

9113 Uppsatser om Swedish - Sida 4 av 608

Regionaliseringens effekter pa? svensk filmmusik : En kvalitativ studie av nutida filmskapares produktionsma?ssiga fo?rutsa?ttningar

This thesis examines Swedish filmmakers' modes of work and production within the Swedish film landscape. An introductory historical overview treats the Swedish regionalization since the mid 1990's. Political and economical aspects of producing films in various regions serve as a background for understanding the new generation of decentralised Swedish filmmaking, and the use of sound and music in contemporary film. The analysis consists of empirical studies; interviews with directors and producers, working with music for film and TV. Although the filmmaking perspective is in focus, composers and film scholars are heard as well.

Ämnesövergripande undervisning i läsförståelse : Mellanstadielärares kompetens och undervisningsstrategier i olika ämnen

In this study, six teachers have been interviewed about their vision and teaching of reading comprehension, both for pupils who has cleared the reading code and those who have not. The aim is to illustrate if teachers in middle school spend time to exercise reading comprehension, or if this is left to the Swedish teachers. Thus only according to the subject Swedish, the students are entitled to be given the opportunity to develop reading strategies.The interviews are semi-structured based on qualitative research. The informants are three teachers of Swedish and three teachers of other subjects. Two different interview guides were used containing three questions.

Prefixet "B?-" och dess svenska motsvarigheter. En jämförelse av prefixet "B?-" och partikeln "ut"

The aim of this text is to compare the semantic profile of the Russian prefix B?- with that of the Swedish particle "ut". It follows Janda's categorization of Russian B?-verbs into semantic groups and compares Swedish phrasal verbs with the particle "ut" to the semantics of the Russian prefix B?-. The material consists of Russian B?-verbs and their Swedish translations retrieved from Norstedts ryska ordbok.

Kosmopolitiska identiteter och lojalitet : En studie om identitetsskapande hos svenskfödda ungdomar med utomsvensk härkomst

The purpose of this study is to illustrate, analyze and discuss how a group of Swedish-born adolescents of non-Swedish descent identify themselves in relation to personal experiences of belonging and loyalty. I have chosen a qualitative research methodology in the form of one group interview and two individual interviews.The result of the study shows that the group of Swedish-born adolescents of non-Swedish descent identify themselvs with one or more nation-states in different ways depending on different concept metaphors that underlie the concept of nation in different national discourses..

Svensk Form : En studie om hur föreningen Svensk Form styrs i bakgrund av regeringens uppdrag och föreningens mål

Swedish design is known all over the world and is seen in national as well as in international arenas. There is only one design organization in Sweden that has the task to represent Swedish design in public. The organization is Swedish Form and it is the oldest design organization in the world. It has a huge influence in our society, within design and form. In the end of 1990 the association received its first government assignment, which still continues.

"Det var fel, men vi brydde ju oss inte alls om de personerna" : En kvalitativ studie om hur svensk journalistik skildrar relationen mellan polisen och romer

The following study aims to examine how the Swedish journalism portrays the relationship between the Swedish police and the Romani people in Sweden in connection with the disclosure of the registration of thousands of Romani people during the autumn of 2013. The study proceeds from a series of articles written 2013 about what in Swedish media is known as ?Registerskandalen? or ?Romregistret?. The theories used in the study all originates from Postcolonial Theory and Ethnocentrism, and we used van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis for analysing the result. In the end of the study we find that the Swedish journalism portrays the Swedish police's view on the Romani people as negative in comparison to how they view the rest of the majority society in Sweden..

Sverigedemokraterna : Vilken mediebild fanns av Sverigedemokraterna inför riksdagsvalet 2014?

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the Swedish media framed the political party, the Swedish Democrats, two weeks prior to the election of parliament in 2014. This essay starts with the historical background of the political party, the Swedish Democrats, and continues with the theoretical framework for the essay. The theoretical framework consists of three theories: framing, media logic and media?s role in the democratic society. The essay?s main problem is presented as the question: What media image was there of the Swedish Democrats before the election of parliament in 2014? The main problem is answered by using a quantitative content analysis on the essay?s empirical material, 68 news articles from four Swedish daily newspapers.

Ståplatsläktaren - glädje & passion eller farliga huliganer? : En kvantitativ undersökning av supportrar på ståplatsläktaren

This study is about Swedish football supporters located on the cheering section of the arena. These supporters are often being described as hooligans and as a threat to Swedish football. The aim of this study were therefor to provide further knowledge about the supporters on the cheering section and their culture. Questions about supporter behaviour and supporters own opinion on their effect at Swedish football and supporter culture were examined. The data was collected thru a web-based survey of Swedish football supporters.

