
Ekoturism i Sverige

Avsaknaden av "eko" i Ekoturism?

The purpose of this work is to examine how ecotourism exists in Sweden. In order to answer this, the essay has been based on a qualitative method, which means that the authors have mainly used depth interviews for information gathering. Some of the empirical work is also done using the qualitative method, by gathering statistics, figures and scientific articles. The essay is divided into various chapters to give the essay a clear structure and for the convenience of the reader. The part that have been of most use and support for authors is the depth interviews with the interviewees. It is these interviews that form the basis of the results and conclusions presented at the end of the work.


Nicole Lenhart Nuria Montes

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Institutionen för ekonomi och företagande


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