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Jämförelse av fyra rundbalspressars packningsförmåga som funktion av grödans torrsubstanshalt :
To succeed, and make money at your animal production you need to feed your animals with
high quality fodder. Other condition to succeed is that you keep your production costs at a minimum. To be able to produce baled silage at a low cost it?s very important that the bales have a high density. Density is measured in kg dry matter (DM) per cubic meter.
The purpose with this report was to learn more about making silage in round bales and to how much the bale density varies between different brands of round balers.
Modeller för brösthöjdsålder för tall och gran :
The purpose of this study was to develop two types of prediction models for Scots Pine
and Norway Spruce. The first type for calculation of the stump diameter under bark the
year the tree reached breast height (Dstubh130). The second type for calculation of the
annual difference, e.g. the number of growth years between stump height (0.2 m) and
breast height (1.3 meters above ground level). The primary thought with these prediction
models is to obtain the breast height age in the trees on basis of the number of annual
rings at stump.
Effekter av kön, ålder och region på sjukpenningen i Sverige - en variansanalys
According to TCO (The Swedish Confederation for Professional Employees) the worst threat to the Swedish welfare is that so many people because of bad health and unemployment are not a part of the labour force. If Sweden could make the number of people with health and unemployment problems half the size as today, the GDP would increase with more than five percent. In real money this means 110 billion Swedish kronor a year. According to SCB (Statistics Sweden) the difference between women?s and men?s absence owing to illness should be investigated more closely in order to get at better understanding of the problem.
Miljöbyggnad i ombyggnadsprocessen : Miljöcertifiering av Jakobsbergsskolan i Kristinehamn
Climate change is an increasingly widely known concept. In the EU the construction sector is responsible for more than a third of the carbon dioxide emissions and 40 % of the total energy use. In Sweden, measures have been taken to prevent this climate change. By 16 targets, three of which can be linked to the construction sector, Sweden will reduce the negative trend. None of the three goals with relation to the construction sector will however be achieved before 2020.
Elastiska bibliotek : en undersökning av två folkbiblioteks formbarhet och gränser med hjälp av begreppet elasticitet
The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine whether the term elasticity is relevant and functional to apply to public library organisations. Another aim of the thesis is to relate the term elasticity to public library organisations in a network society. Sociologist Manuel Castells provide the theoretical framework on the network society. Three investigations (meant to complement each other) in two Swedish public libraries seek to give answers to these questions.To be able to examine which areas of public library activity are elastic, I make a rough definition of what public library organisations consist of ? nine activity fields are identified using IFLA?s guidelines in combination with Swedish law of public libraries.
Livscykelbaserad miljövärdering av en ny kontorsbyggnad : En jämförande studie mellan två analysmetoder
This Master?s Thesis aims to illustrate in what ways the two Swedish environmental assessment tools, the Environmental Load Profile and EcoEffect differ and if performed valuations gives different results and environmental goals.The built urban environment causes about half the environmental loading in Sweden. The society?s ambition towards sustainable development has resulted in demands reducing the environmental load. One way to accomplish this change is with the assistance of tools for environmental assessment of the built environment.
Ekologiska fotavtryck för koldioxidutsläpp för Stockholms län, Norrbottens län och Stockholms läns landsting : En kritisk metodgranskning baserad på kvantitativa data
Human existence and welfare depend on functional ecosystems. Ecosystems are critical to sustain life-support services for human well-being. One method that visualizes that humanity requires ecosystem services for resource consumption and assimilation of produced waste is ecological footprints. This study focuses on the ecosystem service carbon sequestering. A quantification of this ecosystem service showed the potential for accumulation of carbon in different ecosystems in Stockholm and Norrbotten County for the years of 1995 and 2004.
How to build a rein tension meter
A large part of the interactions between horse and rider during horseback riding takes place through the reins and the bit and devices for measuring the tension on the reins, rein tension meters, has fairly recently been developed. To safeguard the welfare of the ridden horse riders need to be aware of the rein tension they apply and actively work to decrease it. Furthermore, there is a need to develop the study of rein tension through new techniques and refined analysis procedures. A good-quality rein tension meter should be small in size, sensitive, durable and as accurate for light rein tension as for strong forces. Rein tension meters used in research on horse and rider interaction commonly depend on strain gauge technique for generating rein tension data.
Sjuksköterskors omvårdnadsåtgärder för att förebygga PVK- releterade komplikationer - En litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Perifer venkateter (PVK) är en allmän och rutinmässig åtgärd inom hälso- och sjukvården för att kunna lindra, bota och behandla genom att tillföra infusioner, läkemedel eller för att hålla en fri venväg. PVK består av ett främmande material som i kontakt med blod kan leda till att komplikationer som tromboflebiter bildas. Vid minsta tecken på rodnad, ömhet, svullnad, tromboflebit eller extravasation ska PVK avlägsnas. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva de senaste forskningsrönen kring sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder för att undvika PVK-relaterade komplikationer. Metod: Studien är en litteraturstudie där resultatet baserats på kvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklar.
