
9018 Uppsatser om System sales. - Sida 13 av 602
Utvärdering gällande implementeringen av System Aircraft Management för Täby Air Maintenance AB
Today we live in a world where the demands increase in the aeronautics industry. This creates a situation where no mistakes are allowed about the regulations and for those who are supposed to follow these. Safety comes first, tracking of components, Service Bulletins which are recommendations from the manufactures and Airworthiness Directives which are demands from the authorities, these need to be updated at all time and everything that is done on a aircraft need to be documented.This creates a situation where today maintenance shops need to have full control of all parts of the organization, which creates a need for a working data system.The goal with this exam work is to evaluate the best way to implicate the new bought data system called "System Aircraft Management" on the basis of the needs of Täby Air Maintenance AB. The system are supposed to get started technically and also be implicated to the users of the system. This work will be focused to create a effective working plan to get SAM implicated with no interruption in the daily work.
Detektering av mänsklig närvaro i inomhusmiljö
One problem in today?s indoor air quality lies within insufficient ventilation. Dynamic ventilation can be obtained by implementing a Demand-Controlled ventilation (DCV) system. DCV systems adjust the ventilation in a building by calculating the impact made by its? occupants.
Markanvisning och markanvisningsavtal : definitioner och innebörd i ett antal Stockholmskommuner
The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how a number of municipalities in Stockholm County proceed when they allocate land and establish land allocation agreements for exploitation, and to investigate how a number of municipalities define land allocations and land allocation agreements on the occasion of public land sales. The aim of this thesis is to describe the allocation methods a municipally uses when they offer land for sale and to give an insight regarding which correlation different land allocation agreements have in different municipalities.Methods used are: (1) a literature review where the underlying theory for land allocations and land allocation agreements have been studied; (2) a questionnaire have been done to complement the literature review and to provide a picture of how a number of different municipalities in Stockholm County use and apply land allocations; (3) an agreement audit have been done to see the extent to which different agreement terms exists.Responses from the questionnaire, together with the definitions form different municipality?s land allocation policies and the literature review, resulted in a definition of a land allocation and a land allocation agreement. The agreement audit shows that agreement terms regarding: price or price indication, location, cost-sharing and planning costs are the most common agreement terms within the municipalities we have investigated.The study suggests that there is some confusion regarding land allocation agreements and the meaning of these, that became apparent when agreements where gathered, despite a careful explanation that it was land allocation agreements we requested, we still got exploitation agreements and purchase agreements. Therefore, we consider it necessary with an official definition of a land allocation agreement well anchored in the Planning and Building Act together with the rules of development agreements or other legislation.That there is a lack of research within the subject becomes evident when reports, essays, and other literature generally refers so the same sources.Keywords: land allocation, land allocation agreement and public land sales.
Interaktivt visuellt säljstödssystem
The purpose with this study was to elucidate the pros and the cons with a sale support system. This has been narrowed down into two questions: ?What are the pros and cons for a company that have a sale support system? and what are the pros and cons for a company that does not yet have a system?? Configurator that is a sale support system has been studied. It is a system that presents products by accepting different functions, qualities or parts that are possible to match. It can be used in business-to-business or business-to-consumer situations, through different sale channels, namely direct sale, indirect sale and online sale.
SAB-systemet och ämnet religion en studie av ett klassifikationssystems förmåga att klassificera en vetenskaplig discipline.
Classification systems express an idea of the world as it was when the systems was made. If the classification system is not revised there is a possibility that the system will become antique and hard to apply to different subjects. The purpose of this study is to see if the SAB-system is a classification system which shows a reflection of the subject Religion that is equivalent with that of Swedish universities. The ideas which are behind the classification of the subject religion in the SAB-system have been analysed, as well as the structuring of the scientific discipline Religion at the universities. The result will show if the SAB-system can classify the subject religion in a satisfying way at university libraries.
Ett ordersystem för reklamfilm
This report has explored how to design and develop an ordering system for television and DOOH commercials. Usability theories have been considered and also guidlines for system devoloping, this includes the making of a PACT analysis and a demand specifcation. To ensure that the users of the systems are in focus a pre studie has been performed on location of the company which is the intended user of the system. Finally an interactive prototype of an orderingsystem has been created to illustrate the functions and tools which the fnal product should have..
Verksamhetsanpassning av IT-baserat finanssystem
If P&C Insurance Company faces a challenge when their treasury system needs a new interface to a software as a service application. They need a suggestion for configuration for how the system and the application can work together. The work presented in this report is a suggestion for how you can make business configuration of an IT-based Treasury System in general. The exact configuration for the case received from If is presented as a separate report, found in Appendix A and is called the If-report. The If-report presents the suggested technical set-up of the configuration.
Implementation av ett kunskapsbas system för rough set theory med kvantitativa mätningar
This thesis presents the implementation of a knowledge base system for rough sets [Paw92]within the logic programming framework. The combination of rough set theory with logic programming is a novel approach. The presented implementation serves as a prototype system for the ideas presented in [VDM03a, VDM03b]. The system is available at "http://www.ida.liu.se/rkbs". The presented language for describing knowledge in the rough knowledge base caters for implicit definition of rough sets by combining different regions (e.g.
