
9018 Uppsatser om System sales. - Sida 31 av 602
Design och tillverkning av en stereoanläggning med aktivt delningsfilter
This thesis is the result of the author?s interest in music and electronics, namely the design and manufacturing of a stereo sound system with an active crossover. In short it can be stated that an active crossover has many advantages over its traditional passive counterpart. The active design naturally results in a more complex system comprised of a multiple number of components. This report deals with the theoretical aspects of preamplifiers, crossovers and power amplifiers as well as power supply and control.
Utveckling av Andersson Qwick Mobil för iOS
This thesis has been performed for the company System Andersson as a part of the bachelors degree in information technology at the School of Engineering in Jönköping. The thesis is based on the development of an iPhone application.System Andersson has an application for Android that is being used for their MPS system (material and production control system). Their customers, however, have also showed interest in being able to use this application for iPhone.The students handle the subject of iOS developing, including the design of the application, the use of the development language Objective-C, the use of the scripting language of Json used for server connections and SQL.The primary goal with this thesis has been to improve the students knowledge in such subjects as application development for mobile platforms, in such areas as Xcode, which is the development platform that Apple uses and Objective-C, which is the development language being used. The result of this thesis is an almost fully functional iOS application, similar to the Android application with some functionality missing..
Alternativ hylluppställning ? En studie på Jönköpings stadsbiblioteks barn- och ungdomsavdelning
In this Master we have studied classification system and alternative arrangements of books in a public library. The public libraries in Sweden use the SAB classification system. This system was created nearly a hundred years ago in order to suit the librarians and the Swedish society at the time. Today many library users find the system difficult to understand. This and other factors have inspired a number of libraries to arrange books in an alternative and more user-friendly way.
Supermarket Strategies : Kvalitativ studie av Ica Maxi, Coop Forum och Citygross konkurrensstrategier
This thesis investigates if a system for small scale electricity production located in anurban environment can be profitable. The work has been divided up into two parts,one extensive literature study and one case study. The purpose of the literature studywas to investigate the area, resulting in a choice of which technology to be studied indepth in a case study.In the case study a system containing small scale wind turbines and photovoltaicsmounted on Gränby Centrums roof was examined. From data containing wind power,wind direction and total irradiation, possible production from a system weresimulated. Three products of each technology were examined in the simulations.From the simulated production an economic analysis was carried out, this toinvestigate if a system is profitable.
Implementation av mätsystem för dricksvattenkvalitet
Följande rapport behandlar konstruktionen av ett system som kontinuerligt ska analysera kvaliteten på vatten. Systemet är uppdelat i mätenheter som utför själva mätningen och en centraliserad server som man kan koppla upp sig mot för att övervaka/justera sina mätenheter.Uppdragsgivaren till projektet var forskare från IFM på Linköpings universitet. De hade sedan tidigare ett fungerande system för att analysera vatten kontinuerligt. Vår uppgift var att ersätta deras system med ett nytt, som var baserat på mindre och billigare hårdvara. Vi har visat att systemet går att implementera på den önskade hårdvaran.Rapporten skildrar även hur projektgruppen tog designbeslut under utvecklingsfasen.
????Att lösa reglertekniska problem med Modelica
Modelica is a multi-domain and equation-based modeling language. Modelica is based on object-oriented principles and non-causal modeling. The language is constructed to facilitate reuse and decompose models. The models and the modellibrary can modified to design a new nonlinear components.Object-oriented modeling is an excellent way to analyze and study large complex heterogeneous physical systems. The object-oriented modeling approach build on reusing and decomposition of models and non-causal modeling.Modeling physical systems often leads to a DAE system with index 2 or 3.
Utbildningssimulator av funktioner i spa?rfordon : Ha?rdvarusimulator med felso?kning pa? do?rrsystem
This report is a description of a developed educational simulator over rail vehicles and its components. The simulator is a hardware-based prototype over a door system on rail vehi- cles. System specialists and technicians will use the prototype. The Simulator should give the user a technical demonstration on how components work in a door system. The proto- type consists of motor, switch, relay and sensor.
Aspekter att beakta vid beslut om gemensam säljorganisation tvärs divisionsgränser
Vid beslut om gemensam säljorganisation tvärs divisionsgränser, har jag kommit fram till att sex aspekter måste tas i beaktande på följande sätt: 1) Att upprätta teknikorganisationer, vilka kan vara produktledningar, som stöd för säljkåren i tekniska frågor. Dessa ska kunna ge support till säljare ute hos kunder, vilket är speciellt viktigt vid nykundsbearbetning och större projekt, ta fram offerter, och allmänt fungera som en teknisk back up i olika tekniska frågor. 2) Produktutbildning för säljkåren, för att ge den tillräcklig teknisk kompetens, så att den kan hantera frågeställningar mellan kund och teknikorganisation. 3) Hantera mål- och rollkonflikter, genom strukturerat arbetssätt, med mål och planer, tydlighet med vad som förväntas av olika parter, samt lämpligt kompensationssystem. Med hänsyn till det som framkommit i intervjuer är detta den enskilt viktigaste punkten att nogsamt beakta, speciellt då den kan riskera att underskattas.
