

9011 Uppsatser om System maintenance - Sida 49 av 601

Likvärdighet, i vilket syfte för vem och när? : En idéanalys av likvärdigheten i utbildningssystemet från grundskola till gymnasiet utifrån frihetsbegreppet

In which purpose, for who and when does equality get fullfilled in the education system? This studie takes aim on the upper level and second upper level school system to study what the curriculum says on the one hand and what the system brings out on the other. With critical theory as method, with Herbert Tingsten as founder, this studie analyzes the logic of the education system to set out if the pupils choice of education, after the upper level lower secondary school, in second upper level is legit with democratic principles such as freedom (of choice). The theory, used to analyze the individuals progress to be autonomous, uses Adam Swifts definition of freedom as an individual being autonomous. The findings of the study shows that what politicians chases as equality really i´snt equality.

Lärplattformar : En fallstudie av lärplattformarna vid Umeå universitet

Umeå University currently uses two Course Management System, Moodle and Sakai (Cambro). Both Moodle and Sakai are based on open source code and are today the two more popular choices among Swedish Universities. They both have different strengths and weaknesses both from a technical perspective and a user perspective. This can create problems for a course responsible/teacher when it comes to planning the course structure at a distance course but also when planning the course structure on a campus course that uses a Course Management System. With this as my starting point my formulations of questions become:How do the Course Management Systems that Umeå University uses differs, both from a technical perspective and user perspective?What possibilities is there in the Course Management Systems to use a different Course Structure?Is there a noticeable difference on the view of Course Management System of teachers and students at different departments?The purpose with my essay is to create a basis that course responsible/teacher can use to plan the course structure.

Informationssystem för ärendehantering

Detta examensarbete är genomförd som en explorativ fallstudie på ärendehanteringssystem för att se vilken påverkan dessa system har på företagen som använder dem. Tidigare forskning har visat många fördelar från enskilda funktioner inom ärendehantering och ärendehanteringssystem, men det finns en avsaknad av undersökningar som tittar på dessa system som helhet. Examensarbetet genomfördes som en så kallad single case fallstudie på ärendehanteringssystemet SupportPoint som är utvecklat av företaget Syscom..

Undersökning av fasadskivor

The purpose of this report is to present some of the market's façade panels and to do a survey of Masonite façade panels and compare. Therefore I have looked closer on potential competitors and studied their assembly method and properties. I will also propose suggestions on installing Masonite panels and improvements to the current carrying system. The carrying system for façade panels in general. Various key people in various areas of the construction industry have been interviewed. People with a wide knowledge of theory and with real work experience have been my main focuses too implement this survey.

Sammanvägning av diversitetssignaler med FPGA

Genom samtal med radioamatörer visade det sig att det fanns ett intresse för att använda rumsdiversitet på deras mottagare då de upplevde fädning (vid körning med bil) som ett problem för hörbarheten. I ett system där mottagaren är stationär och sändaren mobil kommer den mottagna signalen att fäda ibland då radiovågorna tar olika vägar till mottagaren och ibland förstärker och ibland stör varandra. Tanken med detta examensarbete var att kunna ta emot två bandbegränsade audiosignaler från två mottagare med varsin antenn som tar emot samma signal (rumsdiversitet) och vikta ihop dessa med lämplig metod för att få ut en bättre signal. Om man kunde implementera ett diversitetssystem med VHDL i en FPGA så skulle man få ett system som var både billigt och flexibelt. I det här examensarbetet har jag försökt att konstruera ett sådant system..

Syntes och struktur i SAB förr och nu: En studie av avdelningen för språkvetenskap genom den första, den fjärde och den sjunde upplagan

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the synthesis and the structure of the main class for linguistics F in the Swedish classification system SAB. We want to find out whether F has developed towards a more faceted structure or not. Our theoretical perspective is based on fundamental principles for modern classification. To carry out our investigation the first, the fourth and the seventh edition of SAB is analysed and compared. The results of our study show that the main class F has become more faceted and therefore the possibilities to use synthesis have increased.

