

12999 Uppsatser om Swedish media - Sida 7 av 867

Intressenter och deras påverkan på internationella bolag i korruptionsfrågor : En fallstudie av Westinghouse Nuclear

AbstractTitle: Similar but different ? Sweden Democrats and Swedish Social Democratic Party in Swedish newspapers online during 2010 (Lika men olika ? Sverigedemokraterna och Socialdemokraterna i svensk rikspress på nätet 2010).Number of pages: 35 (40 including enclosures)Author: Magnus MjöhagenTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information and Media, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim: To discover any possible difference between the media report concerning The Sweden Democrats and the Swedish Social Democratic Party in Swedish news press.Material/method: A quantitative content analysis has been made with 64 articles from the homepages of the four biggest news papers in Sweden: Aftonbladet.se, Expressen.se, DN.se (Dagens Nyheter) and SvD.se (Svenska Dagbladet). The analysis focused on four themes: 1) framing in the articles, 2) impersonation in the articles, 3) the democratic task of journalism and 4) the expectations of journalism in an election campaign.Main results: The main results showed that the difference between the two parties either was nonexistent or very small. The articles were sometimes framed in specific ways, but a big amount of the articles were not framed. Impersonation occurred in about half of the cases, concerning both parties.

Nyhetsgrafikens utveckling

This bachelor thesis examines and discusses the question: "How can graphics for newscasts be adapted to follow technological developments in various media and increase its informative quality?" The work was performed on Swedish Television's own graphic department, SVT design in order to examine how news graphics need to be developed to follow the technological changes in media. The production resulted in a news graphics concept divided into three parts. Two of the sections show examples of how graphics can be adapted according to platform and the third section shows examples of news graphics that are produced at SVT Design by me. The bachelor thesis focuses on the development of technology in the media and examines areas such as interactive solutions, news graphics and the traditional television media..

Fångade i diskursen : En kritisk analys av hur begreppet medborgarlön presenteras och inte diskuteras i dagspressen

Abstract Author: Maria StåhlTitle:  Level: BA Thesis in Media- och kommunikationsvetenskapLocation: LinnaeusUniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 51  This report is a critical discourse analysis of the attributes that surround the word basic income/medborgarlön in four Swedish daily newspapers. The study explores how the text in the newspapers attributes the word and what the consequences might be for the readers and for the political agenda when it comes to the discussion of justice and responsibility. The attributes that characterizes basic income in the media are mostly negative and there is no discussion where work strategy and basic income is seriously spoken of. Work strategy is taken for granted and is not questioned by anyone. The alternative that basic income could be is being ridiculed which becomes clear by the attributes that are chosen. The figuration of basic income in these media is characterised mostly by negative and depreciatory attributes.

Public Service Begreppets olika ideal och tolkningar

With this master thesis we wanted to find out in which way the concept of public service is connected to different perspectives, ideals, visions of the future and forms of organizations. The purpose with our thesis was to do an analysis of different concepts regarding to public service. To the analysis of concepts we used Swedish newspapers and analysed the issue of public service that had been discussed in articles written during the last five years. From this material and other papers about public service we developed a model of public service ideals. We wanted to find out what the different perspectives thought about the Swedish television and their commission.

Film på svenska folkbibliotek? En diskursiv analys av statliga offentliga utredningar som behandlar folkbibliotekens verksamhetsmål och mediepolitik

This Masters thesis examines the position of films in Swedish public libraries. We have, by way of comparing various statistical data, determined that the status of film in public libraries is week. We have completed earlier research by mapping what genealogical, discursive patterns that could be outlined in the Swedish government reports from 1949 until today, focussing on the activity goals and media policy of the public library. We have, on the basis of Foucaults theories on genealogy and archaeology, where text documents are considered to be meta-descriptions giving each other authority, analyzed if there any discursive excluding or contextual formulations exist in the usage of the language concerning the goals and the media attitude of public libraries. We have mapped contextual discursive formulations that to the commissioners have become neutral starting points for their assumptions and conclusions.

Sociala medier i Kina : En studie om användningen av sociala medier i en diktatur

The current research examined whether motives, traditional mass media consumption and individual differences (social activity and political interest) predicted the use of social media among a group of university students in China. In coherence with Uses and Gratifications assumptions the study found that the factors differentially predicted the extent of media use. Information seeking, social interaction and affinity were the main reasons for using social media. There was a negative correlation between television viewing and use of social media, in addition to a negative correlation between information seeking and use of the media. Results further suggest that social media are used to enhance social capital, since student?s being socially active offline, tend to use the media to a greater extent than those less active..

?Det är svårt att hinna med allt?- : en studie av synen på ett vidgat textbegrepp i samband med skönlitteraturundervisningen

The purpose of this study was to examine the usage and occurrence of media literacy in relation to literature studies in the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. The questions at issue were;How do teachers and students look upon media literacy and how is this attitude reflected in their education?How do teachers incorporate media literacy with literature studies?What attitudes do students have towards their teachers? education of media literacy and literature studies?The study took place in two cities in Sweden. It consists of eighteen qualitative interviews with six teachers and twelve students. The study shows that teachers have different attitudes towards media education in relation to literature studies.

