

78 Uppsatser om TEKNIKVETENSKAP - Sida 3 av 6

Detektering av sprickor i vägytor med hjälp av Datorseende

This thesis describes new methods for automatic crack detection in pavements. Cracks in pavements can be used as an early indication for the need of reparation.Automatic crack detection is preferable compared to manual inventory; the repeatability can be better, the inventory can be done at a higher speed and can be done without interruption of the traffic.The automatic and semi-automatic crack detection systems that exist today use Image Analysis methods. There are today powerful methods available in the area of Computer Vision. These methods work in higher dimensions with greater complexity and generate measures of local signal properties, while Image Analyses methods for crack detection use morphological operations on binary images.Methods for digitalizing video data on VHS-cassettes and stitching images from nearby frames have been developed.Four methods for crack detection have been evaluated, and two of them have been used to form a crack detection and classification program implemented in the calculation program Matlab.One image set was used during the implementation and another image set was used for validation. The crack detection system did perform correct detection on 99.2 percent when analysing the images which were used during implementation.

End-to-End Application Billing in 3G

We have 3G on the doorstep but nothing seems to attract ordinary people to this technology. To attract the mass market the telecom industry must show something beyond high bit rates. They must show how ordinary people can take advantage of this new technology. This is done by showing the possibilities of the new technology and by demonstrating applications that it will handle. The telecom industry must convince the telecom operators to invest in this technology and the only thing that matters to them is how much revenue they can make by adopting the upcoming technology.

Samband mellan hårdhetstal och materialparametrar för polymermaterial

Vid användande av polymerer och elastomerer i konstruktioner, lämnar leverantörer oftast endast materialparametrar i form av ett hårdhetstal. De vanligaste provningsmetoderna för hårdhetsmätning av polymerer och elastomerer är Shore samt IRHD (International Rubber Hardness Degree). Hårdhetstalen som erhålls är svåra att använda i Finita Elementanalyser, då de ej direkt kan översättas till mer lätthanterliga storheter. Syftet med examensarbetet är att utveckla en metod för att omvandla hårdhetstal till användbara Finita Elementstorheter. Det finns flera olika metoder för hårdhetsmätning inom Shore och IRHD.Arbetet begränsades dock till att enbart täcka en metod för Shore samt två metoder för IRHD.

Kranspetsstyrning : en jämförande utvärdering av kranstyrning för skogsmaskiner utförd i simulator

Syftet med studien var att utvärdera om kranspetsstyrning i skogsmaskiner är ett enklare styrsystem att lära sig från grunden och om arbetsbelastningen värderades lägre, än den konventionella styrningen. Meningen var även att kartlägga skillnader i inlärningsprocessen samt i upplevd arbetsbelastning. Detta krävde konstruktion av mätmetoder för insamling av relevant information. Utvärderingen gjordes i enskogsmaskinsimulator vid manövrering av skotare samt genom enkätundersökningar. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av försöksdeltagare från naturbruksgymnasiet Jällaskolan i Uppsala.

Flödeslogistik vid Laponia Hotel

The aim of this report is to analyse the logistics of a medium sized restaurant and give an overall solution for improvements on the restaurant's logistics. The restaurant of interest belongs to Laponia Hotel and is located in Arvidsjaur, Sweden. Investments for over 100.000 Euros are planned for the hotel, which includes a reconstruction of the restaurant. The details on how the restaurant will be reconstructed are not yet known. I therefore chose to analyse the problemin general terms and find a solution that is focused on the logistic system itself rather than its layout.

Matematisk generering och realtidsrendering av vegetation i Gizmo3D

To render outdoor scenes with lots of vegetation in real time is a big challenge. This problem has important applications in the areas of visualization and simulation. Some progress has been made the last years, but a previously unsolved difficulty has been to combine high rendering quality with abundant variation in scenes. I present a method to mathematically generate and render vegetation in real time, with implementation in the scene graph Gizmo3D. The most important quality of the method is its ability to render scenes with many unique specimens with very low aliasing.

Utskottslogistik : En studie av utskottsupplösare i ett eleffektiviserande syfte.

Examensarbetet har utförts på Stora Enso Nymölla Bruk AB. Det har utförts med frågeställningen: Går det att köra utskottsupplösarna effektivare med avseende på elenergiförbrukning? Anledning till denna frågeställning är att användningen av upplösarna minskat på grund av omstruktureringar i företaget. Detta resulterar i att upplösare körs i onödan, särskilt under nattskift. Effektanvändningen av rullmaskin fyras upplösare (RM4:s upplösare), och utskottsupplösaren efter den nu borttagna bestrykningsmaskinen (BM:s utskottsupplösare) har mätts.