Integrerat Performance Management System -En studie om ett ledningssystems påverkan inom Volvo
The research within the management control systems-field and more specifically performance management has been rather shallow and not much has happened the last decades besides the balanced scorecard. The researchers see a lack of studies focusing on the effects of an integrated performance management system and also how it affects the different hierarchical levels and the tasks to perform.We decided to perform an essay with case study-characteristics by looking at both the strategic and tactical level at Volvo Group, or more specifically Group Trucks. We performed three different interviews, one at the group level and two at the division level. The aim was to see what effect an integrated performance management system had on the tactical level (i.e. the divisions).Our findings and corresponding analysis suggested that Volvo was a rather centralized company in order to get the performance management system to work by enabling a ?weekly control?.
Anskaffning av standardsystem : en företagsstudie
Vid affärssystembyten väljs ibland standardsystem framför egenutvecklade system. En orsak är att egenutvecklade system är dyra och komplicerade att bygga. Flera företag tycker också att det är smidigare att implementera standardsystem då dessa är utformade som en paketlösning där samtliga moduler är integrerade.Ett problem för företag är att välja "rätt" standardsystem. Ett arbetsmål i denna uppsats är att ta reda på i hur stor utsträckning företag använder sig av en metod i anskaffningsprocessen. Huvudfokus är att ta reda på vad företag tycker är viktigast att anpassa - verksamhet eller system? Ett annat delmål är att titta på hur företagskulturen förändras vid ett standardsysteminförande.I undersökningen görs sex företagsintervjuer hos företag som alla har anskaffat standardsystem.
Effektivisering av produkionsflödet för stora cylinderrör på Företaget AB
This study was conducted in autumn 2008 on the Company AB, which is currently in a growth phase. The company manufactures hydraulic systems for the heavy vehicle industry and has annual sales of approximately 250 MSEK with 165 employees.The rapid growth and unchanged planning is the starting point for this report. It all began in 2005 when the company received an unusually large order. During this period, the first priority was to satisfy customers and all other focus was disregarded. This has primarily resulted in a messy production and long throughput times.
En analys av steg och konsekvenser vid införande av MVC
Abstract The purpose of this essay is to find difficulties and risks in the re-engineering process when restructuring to Model-View-Controller (MVC). A thoroughly theory study has been conducted to be able to understand the important steps in the re-engineering process. The methods and concepts of this essay are re-engineering, UML, system development life cycle, design patterns and MVC. The science approach used is design science where the artifact being developed are a set of models.In the analysis phase of the process the system is analyzed. The result of the analysis is notes of difficulties found and models showing the structure of the system.
Ljuddesign för rumsmetaforbaserade talgränssnitt
In this paper, a navigation support approach for speech-only interaction based on auditory icons for room-based designs is presented, i.e. naturally occurring sounds that have a natural mapping to the system's underlying design metaphor. In contrast to many recent investigations that have focused on multi-modal or augmented reality systems, this paper concerns a unimodal speech and sound-only system. An auditory icon based prototype system for buildings maintenance support using a room-based metaphor was developed. The design was evaluated in a comparison with earcons and no-sound designs.
HPM som luftvärnsvapen mot kryssningsmissiler, en möjlighet?
I denna uppsats undersöks huruvida HPM (High Power Microwaves) kan användas som enverkansform i framtida luftvärnssystem för att bekämpa kryssningsmissiler. Studien undersökervilket hot kryssningsmissiler kan utgöra, hur de är konstruerade och hur HPM kan påverka dem.Uppsatsen redogör för hur det nya luftvärnskonceptet är uppbyggt och vilka krav på förmågor somställs på framtida luftvärnssystem. Den undersöker även hur ett HPM-system är uppbyggt ochvilken verkan det kan ha på elektriska system i en kryssningsmissil. Vidare diskuteras vilkeneffekt tre olika HPM-system kan ha mot kryssningsmissiler kopplat till de krav som ställs iluftvärnskonceptet.Huvudslutsatsen indikerar att HPM-system kan ha verkan mot kryssningsmissiler. HPM-systemkan nyttjas främst i scenarier där det ställs höga krav på eldhastigheten mot kryssningsmissiler påkorta avstånd.
Optimering av ultraljudssändare- och mottagare avseende räckvidd, strålningsvinkel och energiförbrukning
Embedded Systems Lab at Umeå University is currently part of a research project with the purpose to examine the behavior of dairy cows inside a barn. Each cow needs to be tracked with a precision of 50 cm, and since GPS-technique has poor functionality at indoor environments, an indoor positioning system needs to be developed.Embedded Systems Lab has already developed an indoor positioning system using IR-light and radio, but since this system demands extensive infrastructure and is rather expensive, an alternate positioning system using ultrasonic pulses and radio is being examined.In this report the range, beam angle and current consumption of ultrasonic transmitters- and receivers are investigated. Three different driver stages for the transmitter is tested, and two amplifier solutions for the receiver. The report also describes how the length of the transmitted ultrasonic pulse affects the received signal, accessibility of a ?shadowed? signal, and the effect of different sound frequency..