886 Uppsatser om Tape measure - Sida 35 av 60
Hur skattar överviktiga barn och tonåringar sin aktivitetsnivå? : En jämförelse mellan aktivitetsdagbok och accelerometer
Objective:This study aimed to investigate the correlation between physical activity level (PAL), measured with activity diary and accelerometer, among overweight and obese children and adolescents. The aim was also to study differences in PAL between girls and boys.Design:55 children and adolescents, whom been subjected to a physical activity registration with a physical activity diary and accelerometer during three or four days, were included in this study. From the data received from the children?s journal records PAL was calculated and compiled for statistic analysis.Results:The results of the study showed that the children underestimated their physical activity level when measured with activity diary, in comparison with the physical activity level measured with accelerometer. Differences between girl and boys PAL values were not statistically significant, although the girls PAL values from the accelerometer, but not from the activity diary, reached a moderate activity level according to Nordic nutrition recommendation.
The capability to understand customer value - A case study of Metso Mining over continents
The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze how the mining equipment producers on a global market manage to handle the changing conditions concerning customer value. Our approach has been a comparative analysis between two different sites in order to answer the purpose. The case studies at Metso Mining have been made through interviews and visits at two geographical markets, South America and Scandinavia. The theoretical framework applied on our empirical findings is based on Blue Ocean Strategy, Customer Value and Resourced Based View. The empirical foundation is based on interviews with Metso Mining employees at Sorocaba in Brazil and Kiruna/Gällivare, Trelleborg and Staffanstorp in Sweden.
Internetbaserad rekrytering: mål, möjligheter och praktiker : En fallstudie av urvalet vid rekryteringen av sommarvikarier i Luleå kommun
The purpose of this study is to examine web-based recruitment to short term summer jobs at the SocialServices Department in Luleå municipality in Sweden. Recruitment goals, selection options on therecruitment homepage Offentliga Jobb and recruitment practices were analysed in order to reach a deeperunderstanding of the interactions between these three levels in the selection process. Pre-selection throughOffentliga Jobb was a special concern of the study. Different consciousness levels in the selection process areemphasised according to Anthony Giddens' structuration theory. Ten recruiters from different parts of thedepartment were interviewed.
Energisparläge i automationsindustrin : Potential för att minska tomgångsförluster med industriella styrsystem
Former studies have shown that a considerable part of industries? energy usage can stem from idle times in the production. This thesis, carried out at Siemens Industry sector, evaluates the potential for using the control system to automatically put machines into energy saving mode during idle times. The main part of the thesis consists of a case study performed on machine tools at a Scania production site in Södertälje. Through load measurements the potential for energy savings was determined.The results show that there is a great potential for energy savings during idle times at the site.
Skam och interpersonell känslighet : En studie av könsskillnader gällande skamhantering och interpersonell känslighet samt sambandet däremellan
Denna studie undersökte skam och interpersonell känslighet. Kvinnor antogs använda sig mer av internaliserande skamhanteringsstrategier medan män mer av skamhanteringsstrategin Undvikande. Inga signifikanta skillnader gällande strategin Attackera andra förväntades. Kvinnor antogs vara mer interpersonellt känsliga än män. Vidare förväntades ett positivt samband mellan interpersonell känslighet och internaliserande skamhanteringsstrategier.
Energieffektivisering av fastighet från 1930-talet : Utredning av energianvändningen och energieffektiviseringsåtgärder för Tången 2
Tången 2 is a building situated in Stockholm, Sweden. It´s built in the 1930s and contains both residences and businesses. The property owner, Diligentia AB, wants to lower the energy use in Tången 2. This report consists of an energy audit which clarifies the specific circumstances linked to Tången 2. Collected knowledge is then used, together with the results from the literature study, to decide energy measures to proceed with.
Aktivitetsförmåga efter smärtrehabilitering Förändring av aktivitetsutförande och aktivitetstillfredsställelse
Långvarig smärta är ett problem för många människor i hela världen och kan innebära svårigheter att utföra de aktiviteter man vill, måste eller förväntas utföra. Syftet med uppsatsen var att beskriva vilka dagliga aktiviteter patienter med långvarig smärta ansåg vara viktigast att förändra samt att undersöka om aktivitetsutförande och aktivitetstillfredsställelse förändrades efter smärtrehabilitering. Studien genomfördes efter avslutad rehabilitering på en multimodal smärtrehabilitering i Skåne. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av 46 patienter, 11 män och 35 kvinnor. Instrumentet Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) användes samt patienternas egna kommentarer till förändringen kategoriserades och sammanställdes.