Support Vector Machines for Classification applied to Facial Expression Analysis and Remote Sensing

The subject of this thesis is the application of Support Vector Machines on two totally different applications, facial expressions recognition and remote sensing.The basic idea of kernel algorithms is to transpose input data in a higher dimensional space, the feature space, in which linear operations on the data can be processed more easily. These operations in the feature space can be expressed in terms of input data thanks to the kernel functions. Support Vector Machines is a classifier using this kernel method by computing, in the feature space and on basis of examples of the different classes, hyperplanes that separate the classes. The hyperplanes in the feature space correspond to non linear surfaces in the input space.Concerning facial expressions, the aim is to train and test a classifier able to recognise, on basis of some pictures of faces, which emotion (among these six ones: anger, disgust, fear, joy, sad, and surprise) that is expressed by the person in the picture. In this application, each picture has to be seen has a point in an N-dimensional space where N is the number of pixels in the image.The second application is the detection of camouflage nets hidden in vegetation using a hyperspectral image taken by an aircraft.

Diagnostiksystem i gaffeltruckar

This is a final thesis done at BT, considering one of their forklift truck models called Reflex. The first part of this report is about a preliminary investigation investigating what kind of diagnostic systems BTwants to use, and also which demands there are to meet all expectations on such system. Secondly a diagnostic system, which will show if the drive wheel is worn out, will be presented. In the preliminary investigation, two kinds of diagnostic systems were mentioned. These were Model based diagnosis and Predictive analysis.

Uppskattning av Ytkurvatur och CFD-simuleringar i Mänskliga Bukaortor

By applying a segmentation procedure to two different sets of computed tomography scans, two geometrical models of the abdominal aorta, containing one inlet and two outlets have been constructed. One of these depicts a healthy blood vessel while the other displays one afflicted with a Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. After inputting these geometries into the computational dynamics software FLUENT, six simulations of laminar, stationary flow of a fluid that was assumed to be Newtonian were performed. The mass flow rate across the model outlet boundaries was varied for the different simulations to produce a basis for a parameter analysis study. The segmentation data was also used as input data to a surface description procedure which produced not only the surface itself, but also the first and second directional derivatives in every one of its defining spatial data points.

Automatisering av härdugn

Examensarbetet har utförts på Metso Refiner Segments AB i Hagfors, Värmland. Gjuteriet arbetar mot pappersindustrin och produkten de tillverkar kallas för malsegment. Malsegmenten sitter monterad på två stora skivor i en raffinör, vilket används för att framställa mekanisk pappersmassa. För att minska personalkostnaderna och för att få bort ett monotont moment för operatörerna vill Metso automatisera den station där malsegmenten härdas. Värmebehandlingen sköts idag av två operatörer och är tänkt att efter en automatisering kunna skötas av en operatör.

Förstudie av utbildningshjälpmedel och beslutsstöd för Rules of Engagement inom svenska Marinen

Förstudiens syfte var att kartlägga användarbehov kring ROE inom svenska Marinen och ta fram stöd och hjälpmedel för att underlätta ROE-arbetet. I kartläggningen medverkade personal från olika staber, förband och skolor inom Försvarsmakten. Flertalet deltog sedan också i det iterativa utvecklingsarbetet. Tre användargrupper urskiljdes; Stabs- och fartygspersonal samt personal under utbildning. Några av de svårigheter som identifierades; Tolkningsskiljaktigheter mellan stabs- och fartygspersonal.

Spatial TDMA in Ad Hoc Networks with Antenna Arrays

In modern military operations the requirements of transmitting large amounts of information have increased substantially during the last decade. This increases the demand for high-capacity radio networks. It is also very important that military decisions are made on recent and correct information and this implies that low and known delays are required. The existing military radio ommunications, within the Swedish army, do not meet the requirements for capacity and delay. We have investigated how the capacity and average delay can be improved in an Ad Hoc network with STDMA by using antenna arrays.

Fysikalisk modellering av klimat i entreprenadmaskin

This masters thesis concerns a modeling project performed at Volvo Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. The main purpose of the project has been to develop a physical model of the climate in construction vehicles that later on can be used in the development of an electronic climate controller. The focus of the work has been on one type of wheel loader and one type of excavator. The temperature inside the compartment has been set equal to the notion climate. With physical theories about air flow and heat transfer in respect, relations between the components in the climate unit and the compartment has been calculated.

Implementering av realtidsvideolänk med MPEG- och wavelet-teknik

At Saab Aerosystems, situated in Linköping Sweden, there is a presentation and manoeuvre simulator simulating the fighter jet JAS-39 Gripen. This flight simulator is called PMSIM. In this thesis we study how to transfer sensor images generated by PMSIM to other simulators or desktop computers. The transmission is band-limited so some kind of image coding must be used. Because of this the greater part of this thesis is concerned with image coding.

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