886 Uppsatser om Tape measure - Sida 50 av 60
?Vilka faktorer kan påverka försäljningsmålet inom kartong- och pappersindustrin? : ? En fallstudie på Korsnäs AB
AbstractCompanies in the Swedish process industry has for a long time spent a lot of capital in high-tech development, which have given them increased ability to compete with high quality and excellent technical knowledge, which has given them greater opportunities to grow on the market. But it?s not enough to achieve success with new products and service; it must also be consistent what market wants and preferably something exceptional. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that are predominantly success factors and how they may affect the sales target of a new product, in this case Frövi White. Another objective of the study was to examine how Korsnäs Frövi communicates and transforms information as requests and demands from customers into refined material. To obtain relevant information to the study several interviews with respondents from most of the value chain in Korsnäs Frövi has been carry out.
Sponsring : En kvalitativ kartläggning av hur företag mäter, bedömer och utvärderar sina investeringar
DispositionTitel: Sponsring- en kvalitativ kartläggning av hur företag mäter, bedömer och utvärderar sina investeringarÄmne/kurs: Ämnesfördjupande arbete - ControllerfördjupningFörfattare: Johan Andersson, Philip Olofsson, Johan SvärdHandledare:Anders JerrelingExaminator: Fredrik KarlssonSyfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur företag mäter, bedömer och utvärderar sina sponsringsinvesteringar, i ekonomiska termer. Uppsatsen syftar även till att återge sponsormarknadens olika aktörers syn för att beskriva utvärderingsarbetet ur ett bredare perspektiv.Metod:I metodavsnittet fastställs vilket tillvägagångssätt som används vid genomförandet av studien. Inledningsvis behandlas studiens design, där redogörelse för vald metod och angreppssätt ingår. Vidare diskuterasurvalet till undersökningens empiridel och avslutningsvis behandlas sanningskriterier.Referensram: Inledningsvis i referensramen definieras sponsring och dess delar. Vidare behandlas sponsringens motiv, användningsområden och hur dess effekter kan mätas.
Kvalitetsprocesser och mätning av pinnfräsar : ? Empirisk studie av produktionsmätutrustning vid frästillverkning
This master thesis investigates quality procedures and measuring of solid carbide end mills, with the main focus on measuring equipment. The thesis has been written in collaboration with a special production department for solid carbide end mills at Sandvik Coromant in Gimo. The department?s needs and constraints have been the foundation of the project and the main research question is: how to measure end mills in order to ensure good quality of the produced end mills. The project has contained both a theoretical study consisting of a literature review and practical studies in the workshop with the objective to identify an end mill?s main parameters and the relationship between an end mill?s geometry and the manufacturing processes.
Silva Quattro-S : Utveckling av träningsprodukt med multifunktion
In the spring of 2009 Silva Sweden AB was contacted for a collaboration within the scope of a MasterThesis project. The company had discussed the possibility to develop a device that monitors usermovement during different types of exercise. The objective of this Master Thesis has therefore been todevelop and design a multi training device that records the user?s physical performance during severalactivities. The purpose of the thesis project has been to use scientific methods for product development inorder to design a multi device that supplements Silva?s range of products.The project followed a product development process divided into four phases; Market Analysis, ConceptCreation, Concept Development and Construction.
Hjärtfrekvens och hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet som fysiologiskt mått på mental stress hos hästar
Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att utvärdera hjärtfrekvens och hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet som fysiologiska mått på mental stress hos häst. För att utvärdera detta har olika artiklar studerats. Artiklarna redovisar studier där hästar utsätts för framför allt mentala stressmoment. Under stressmomenten har antingen hjärtfrekvens (HR) eller hjärtfrekvens och hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet (HRV) registrerats. Hjärtfrekvensvariabiliteten kan omvandlas till ett antal parametrar, bland annat lågfrekvensband (LF) och högfrekvensband (HF).
"Då rökte jag på. Sen började jag lite med tjack och sånt också." :en studie om hur ungdomars missbruk påverkar familjen
The purpose of our report was to analyze the effects of youth drug abuse on the families concerned. Youth drug abuse made us wonder about the effects on the family as a whole, of those involved with drug abuse. To answer this question, we decided to employ an empiric study in the form of interviews with four teenagers, five parents and four drug counselors. Because our intent was to understand rather than try to measure the problems involved, we decided on a qualitative method. Our method built upon semi-structured interviews using open questions, where the interviewees were free to express their own thoughts and opinions.
Polisens kunskap ? allmänhetens trygghet En utvärdering av polisområde Älvsborgs trygghetsmätning
Aim is to investigate from a criminological perspective how the safety questionnaire in Älvsborg police district can be improved theoretically and methodologically, in order for the questionnaire to effectively measure criminal victimisation, concern about crime, safety and confidence in the police.1. What should a good questionnaire contain?- Which methodological problems are related to measuring criminal victimisation, concern about crime and confidence in the police?- Which criminological theories are interesting in this context and how can questions be designed from these theories?2. How will the themes now represented in the questionnaire be measured in the best possible way? Are there any reasons to remove, The material consists of questions from the safety questionnaire, the total analysis report and individual reports for the local authorities, as well the results and technical information from Mind Research.
