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Referensvåtmarker för uppföljning av växtnäringsretention i anlagda våtmarker
One of the environmental problems today in seas, lakes and streams is eutrophication. This is often caused by nutrients such as phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) that leak from agricultural areas. A measure to partly prevent the nutrient discharge is to construct or restore wetlands.In order to control the efficiency of nutrient reduction of existing wetlands in the county, the administrative board in Västra Götaland wants to find different criterias for reference wetlands. These reference wetlands should represent other wetlands and be used in future evaluations of reduction of nutrients and design of constructed wetlands. According to the administrative board in Västra Götaland the reference wetlands should have a catchment area of about 50 hectare consisting of at least 70 % arable land, to represent wetlands created to remove nutrients.
Verksamhetsstyrning i Stockholmsstad : En studie av verksamhetsstyrningen i Skarpnäcks stadsdelsförvaltning
This paper is a study of corporate governances in the municipal of Stockholm. The purpose of this paper is to enlighten the problems and opportunities for the corporate governances of the wards in the municipal of Stockholm. The municipal of Stockholm is made up of 18 relatively self-governing wards, whose activities bear a resemblance to one and other. Therefore we have specified our survey to corporate governances in the ward of Skarpnäck (Skarpnäcks stadsdel), to be able to use this ward as an example to corporate governances in the entire municipal of Stockholm. The essay emanates from the important management theories: Budget, Integrated Management system (ILS), Benchmarking and Balanced Scorecard.The essay is based on interviews and a poll survey we conducted in the administration of the ward of Skarpnäck, and also based on interviews with Stockholm?s city hall.
Teknik för vårskörd av hampa till stråbränsle :
Hemp is an annual energy crop that fits very well in Swedish crop rotations. It is an interesting crop with many benefits, for example its ability to establish a large quantity of biomass in one year. Hemp is easy to grow and out-competes unwanted weeds through its aggressive growth pattern without the need for pesticides. Interest in growing hemp and other energy crops is currently decreasing, apparently because of high grain prices. These high prices give a higher net profit that we believe could partly cover the cost of hemp cultivation, while the hemp in turn would improve the crop rotation and thus repay its debts in the form of increased yields of other crops.
The great disadvantage of hemp is the lack of knowledge about spring harvest of the crop.
Självskadebeteende och riskbeteende för ätstörningar hos tonåringar: förekomst, samband och intervention med expressivt skrivande
The purpose of the present essay, as part of the project Self esteem and Life circumstances among teenagers, was to investigate the rate of both deliberate self-harm (DSH) and risk behaviour related to eating disorders in 14-year-old swedish adolescents, gender differences in DSH, and possible correlations between DSH and risk behaviours related to eating disorder. In addition, the effects of expressive writing (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986) on DSH and risk behaviours related to eating disorders were investigated. Data from two pilot studies are included. In total, 198 14-year-olds from four different schools in southern Sweden participated. For the purpose of measuring the rate of DSH, a simplified version of Gratz's (2001) Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory (DSHI) was used.
Bibliometrisk kartläggning av det idrottspsykologiska fältet
Objectives: The aim in this thesis has been to generate information relevant for strategic positioning and future evaluations within the scientific field of sport and exercise psychology. This has been done by request, and in collaboration with The Group of Sport and Exercise Psychology at the Institution of Psychology at the University of Umeå.Research questions: (1) How does the cognitive structure within the field of sport and exercise psychology take shape with respect to research topics in current sport-psychological research, i.e. the research front? (2) How does the social structure within the field of sport and exercise psychology take shape with respect to formal scientific collaboration?Data: 879 articles published between 2008-2011 were used in this study. The population of articles were collected from a set of 5 core journals: International Journal of Sport Psychology, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, The Sport Psychologist, Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
Miljöarbete i försäkringsbranschen : Agria Djurförsäkringar AB
It has become more and more common that companies in the service sector are beginning to understand their own effect on the environment and thus the need to contribute to a sustainable development through acting in a deliberate way. Serious environmental work can help a company to improve their image and in that way win competitive advantage that leads to improved profitability. In a short time perspective, adjustment to the environment is an opportunity to gain competitive advantage and an opportunity to develop a profile. In a long time perspective it is about survival. The environmental work has become a sequel to the work with quality.
Svenska investerares risktolerans : En studie om risktolerans och påverkande faktorer
The Swedish household?s savings has increased the last couple of years, according to Statistiska centralbyrån. But the amount of households that trades on the stock market has decreased from the year 2012 to 2013. The diminished interest in stock trading carries a risk by leading to a smaller yield for the private savers, and also effect the business development and the economic growth. High brokerage fees will aggravate the ability to attract venture capital.