Från ?hög och fin? till ?se upp på Gerrard? : En kvalitativ textanalys med fokus på förändring i TV-fotbollsgenren

Abstract Our intent with this study was to find out what changes have been made during the last 30 years in the way that the media reports from certain events. We choose to study the world of football and specially the Swedish national team and it?s relationship to the Swedish television medium in the World Cup of 1974 and the World Cup of 2006. The study mainly focuses on the differences in commentary and in the production from both of the championships. We used Keith Selby and Ron Cowdery?s book How to study television and Mats Ekström and Lars-Åke Larsson?s book Metoder i kommunikationsvetenskap as tools to analyze the games we watched. The result showed that there?s been a lot of changes media wise between the two championships.

Vem syns i rutan? : En studie över SVT:s och TV4:s sportsändningar ur ett genusperspektiv

This report is an analysis from a gender perspective of more than three hundred minutes in sports broadcasting on SVT and TV4. The study explains how air time is divided between male and female athletes as well as which sports, male or female, get the most air time. The sports are also categorized according to attitudes about the sports being masculine, feminine or neutral. In this way the study also shows the categories of sports that are given the most airtime.Our view before the study was that from a media perspective, the Swedish sports world was very male dominated. The results show that male athletes get more exposure than female athletes on both channels, this despite the fact that the membership of the Swedish sports clubs is fairly evenly divided between men and women. .

TV-spel i nöjesjournalistiken : En undersökning om tv-spel och recensioner utifrån ett genusperspektiv

This study is about how videogamecompanies and Swedish newspapers represent masculinity and femininity in the covers of the games Assassins Creed 3, Grand Theft Auto 5, Bayonetta and Tomb Raider along with the reviews being done in conjunction with the game. The reviews has been published in the following newspapers: Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen and Göteborgsposten. The image that is formed in our society about how a man and a woman should be and behave will be the basics of this study. The covers of the games often represent what the game itself is about and what it contains and the reviews also conveys what the consumer who buys the game gets. The video game industry has grown in recent years to become one of the largest entertainmentindustries, but despite this, there has not been many studies on how this media represents masculinity and femininity.

Reaktion utan reflektion? En studie av tidningarnas reaktioner på nya svenska partier under 2000-talet.

New political parties are increasing as phenomena in Swedish politics. Some of these parties have gained much attention in the media, and recent examples are Junilistan, Feministiskt initiativ and Sjukvårdspartiet. Media plays an important role for political parties as it is a way for the parties to communicate with the citizens. Therefore this essay examines how these three new parties have been pictured in media lately, and with what arguments they are discussed. This is done by argument analysis of editorials in five Swedish newspapers.

Kriskommunikation : eller"Det snöade för mycket"

When a crisis hits a company, it is very important that the company communicate with its customers. Communication is important for a company in crisis because this is a way for the company to tell their side of the story and thereby try to get the customers to see things their way. Because mass media reaches a lot of people, it is a simple and fast way for companies in crisis to get their message out to the world. Mass media can be very useful for a company, but it can also be a problem. Mass media and companies in crisis may or may not have the same purpose with the communication.

UNDER YTAN Fredrik Reinfeldt och Stefan Löfven i en komparativ bildstudie

Title: Under the surface - Fredrik Reinfeldt and Stefan Löfven in a comparative photo studyAuthors: Jon Demred, Fanny Wijk & Olivia WikströmLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 39This thesis compares how Stefan Löfven was being portrayed in Swedish media the week after the generalelection 2014 with how Fredrik Reinfeldt was portrayed in the first week after 2006?s general election.There has been made a lot of research on how politicians are portrayed in the media, but most of theresearch focus on text portrayal. This thesis focus on something different, it compares how the two ?winners? were portrayed in news photos.A semiotic approach was used to analyse news images in the newspapers Aftonbladet, Expressen, SvenskaDagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. It was important to not only look at the pictures, but also the outer context, i.e the headlines, had to be analysed to come to any conclusions.Fredrik Reinfeldt was portrayed more positive and more as a winner than Stefan Löfven was.

Lika men olika : Sverigedemokraterna och Socialdemokraterna i svensk rikspress på nätet 2010

AbstractTitle: Similar but different ? Sweden Democrats and Swedish Social Democratic Party in Swedish newspapers online during 2010 (Lika men olika ? Sverigedemokraterna och Socialdemokraterna i svensk rikspress på nätet 2010).Number of pages: 35 (40 including enclosures)Author: Magnus MjöhagenTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information and Media, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim: To discover any possible difference between the media report concerning The Sweden Democrats and the Swedish Social Democratic Party in Swedish news press.Material/method: A quantitative content analysis has been made with 64 articles from the homepages of the four biggest news papers in Sweden: Aftonbladet.se, Expressen.se, DN.se (Dagens Nyheter) and SvD.se (Svenska Dagbladet). The analysis focused on four themes: 1) framing in the articles, 2) impersonation in the articles, 3) the democratic task of journalism and 4) the expectations of journalism in an election campaign.Main results: The main results showed that the difference between the two parties either was nonexistent or very small. The articles were sometimes framed in specific ways, but a big amount of the articles were not framed. Impersonation occurred in about half of the cases, concerning both parties.

Att sälja landet lagom : En studie om Sverigebilden och Svenska Institutets arbete med nation branding

Title: To sell the country of Lagom: a study of the Swedish Institute?s re-branding of Sweden and impact on the swedish citizens Authors: Rebecca Dahl & Ellinor Thungren Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to study the Swedish Institute?s branding of Sweden. We have explored if the branding is consistent with the picture that Swedes generally have of themselves and Sweden, and also looked at which consequences differences in this picture may have. Method/Material: Semiotic analysis and interviewMain Results: The results of the thesis shows that SI?s branded image of Sweden agree with the picture that Swedes have of themselves and Sweden.

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