10769 Uppsatser om Systematic work - Sida 27 av 718
Med fokus på möjligheterna istället för sjukdomen : en kvalitativ undersökning om validations- och reminiscensmetoden utifrån ett personalperspektiv
The purpose of our study has been to examine the methods of validation and reminiscences from an employee point of view. To answer our aim a qualitative disquisition with four assistant nurses and one pedagogue in craft was conducted. The result was divided into three different themes: the view on people with dementia, merits and demerits with the methods and to work with people with dementia. The analysis of the result was made from selected parts of the system theory and symbolic interaction theory.The result of our disquisition can be summarized in that all our interviewed persons above all only can see advantages with the methods and several express that they are good tools to use in their work with people with dementia. The majority of our interviewed persons make use of the methods in everyday, spontaneous, meetings with the elderly.
Att arbeta med högläsning av skönlitteratur i skolans mellanår : En studie om lärares arbete med och inställning till högläsning
The aim of the study is to elucidate how teachers in middle school work with reading literature aloud and their attitudes to their working methods. The research questions concern how the teachers work before, during and after the reading aloud, and also the advantages the teachers find in their method and the obstacles they discover in the work of reading aloud. A qualitative method was used for the study, applying semi-structured interviews. The selection consists of two teachers who have worked in the profession for 23?24 years (Teachers Andersson and Bergström) and two who have worked as teachers for 3?4 years (Teachers Cederqvist and Davidsson).
Nack- och rygghälsa i arbetslivet : En fallstudie av arbetsmiljö och friskvård
This study deals with the complex phenomenon of occupational health. There is knowledge of how a good work environment should look like, but despite this, many employees experiences ill health in the workplace mainly in the form of neck and back pain. This study is a case study conducted in a high-risk workplace. The overall purpose was to describe and analyze the health situation of a specific company with neck and back problems. Mainly, eight interviews had been used as the data collection method, but additional observations had also been implemented.
Lönsam arbetsmiljö eller arbetsmiljö för lönsamhet? : en studie om effekter av systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete
I studien undersöks hur införandet av ett systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete kan påverka en organisation. Många arbetsplatser saknar ett fungerande systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete, men alla företag är beroende av att personalen mår bra och får vara frisk och därmed kan vara effektiv på sitt arbete. För att öka läsarens förståelse för hur betydelsefullt det är att arbeta aktivt med arbetsmiljöarbete, vill vi visa organisationer hur de genom detta kan uppnå vinster, inte bara de av rent monetär art, utan även de som är av betydande vikt för arbetstagarna, såsom exempelvis ökad trivsel och bättre gemenskap. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär med en interaktiv forskningsprocess. Urvalet har bestått av respondenter på Copy Syd AB.
Emotioner i arbete : En studie av fritidsledares upplevelser av emotioner och arbetsmiljö
Abstract The sociological problem of this C-essay is sociology of emotions. This paper deals with experiences of emotions and work environment for people who work in human service organizations, and has been limited to the profession of recreation leader.The purpose of this paper is to examine how emotions affect the recreation leader?s work. For this we used eight qualitative interviews with recreation leaders from different youth recreation centers. What we have found in this study is that recreation leader?s work includes both positive and negative aspects.
Ekoturism i Sverige : Avsaknaden av "eko" i Ekoturism?
The purpose of this work is to examine how ecotourism exists in Sweden. In order to answer this, the essay has been based on a qualitative method, which means that the authors have mainly used depth interviews for information gathering. Some of the empirical work is also done using the qualitative method, by gathering statistics, figures and scientific articles. The essay is divided into various chapters to give the essay a clear structure and for the convenience of the reader. The part that have been of most use and support for authors is the depth interviews with the interviewees.
Den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns betydelse för det sociala arbetet : En kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares upplevelser
The study aims to gain insight into how social workers perceive their psychosocial work environment and examine whether this effects the performance of their duties. The study mainly addresses the shortcomings of the psychosocial work environment of Social Services and the implications it entails for social workers health and wellbeing. The psychosocial work environment includes physical and psychological factors therefore the study's interpretive framework consists of organizational theoretical and social psychological concepts and previous research on the subject. We examined the organizational and social psychological connections to social workers perception of their work environment with a qualitative approach. The empirical data was collected through interviews with four social workers in a municipality in central Sweden using a semi-structured interview guide.
Styrelsearbete över tid - En studie av företagsutvecklingens påverkan på styrelsearbetet i ett onoterat svenskt familjeföretag
In this study we have focused on how board work is affected by companies growth and development. This research has been conducted through a case study of Teleopti AB, a private Swedish family-owned company, together with theory and literature studies. We have studied the development of Teleopti since its founding in 1992 until today and what impact this company's development has had on Teleopti's board work and composition during the same period. Through the study we came to the conclusion that Teleopti's board work has gone from being supportive and advisory to more professional with a higher degree of board involvement. This change has been caused by the reduced information asymmetries, the increased need for board's expertise, the new board dynamics and the CEO change caused by the company's growth..