Ensam är aldrig stark : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan under arbetet med Lokala välfärdsbokslut
Welfare is every person's right. To create conditions for a good welfare it requires coordinated strategic interventions at national and local level. Efforts must be politically supported to be able to strengthen public health. Local welfare management is a measure used to control and monitor public health. The purpose of this study was to investigate local actors perceptions of collaboration in strategic public health efforts with local welfare management in a municipality in central Sweden.
Evaluation of a standardized platelet concentration in samples from platelet concentrates measured over time with impedance aggregometry
Platelet transfusions can be necessary during treatment of patients with thrombocytopenia or impaired platelet function. Platelet function in platelet concentrates (PC) deteriorate with storage time. Studying swirling is often used to control the quality of PC?s before transfusion but the method has some disadvantages. Therefore other methods can be useful, for example impedance aggregometry (IA, Multiplate® Analyzer) to measure platelet function. In this study the change in platelet function over time was examined in buffy coat and apheresis platelets with IA where aggregation had been induced with adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and collagen.
Öppna Svenska Mästerskapen i Triathlon - långdistans : Hur man mäter förväntningar och erfarenheter innan ett evenemang ägt rum
Syfte ? Syftet med denna studie är att mäta förväntningar och behov hos deltagare vid ett kommande idrottsevent i Sverige, Öppna Svenska Mästerskapen Triathlon ? långdistans (SM).Design/metod/tillvägagångssätt ? Mätningen utfördes med hjälp utav två mätinstrument, SERVQUAL för att mäta deltagarnas förväntningar och Kano för att mäta deltagarnas behov. En webbenkät utformades där 103 respondenter svarade.Resultat ? Studiens resultat påvisar ett övervägande högt värde av servicekvalitet vid tidigare triathlonevenemang men även höga förväntningar på det kommande tävlingsevenemanget (SM). Resultatet visar därtill att determinanterna materiella ting, tjänstvillighet och empati summerande kan ses som outtalade behov och därav som attraktiva kvaliteter.
Utveckling och implementering av ett audiopejlsystem baserat på tidsdifferensmätning
The use of spread spectrum signals has increased dramatically in military applications. Finding methods for detecting and positioning of these signals have become interesting research areas for signal intelligence purposes. One method is to measure the time difference of arrival (TDOA) that occurs when two receivers are synchronous and spatially separated. Based on the TDOA-technique an audio-demonstrator has been developed and implemented. This report describes the theory for how sound received in microphones can be used to extract information about the transmitter?s position from the measured time difference.
An Investigation into a Grocery Store Loyalty Card and its Accompanying Promotional Benefits Effect on Service Loyalty
The purpose of this study is to investigate a loyalty card and its relation to accompanying promotional benefits, and their linkages to grocery retail service loyalty. Also, the aim sets out to find relationships between demographic variables and proneness towards the promotional benefits, the loyalty card, and loyalty. A quantitative approach has been assumed and empirical data has been collected through the use of questionnaires. The data has been analyzed through descriptive statistics, correlations, and regression analysis. An operationalization used to measure satisfaction of the loyalty card and attitudinal loyalty is also presented.
Cross-language information retrieval : sökfrågestruktur & sökfrågeexpansion
This Master?s thesis examines different retrieval strategies used in cross-language information retrieval (CLIR). The aim was to investigate if there were any differences between baseline queries and translated queries in retrieval effectiveness; how the retrieval effectiveness was affected by query structuring and if the results differed between different languages. The languages used in this study were Swedish, English and Finnish. 30 topics from the TrecUta collection were translated into Swedish and Finnish.
C, C++, Java och Python - En prestandajämförelse mellan fyra programmeringsspråk
In today?s society computers are getting a much more important role. To get a
computer to work
as intended it has to be programmed. A computer program is written with
There is an abundance of programming languages available today and there are
differences and similarities between them. The different languages have their
advantages and
their disadvantages where some of them are intended for fast performance, some
to be cheap
on memory usage, and some are developed to be easy to program on.
In our thesis we have chosen to compare four of todays most common languages,
C, C++, Java
and Python.
En studie i användbarhet: En kritisk analys av användbarhetsstudier i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap
Usability studies are not a central field of research in library and information science. Although literature in library and information science treats the importance of usable user interfaces quite extensively, the literature does not significantly treat potential problems in measuring usability. The aim of this master thesis is to investigate, through a critical analysis, the methods used when conducting usability studies in library and information science. The critical analysis is based on potential problems in measuring usability identified through a literature review from the field of studies Human-Computer Interaction, the concept of usabilitys original domain. The material which is to be analysed, is chosen from one library and information science journal Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.