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Pedagogisk intervention vid audiologisk rehabilitering med hjälp av en textbok. En randomiserad kontrollerad studie.
Hearing is considered to be the most important sense for the communication between people. Several studies have shown that hearing loss can lead to deterioration in quality of life, reduced social activities, feelings of alienation and hence the increasing incidence of depression symptoms.An early audiological rehabilitation is a prerequisite for proper communication among people with hearing loss. Knowledge has been shown to be of great importance and structured learning and individually targeted approach can be expected to facilitate the audiological rehabilitation.The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of an educational effort for people with hearing loss where the effort was made in the distance within the audiological rehabilitation and was followed-up by professional phone support, through a randomized controlled study.The study group consisted of 69 hearing aid users who were randomized by an independent person into two groups, an intervention group and a control group. The intervention group (n = 33) had access to the book "When the sounds are weaker - on hearing and hearing aids". The group received weekly topic-based information related to the different chapters of the book, in five rounds.
DSP-baserat instrument för fjärrmätning av larmnät
Fält Elektronik AB i Kalix utvecklar och tillverkar bland annat larmsändare för fast uppkopplade larmnät. Fast uppkopplade larmnät används för att åstadkomma övervakad och säker överföring av larm och annan information mellan tekniska system för skydd och säkerhet. Larmöverföringen är ständigt övervakad från larmanläggningen ända fram till larmcentralen. Ett problem som idag finns i larmnät är att om man tappar kontakten med en larmsändare så vet man bara att man tappat kontakten, men inte varför. Därför vill man nu utveckla ett instrument som kan mäta och kontrollera vad som orsakar att uppkopplingen bryts t.ex.
Hur påverkar naturvårdsåtgärder mängden av vedlevande insekter : Manuellt dödade träd vs självdöda
Today?s forest managers implement a large number of methods to increase the amount of dead wood in Swedish forests. They use everything from high cutting of trees to girdling trees and burning forests. However, implementation of these measures without proper knowledge of their consequences is a common problem. This study has been performed to increase knowledge about two of these measures, girdling and high cutting, and how these actions affect the number of wood-living insects living on dead trees.
Majsensilage - partikelstorleksfördelning och hygienisk kvalité :
Fieldstudys on 22 farms (23 silos) to study relationships
between the actual particle size of the maize silage and the theoretical length of cut. The measure of theoretical length of cut were stated by the farmers and not measured by us.
Particle size of maize silage was determined using the New Penn State Forage Particle
Separator. SLU Skara made a special sieve for us, that had larger holes than de original
sieves. The samples were shaken after instructions and then the
material was weighted. We have also been taking out samples for microbiological
analyses from the silos on 13 of the farms.
Ledtidsfokus: en studie vid Ericsson AB i Borås
Ericsson AB är i dagsläget en världsledande leverantör av fasta och mobila telekommunikationssystem. Ericssonkoncernen är uppbyggd av fem affärsenheter varav en är Transmission & Transport Networks, deras produktionsenhet är lokaliserad i Borås. Detta examensarbete har utförts på Ericsson AB i Borås (BS/EAB) under våren 2005. BS/EAB har som mål att minska sina tillverkningskostnader, dessutom pekar prognoser på att försäljningsvolymen kommer att öka med 40 % under hösten. För att möta denna ökning behöver en avdelning i Borås, Multichipmodul (MCM), se över sitt produktionsflöde.
Alkoholintag efter träning och dess inverkan på muskeluppbyggnad och återhämtning hos vuxna män - En systematisk litteraturöversikt
Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Alcohol consumption after training and its effects on muscle gain and recovery adult menAuthor: Frida Carlstedt, Puck JanssonSupervisor: Frode SlindeExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 09, 2014Background: Today, the Swedish population exceeds the recommendations for alcohol intake while advised to move at least thirty minutes a day. It is well established what happens if you drink alcohol before a workout or if you workout the day after an alcohol intake, but it is less well established how muscle gain and recovery are affected by an intake of alcohol in the phase of recovery.Objective: The objective of this review is to investigate if there is a relation between alcohol intake after a workout and effected recovery and muscle gain. This was performed by measuring the outcomes cortisol, testosterone, creatine kinase as well as different measures of muscle strength. The issue was ?Does an intake of alcohol after training affect recovery and muscle gain??Search strategy: A systematic review in the databases PubMed and Scopus with the MeSH-terms: exercise, muscles, recovery of function, training, athletic performance, performance, sport, alcohol drinking, alcohols, alcohol and ethanol.Selection criteria: Criteria for articles to be included in this review were that they would be RCT- and human studies in healthy subjects as well as containing an ethanol intake after a physical activity that consisted of weight training in the form of resistance training or other forms of activity that promotes strength.Data collection and analysis: A systematic search for literature as mentioned above (search strategy) was performed as well as an analysis with the SBU quality review template for randomized studies, and a quality review for each measure of outcome according to Gothenburg University summarized evidence template for measures of outcome.4Main results: Many studies are authored by the same group of researchers and/or are of a lower quality.
Dagvattendammars reningseffekt : påverkande faktorer och metodik för statistisk modellering
Storm water is defined as runoff from precipitation such as rain or snow. It is collected in sewage disposal systems and since it mainly originates from urban areas it can contain high levels of heavy metals, nutrients and oil etc. Polluted storm water is currently treated by different methods such as wet ponds, constructed wetlands and filter strips. This study investigates these methods, which in earlier studies have shown to give varying results regarding their treatment efficiency.This thesis has been written on commission of SWECO VIAK and was aimed at studying those parameters that may affect the treatment efficiency of nutrients and heavy metals in storm water treatment facilities (STF:s). Through literature studies the dominating treatment processes in ponds and wetlands were examined.
