

389 Uppsatser om Surgical wound infection - Sida 20 av 26

Allmän barnvaccination mot humant papillomvirus för flickor, en cost- benefit analys.

Introduction: Every year about 450 women in Sweden are diagnosed with cervical cancer, almost 200 die and thousands undergo surgery because of cell changes in the cervix. A HPV infection can lead to cervical cancer and therefor costs for the society. The implementation of a vaccination program against HPV is a way to avoid these costs. Aim: The study aimed to calculate the economic impact of the HPV- vaccination program for children in Sweden through a cost-benefit analysis. Method: In this analysis, status quo was compared with non-administration of the HPV-vaccine for the selected cohort of ten-years-old girls in Sweden.

Följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner på en vårdavdelning

The purpose of this work was to investigate the adherence to basic hygiene routines among staff and to investigate if there is any difference between the adherences in diverse professions. The purpose was also to study how staff rates their own adherence to current guidelines. Data for the study were collected through observations and questionnaires. Altogether 35 people were observed and 15 answered the questionnaire. Maximum adherence was found in the category of "hand disinfection after patient contact" with a score of 96%.

Bandageringens inverkan på sårläkning hos häst

Sårskador är en vanlig orsak till att hästägare kontaktar veterinär. Sårbehandlingen har utvecklats mycket de senaste åren och det tillkommer löpande fler och fler typer av olika kompresser och förband på marknaden. Jag har studerat bandagens inverkan på 15 sårs läkning. Sårskadorna har varit av både akut och subakut karaktär och läkning har skett antingen primärt, sekundärt eller kombinerat primärt och sekundärt. Alla sårbehandling hat utförts i hästarnas hemmiljö.

Undersökning av genuttrycket av homeoboxen HOX A6 vid pyometra samt försök att bygga upp en in vitro-modell för pyometra

This study had two different aims. The main aim was to investigate the dynamics and impact of African swine fever (ASF) on a farm in Uganda during a recent outbreak through a case study. The second aim was to estimate the presence of two important differential diagnoses of ASF: Classical swine fever (CSF) and Porcine Reproduction and Respiratory syndrome (PRRS).The field and laboratory based case study of the farm level dynamics of ASF virus during a recent outbreak (October-December 2010) on a farm in the district of Mityana, Uganda, was conducted, using interviews, ELISA and RT-PCR. The financial impact on the farm was also estimated. The impact of the outbreak was profound.

NANDA International, ett verktyg för evidensbaserad omvårdnadsdiagnostik : en studie om identifiering av omvårdnadsdiagnoser inom neurokirurgisk och thoraxkirurgisk omvårdnad

Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur klassificeringsverktyget NANDA International fungerade för att identifiera och belysa panoramat av omvårdnadsdiagnoser, på en neurokirurgisk och en thoraxkirurgisk vårdavdelning. NANDA International är ett evidensbaserat och standardiserat diagnosverktyg för omvårdnad. 40 patienter studerades jämnt fördelade på respektive vårdavdelning. Datainsamlingen följde sjuksköterskans gängse arbetsmetodik med patientbedömning enligt VIPS-modellen. Utifrån delmomenten dokumentationsgranskning, observation/bedömning och samtal, identifierades omvårdnadsdiagnoser.

Personers erfarenheter av kost- och motionsvanor före respektive efter kirurgisk behandling mot fetma

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva personers erfarenheter av sina kost- och motionsvanor före respektive efter en kirurgisk behandling mot fetma. Vidare var syftet att beskriva om personerna ansåg att operationen påverkat deras psykiska och fysiska hälsa. Kirurgiska behandlingar mot fetma har ökat under de senaste åren och forskning visar att det är den metod som ger bäst effekt för att behålla en långvarig viktnedgång i jämförelse med diverse dieter och fysisk aktivitet. En kvalitativ metod med innehållsanalyser användes där fem kvinnor som genomgått en operation mot fetma intervjuades. Kategorier har skapats utifrån hur det har sett ut före och efter operationen när det gäller kost- och motionsvanor samt psykisk och fysisk hälsa.

Operationspersonalens val av hårskydd ? en enkätstudie

Bakgrund: Hårskyddet är ett viktigt element för att kunna upprätthålla en aseptisk miljö vid en operation. Men dess betydelse verkar inte uppmärksammas tillräcklig noga och inga undersökningar gällande hårskyddet som barriärskydd, har författaren inte kunna få fram. Syftet: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka operationspersonalens motiv till val av hårskydd vid olika typer av operationer. Metod: En empirisk studie med kvantitativ ansats, strukturerade frågeformulär och deduktiva analysmetoder användes vid denna studie. Resultat: Studien visar att det som mest har påverkat deltagarna vid val av hårskydd, är komforten och närheten till operationssåret.

The effect of cold stratification on germination in 28 cultural relict plant species : with the purpose of establishing germination protocols

Cultural relict plant species from the Nordic countries have been collected by the Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen) for the purpose of conservation. To ensure high seed vitality in store, regular germination tests need to be conducted. It is important to get a correct viability status, but the knowledge of seed dormancy in the cultural relict plants is often poor. The objective of this study was to investigate how seed dormancy is affected by cold stratification. The study includes 31 accessions from 28 species with the purpose of establishing germination protocols.

