
Levbart transportsystem i Uppsala

In this thesis a transport system is sought after thatif realised in the city of Uppsala could provide bothwell-being to all its inhabitants and sustainability,here jointly refered to as liveability. It is found thatthe car dominated transport system that is inoperation today provides two fundamental values,namely accessibility in both time and space, whichsets it apart from other transport solutions. Thesetwo values are of immense importance for theliveability in our modern world. On the other handthe car dominated system decreases the liveabilityof Uppsala in several different ways. Some of theseproblems, it is argued, could be solved within thecar system, through the adoption of moreenvironmentally friendly cars etc., but otherproblems are inherent in the car system and willremain no matter what changes are made. Analternative transport system is therefore soughtthat has the two benefits of the car system and isfree from the problems of the car system. Such asystem is identified, the bicycle supported light railsystem, where the rail system is planned so thatpeople should go to the stations by bike. Byincreasing the radius of accessibility around eachstation by three and the area by nine this systemcan also lower the amount of rail by to a third, canassure three times as frequent departures fromeach station and can lower the total amount ofstations to a ninth, all compared to regularcollective transport systems.


Finn Landegren

Lärosäte och institution

Uppsala universitet/Matematiska institutionen


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