

8723 Uppsatser om Systemägare - Sida 2 av 582

Foldback System

This project concentrates on musicians who work in a professional music studio.The task of this project was to design a new headphone system called Foldback system.The advantage of this system is that all involved in a music project could influence their ownlistening during the project. With a couple of adjustments should each and everyone get theirown individual listening from their headphone station.This report shows different methods, theories and results that came along in development ofFoldback system. The project has resulted in a finished product that will be in use atStudiomega..

Webbaserat ordersystem samt CRM.

The author of this report has created a Web-based invoice system and CRM at therequest of the company Webhouse.se. The purpose of the System is to makeeveryday tasks in the company easier. The system also needed to prevent mistakesand errors by managing orders and invoices.The system has been created with the company?s requests in focus. During thedevelopment of the system information security and interaction design have beenimportant aspects that have been taken into consideration.The system has been created using techniques such as PHP and MYSQL.

Implementering av mjukvarubaserat PLC-system för reglering av magnetiseringen av en synkrongenerator

In order to reduce the price for, and improve the performance of automatic control systems for magnetization of synchronus generators, the possibilities of using a PC based software PLC system, Programmable Logic Controller, has been investigated. The result is a system based on the CoDeSys software PLC with runtime environment from 3S-Software, communicating with external units via Modbus fieldbus. System price is reduced from ?5000 to ?2000 and system processing speed is reduced from 10 ms for a Siemens S7 PLC to 4 ms with the CoDeSys PLC system though unsolved problems with runtime seizure caused by improper settings in the PC BIOS..

Levbart transportsystem i Uppsala

In this thesis a transport system is sought after thatif realised in the city of Uppsala could provide bothwell-being to all its inhabitants and sustainability,here jointly refered to as liveability. It is found thatthe car dominated transport system that is inoperation today provides two fundamental values,namely accessibility in both time and space, whichsets it apart from other transport solutions. Thesetwo values are of immense importance for theliveability in our modern world. On the other handthe car dominated system decreases the liveabilityof Uppsala in several different ways. Some of theseproblems, it is argued, could be solved within thecar system, through the adoption of moreenvironmentally friendly cars etc., but otherproblems are inherent in the car system and willremain no matter what changes are made.

HjÀlpkraftsystem med tvÄ lÄgspÀnningsnivÄer

Because of increasing demand of power on Malmbanan the capacity of the existing wires which supply the trains must be increased. This increases the stress on the existing poles and for this reason the system for supplying the loads along the railway is to be removed from the poles and be replaced by some other system. This thesis is a study on a two-level low voltage (1 kV and 0.4 kV) electrical system with the aim to investigate if it can be an alternative to the system used today taking into account the voltages, fault currents and costs.In this thesis the following tasks have been performed:? Gathering of data? Description of basic theory? Loadow and fault current calculations of the system with MATLAB? Life Cycle Cost estimate of the system? Analysis and conclusions from the resultsThe results show that the new system can be an alternative to replace today's system. The simulations and calculations show that the voltage drop is at an acceptable level and that the fault currents are large enough to supply a safe disconnection if a fault occurs at the far end of the system..

Business intelligence : FramgÄngsfaktorer vid anvÀndningen av ett BI system

The management of information is a significant competitiveness in companies. Companies stored and save information every day, and it is very common to save de information in different sources. This makes de management of information complex. To mange, monitor and analyze the information, companies can use a system called Business Intelligence. BI system is an analytical system that extracts and converts data into useful information that helps employees to make informed decisions.

Dags att förÀndra den svenska utnÀmningspolitiken! En idéanalys

This paper discuss the possibilities to improve the Swedish political nomination system. It brings up some of the values and norms that can be used to change the existing system. Values as openness, the demand of responsibility and also if there is values from the American spoils system that can be used in the Swedish system. A minor purpose is to discuss the part of the parliament within the nomination process. To investigate this I have some theoretical starting points and a self constructed analysis tool.

Hur pÄverkar styrelsen och ersÀttningsutskottet nivÄn och strukturen pÄ VD:s ersÀttning? : En studie av svenska börsnoterade bolag

Sammanslutningar bildas fo?r att minska transaktionskostnaderna pa? marknaden, i fo?rhoppning om o?kad produktivitet. Fo?retagets uppgift a?r att generera o?kad vinst och aktiea?garva?rde, men separationen av a?gandet och kontrollen ger upphov till avvikande egenintressen inom fo?retaget. Ersa?ttning till VD:n och ledande befattningshavare blir ett instrument fo?r att koordinera gemensamma la?ngsiktiga intressen med aktiea?garna.

