided into two parts; the first consisting of a preliminary study used to identify the information which the target group finds absent in their absence from their place of work/school, and the second part consisting of the development of a proposition of content layout and web site design. The finished proposition was presented along with a couple of alternatives for the technical implementation. The information department at Volvo Cars Engine AB in consultation with Volvo Cars IT will carry on the implementation, administration and further development of the proposed solutions..

Positionering av industriella tjänster

This thesis aims to investigate the positioning concept of industrial services. We chose to identify the reasons why positioning is used as well as to describe the positioning process. The research strategy chosen for this thesis was a case study of a consultancy firm Benima AB. This firm was chosen due to the fact that a new positioning concept during the latest year hade been implemented and therefore seemed like a good choice for our study. Of the six available theoretical reasons for positioning, we found that Benima AB had two of them: namely change in target market or their needs and demands and renewed company identity/personality.

Ett samverkansprojekt mellan socialtjänst och psykiatri kring personer med psykiska funktionshinder och missbruksproblem

This study focuses on a cooperation (collaboration) project between municipalities social services and the regions psychiatric care. They will capture a client / patient group that often risks falling between the chairs, persons with a psychic disorder and a problem of substance abuse. The purpose of the study was to study the projects cooperation on its organizational level. The central questions of issue were: What is cooperation in the project? What view do the professionals have of the projects cooperation, and partly have on members of the client group persons with a psychic disorder and a problem of substance abuse? The study was implemented through participating observations on three meetings with the govern group, the project group and the POS-team and interviews with two representatives from each principal.

Dans i gymnasiesärskolan : -Fem lärares tankar kring ämnet dans

AbstractThis study examines the use of dance in the special education classes in high school. The purpose is to study the teachers? thoughts about dance within this school form. I want to see if they see any gains from having dance as a subject, and what might these be? Earlier research states that dance has a positive influence on mentally handicapped children and young people, and that it strengthens their general development.

Onlinemarknadsföring inom spelbranschen: en fallstudie av två onlinespelbolag

This thesis addresses online marketing within gaming industry. Some customer identifying methods and website development were introduced as well as examined over the Internet. An empirical study focusing on two gaming companies has been carried out. The purpose has been to describe the use of internet by online gaming companies for online marketing. The thesis will focus on finding out how online gaming companies identify their target groups on internet and how they use internet to reach out to their consumers.

Bryggarsalen : Underlag för kommande marknadsföringsinsatser

The purpose of this study is to identify the points-of-difference that should form the basis for Bryggarsalen?s future marketing efforts. Bryggarsalen is a newly established conference business in Stockholm. To be able to identify these points-of-difference, Bryggarsalen?s marketing problems have been studied from the resource-based view, claiming that the source of sustained competitive advantage derive from a firm?s unique bundle of resources.

Miljöundervisning i årskurs 5 och 6 : En studie om elevers miljötänkande

The purpose with this essay is to find out how aware students are about the environment, andif they believe that their actions can influence the environment. I have used both earlierresearch and questionnaire surveys in order to fulfill the purpose. In earlier research, I haveused research based on materials that are scientific. According to the researchers it isimportant that the children and young people become involved and dedicated to theenvironment and its surrounding world. It is important to listen to the children's thoughts andvisions as they are aware about what happens, but do not reflect on the worst, but hope that itbecomes an improvement in the future.

Genusmarkering av återgivet tal: Förutsägbarhet av förändringar vid litterär översättning från svenska till japanska

This thesis endavours to examine whether differences between original and translation in literary translation are systematic and predictable by studying a Swedish detective novel and its Japanese translation. The domain of the novel chosen for analysis is the reported speech (i.e. dialog).Translation Studies suggests that knowledge of the literary norms of the Target Language of the translation and of the status of translations in the Target Language's literary system, enables one to predict if and what differences between original and translation will appear.A survey of the scholarly literature concerning literary norms in the Japanese system and the status of translation within said system was performed and the following hypotheses were postulated: 1. Given sufficient knowledge of the norms of the Target Language's literary system and the status of translations within said system, the nature of differences between original and translation can be predicted. 2.

Värdering av varumärkesstarka företag i samband med uppköp: - en empirisk studie av fem svenska företagsförvärv

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how a valuation of a company preceding an acquisition can be affected by the fact that a strong brand is attached to the target company. Techniques to value a company and theories of brands are well developed, but the link between them is partially missing even though the needs to value brands have increased. A case study of five Swedish acquisitions is conducted to identify possible complicating and simplifying factors and how these are handled in the context of a valuation of an acquired company with a strong brand. Important findings are that a decreased volatility of future earnings can lead to more accurate prognoses and valuations due to the existence of a strong brand. A strong brand can, on the other hand, also make the valuation of the target company more difficult due to the fact that it is a subjective asset which increases the overall risk of the company.

Ämnsövergripande arbete i skolan : i samarbete med bild

The aim of this bachelor thesis has been to examine and develop our own understanding about how young people in Sweden (16-29 years of age), take part in cultural activities. As librarians it is important to know what kind of activities and interests this particular group has. With Pierre Bourdieu?s theoretical framework towards habitus and capital we are interested to see if there is a connection between one?s cultural use and background, if different access to capital with or within groups has an affect or not. With both statistics and interviews with people within our target, we believe this data has been sufficient enough to conduct a good and valid study.

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