2070 Uppsatser om Surgical treatment - Sida 51 av 138
De samhällsekonomiska konsekvenserna av privat kontra offentligt ägda samhällsfastigheter inom äldreomsorgen
In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.
The screening for novel proteasome inhibitors as a treatment of cancer using IncuCyte FLR and fluorometric microculture cytotoxicity assay.
The problem of finding targeted medicine is a central problem in chemotherapy. From this point of view the ubiquitin-proteasome system is a highly promising object in the pharmaceutical approach. Proteasome plays a critical role in cellular protein degradation, cell cycle and apoptosis regulation.Proteasome inhibitors are substances blocking the actions of proteasome. Cancer cells are more sensitive to inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome system than normal cells. Therefore proteasome inhibitors have the potential to be successfully used in the cancer treatment.The study aimed to test various substances to identify possible proteasome inhibitors with the IncuCyteTM FLR image system and fluorometric microculture cytotoxicity assay.
En Curmansk saga Bevarandeproblematik hos takhängda tapetvåder i nygöticistisk interiör
The main purpose of this thesis has been to address the problem connected with conservation ofspecific objects in historic buildings that have a protected building status. The immaterial demandsand environmental concerns of a place of cultural significance are discussed as opposed to the welladaptedsetting of a museum, with regard to long-term preservation. In an authentic interior of acertain era, large-scale individual treatments of the objects that define it and regulations forconservation-related reasons, may not be considered a worth-while effort, as it is often the integrityof the environment as a whole that has been declared as significant. To investigate the relationshipbetween object and its context, a case study has been conducted by examination of the propertycalled ?Curmans villor?, located in the seaside community called Lysekil.
Att leva med urinläckage till följd av ryggmärgsskada: självkänsla och psykiskt välmående ur barns, ungdomars och föräldrars perspektiv
The aim of the study is to explore the meaning of living with urinary incontinence caused by Spina Bifida, self-esteem, psychological well-beeing and expectations on treatment of urinary incontinence in 10 children and adolescents, 9-20 years old, as well as their parents perspective. The study was conducted through semi-structured interviewes as well as self-reports about self-esteem ("I think I am"; Ouvinen-Birgerstam, 1999) and psychological well-beeing (Beck Ungdomsskalor; Beck, Beck & Jolly, 2004). To examine the parents insight in their childrens situation and well-beeing parents proxy-reports was compared to their childrens self-reports. The results showed that psychological well-beeing and self-esteem of the children and adolescents in this study was comparable to normgroups, but that there was big individual differences. The parents proxy-reports are comparable to their childrens self-reports, but vary depending on the domain beeing estimated.
Utvärdering av den biologiska reningen av processavloppsvattnet vid GE Healthcare i Uppsala
GE Healthcare operates in Uppsala (Sweden) and develops systems, equipments and medium to purify medical substances. Discussions with the local authority concerning planed far-reaching changes and upgrades of the biological process techniques for sewage management, aroused the question about revising the terms of permit for the activity. Therefore it seemed necessary to evaluate a newly installed biological process technique, which is the background of this thesis. The evaluated biological treatment process was built in 2003 and consists of a biological reactor filled with moving bed carriers with a high surface area for biological growth. At the time of the project the biological wastewater treatment plant consisted of a flow equalization facility and two following parallel biological processes; a biological reactor with moving bed carriers and a tower trickling filter.The aim of this thesis was to survey the function of the biological reactor with respect to the reduction of organic matter.
The object with this thesis is to evaluate which of the catch crops oil radish and white mustard in combination with establishment method, give the most effective nitrogen uptake.
The main purpose of the catch crops is to reduce leakage of nitrogen. They are sown after the main crop and killed before the next crop. In Sweden the farmers gets subsidies to establish catch crops.
The thesis is limited to the trail L3-9010 sited at HS- Malmöhus, Borgeby Gård, 237 91 Bjärred, Sweden, 2007. Only treatments with oil radish, white mustard and the reference treatments were studied.
Vakuumassisterad sårbehandling : en metod för en utveckling av dagens hästomvårdnad
It is common knowledge that our horses do occasionally hurt themselves and cause damage to their bodies. They also manage to do it in the most remarkable ways. The problem is not that they hurt themselves, because everybody does so from time to time. The problem is that they often experience difficulties with the healing of the wounds. The cause to that problem is the fact that they often lose a vast amount of tissue, the wound is more often than not extensively contaminated and the wound is often found a long time after the accident occurred.
Förekomst av ultra-fina partiklar och partiklar ?10µm vid diatermianvändning med mobilt rökutsug : Jämförelse av partikelnivåer centralt och perifert på operationssal
Flertalet studier har påvisat ett samband mellan koncentrationen av partiklar ? 10µm i luftföroreningar och cardiovaskulär- och pulmonell morbiditet och mortalitet. Vid resektion, koagulering/bränning med diatermipenna under operationer alstras rök. Denna rök innehåller bland annat mutagena och carcinogena partiklar i inhalerbar storlek (partiklar ? 10µm).Ett första syfte med denna studie var att kvantifiera den mängd ultra-fina partiklar (UFP) och partiklar ? 10µm som operationspersonal exponeras för i operationsrummet, vid användande av diatermi med mobilt rökutsug.
