11177 Uppsatser om Systems analysis - Sida 28 av 746
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Article 4.1(h) in the Rome I regulation establishes which law that will be applicable on contracts concerning financial instruments concluded in multilateral systems. The main problem is that most contracts concluded within these systems have standard clauses which contain a clause on the applicable law. If this is the case, Article 3.1 in the Rome I Regulation is applicable instead. This problem makes it difficult to find a need for article 4.1(h) if it will only be applicable in exceptional cases. However, the legal position on this matter is still unclear since the Rome I Regulation has just been put into force.
Jämförelse av verklig och modellerad elproduktion från en solcellsanläggning : En utvärdering av två simuleringsverktyg.
This thesis has been carried out in New Zealand in collaboration with the University of Waikato. In association with Dr. Mike Duke the purpose of this work is to investigate whether two different software for modeling of photovoltaic systems are useful in the teaching of solar energy.The next ten years grid-connected photovoltaic systems are assumed to increase and therefore also a rising demand for people with engineering knowledge are to be predicted. For engineer students with a focus on solar energy a more practical teaching with design software´s can be a good method to make the students comprehend more when it comes to large scale photovoltaic systems and be more prepared for working life.The software´s used is called Transient System Simulation (TRNSYS) and Photovoltaic Systems (PVSYST) which are both well used throughout the world. To assess the reliability of the software´s, a reference solar power plant at 16.1 kWp installed capacity are used, which consists of photovoltaic modules from four different manufacturers.
Effektiv kunskapsöverföring : Utredning av en avdelnings situation på ABB Robotics
The pace of product development is increasing. It is important to keep high quality in theproducts even though the time for product development decreases. Those companies whichcan utilize previous experiences are positioned with a significant competitive advantage. ToABB Robotics it has become evident that the knowledge transfer process within the productdevelopment department is inadequate. This study was a result and an attempt to address thisunsatisfactory insight.
Utveckling av Analysverktyg för GEMS PET Systems : En användningscentrerad utvecklingsmetod
The company GEMS PET Systems produces cyclotrons which is a type of particle accelerator. The cyclotrons create log files that are analyzed by the company?s employees for different purposes like troubleshooting or installation. The purpose of the project is to with a usage-centered design method create a paper prototype of a tool that will help the employees to analyze the log files in a more efficient way than earlier.The result shows how the usage-centered design method was used to create the paper prototype and how the user interface was created according to human-computer interaction (HCI)..
Tillämpad informationsteknologi i klassrummet
This bachelor thesis in science Informatics contains the qualifications for the applying of IT in education for students in elementary school, grade 1-3. By empirical case study on an existing elementary school, whose success on IT use is noticed, describes how to apply IT in the classroom in an adequate way. We look at different theoretical frameworks in interaction and design of systems designed for learning purposes, and satisfies their specific needs and situations within the classroom's four walls. The current lack of statistical measurements on students' results and effects of the use of IT in teaching, prevents further improvements. If we simultaneously work to develop more well-designed systems that are designed for this purpose, it is possible that the effects become more and better.
Backsourcing : om dess orsaker, syften och alternativ
This paper examines the reasons behind firms considering backsourcing. While firms experience problems with their outsourcing activities, backsourcing emerges as an alternative solution. Firms primarily take cost considerations into account when reconsidering their outsourcing practices, but this only scratches the surface. A deeper analysis is needed, since cost increases arise from issues such as quality defects and cooperation problems. Even though production costs are low, outsourcing always implies transaction costs.
Jordbruk och mjölkproduktion med kor i Etiopien :
Ethiopia is the country with most livestock per capita on the continent of Africa. There are 34.5 million cattle that are used for drought, meat- and milkproduction and 85% of the population rely on agriculture for their survival in some way. Milk is produced in four main systems, through pastoralism in the lowlands, in mixed crop-livestock systems in the highlands, in and near big cities with only one or two cows, and in intensive farming systems. There are 17 cattle breeds in Ethiopia and some of them are more suitable for milk production than others. Several environmental and economic problems arise from livestock holding in the country, for example overgrazing, low production due to feed shortage, low quality of the avaible feed and non-existing breeding programs.
Projektering av ett småhus samt ekonomisk jämförelse av värmesystem
Design of a house requires knowledge of both technology and economics. Heating and ventilation shall be designed, costs are calculated and estimated and requirements must be fulfilled. Which heating system is to be elected is also a difficult choice, especially with rising energy prices as a factor.The choice of energy system is not always given, because it depends on several factors. Below is a comparison between district heating, geothermal heat pump and electric boiler from an economic standpoint. In a previous report appears district heating and geothermal heat pump as the best options.