Soil fertility status and Striga hermonthica infestation relationship due to management practices in Western Kenya
Striga hermonthica, a parasitic weed, has long been believed to be correlated with the
declining soil fertility status. However scientists have recently come to question this statement
since some recent studies have shown contradictive results. To investigate whether soil
fertility status and infestation of Striga hermonthica were correlated and the impact of it were
caused by farmer management, 120 farmers in Western Kenya, where Striga hermonthica
infestation is prone, participated in this study. In three districts with two sub-locations each,
farmers answered a structural questionnaire and identified two fields, one with high and one
with low soil fertility. These fields later came to be the basis for this study and soil were
therefore also sampled from them.
Handelsutvecklingen efter Lettlands självständighet : En studie om ekonomisk transition under perioden åren 1993 fram till 2004
The main purpose of this essay is to investigate if Latvia´s pattern of trade has become more similar to the mature market economies, after Latvia´s independence 1991.Today, the intra-industry trade (IIT) dominates the trade of mature market economies. One of the pioneers of intra-industrial trade is Paul Krugman, who was the first to emphasize the importance "of scale and consumers' desire for variety" in explaining the basis for modern commerce. Customers get more variety and usually cheaper goods when the market gets bigger. I mainly use the modern trade theories to explain the trade pattern in Latvia. To measure how Latvia has developed its intra-industry trade, and thereby is approaching the mature market economies´ trade pattern, I use the Grubel-Lloyd index (GL-index).
Grinda Wärdshus : Hållbara Isoleringsmöjligheter förVandrarhemmet på Grinda
pelago. There is an old inn that is located on the island that has become a very popular attraction in the last couple of years. The inn has both a well-known restaurant as well as conference facilities that are used by tourists as well as the people of Stockholm over the summer months. The inn was built 1908 and has since remained in the same condition.make islands in the archipelago more environmentally friendly and promote sustainability. One of their project islands is Grinda.
Resultat av tjugofem års mätningar av Cs-137-halter i älg i Uppsala län
At the end of April 1986 reactor number 4 of the nuclear power plant at Chernobyl explod-ed and large amounts of radioactive particles were then released into the atmosphere due to both the explosion as well as the consecutive fire of the graphite core. A cloud of radioac-tivity was spread over the northern hemisphere, including Sweden, due to the prevailing wind directions. The radioactive particles were washed out from the cloud by rain and snowfall in some areas of Sweden and deposited on the ground. The deposited radionu-clides, primarily cesium and iodine isotopes, were later absorbed into the soil and taken up by the roots of the plants. Some of these radionuclides, like 137Cs, still persist in some of the terrestrial ecosystems at relatively high concentrations which lead to contamination of the meat of moose, roe deer and wild boar even today.The two municipalities Heby and Uppsala, in the eastern part of central Sweden, experi-enced a relatively large deposition of 137Cs which resulted in high levels of 137Cs in moose and other game.
Skattningar i gallringsskog med hjälp av flygburen laserskanning : beräkningar med massaslutenhet
This master?s thesis is a remote sensing study of an area-based method used to detect forest in need of thinning by use of laser data and field samples. Only pine-dominated forest has been included in the study and height limits were set to match empirical restrictions. The study area was in the municipality of Älvsbyn (Latitude 65° 40´ N, Longitude 21° 00´ E), in northern Sweden.The Swedish authority Lantmäteriet is currently laser scanning most parts of Sweden, providing new opportunities and applications. The primary aim of the national laser scanning is to create a new elevation model, useful in consequence analysis of climate changes.
Hur kan personer med hja?rtsvikt testa va?rden i hemmet, fo?r en snabbare behandling och korrigering av medicinering?
- To be trapped in a roller-coaster That ?s how some of the patients are describing the situa- tion of living with heart failure. To be stuck in their home not knowing if they will have to seek care today and not knowing if they will have the energy to attend that birth- day party later this week.Each year 2-3% of the Swedish population are diagnosed with heart failure, which results in 30,000 new individu- als with the disorder. Cardiovascular disease is rapidly in- creasing in the world and before 2030, people with heart failure will increased by 100%. Our improved living condi- tions and better health have allowed us to grow older and made us more dependent on other types of care, care at home.Today the patients are only looking for changes in weight and if they have excessive water in their body.
Energieffektivisering av aerbo reningsprocess : Tillsats av biprodukter i skogsindustriellt avloppsvatten
In the production of pulp, paper and cardboard, a large amount of water is used daily. The water has to be purified in the internal purifying plant before it reaches the receiving body of water. In the biological purifying stage at the Stora Enso Skoghall mill, an aerated basin is used where the microorganisms, using oxygen, oxidize the organic material to carbon dioxide. The air is pumped from the bottom of the basin and the oxygen can then be transported from the air bubbles to the water through diffusion. The problem with aeration of waste water from the forest industry is that wood residues, such as fatty acids, are making the transport of oxygen in water more difficult.
Wicking ? Utvärdering av två standarder
Syftet med rapporten är att utvärdera och jämföra två standarder, AATCC Test method 198-2011: Horizontal Wicking of Textiles och AATCC Test method 197-2011: Vertical Wicking of Textiles. Standarderna publicerades år 2011 av American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists. Standarderna mäter wicking, det vill säga, med vilken hastighet som vätska transporteras genom textil, med en horisontell och en vertikal testmetod. Hastigheten anges i olika enheter beroende på standard, enheten för AATCC Test method 197-2011: Vertical Wicking of Textiles är mm/s och AATCC Test method 198-2011: Horizontal Wicking of Textiles anges i mm2/s. Skillnaden i enhet och mätmetod innebär att standarderna inte kan jämföras rakt av genom resultat och mätvärden mellan de båda standarderna.