Fri rörlighet av varor : Art 34 FEUF och åtgärder med motsvarande verkan - "från Dassonville till Trailers målet"
The characteristics of free movement is the elimination of obstacles to trade between Member States and thus by such, create free movement within the entire union. Therefore art 34 in the Treaty of Lisabon (FEUF) states that all quantative restrictions on imports and measures of equivalent effect are prohibited. The legal approach to measures having equivalent effect is still unclear and the purpose of this paper is therefore to propose a solution to that particular problem. What can be said when it comes to this rule is that the EU-Court has gone from applying a discrimination test to a market access doctrine.According to the Court´s case law, measures having equivalent effects to quantative restrictions are ?All trading rules enacted by Member States which are capable of hindering, directly or indirectly, actually or potentially, intra-community trade?. The question of how to apply the test when it comes to a potential hinder to intra-community trade is still unclear.
Management factors influencing sow productivity in successful Swedish and Danish herds
The number of weaned piglets per sow and year is a good measurement of sow productivity since it is affected by the number of piglets born alive, the pre weaning mortality (i.e. mortality of live born piglets between birth and weaning) and the number of litters per sow and year. This measure is also closely connected to the number of piglets produced per year, which partly determines the profitability of the piglet producer. During this study, eleven successful piglet-producing herds were visited. Eight of the producers were Swedish and three of the producers were Danish.
"De tycka emellertid av gammal vana att det smakar gott, och tro dessutom att det är bra för hälsan" : samiskt växtutnyttjande från 1600-talet fram till ca 1950
Meat and fish was the most important food for the Sami people in northern Scandinavia until the beginning of the 20th century. It is not so well known that the Sami people also used a lot of wild plants as food and medicine although that kind of food was relatively common among them until the end of the 19th century. The purpose of this master thesis has been to describe which plants the Sami people used in general and also which plants were the most commonly used, and when and how these plants were harvested. I also wanted to measure the quantities of Angelica archangelica and Rumex acestosa within traditional harvest sites. Furthermore I wanted to find out if the plant use differed among Sami groups geographically.
Produktivitet vid stubblyftning :
Stump wood was used between 1850 and 1950 for production of tar and as firewood. In the 1950s the use decreased because of the introduction of the cheap fossil oil. In the 1970s stump wood became an interesting issue again as a raw material for the pulp industry. Stump lifting has today become a possible source for bioenergy. The objectives with this study were to investigate the productivity of stump lifting and stump extraction, and to analyse the economy.
Framtagning av en förebyggande åtgärd mot kriminalitet vid lastbilstransporter
Boberg at Scania CV AB. The purpose was to investigate the technical and customer oriented possibilities for the development of a transport security measure against cargo crime, which is a growing problem in Europe. The main goal was to develop a concept that is possible to implement in the Scania CV AB Fleet Management System. Another goal was to develop a security model that will be used as a tool during Scania CV AB?s future development projects of transport security concepts.The work was divided into three main parts: a background study, handling cargo crime, transport security Scania CV AB trucks and market analysis, a stakeholder investigation including a questionnaire and interviews, and a concept development session.
Bevarande av naturvärdesträd i enlighet med FSC och Holmen Skogs naturvårdspolicy :
In the end of 1998 the company Holmen Skog AB was certified accordint to the FSC system
with an area of 1 036 000 hectare. After that Holmen Skog AB has been working actively
with the nature conservation in the forestry. In order to control the quality of the company?s
nature conservation in final fellings they started a yearly inventory which is called BAKRUS
(Judgement of ecological and culture care in relations to policies for a persevering
silviculture). After 1999 the control was expended to include all actions in the forest.
Kommunalt klimatarbete : Jämförande studie mellan tre kommuner med avseende på drivkrafter och framgångsfaktorer
The crucial factor for successful municipal climate work is that there are driving forces. Most importantly is that the senior officials and politicians in the municipality are dedicated to the cause considering that they have the power to influence and make a change. Besides proactive and committed individuals, it is necessary that the work is organized and anchored by clear and concrete documents and control systems. It is also important that the work is continuously monitored and evaluated. To collaborate with other municipalities, authorities or participate in various networks is another factor contributing to the improved climate work in the form of exchange of information, knowledge and experience.A major driving force for municipalities to improve themselves is the distribution of state aid and grants.
Renovering av flerbostadshus - en studie om energieffektivisering och lönsamhet
In today?s society a large focus is put on energy systems and how our energy systems are built up. In order to make sure that we in the future still can enjoy the living standards that we are used to today, Sweden and EU have made a number of decisions on making our energy system more energy efficient and consequently reduce the usage of energy resources. By 2020 the European Union should have reduced its energy consumption by 20 % compared to 1990?s level, and by 2050, 50%.