FörÀndring = FörbÀttring? : En studie av hur nÄgra anvÀndare skattar och upplever förÀndringar i ett datorstöd

Human-computer interaction is central for computer assisted development. The aim was to investigate the user experience of a new (U2) compared to an old (U1) computer system, within a cognitive psychology frame of reference. Six subjects, frequently using the system, participated in the study. It was shown that the new (U2) compared to the old system (U1) enhanced and supported more the users? system related procedures/tasks.

En ny aspekt pÄ svenska. Om progressiva participkonstruktioner

av litteraturen pÄ omrÄdet visar sig vara i det nÀrmaste förbisedda i tidi-gare beskrivningar av svenskan: progressiva participkonstruktioner, dvs. sekvenser bestÄende av ett verb följt av ett verbalt presensparticip.I undersökningen anvÀnds i första hand korpusmaterialet i Parole. Vid analysen av de 875 progressiva participkonstruktioner som pÄtrÀffas i materialet anvÀnds konstruktionsgrammatiken som verktyg.Analysen av de progressiva participkonstruktionerna visar att de kan delas upp i tre kategorier: riktningsbetecknande participkonstruktioner, som företrÀds i exempel som De kommer gÄende nedför gatan, befint-lighetsbetecknande participkonstruktioner, som kan representeras av De blev sittande med biljetterna, och additiva participkonstruktioner, som man finner i exempelvis Barnen sprang grÄtande tillbaka till dagis.Undersökningen visar bl.a. att de tre typerna av participkonstruktioner Àr progressiva former i svenskan och att det inte Àr de enskilda lexemen utan konstruktionerna som ger den progressiva tolkningen..

Ett mÀt- och reglersystem för temperaturkompensering

An automatic control system for calibration of pressure indicators has been constructed. This control system can be used as a complement to the calibration system located at AerotechTelub, division MainPartner, in Linköping. The calibration system used today contains some not wanted pressure changes, which is compensated by hand today. The new system presented in this report automates the calibrating process and simplifies the calibration. Suitable hardware as motor, controls card and so on have been found and software in the form of Visual Basic program has been developed.

Effektivare produktionsarbete med BIM som arbetssÀtt pÄ Skanska VÀg och AnlÀggning region Stockholm

The author of this report has created a Web-based invoice system and CRM at therequest of the company Webhouse.se. The purpose of the System is to makeeveryday tasks in the company easier. The system also needed to prevent mistakesand errors by managing orders and invoices.The system has been created with the company?s requests in focus. During thedevelopment of the system information security and interaction design have beenimportant aspects that have been taken into consideration.The system has been created using techniques such as PHP and MYSQL.

ResurssnÄlt kommunikationsprotokoll för smÄ inbyggda system

Web Services har vuxit i popularitet de senast Ären. AnvÀndningen av inbyggda systemökar ocksÄ stÀndigt, och möjligheten att göra inbyggda system tillgÀngliga via Web Services öppnar nya möjligheter.Detta arbete visar pÄ möjligheter och problem med standardiserade textbaserade protokoll för kommunikation i inbyggda system med smÄ resurser. XML-RPC och SOAP studeras ur detta perspektiv. SOAP befinns vara mer komplext att implementera stöd för Àn XMLRPC i den begrÀnsade testmiljön, som har 32kB internminne. XML-RPC visar sig ge fördelar över proprietÀra protokoll frÀmst nÀr det gÀller underhÄllbarhet och ÄteranvÀndbarhet..

DriftsÀkerhet i verksamhetskritiska system

Vi har undersökt ett verksamhetskritiskt system i en större organisation för att se hur systemet Àr konstruerat och hur förvaltningsarbetet bedrivs för att undvika avbrott i systemet. DÄ det Àr sÀrskilt viktigt att dessa system har hög tillgÀnglighet har vi försökt lyfta fram faktorer som visat sig vara sÀrskilt viktiga för att uppnÄ hög tillgÀnglighet. Undersökningen har genomförts som en fallstudie dÀr vi intervjuat personer med olika befattningar inom organisationen. Vi presenterar Àven ett antal rekommendationer som vi tror kan minska risken för avbrott i det undersökta systemet..

Implementation av ett Content Management System

Under de senaste Ären har webbplatser blivit allt mer komplexa och informationen som ska visas och hanteras allt större. För att underlÀtta hantering och administration av dessa system har mÄnga CMS-system vuxit fram. Dessa system kan skilja sig mycket betrÀffande pris och funktionalitet, allt frÄn mindre open source system till stora komplexa kommersiellt drivna system. Detta arbete bygger pÄ att skrÀddarsy ett CMS-system för administration och hantering av innehÄll pÄ diverse artist sidor, som hanteras av ett medieföretag. Systemet anvÀnder tekniker som JavaScript, PHP, MySQL som grund för dess uppbyggnad.

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