Tillverkning av mikronålar för medicinsk tillämpning

Transdermal drug delivery, besides painfulinjections with syringes, has long been associatedwith small size particle pharmaceuticals, which candiffuse through the skin. This method of drugadministration has only been applicable on a smallnumber of drugs, where active molecules are smalland delivery time should or can be long.Other drug delivery options are oral administrationand injection with hypodermic needles (ordinaryhospital syringes). In oral administration thestomach and liver tend to dissolve the drug and theeffect becomes more difficult to anticipate, anddrug delivery rates difficult to control. Hypodermicneedles are used as a mean of drug injectiondirectly into the bloodstream. This method ispainful and risks infection due to tissue damageand skin penetration.One way to get a painless non-damaging techniquewith high delivery rate that still can delivery largemolecules is to manufacture an array of microscopichollow needles and equip them with a pumping unitthat delivers the correct amount of drugs.This thesis shows the technique and possibility ofmanufacture micromachined needles using low costtechniques of Ion Track Technology (radiation ofheavy ions creates porous materials), electrolessdeposition (non-current activated wet chemistrymethod of depositing metal) and electroplating.

Nerver i karpala flexorretinaklet på häst

The anatomy and physiology of reptiles and mammals are in many ways different, and will therefore possibly complicate anesthetic administration. Lizards are ectothermic and one should keep in mind that a decrease in the lizard?s environmental temperature may result in reductions in anesthetic metabolism. Respiratory depression is a profound problem because lizards lack a diaphragm, making inhalation and expiration completely active processes. This, in combination with cardiac shunting and breath holding makes the effects of anesthesia unpredictable.

African swine fever in Uganda : description of a recent outbreak and possible differential diagnoses

This study had two different aims. The main aim was to investigate the dynamics and impact of African swine fever (ASF) on a farm in Uganda during a recent outbreak through a case study. The second aim was to estimate the presence of two important differential diagnoses of ASF: Classical swine fever (CSF) and Porcine Reproduction and Respiratory syndrome (PRRS).The field and laboratory based case study of the farm level dynamics of ASF virus during a recent outbreak (October-December 2010) on a farm in the district of Mityana, Uganda, was conducted, using interviews, ELISA and RT-PCR. The financial impact on the farm was also estimated. The impact of the outbreak was profound.

Patho-anatomical studies on african swine fever in Uganda

African Swine Fever (ASF) is one of the most serious transboundary swine diseases because of its high lethality for pigs, socioeconomic consequences, rapid and international spread and the absence of either treatment or vaccine. This Sida Minor Field Study (MFS) was carried out during fall 2010, as part of a larger collaborative research project called ASFUganda, focusing on the epidemiology of the disease in Uganda. The aim with this study was to get more knowledge about the pathology in cases of ASF in Uganda, by studying macroscopic and microscopic lesions in pigs with acute and chronic ASF and to detect the ASF virus (ASFV) in tissues by immunohistochemistry. The pigs were selected from the two different geographical locations in Uganda, Mityana and Gulu district, both with on going confirmed outbreaks of ASF. Necropsies were performed in the field, and the laboratory procedures at the JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Veterinary Pathology Laboratory, Entebbe, Uganda, and at the Department of BVF, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden. Three pigs from an outbreak of ASF in Mityana district showed both the history and the clinical symptoms typical for ASF.

Prion infection of ovine cell culture with a natural Swedish scrapie isolate from 1986

Scrapie is an infectious neurologic disease in sheep caused by prions, corresponding to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) in other species. The prion is presumably constituted of PrPSc, the misfolded form of the normal endogenous prion protein, PrPC, which is found in practically all cells in the body. PrPSc can induce a conformational change in PrPC and misfold it as an imprint of itself; this is how prions amplify and spread. The process of conformational change is poorly understood and there might exist intermediate forms between PrPC and PrPSc. Bioassay using mice has traditionally been the golden standard in prion studies but is limited by cost and time.

Anestesi av ödlor

The anatomy and physiology of reptiles and mammals are in many ways different, and will therefore possibly complicate anesthetic administration. Lizards are ectothermic and one should keep in mind that a decrease in the lizard?s environmental temperature may result in reductions in anesthetic metabolism. Respiratory depression is a profound problem because lizards lack a diaphragm, making inhalation and expiration completely active processes. This, in combination with cardiac shunting and breath holding makes the effects of anesthesia unpredictable.

Patienter med MRSA - Upplevelser och erfarenheter av livet med MRSA.

Bakgrund: MRSA, metcillinresistenta staphyloococcus aureus, ökar idag i Sverige och i hela världen och bidrar till längre vårdtider, kostsamma behandlingar och mycket lidande för de drabbade patienterna och deras anhöriga. Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka hur patienter med MRSA upplever sin livssituation.Metod: Litteraturstudie  baserad på tio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar.Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i tre teman benämnda ?Att vårdas?, ?Upplevelse av social förändring? och ?Att vara smittad med MRSA? med tillhörande subteman. Patienterna beskriver att bristfällig eller utebliven information om MRSA, dess symtom och effekter var ett problem. De beskriver också rädsla för att smitta sina närstående och vänner.

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