Mätning av partikelmassa i avgaser från en dieselmotor
This master thesis was a continuation of a previous study in the diesel exhaust characterization, which is part of the academical work embedded in the EMIR-1 project. The main objective of this thesis work was to finish the installation and make the proper modifications of the particulate mass measuring system located in one of the engine test cells at KTH, in order to be able to measure the mass of the particles from the exhaust of diesel engines.This experiment requires a diluted flow sample from the exhaust that should be sent to the device that makes possible the measurement of particle mass, called TEOM. In the first stage of this project, the objective was to study and make the proper modifications in the existing KTH diluter because there were several problems to obtain a constant dilution ratio from it during tests.This modifications were made and it resulted in a great improvement in the maximum inlet and outlet flow that this diluter can handle. Therefore another modification is proposed for controlling the inlet exhaust flow so it will be possible to regulate the dilution ratio and make it constant along a wide range of engine loads and speeds.The second and most important stage was to make particulate mass measurements possible by analyzing the frequency signal from the TEOM device. The idea was to obtain the frequency of oscillation from the tapered element in the TEOM, and therefore with the proper correlations, be able to predict the particulate mass concentration in the exhaust flow from the engine.An electrical problem in the TEOM circuit was detected and corrected, so the signal that carries the frequency from the TEOM can be analyzed properly.
Tjänstekvalitet för pensionssparande : En studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar den upplevda tjänstekvaliteten för pensionssparande
Our purpose of this paper is to seek an understanding of which service quality factors that affects customers in their decision making progress regarding purchasing financial services such as pension products. We also seek to evaluate the different service quality factors by compare their relative strength against each other. The study aim to investigate if there are any connections between customer behavior variables such as gender, age and income in comparison to these service quality factors related to pension products.The findings aim to help a small financial institute such as our case company Plain Capital to understand how their customers experience service quality regarding pension products.In order to find empirical results we conducted a qualitative research as well a quantitative research. The qualitative research employed both a focus group interview with pension savers and an interview with our case company Plain Capital. We were able to identify the service quality factors for pension?s products with help from the focus group interview.
Val av borrklass kopplat till MWD, bergklass samt
vattenflöde vid projektet Hallandsås
De återstående två tredjedelar av tunnlarna igenom Hallandsåsen kommer att slutföras med hjälp av fullortsborrningsteknik. Tunnelborrmaskinen (TBM) är en sköldad maskin som har möjlighet att gå i öppet så väl som slutet läge. Slutet läge innebär att utrymmet framför borrhuvudet trycksätts av en slurryblandning med åtta bars mottryck som begränsar vatteninläckaget samt stabiliserar fronten. Även förbehandling av bergmassan genom skölden eller genom borrhuvudet är möjlig för att begränsa vatteninläckaget och stabilisera bergmassan framför fronten. TBM:en är utrustad med borriggar från Atlas Copco som har möjlighet att använda sig av MWD-teknik (measure while drilling).
Samhällsengagemang och utveckling inom svensk gruvindustri: En fallstudie på Boliden Mineral AB
Sustainable development has become more and more important over the past years. The term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is closely connected to sustainable development and focuses on organizations responsibility towards the society and the environment in which it exists. Companies within the mining industry were among the first to initiate CSR-work due to the fact that they have a great impact at the local community, both socially and environmentally. Today they are still in the forefront of the development of CSR-questions in general, and community involvement and development in particular. Earlier studies made on this area have focused on the strategic level of community involvement and development.
Ögårdsparken - en gemensam park för olika kulturer genom aktivitet
Road safety is the result of measures to reduce therisk of accident and injury. (Nationalencyklopedin,2008). In principle, road safety means to arrive saveand sound.Safe traffic in cities is mainly achieved throughappropriate speed. In Sweden, more than half ofall rides happen with a speed above the legal speedlimit (Holmberg, Hydén m.fl, 1996). To reducespeed in order to increase safety requires measureswhich influence a driver?s motives for his orher choice of speed even if these are not rational(Boverket, 2002).
Sakta ner : åtgärder för förbättrad miljö ochtrafiksäkerhet på gator i bostadsområdeni Varberg, idékatalog ochtillämpning
Road safety is the result of measures to reduce therisk of accident and injury. (Nationalencyklopedin,2008). In principle, road safety means to arrive saveand sound.Safe traffic in cities is mainly achieved throughappropriate speed. In Sweden, more than half ofall rides happen with a speed above the legal speedlimit (Holmberg, Hydén m.fl, 1996). To reducespeed in order to increase safety requires measureswhich influence a driver?s motives for his orher choice of speed even if these are not rational(Boverket, 2002).
RAMVERK FÖR EFFEKTIV KUNDSUPPORT : Utifrån ITIL, CRM och supporthantering på mjukvaruföretaget Medius AB
The goal of customer support is to help clients achieve maximum value in their services and products. Customer support is the public face of a company, which means that it is important to give the customer a positive experience and live up to customer expectations. Efficient customer support has become more important and studies show that customers who leave a company do so because of poor service. Customers' growing demands for higher quality and easier access to services means that companies must recognize the need to satisfy each customer. It is important that each customer receives the attention required and that customer needs are met quickly and flawlessly.
Problemanalys vid Aros Quality Group Enclosure Systems AB
The aim of this report is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the problems within the production at AQ Enclosure systems, and thereby achieve a more stable flow throughout the whole process, a better working environment and better competition advantages. The internal flow along with the external cooperation is very important for the company, because it views flexibility and short leadtime as it is the most important competitive means. The part of AQ production that?s been investigated is the manufacturing of ATM-machines, where the costumer is Banqit. This company is a rater small company with about 4 % of the world market of ATM-machines.In order to achieve the aim of the report extensive interviews have been carried out with employees at AQ.