Pedagogers arbete med språkstimulering i förskolan. : En fallstudie.
The purpose of this essay is to describe how preschool teachers think about language stimulation and how they work with it when it comes to small children in preschool. My research questions were:? What kind of methods do the preschool teachers use? And what kind of work procedure do they have?? Is there any difference in the work procedure when it comes to daily routines and playtime?? How do the preschool teachers describe their work procedure with language stimulation?To be able to reach my purpose and answer my questions, I decided to make a case study. I have made observations of the preschool teachers and how they work and I have made interviews. The material that I have used, beside observations and interviews, is literature that is about earlier research about this matter.The result of the study shows that the preschool teachers considers their work with language stimulation as part of everything they do.
Starkare konflikt mellan familjeliv och arbete bland män än bland kvinnor : Work-Life Balance och arbetstillfredsställelse bland högskoleanställda
Syftet med studien var att bland högskoleanställda undersöka skillnader i Work-Life Balance och arbetstillfredsställelse beroende på deltagarnas kön samt beroende på om deltagarna hade barn under 18 år eller ej. Studien syftade även till att undersöka skillnader i arbetstillfredsställelse beroende på deltagarnas ålder. I studien ingick manliga och kvinnliga högskoleanställda som arbetade minst 80 % och som undervisade och/eller forskade inom den aktuella tjänsten. Studien genomfördes som en web-enkätundersökning på två högskolor i Sverige. Totalt besvarade 125 deltagare på enkäten som utgick ifrån två olika mätinstrument; Netemeyers, Boless och McMurrians (1996) skala som användes för att mäta Work-Life Balance uppdelat på Family-Work Conflict samt Work-Family Conflict och Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) som mätte inre och yttre arbetstillfredsställelse.
Corporate Social Responsibility - Att stärka ett varumärke
This essay has aimed at exploring how different companies work with CSR. We want to highlight their opinions about the topic, what it means for the companies that work with it and how important it is to apply CSR in a business. The reason why we chose this subject is because of the possibilities that come with working with CSR. We think there are a lot to be done when it comes to corporate social responsibility and we want to be a part of this new type of marketing. The win-win-situation that occurs with CSR is unique and it makes the subject interesting.
Affärsutveckling ur ett psykosocialt perspektiv : Mälarhamnar AB:s förutsättningar att lyckas
The psychosocial work environment in hard professions is hardly studied and this study was implemented to observe port workers psychosocial work environment in ports of Västerås and Köping. There are two purposes with this study: firstly, to examine how ports of Västerås and Köping, Mälarhamnar AB, can improve and develop their business by using psychosocial methods. To do this, a questionnaire study and three interviews with workers were done and the results were used in a SWOT- analysis. Secondly, the aim is to be able to use the results and make a difference in the business development by adjusting the psychosocial work environment. The results show that the employees are happy at work and are happy with their work colleagues.
Resan mot hållbar turism : En studie av CSR i förhållande till pris inom turismindustrin
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has recently become increasingly important for companies to integrate into their ongoing work. CSR is about social, environmental- and financial responsibilities. The tourism industry often involves large impacts especially on environmental and social factors, which is why CSR-work plays an important role according to previous studies. One trend that has increased among consumers in the tourism industry during recent years is to travel to the lowest possible price. It has for example become increasingly common to book airfare by budget airlines.
Barns rättigheter I skola och frivillighetsorganisationer : En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Östafrika
My purpose in this paper is to study teachers' work in reading and writing in primary school and special school. I want to find out if they use the same methods, strategies and materials to help students learn to read and write. I will find out the answer to my purpose by performing two qualitative observation and two qualitative interviews. Lundberg (2010) is the researcher I relate to during my study. Through observation, I see how teachers work with students in the classroom during a lesson in the Swedish language. During the interviews, I received answers to how teachers work with language, the materials, methods and strategies they use. I found out that teachers use specific strategies when they help their students. They use a work material that is tailored to curriculum in Swedish language and it is based on the phonics method. .
Patienters upplevelser av akuta skeden vid Kronisk Obstruktiv Lungsjukdom i relation till prehospital vård - En litteraturstudie
Patients with COPD (chronically obstuctive pulmonary disease) often experience acute episodes of the disease. On these occasions it is usual that the ambulance nurse is the patients first contact in the care. The purpose of this study is to describe patients' experiences in acute condition of the disease COPD and the Pre-hospital nursing. The method was systematic literature review with content analysis. The results show four prominent themes on the basis of patients' experiences.