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Internet som Relationsbyggare inom fotbollen : En fallstudie av Kalmar FF

The purpose with this essay is to analyze how football clubs can use Internet in sense of creating stronger relations towards their supporters and build an excellent experience before and after a specific football game. We have used the Swedish football club Kalmar FF as a role model throughout the essay. The techniques of the modern world are escalating and the World Wide Web tends to be more important in the way of creating experiences and relations. The essay is based on a qualitative research method which is based on and contains four independent interviews. The persons have been chosen by us for their knowledge in the specific subject.

När ett vallöfte blir verklighet : Analys av DN:s rapportering om fastighetsskatten innan och efter valet 2006

   Did the mass media report in a different way about the real estate tax before the Swedish national election 2006 than they did after the election? If there were differences, what could be the cause?This study aims to answer these questions by using a quantitative analysis of articles about the real estate tax published in the Dagens Nyheter (DN), the biggest morning daily. The summer before the election, the ?Alliance?, (the non-socialist coalition, launched an election promise to abolish the real estate tax. Instead they planned to introduce a low community charge.The Alliance won the election and formed a government to implement their election promise. The analysis was made on all the published articles in DN that covered the real estate tax issue. In total there were 43 such articles. These where all published between the launch of the campaign promise until the electionday and a month before the proposal was launched 19/9 2007, until the proposal was implemented in 2008. The study results in three interesting conclusions.

Bistånd som exportsubvention? : ????-En empirisk studie av svenskt respektive amerikanskt bistånd

The technological progress of the world has had a massive effect on how we communicate with one and other, it also has had an big impact on how companies communicate with their customers and consumers. Today you cannot only communicate a ?promise to your costumers and consumers you also have to ?deliver? what it is you promise. Strategic communication is today not only to market your product but to ensure that your strategic communication is shown even in you innovation, design and product development.  This thesis is conducted in collaboration with No Picnic AB.The purpose of this study was to get an insight in how Swedish companies use their strategic communication. We aim on bringing a new point of view of strategic communication with innovation, design and product development also as a communication channel.

Bilden av spelaren : En diskursanalys om att göra "problem"

The purpose of this study has been to examine how the image of the gambler is described by studying a report published by Folkhälsoinstituet [FHI] and a number of chosen articles from the Swedish Evening Press. Discourse theory has been used both as theory, together with social constructionism, and as a research method. The main conclusions of the study are that three different discourses can be identified: the normal gambler, the professional gambler and the problem gambler. The image of the problem gambler is described as a deviant and problematic minority characterized by loss of control, irrational thoughts and dissociative behaviour. The construction of the problem gambler fills three possible purposes for the state: As a solvable problem to handle criticism against negative consequences of gambling, as an argument to avoid competition on the market and as an individual characterized by loss of control in order to legitimize and make the construction of the normal gambler possible..

Att kommunicera i kris : En kvalitativ fallstudie om anpassad kriskommunikation i samband med en extraordinär händelse

The purpose of this qualitative case study is to explain and discover how a Swedish commune works with their external crisis communication during a large crisis. The case study revolved around a simulation exercise with Mjölby commune that was and organized by the company VSL Systems AB. The study addresses the difficulties that arise within the crisis communication, and shows witch factors that are important to consider, when you are responsible for an entire community.Our result shows that the relationship with media could be utilized in a better way and both parties could benefit from cooperation. The commune could have used varied communication channels to create more effective crisis communication which had reached a bigger group of people. The information was not adapted to the different groups to the extent it could have been..

Barn och strömmande media : Hur påverkar barns kognitiva färdigheter deras sätt att interagera med strömmande media?

Allt yngre barn använder digitala tjänster i form av strömmande media, vilket kräver att tjänster ämnade för dem anpassas utefter deras förutsättningar. Barn skiljer sig vanligtvis kognitivt från vuxna eftersom de oftast inte hunnit erfara och uppleva lika mycket. Det innebär att barn har andra behov än vuxna för att kunna interagera med strömmande media. I denna uppsats undersöks hur olika kognitiva färdigheter påverkar barns interaktion med strömmande media. Inledningsvis kartläggs interaktionsdesign, användbarhet, användbarhet för barn och kognitiva färdigheter som är uppsatsens huvudämnen.

Är "no news" verkligen "good news"? : En studie av hur tre svenska webbtidningar rapporterar om fem konflikter och hur teorierna CNN-effekten och Stealth Conflicts kan förklara detta

Is there any truth in the saying ?no news is good news? or is there a reason to question whether media actually do reflect the world?s worst conflicts proportionally? The communication technologies have seen major developments in recent years, and more and more people choose to read their news on the Internet. With smartphones and other devices, one could imagine that there would be easier to cover more conflict areas than ever ? but is this what has happened?In this study we aimed to investigate how three chosen Swedish newspapers reflected five of the on-going conflicts of 2012 and how this can be explained with the theories; the CNN effect and Stealth Conflicts. We started out with studies of the two theories.

TV-profiler på TV4 : En studie om hur TV4 arbetar med personliga profiler

In the media world today it is important for TV-companies to differentiate since the number  of competitors has increased. The competition is more complex today because of the  possibility to broadcast throughout satellite and cable. As a company you need a strong brand  in order to differentiate the company from the competitors. The brand of media companies are  set by the content of the offer, which means that the program and the people connected to the  television program has an importance for the sake of how people experience the company. For  a commercial TV channel the content is also important because it attracts the viewers and as a  consequence, also attracts the advertisers.