Utvärdering av jetomrörning : En studie gällande utvärdering av omrörningssystem vid Ekeby reningsverk
Biogas is a renewable energy produced through anaerobic digestion, which means that organic matter is degraded by microorganisms under anaerobic conditions. The produced biogas can then be used for cogeneration, electricity, heat or upgraded to vehicle gas. Eskilstuna Energy & Environment AB has four digesters at Ekeby water sewage treatment plant, Eskilstuna. One of the biogas reactor (RK4) is equipped with a jet-mixing system while the remaining digester uses top-mixing. The mixing system is an important parameter to achieve optimum operating conditions for the process regarding gas production and degree of digestion.
FRÅN ÖPPENHET OCH NÄRVARO-TILL DISTANS OCH KONTROLL : Att medicineras och att administrera ur ett patient- och sjuksköterskeperspektiv
Title: From openness and presence to distance and control: to be medicated and to administrate from a patient and nurse perspective.Background: Within forensic psychiatric care the patients are admitted against their will, under heavy security with long term treatments. Self-care seems, based on scientific studies, to be dependent on what the nurses involved can provide. Emphasis should focus on a humane and respectful approach when the patient is exposed to coercive measures.Aim: From a patient and nurse perspective describe experiences of beeing medicated with and to administrate antipsychotic drugs within the psychiatric inpatient care.Method: Interviews with patients and nurses, which were analyzed using qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach.Results: Patients experience frustration over not beeing able to participate in or influence descisions made regarding their neuroleptic treatment. The neuroleptic treatment is described as a coercive measure and is characterized as an experience of losing control and independence. Nurses? experiences of administering antipsychotics were described as having to do what is needed for the long term benefit of patients? well-being.
Behandlingseffekt av rituximab jämfört med infliximab vid reumatoid artrit
The aim of this study was to compare the effect between the drugs rituximab and infliximab in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is an autoimmune disease that affects the peripheral joints and is associated with exacerbations. Various immune reactions in the body cause inflammation of the joints which further results in cartilage and bone damage. The diagnosis is made by the classification system "The 2010 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) / European league against rheumatism (EULAR) classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis", which is an update of the older system called "The 1987 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for RA". Approximately 0.5-1% of the population is developing the disease, but it varies slightly between different parts of the world.
Att förebygga gör skillnad : Sjuksköterskans åtgärder för att förebygga postoperativ sårinfektion
Postoperativ sårinfektion är en komplikation som var tionde patient drabbas av efter ett kirurgiskt ingrepp. Det medför inte bara lidande och förlängd vårdtid för patienten utan kan även vara direkt livshotande. Den förlängda vårdtiden medför dessutom kostnader för samhället, och resurser skulle kunna användas till annan vård. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva sådana omvårdnadsåtgärder som sjuksköterskan kan vidta för att förebygga postoperativa sårinfektioner. Evidensbaserade omvårdnadsåtgärder som, var för sig minskar risken för att patienten ska drabbas av en postoperativ sårinfektion, och tillsammans utgör grunden för en säker vård.
Upplevelsen av kejsarsnitt : -en enkätundersökning vid Akademiska Sjukhuset
ABSTRACTAbout 17% of all deliveries in Akademiska Sjukhuset end with caesarean section. The purpose of the survey was to study parental pairs experience to undergo a caesarean section and experience of information about surgery. The aim was also to see if there were differences between those undergoing a planned or an emergency caesarean section, as well as differences between the birthing women and their partners. 100 couples participated in the study and answered a questionnaire 1-3 days after they had undergone surgery. The result showed that the vast majority of parental pairs were satisfied with the information they received before the caesarean section.
Social Return on Investment, SROI, the value added for families before and after using Solvatten in the Bungoma district in Western Kenya
The lack of fresh and clean water today causes severe problems, mostly in developing countries. Waterborne diseases like typhoid, cholera, amoebic dysentery and diarrhea create health problems and deaths among people. There is a need for low cost interventions like household-based water treatment and safe storage (HWTS). Solvatten AB is a Swedish company based in Stockholm. Their product, Solvatten, is a household water treatment unit that can treat water containing viruses, parasites and bacteria.
Fungiciders påverkan på kvävehalten i höstvete : hur påverkar användandet av fungicider utnyttjandet och inlagringen av kväve i höstvete?
A common perception is that fungicide treatments increases yield, but that the nitrogen of the particular grain is diluted so that the overall removal of grain nitrogen from the field remains unchanged. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that a healthy crop reduces the risk of nutrient loss from agricultural land. The results from genotype and plant protection trials often show constant nitrogen content in the grain, although the yield has been increased. Results from such experiments are therefore processed in order to confirm this and show that it is no statistically significant difference between the protein content (and also nitrogen content) in crops which have undergone fungicide treatment compared to crops which remained untreated. The trials processed have been carried out in the southernmost part of Sweden and are distinguished to concern winter wheat production.The explanation to the results is that a healthy crop is able to maintain the biological functions of the plant in a more efficient way than a crop damaged by a fungal infection.