Genusperspektiv på bilderböcker ? en kvalitativ analys av Bokjuryns utvalda bilderböcker för år 2005
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine if there is any gender role stereotyping conveyed in recent children?s picture books. The picture books examined are the ten most popular which are selected by a combination of Bokjuryn in Sweden, 2005, and children voting. Furthermore there is a winner each year. The investigation concerns how protagonists, girls and boys, are portrayed and, moreover, if there are any breaches of traditional gender patterns.
Analys av en metod för att extrahera generella regler från multipla nät
Rapporten som följer är en analys av en metod som genererar regler från neurala nätverk. Metoden heter VI-Analysis (Validity Interval Analysis) och är framtagen av Sebastian B. Thrun [Thrun]. VI-Analysis arbetar på det sättet att det neurala nätverket ses som en svart låda där endast de inputvärden och outputvärden som finns i nätverket används som underlag när regler ska genereras. Dessa inputvärden och outputvärden kommer sedan att få tillåtna intervall av VI-Analysis.
Verksamhetsrelaterade uppsägningar i Sverige och Polen : En komparativ studie
This thesis investigates similarities and disparities between Swedish and Polish Labour Law concerning dismissals due to operational requirements and group redundancies. The study focuses on three important elements where the employers? liberty is legally infringed upon in a procedure of notice. These elements concerns the legal conditions of notice that must be fulfilled, the rules of the procedure and the rules for employment protection that is granted in connection with dismissals due to operational requirement or group redundancies. In the thesis there is a comparative map that outlines the most important rules within the Swedish and Polish legal systems concerning the subject.
Kvalitetskontroll av utskrifter från Kodak Approval XP4
When using the digital halftone proofing systems, a closer print match can be achieved compared to what earlier couldbe done with the analogue proofing systems. These proofing systems possibilities to produce accurate print match canas well lead to producing bad print matches as several print related parameters can be adjusted manually in the systemby the user. Therefore, more advanced knowledge in graphic arts technology is required by the user of the system.The prepress company Colorcraft AB wishes to control that their color proofs always have the right quality. This projectwas started with the purpose to find a quality control metod for Colorcraft´s digital halftone proofing system(Kodak Approval XP4).Using a software who supports spectral measuring combined with a spectrophotometer and a control bar, a qualitycontrol system was assembled. This system detects variations that lies out of the proofing system´s natural deviation.The prerequisite for this quality control system is that the tolerances are defined with consideration taken to the proofingsystems natural deviations.
Samtalets helgd. En rekonstruktion av den svenska elitens demokratisyn
Democracy is said to uphold the dearest values and be the most moral system. But it cannot be characterized as a rigid "syste" but a continuously changing political framework, under which aims and values can be fulfilled - and replaced.The increasingly diverse and ever-changing environment of contemporary democracies forces change upon the systems' natural evolution, which makes their future features uncertain and unforeseeable. A powerful change-force doctrine does however claim change is mainly (or merely) caused by the power of ideas; the elite power over ideas can thus provide a natural foundation for the analysis of the direction of development for democracy. This study aims to provide such a foundation by reconstructing empirical and normative descriptions of democracy at two certain points in time, following extensive government studies.As a tool for analysis, this study identifies values of substantial and procedural character central to democracy theory and discourse. It further creates ideal types of democracy based on these values, to which the nature of democracy is measured.
Intelligent remuneration in the knowledge economy
Talented people are recognised as being the most important corporate resource over the next twenty years and a competitive compensation system is an important tool in attracting and retaining talent. Traditional pay systems are recognised as being neither cost effective nor motivating people to do more. Often these systems do not contribute to strategic objectives. This study outlines what constitutes an intelligent remuneration system that will enhance the mind value added by knowledge workers, reward knowledge creation, and contribute to organisational strategies..
Uppgradering förarstol SEP: på uppdrag av BAE Systems
Hägglunds AB
En prototyp till en förarstol för det militära fordonet SEP har tagits fram av tidigare anställda på BAE Systems Hägglunds AB i Örnsköldsvik. Stolen måste uppfylla en omfattande mängd krav då den är tänkt att användas i ett stridsfordon, och av personer av varierande storlek. Den nuvarande prototypen för stolen anses dock vara för dyr och det har dessutom framkommit en del klagomål på konstruktionen. Stolen måste därför göras om så den blir både billigare och bättre. Genom att ta del av tidigare genomförda tester på BAE Systems, samt genom att göra nya tester upptäcktes det dels vad som var dåligt och därmed behövde göras om, och dels vad som var bra och kunde tänkas behållas.