Effects of ten year old enrichment plantings in a secondary dipterocarp rainforest : a case study of stem and species distribution in Sabah, Malaysia

Large areas of forests in the tropical region have during the last decades been lost and converted to new land uses while other areas have been degraded into secondary forests. These secondary forests need to be restored and rehabilitation through enrichment planting and liberation may help to speed up the recovery process. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate a rehabilitation method that includes enrichment planting, slashing of weeds and girdling of unwanted trees. The site for the project is situated in Sabah, Borneo in a secondary forest which had been logged and burnt by a wildfire. The project?s goal is to rehabilitate and increase biodiversity through enrichment planting of seedlings mainly belonging to the family Dipterocarpeaceae (dipterocarps).

Redovisning till verkligt värde - En fallstudie av svenska investmentbolag

According to the current regulations described in IAS 27 - Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements, an investment company is required to consolidate all entities that it controls. However, this thesis outlines the creation of a new system, where those entities are instead measured at fair value, taking changes in fair value into account in the income statement. By recalculating the consolidated accounts for five major investment companies in accordance with the new system, this investigation concludes that the new system would provide investors with more relevant but less reliable accounting information. In addition, the historical financial performance of Investor, Industrivärden, Ratos, Kinnevik, and Lundbergföretagen, is evaluated using their recalculated consolidated financial statements. The evaluation indicates that the overall volatility in the companies' consolidated financial statements would have been higher during the time period 2005-2009, in comparison to official reports..

Förbättringsföslag av förvaltningsmodell för processer inom Telgekoncernen

This report gives an overview of applications of the Greenroads rating system whichin turn is an environmental review system for roads. The focus of this report isapplications during the construction phase, ie on solutions which adhere to theentrepreneur's area of responsibility as opposed to the designer's. The study was undertaken in cooperation with Skanska (a global contractor andFortune 500 company) which provided a project suitable for an exemplatory study ofGreenroads. Please note that the project in particular was not specifically designedwith Greenroads in mind. Therefore and because of that the site provided anexcellent opportunity to study effects of application contra non-application. The approach of this study was to first review the system, thereafter to performinterviews with key personel at the site in different roles as to receive different viewsof selected points of application. Selected possibilities of application are cathegorizedand presented with comments and suggestions for adoption. Lastly Greenroads is briefly compared to the rating system which today is the mostwidely used by Skanska, LEED.

När lär flest mest bäst? : Hur förmågan att identifiera satser påverkas genom lärpersonlighetsanpassning

The main purpose of this C-essay is to answer the question: What have been the consequences and effects of the merit point system on language studies and the parties concerned (teachers, students and principals) during the school year of 2010/11?The merit point system is the result of a political decision and was implicated for the first time in the Swedish upper secondary school during the school year 2010/2011. Being a completely new phenomenon it is of great interest and importance to study its effects.The study in this essay also aims to verify, falsify or nullify two hypotheses very often referred to in the political discussions regarding the merit point system:The merit point system will replace affection and interest as main reasons for language studies in upper secondary school and cause a rectification amongst the students choices of additional courses.The merit point system will have a segregating effect upon society and make it harder for people to rise in society through education in the future.A verification of these hypotheses would imply the appearance of an increased rectification amongst students as well as an orientation towards an in the future more segregated society.The empiric material has been collected and examined with qualitative as well as quantitative methods (questionnaires and interviews) and belongs epistemologically to the phenomenological and hermeneutical traditions..

Förslag till datoriserat systemstöd för serviceverkstad vid
Metso Paper Sundsvall AB

Serviceverkstaden vid Metso Paper Sundsvall AB, det vill säga Metso Paper Sundsvall Service Workshop, reparerar och servar maskindetaljer för pappersmassaindustrin. Reparationsbehoven är till viss del svåra att förutspå, vilket gör verksamheten svår att planera och prognostisera. Under åren har det byggts upp flera olika system som stöd för verksamheten vilket gör att beredning och planering av produktionen är relativt omständligt att utföra. Under hösten 2003 påbörjades ett förändringsarbete vilket ska leda till att ledtiderna kortas samt att resurser ska kunna frigöras för den enhet som idag arbetar med planering och beredning. För att förenkla det omständliga arbetet med att planera och bereda produktionen efterfrågas ett enkelt, flexibelt och användarvänligt systemstöd.