Nyheter i förändning : En explorativ studie av nyhetsartikeln på nät och papper i svensk dagspress

Title: The transformation of news - an exploratory study of digital and analog news in the Swedish daily press.Author: Annika Arnell and Sofia AmanuelTutor: Lowe HedmanPurpose: This explorative thesis attempts to study if new ways of news production and distribution created by recent digitalization processes and technical development has different impacts and effects when the same news events is published in the same daily newspaper in a digital as compared to an analog platform.Method/Material: The method used is an explorative qualitative content analysis. The articles are divided into three levels: main news, middle-sized news and notes. The material consists of 40 news articles from two Swedish daily newspapers, with a divide of 20 news articles per newspaper.Main results: This study demonstrates that there are differences in how a news article is formed in a digital as compared to an analog platform. The differences show that main news events are presented in the exact same way on both platforms. The smaller notes show vast differences in all categories and are often fuller on the digital platform, leaving information such as context and previous events out in the printed newspaper.

Hälsobudskap i media

I media förekommer det idag ett stort utbud av olika hälsobudskap och många gånger kan detvara svårt att bedöma sanningshalten i budskapen. Hälsobudskapen kan även skapa förvirringoch stress hos människor och framförallt ungdomar anses vara en mer sårbar och utsatt grupp(Sandberg, 2005). Enligt kursplanen för hem- och konsumentkunskap ska budskap i mediavara en del av undervisningen. Bland annat ska undervisningen behandla budskapenspåverkan på människor och hur de kan bemötas på ett reflekterat sätt (Skolverket, 2011d). Idenna kvalitativa studie har vårt syfte därför varit att belysa hem- ochkonsumentkunskaplärares uppfattningar om hälsa och hälsobudskap i media och dess plats iundervisningen i hem- och konsumentkunskap i årskurs 7-9.

Drift - en fallstudie av en grafisk roman.

Den feministiska serien Drift lanserades under våren 2007 av Kolik Förlag som en första del i ett projekt kallat Femisex. Det var en berättelse om sex och relationer och boken innehöll teman som till exempel objektifiering av män och alternativ till heteronormen. Denna uppsats belyser bokens innehåll, format och kommunikationsutmaningarna i mötet med media. Målet med uppsatsen är att undersöka boken ur nämnda aspekter genom formen av en fallstudie för att sedan utveckla och förbättra den externa kommunikationen för framtida boklanseringar..

Att aktivera deltagande : Design av ett crossmediakoncept

In this thesis we present the procedures and outcomes of adopting two roles in a study: the role of a researcher and the role of a designer. The subject is crossmedia design. Crossmedia is a growing and changing trend for media producers of today its design is of great importance. The purpose is to create a concept from scratch that stands out from the crowd and engage people with the use of cross media as the approach. We also aim to investigate if a cross media designer can rely on previous research made within this subject or if the scene has changed.In order to test and to fully understand the process of the subject, we designed a crossmedia concept, based upon previous and related research.

Den professionella kommunikatören : En undersökning av svenska kommunikations-ansvarigas syn på sitt arbete jämfört med de formuleringar som anges i Stockholm Accords

The purpose of this study is to investigate the Swedish Public Relations and Communication profession from the Stockholm Accords point of view. The Stockholm Accords are an attempt to reflect Public Relations and Communication Management practice as it stands today and to provide a global common ground for the practitioners.The method used for this study is a quantitative research method conducted by a web survey answered by more than 400 Swedish communication managers. The questions posed were examining these managers view of their profession compared to the Stockholm Accords.The research shows that the Swedish way of implementing communication in the organization broadly corresponds to the Stockholm Accords when it comes to internal and external communication. However, there are some areas where Swedish communication practice diverges from Stockholm Accords. The issues which link governance, management and sustainability to communication have a much wider distribution of responses.

Representationer av romer i dagens media

I denna studie undersöks hur romer representeras i media. Detta görs utifrån två aktuella nyhetshändelser under 2013 där jag söker svar på vilka som får framträda i artiklarna, vilka nyckelord som används i texterna samt hur romer representeras genom en bildanalys.  En jämförelse görs också historiskt med tidigare skildringar av romer för att se om representationen av romer är liknande sedan tidigare. Jag blev intresserad att göra denna studie om romer och media då romer inte alltför längesedan blivit en erkänd minoritetsgrupp men som historiskt varit en väldigt utsatt grupp i Sverige och länder runt om i Europa.  Resultatet av studien visar att romer idag beskrivs med liknande negativa konnotationer som de gjort historiskt men att detta inte uttrycks i media på samma sätt idag. Skillnaden mellan hur romer representeras idag och under tidigt 1900-tal är att det förut skrevs öppet negativt om romer ? idag används inte språkbruket för att identifiera romer utan det uttrycks mellan raderna.     .

Proffs eller no?rdar : En kvalitativ studie om samha?llets syn pa? e-sport

Despite the vast research on the effects of gaming, little is know how the phenomenon of e-sports and it?s followers is portrayed. While media can have significant impact on what and how e-sport is portrayed, no studies have been done in a Swedish context. This thesis aims at filling that gap with investigations of the two major Swedish newspapers. Six articles was analyzed with critical discourse analysis with a theoretical base of journalism.The result of which indicated that between the period of 2005 and 2012 e-sport and players was considered to be professional, committed and more in a sense that reminded much of the view on more traditional sport such as soccer and hockey.

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