Reviderad Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning: En studie av dess påverkan på svensk bolagsstyrning

The debate about questions concerning corporate governance has intensified in Sweden the last decade. From July 1th 2008, the Swedish Code for Corporate Governance was extended to comprise all Swedish companies listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm. Our aim with this master thesis is to examine the effect of the Revised Code on Swedish corporate governance and in particular its contribution to creating value or costs. We do this through a qualitative study of 22 interviews with representatives for different interests. With our study, we have found that the Revised Code in several areas has had considerable influence on Swedish corporate governance.

Icke-finansiella styrtal inom den svenska bioteknikindustrin

This study is set out to examine if there is any kind of influence between the EU and Swedish gender policy. More specific the Swedish efforts within the gender policy area, especially in the area of social policy and employment, during the Swedish presidency in the Council of Ministers 2001. And also to examine the impact of Europeanization in Swedish gender policy. We have decided to delimit our study to care of elderly and children when it comes to the area of social policy. We are using a descriptive, examining qualitative method.

Svenskt tullskydd. En studie av svensk protektionism under trettiotalet.

This paper attempts to study the Swedish tariffs during the interwar period in order to asses the level of protectionism in Swedish tariff policy during the period. It is foremost the nominal tariffs that are studied, however an estimate of the effective rate of protection of the tariffs is also calculated for a number of goods. In order to asses the level of protectionism, the Swedish tariffs are also compared with Finnish tariff levels during the interwar period.The sample of Swedish tariffs that have been studied in this paper include the fifteen most important kinds of import goods and the fifteen most important kinds of export goods. The nominal tariff of each kind of goods have been weighted by their share of the total import value.The Swedish specific tariffs did not change much during the interwar period except for a few goods such as petroleum, coffee and automobiles. The fluctuation in nominal tariffs were in most cases the result of the steep fall in prices during the period.

Kulturers påverkan på förhandlingar

In this thesis, I discuss the impact Swedish national culture may have on Swedish diplomats. This is a qualitative study and I have used theories from studies of international negotiations to compare the oppositional results of those scientists with my interview material. With the help of my interview material from seven Swedish diplomats and five foreign diplomats I have compared their perceptions of Swedish culture, Swedish diplomats and their thoughts about the existence of an international diplomatic culture with well known sceientists of international negotiations. My main question is whether there is an international diplomatic subculture, without any national impact, or not. The mission is to base the thesis with earlier science and then compare and contrast with my interview material.

Hur påverkar europeiseringen svensk alkoholpolitik?

AbstractTitle: How does Europeanization effect Swedish alcohol policy? .Titel: Hur påverkar Europeiseringen svensk alkoholpolitik?Minor Thesis in Political Science, January 2008Author : Markus GustafssonTutor : Lennart BergfeldtVäxjö UniversityThis essay will deal with the influence which Europeanization has on domestic politics. The case I have chosen is Swedish alcohol policy. Thus, the purpose is to explore whether observed changes in Swedish alcohol policy in the years 1993-2005 can be explained by Swedens´s membership in the European Union. To reach this purpose the following questions need to be answered:? What is europeanization?? How has Swedish alcohol policy changed from 1993 to 2005?? Is it possible to connect the changes in Swedish alcohol policy to a process of Europeanizationprocess?The method in this essay has been a qulitative study of litterature.

Att bli utbildare : En studie av kadetters syn på hur de formas till utbildare

Background: Officers in the Swedish Armed Forces educates their soldiers in various skills and arenas. The Officers get their educational training in officer training courses conducted by the Swedish Armed Forces or the Swedish national defence college. The aim of this study was to find out how the cadets, belive that they are formed into educators, their views on the literature being used in the Swedish armed Forsces, and their views on leadership and educational science.Methods: The data for analysis were collected in spring 2010, by use of a questionnaire among cadets studying the tactical/operational program Ta/Op 07/10 at the Swedish national defence college. The respons rate was 69, 6 %.Results: The majority of the cadets thought that experience was the most important factor in becoming a good educator. Most of the cadets also thought that the literature being used by the Swedish armed forces was good, however, few cadets stated that they will use the material for reflection on their own teaching when working as officers.Conclusions: The Cadets had a positive attitude towards the educational philosphy and literature being used, but few will use the literature in reflecting on themselves as teachers.

Efter bankkrisen: Vad är notan för skattebetalarna nu?: En uppföljning av Peter Jennergren och Bertil Näslunds studie från 1998

During the Swedish banking crisis in the early 1990?s, the government paid out 65 billion Swedish kronor to save Swedish banks from bankruptcy. In the process, two banks left the private sector to be taken over by the state. This thesis builds on a study from 1998 in seeking to quantify the financial end result for the Swedish government from the subsidies. Taking a cash flow approach and accounting for the time difference, it starts with the money paid out during the years of crisis and subtracts the money that has since been returned to the government by successful management of the relinquished assets.

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