886 Uppsatser om Tape measure - Sida 34 av 60
Betygsättning i Idrott och hälsa 1 : Likvärdig bedömning utifrån lärarens perspektiv
SummaryPatients with burn injuries involving more than 20 percent of the total body surface area lose a lot of fluid and are in the risk of developing a severe hypovolemia. Fluid resuscitation is a corner stone in burn care and is important for preventingfurthercomplications. The most common resuscitation formula is the Parkland Formula. Hourly urine output is a measure used to evaluate if the fluid given is sufficient enough to maintain a sustainable tissue perfusion. Inhalation injury, abuse of alcohol and drugs are some of the factors that may increase the amountoffluid needed.
Mätning av Mikroläckage i Dentala Implantat
Osseointegrated titanium implants have become a commonly used method in edentulous jaws and today there are success rates in the magnitude of 82 % in the lower jaw and 98 % in the upper. During first year after implantation a fully normal marginal bone loss of 1-2 mm occurs. If the bone loss continues there is a risk of implant failure. High tensions in bone and inflammation caused by bacteria are possible reasons for this problem. It has been shown that a leakage of bacterias occurs between the parts of the implant and there are theories that this has effects on the marginal bone loss.
The aim of this thesis has been to increase the knowledge about microbial leakage with help of in vitro tests and virtual simulations.
Kontinuerlig RFID-detektering för batteridrivna system
This report deals with RFID systems and how to detect nearby tags with the Mifare standard using only a microcontroller and an antenna circuit.The aim was to investigate whether there was any possibility to continuously search for a nearby tag for a system operated with batteries without compromising the lifespan of the battery. At this time the system would take too long time to wake up and look for a tag to give a satisfactory battery lifespan, which should be done a couple of times every second.The report has two issues, namely:Is it possible to direct the microprocessor to detect and identify a nearby tag after the Mifare standard?What hardware is required for this to be possible?As the research method to provide answers to the above questions an action research was used. This approach has meant that the group worked on information retrieval, examined existing solutions, tested their own solutions and documented the results.The group examined an existing solution that can search for nearby tags with minimal energy consumption. An antenna circuit was built that was connected to the processor.
NOVA-projektet : ? effekten av ett internetbaserat självhjälpsprogramm med e-poststöd vid behandling av ångeststörningar
Föreliggande studies syfte var att undersöka behandlingseffekten av ett Internetbaserat självhjälpsprogram med e-poststöd, för personer med olika typer av ångestproblematik. Ett ytterligare syfte var att undersöka behandlingsresultaten när deltagaren själv fick förfoga över behandlingens upplägg och innehåll. Huvudkomponenten i behandlingen utgjordes av sammanlagt 16 moduler hämtade från tidigare Internetbehandlingar riktade mot social fobi, paniksyndrom, generaliserat ångestsyndrom samt depression.Behandlingsgruppen utgjordes av 27 individer som varit kontrollgrupp i en tidigare behandlingsstudie. För samtliga deltagare pågick behandlingen tio veckor. Beroendevariabler utgjordes av självskattningsformulären Clinical Outcome in Routine Evaluation ? Outcome Measure, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale ? Self Rated, Quality Of Life Inventory, resultat på SCID-intervjuer samt kodning av totala symtom.
Typer av sökfrågor på webben: En effektivitetsstudie
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the performance of different types of queries in the AltaVista query-based search engine. Thirty information needs have been collected from an ask-a-question service on the World Wide Web, which means that they are based on real users information needs. This is done to avoid partiality in the study. The author has invented different types of queries for each and every one of the information needs in accordance with the search syntax available for AltaVista. The types used are Boolean expressions, queries including proximity operators, phrases and queries directed towards a specific field.
Can increased activity recorded with help of activity monitoring sensor indicate an upcoming calving?
The purpose of this study was to find out if motion movements, e.g. number of lying bouts and lying time with a registered activity monitoring sensor can detect an impending calving and thereby be used as a measure and an indicator for an upcoming calving. For this, automatically step sensors were used and were attached to one of the cows? hind leg. The sensor registered the individual step and movement activity of the cow.
Utvärdering av den gröna smileyn inom livsmedelsinspektion : En intervju och enkätstudie i Halmstads kommun
With a growing population on earth the amount of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) and other scrap steel increases. The European Directive 2000/53/CE? requires a minimum of 95 % reuse and recovery and 85 % re-use and recycling no later than 1 January 2015, for end-of life vehicles. This imposes a need for more efficient recycling and recovery. Despite this shredder residue (SR) is commonly land filled.This report investigated the magnetic fines residue generated at Stena Metall shredder facility in Halmstad, Sweden.