Morgondagens effektiva fjärrvärme : En beskrivande litteraturstudie

This report is made as a literature review, focusing on the work done to increase understanding of efficiency in the categories of substations and secondary heating systems, with respect to the deviation from the theoretically possible cooling off in the distribution network as well as the economic benefit that appear. The main purpose of a considerable part of the literature used in this report addresses the issue of identifying individual causes of reduced cooling in district heating systems. These literature resources have been compiled and summarized as part of the report.The technology of district heating is associated with benefits such as better use of the energy in a fuel. This is the case of cogeneration plants where serial generation of electricity and thermal energy increases efficiency compared with the parallel generation where heat is generated locally and electricity is generated centrally. Serial generation thus allows for lower primary energy demand.

Undersökning av avfallshanteringssystem : För ett nyexploaterat område i Ekhagen, Jönköping

Outside of many Swedish households today, you will find a typical green wastecontainer. This container has not changed since its introduction, despitecomplaints about foul-smelling and its impractical system. Even if the system usedtoday, still is the most optimal choice, there is a lot of newly developedalternatives out there.Its purpose is to get a broader perspective on how a waste management systemcan be developed into a working, land efficiently and aesthetically pleasing systemof humans and the environment in a small residential area.The authors treat the residential area of Jära, Ekhagen, in Jönköping, which ismanaged by JM AB as a problem area in regards to waste management.The issues raised by the authors are the different waste management systems usedin the corresponding areas of the world, how to apply technical andenvironmental as well as the waste management facilities from financial aspects.In the process, the methods used were literature reviews, case studies and aninterview. The case study was done through a modeling of waste managementsystems in the area Jära and an interview was conducted with the company Envacworking with vacuum systems. Studies have been made by different systems n theareas around the world.The results show that using directives and guidance will reduce the environmentalimpact done without replacing the traditional system.

Minkastare : ett system för Försvarsmakten?

Minvapnet klassas fortfarande som en viktig faktor vid strid, dock har dess utveckling i den svenska Försvarsmakten hamnat i skymundan. Denna slutsats kan man dra om man ser till vilka uppgifter och vilken utrustning som i dagsläget finns för att minera. De hjälpmedel som finns och är brukbara är ytterst begränsade. Ett system som skulle kunna vända denna trend är en minkastare, något som bland annat tas upp i, för fältarbetesfunktionen, interna utvecklingsplaner.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida Försvarsmakten skulle kunna nyttja ett minkastarsystem, vad det skulle innebära för Försvarsmaktens förmåga att minera samt lyfta upp vilka kriterier ett sådant system skulle behöva leva upp till för att kunna nyttjas av svensk trupp.Huvuddelen av uppsatsen kretsar kring textanalyser av aktuella reglementen, styrdokument och utredningar. I och med den nära knytningen till Försvarsmakten används de grundläggande förmågorna som analysverktyg och som teorikoppling.Uppsatsens resultat påvisar att införandet av ett sådant system skulle utveckla arméns, och framförallt då ingenjörförbandens förmåga att minera.

Anstaltens ambivalenta funktion : En studie av den samtida kriminalvårdsdiskursen

Due to the attention of several escapes, rescue attempts and hostage situations from Swedish prisons during the year of 2004 a debate about correctional system and safety arose. It resulted in official reports and proposals to improve the safety of the institutions. The incidents of 2004 will most likely have an effect on the discourse of the correctional system. The purpose with this study is to analyse which discourses that today can be distinguished in the correctional system and thereby will be the foundation of the correctional systemof tomorrow. The method used to answer the purpose of the study is a Foucauldian based discourse analysis.

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