Översyn av uppvärmning
The heating of companies premises is today functional with electrical heating and heating offossil fuel. The energy cost for these kinds of heating in buildings has heavily increased duringthe last years and the influence on the environment has become more visual. This leads to thatenterprises today become more anxious to render energy more effective and find alternativesolutions to their ancient heating systems. This is something that Skandinaviska kraftprodukterAB in Halmstad has become aware of.The purpose with this examination is to find the most cost-efficient and environmental measuresfor the office and workshop premises of SKP AB. Where one of the bigger things is to find agood alternative for their current oil furnace, which was heating the workshop.
Röjningsbenägenheten bland privata skogsägare : en enkätundersökning bland medlemmar i SÖDRA
The intensity of cleaning declined dramatically in the early 1990?s in the Swedish forests.
Recession, an economic depressed forestry and the new law of silviculture from 1993, where
the duty of cleaning was removed have been considered as sources to the decline. This has led to a situation where huge areas of forests are untouched, which can lead to negative effects for those stands in the future.
The purpose of this thesis was to find out how the individual landowner acts and feel when it concerns cleaning activities. Has the landowner noticed Södra?s campaigns about cleaning and what sort of measure should Södra implement to increase the members? cleaning activity?
The thesis is based on a opinion poll made through a random draw among all Södra?s members.
A porcine type 1 Diabetes Mellitus model, for non-invasive in vivo imaging of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor in the pancreas, using [68Ga]Ga-DO3A-VS-Cys40-conjugated synthetic exendin-4 in PET-CT
Diabetes mellitus is a rising epidemic throughout the world and there is currently great interest in quantifying the beta-cell mass (BCM) in vivo non-invasively. In the present experiment, the feasibility of in vivo imaging of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) in beta-cells was examined, using the positron emission tomography (PET) tracer [68Ga]Ga-DO3A-VS-Cys40-exendin-4 as a marker, in native pancreatic beta-cells of a porcine diabetic animal model and healthy controls.
Eight Swedish high-health domestic pigs were randomly assigned to be either controls or made diabetic using streptozotocin (STZ). The experiment proceeded during eight weeks, starting with an acclimatisation period. Once the pigs had been socialised they underwent surgery for the insertion of a jugular vein catheter, allowing induction of diabetes with STZ, intravenous (i.v.) injections and stress-free blood sampling. Development of diabetes was confirmed by clinical examinations, blood glucose values and insulin-staining of pancreatic sections post mortem.
The diabetic pigs were insulin treated and responded well.
Belastningsskador vid montering : Påverkan på svensk tillverkningsindustri och hur effektivt förebyggande kan bedrivas
AbstractAccording to research made by Statistics Sweden on the members of the labor union IF Metall the number of reported musculoskeletal disorders for employees working under the collective bargaining agreement for the automotive industry has almost doubled since 2003. During 2004- 2006 and 2008 male assembly workers were the occupational group with the highest amount of reported work related disorders in Sweden. To prevent musculoskeletal disorders is according to Rose and Orrenius important both for the individual, the society and the industry by reducing economic and personal costs. The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze how the manufacturing industry is affected by musculoskeletal disorders that occur when working with line assembly and how companies can prevent them. The report aims to provide the reader with an understanding of what musculoskeletal disorders are, to which extent they occur in assembly, how companies are directed by laws and regulations and how they affect the Swedish manufacturing industry and their employees.
Hälsa och hälsorelaterat beteende : En undersökning av beteendets betydelse för den självskattade allmänna hälsan
An increasing number of health problems in the population and an uneven distribution of health between different groups in the society, have been identified as a problems and has therefore been put on the political agenda in Sweden. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to estimate and discuss the significance an individual?s behaviour, in a number of areas, has on his/her level of health.The empirical material for this thesis is taken from a nationwide inquiry conducted in 2004,which was called ?Hälsa på lika villkor?? (Health on equal terms?) The material used consists of the answers and records from individuals living in the administrative district of Kronoberg. 9972 individuals were included in the sample and the answering frequency was 63,2%. To map and analyse the material, which was done mainly through crosstabs, chi-square tests and logistic regressions, the statistics software SPSS 11.5 was used.The parameter used to measure the health level is the individual?s own perception of his or her general health.
Hur påverkas kolesterolvärden hos postmenopausala kvinnor med hyperkolesterolemi vid intag av isoflavonoider?
Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition3AbstractTitle: How does isoflavones in combination with soy protein impact cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women relative to milk protein?Author: Emma Edberg och Emma NilssonSupervisor: Lena HulthénExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician stydy programme,180/240 hpType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: 2014-05-26Background: Hypercholesterolemia is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and the number one cause of death among women in Western countries. Declining levels of estrogen at menopause could be a contribution factor. Isoflavones is a vegetable substance, with structural and functional similarities to the human estrogen. This is a potential reason for possible cholesterol-lowering effects.