Ordning och reda! : En ideologianalytisk studie över Folkpartiets skolpolitik mellan år 1990 och 2010
The purpose of this study is to examine the critically raised concern on whether the Liberal party of Sweden, in policies regarding the compulsory school, really represents a liberal policy or if it actually functions more as an ambassador for conservative ideals. An ideology analysis is employed for the purpose of answering the research question, which asks if the party?s changed viewpoint on the compulsory school between the years of 1990 and 2010 could be understood in terms of an ideological alternation. The analysis is carried out by an examination where the party?s policies are linked to common definitions of the two political ideologies, with the assistance of an analytical tool consistent of a series of educational philosophies.
Design och framtagande av mätanordning för ström och effek på trefas ledare : Josi Periferi strömmeter
The assignment is issued by Scania Maintence AB seeking a new approach to detect power changes in their industrial processes. The work has taken place at Ångströmslaboratoriet and tests have been performed at Scania AB Södertälje.Today?s society consumes enormous amount of energy. In both economically and environmental view, it is important that the processes are effective, with high power factor. There are many ways to measure power in the industry, what they all have in common is that the installation is advanced, requires time and planning.
Skattereduktion för gåvor : Uppfyller lagstiftningen dess syfte?
The Swedish legislation regarding tax reduction for gifts to nonprofit organizations was stated year 2011/12. The legislation includes tax reduction for donors if the gift refers to a nonprofit organization whose work consists with ?charity for an economical need? or ?scientific research?. To be included as approved recipient the recipient has to apply for approval. This approval includes both an application fee and an annual fee.
Konstruktiva och destruktiva former av språklig kommunikation i moderna arbetsorganisationer : - En teoretisk undersökning med kompletterande fallstudier av Leksands vårdcentral och Mora vårdcentral
A main aim with the essay ?Constructive and destructive forms of language communication in modern work organizations? is to try to develop methods which can be used to measure and classify different forms of language communication. Methods that hopefully also can be used for analysis of in which ways dominating language communication forms affects employees health in modern work organizations.Quantitative methods have chiefly been used in the essay. A questionnaire study based on sociological research and psychoterapeutic research and practice has been used to collect data around communication in two work organizations (community health centers). Then communication has been classified in two main forms: constructive and destructive language communication.Results in the essay indicate that there are tendencies to links between high illness-absence and destructive communication in a work organization.
Konstruktiva och destruktiva former av språklig kommunikation i moderna arbetsorganisationer : - En teoretisk undersökning med kompletterande fallstudier av Leksands vårdcentral och Mora vårdcentral
A main aim with the essay ?Constructive and destructive forms of language communication in modern work organizations? is to try to develop methods which can be used to measure and classify different forms of language communication. Methods that hopefully also can be used for analysis of in which ways dominating language communication forms affects employees health in modern work organizations.
Quantitative methods have chiefly been used in the essay. A questionnaire study based on sociological research and psychoterapeutic research and practice has been used to collect data around communication in two work organizations (community health centers). Then communication has been classified in two main forms: constructive and destructive language communication.
Results in the essay indicate that there are tendencies to links between high illness-absence and destructive communication in a work organization.
Jämförelse av beräknad och verklig grundvattensänkning vid vägportar
Present master of science thesis has been carried out at the Swedish Road Administration consulting services (Vägverket Konsult) in Karlstad. The purpose of the study is to investigate how well the calculated drawdown of the groundwater table predicts the actual drawdown when the road and railway gates at the studied sites are built. For this purpose the groundwater levels at the three bridges were measured during 6 months. The bridges in question are two railway bridges situated in Ölme and Ulvåker and one road bridge crossing a pedestrian and cycling path in Lidköping.In Ölme the calculated area of influence was smaller than the measured one. It differed up to 30 meters, i.e.
Vinstmått: En jämförelse av marknadens definitioner och antaganden rörande vinst
This thesis investigates whether it is accordance between the different profit measures in the financial market. The first aim of the thesis is to examine if it exists a difference between the profit measures that companies publish in their fourth quarter interim report and the measures that they state in their annual report, issued some months later. The second aim is to examine whether there is a divergence in definitions and the assumption regarding the risk of bankruptcy between profit measures published by companies and analysts. The study focuses on Swedish companies listed on the OMX Stockholm Large Cap and concerns the years of 2006 and 2007. The analysts interviewed are working in Sweden with listed Swedish companies.
Interorganisatorisk styrning av leverantörsrelationer inom lågprismodebranschen: -En fallstudie av lågprismodeföretaget BikBok
This thesis concerns the control of outsourced interorganizational buyer-supplier relationships in the low-price fashion industry. A qualitative case study has been performed on two supplier relationships of a low-price fashion company. By identifying specificities of the industry and relating them to control problems and their implications on control solutions, the thesis has established a relation between industry specific characteristics and the way companies in the industry control their supplier relationships. The analysis is based on a theoretical framework created by Dekker (2004). Amongst other factors, the difficulty to define, quantify and measure the design variables of a fashion good, the high heterogeneity between individual products and the difficulty to predict the trend based demand, create high coordination requirements as well as appropriation concerns solved through extensive formal control.