Grus i maskineriet : en fallstudie om förbättringspotential
Grus i maskineriet ? en fallstudie om förbättringspotentialVäxeln AB, a company that provide sales, service and repair of industry gears, has contacted the authors of the essay and asked us to investigate in which areas of the company that has improvement potential. Persistent improvement is a recurring and up-to-date issue that many business leaders not put enough resources on. A big problem in many companies is the issue that there is no comprehensive view and therefore some of the workers tend to not follow the routines that are required for the whole system to work.The goal with the essay is to give Växeln AB advice on to which areas in the company that have improvement potential.We have used a qualitative method with mainly semi-structured interviews which has led to an inductive approach. 13 co-workers that work in different areas of Växeln AB have taken part in the interviews.
Svårigheter med att beskriva tidskontinuerliga styckvis affina system med tidsdiskreta
Vad många inte tänker på då de har ett relativt avancerat olinjärt system som de linjäriserat till ett tidskontinuerligt styckvis affint system är att det inte är helt självklart och enkelt att hantera detta system. Eftersom vi i de flesta fall vill kunna hantera ett angivet system med datorkraft, och därmed måste sampla systemet, behöver vi kunna beskriva ett samplat tidskontinuerligt styckvis affint system med ett tidsdiskret system. Vid första anblicken av detta problem kan det verka ganska enkelt. Vad många gör är helt enkelt att skapa en tidsdiskret beskrivning för varje mod i det styckvis affina systemet var för sig och behålla de gamla modgränserna. Detta visar sig dock kunna ge ett felaktigt uppförande hos systemet.
The Podcar Way : hur kan spårtaxi integreras i en urban miljö?
A new system of public transportation that can simplify and shorten the trips made throughout the city, anddo that both cheap and environment-friendly. Sounds like good news. This new system, though, require anall new type of infrastructure, differing from what we are used to see in our cities. Podcar, or PRT, as thesystem is called can become a transport revolution, possibly. If that revolution does happen it is crucial that webeforehand have studied the possible effects it can cause on our city environment, from a spatial point of view.This thesis thoroughly describes the function and essence of the PRT system and presents what is availabletoday and in what forms.
Web Services: visioner, fördelar, nackdelar
Integration av system har varit ett aktuellt område under de senaste åren. Det har då främst handlat om integration av system internt på företag. En av anledningarna till det stora intresset av web services är möjligheterna att integrera olika system, exempelvis stordatorbaserade och Windowesbaserade system med varandra. Web services handlar om att kunna integrera system, både internt på ett företag och externa mellan olika företags olika typer av system. Allt detta görs via Internet och bygger på att man utgår i från standards när man bygger web services.
Paktering av fastigheter : Är paketering mer fördelaktigt än direktförsäljning av fastigheter?
The thesis deals with packaging of real estate?s; an approach concerning tax benefits with the purpose to sell real estates in a more beneficial process than what is doable in direct sales. The proceeding can be beneficial because of the rules in Inkomstskattelagen (19999:1229) regarding underpriced transfers and selling of business related shares. The real estate owner initiates the procedure through an establishment of an affiliate to a previously wholly owned parent company, where the real estate is the solitary asset of the affiliate. In order to fulfill the rules of underpriced transfers the transfer from the parent company shall be valued in regards to the tax value, else it will be taxed.
System för CRM - en marknadsanalys
Uppsatsen undersöker den svenska marknaden för CRM-system utifrån faktorer som företagskategori, kundrelation, befintligt kundrelationsstöd m.m. Vilka funktioner i ett system som företagen uppskattar mest undersöks också samt hur faktorer typiska för mjukvara påverkar situationen.Resultaten visar att det finns ett behov bland små och medelstora företag för CRM, dock inte för alla företag. Många företag använder egenutvecklade system, kanske för att de kommersiella systemen inte motsvarat deras behov. Funktionsmässigt uppskattades grundläggande funktioner mest, och fördelningen mellan CRM-områdena var jämn. Gällande mjukvarukaraktäristik ser företagen funktionaliteten som den primära faktorn i deras val av CRM-system.Det är en klar fördel att kunna erbjuda ett system på det nationella språket..
This document is a summary of my work to create a project management system for
a small firm working with computer graphics. The intention is to manage
customers, projects, images and invoices in the easiest possible way. To make
the system as flexible as possible a web-interface was chosen which makes it
possible to access the system from any computer, making it independent of any
particular operating system. The only requirement on the user environment is
that the computer must have a connection to the Internet to be able to access
the system. The different techniques that have been used to develop the project
management system is primarily Ruby on Rails and a MySQL database.
Although Ruby on Rails was completely new to me, I decided to use this
framework instead of PHP, which I
already have a good knowledge of, because of the benefits Ruby on Rails