

393 Uppsatser om Surfaktant protein C - Sida 9 av 27

Agroprotein som fodermedel till slaktkyckling

Destillers dried grains with soluble (DDGS) is a by-product when producing ethanol. DDGS from wheat has a high crude protein content and a good amino acid profile, which makes it an interesting feed ingredient for poultry. The disadvantage of feeding DDGS from wheat to poultry is that it also contains a high fiber content that chickens don?t have the ability to break down. Lantmännen Agroetanol has developed a new protein feedstuff from DDGS by extracting wheat protein from DDGS, the product name is Agroprotein SD.

Lactobacilli in the gastrointestinal tract of dog and wolf : isolation, identification and characterization of L. reuteri

Since the first wolf was taken as a companion animal a lot have happened with the biology of these animals. Is it possible that changes in the gut microbiota of the domestic dog are involved in the increasing numbers of animals with gastrointestinal disorders? Probiotics have been proven to promote the immune system of dogs by increasing concentrations of neutrophils and monocytes, decreasing the fragility of erythrocytes and increasing the serum IgG concentrations. Probiotics have also been shown to improve the fecal consistency, fecal dry matter and defecation frequency of dogs. The aim of this study was to find out if the bacterial counts in the gut of dogs differed from the gut of wolves, with the focus on lactobacilli.

Svenska sojabönor - finns marknadsmöjligheter?

The large-scale soy cultivation has negative consequences for the habitat of local populations because of the intensive use of pesticides and the destruction of rain forests and eco-systems. GM soya, varieties are often used. The majority of Swedish people, however, do not want GM products in their food. It will be hard in future to ensure GM free food, particularly foods that come from countries where GM crops are grown on a large scale. It is very difficult to avoid cross- contamination when both GM and non-GM crops are grown in the same area.

Kostintag, energiförbrukning och kroppssammansättning hos orienterare

Bakgrund Orientering a?r en utha?llighetsidrott da?r tempo och intensitet varierar, beroende pa? terra?ng och lo?parens navigationsfo?rma?ga, och den skiljer sig fra?n vanlig utha?llighetslo?pning genom att den ocksa? innefattar kuperad terra?ng och ett kognitivt inslag. Prestationsfo?rma?gan hos orienterare kan da?rfo?r antas vara mer beroende av kostens sammansa?ttning a?n fo?r vanliga lo?pare. Forskningen om kroppssammansa?ttning, energiutgifter och kostintag hos orienterare a?r idag bristfa?llig.

Evaluation of preanalytic methods in order to shorten the processing time before identification of fungal microorganisms by the MALDI-TOF MS

Identification of fungi is based on macroscopic observations of morphology and microscopic characteristics. These conventional methods are time-consuming and requires expert knowledge. For the past years Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry has been used for routine bacterial identification in clinical laboratories but not yet in the same extension for fungi. In this study three preanalytic preparation methods for fungi were evaluated in order to shorten the processing time in routine laboratory performance.Clinically relevant strains (n=18) of molds and dermatophytes were cultivated on agar plates and prepared according to the different preparation methods for protein extraction. Each strain was analyzed in quadruplicate by the MALDI Biotyper and the database Filamentous Fungi Library 1.0.The results showed that the genus and species identification rates of the least time-consuming direct extraction method were 33% and 11% respectively.

Kongenital intestinal lymfangiektasi hos hund : etiologi, diagnos och behandling

Intestinal lymfangiektasi (IL) är en ovanlig gastrointestinal sjukdom som karaktäriseras av patologisk dilatation av tarmens lymfkärl. Sjukdomen drabbar både hundar och människor men behandlingen divergerar inom human- respektive veterinärmedicinen. Etiologin är ännu inte fullständigt belyst. Sannolikt finns ärftliga komponenter och gener essentiella för lymfangiogenes har isolerats. Patogenesen är relativt väl undersökt och behandlingen syftar till att reducera förlusten av plasmaproteiner.

Inflammatoriska biomarkörer i ledvätska och serum hos hästar undersökta med Lameness Locator?

Osteoartrit (OA) är ett mycket vanligt problem hos hästar och har i många fall sitt ursprung från felaktig belastning av leden, blir ofta kroniska och omfattar inflammation i ledens samtliga ingående delar. Resultatet är bland annat nedbrytning av ledbrosk och matrixkomponeneter. Idag baseras diagnostik och framtida prognos mestadels på den kliniska bilden och/eller bilddiagnostiska hjälpmedel. I denna studie har två inflammationsmediatorer; interleukin 1? (IL-1?), high mobility group box protein 1 (HMGB-1), och ett enzym; matrixmetallopeptidas 13 (MMP-13) mätts i ledvätska och serum med hjälp av kommersiell enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)-teknik. Hypotesen är att dessa är förhöjda i ledvätska från leder med konstaterad hälta. Tjugonio ledvätskeprov och 11 serumprov från 11 hästar som sökt till Universitetsdjursjukhuset i Uppsala för hälta analyserades i denna studie.

Vermicompost for reduction of vegetable waste - and a possible means to produce fish feed in aquaponic systems?

Aquaponics is a food production system consisting of a consecutive cultivation of plants and aquatic animals, fish or shellfish, in recirculating water. The plants feed on the nutritious effluents from the fish tank and bacteria converts ammonia from the fish tank into nitrate that is absorbed by the plants. The plants receive nutrition and the fish gain purified water. The environmental impact of the production of fish meal and fish oil used in conventional fish feed includes a large consumption of fossil fuels with subsequent carbon dioxide emission. The aquaponic system can be made environmentally sustainable and self-supporting if supplemented with a vermicompost/vermiculture for the production of worm protein as a fish feed. Vegetable waste from the hydroponic part of the system can be reused as worm feed in the compost and the protein rich worms can be harvested, dried and grinded and brought back to the aquaculture as fish feed. As a first step in this direction, I have investigated the effect of recycling of vegetable waste in vermicomposts on the growth and number of earthworms (this was evaluated after harvesting). The hypotheses were that earthworms can be cultivated in the vegetable waste and that by adding manure to the vermicompost it is possible to obtain a nutrient content adequate to support a continuous worm harvest, in other words create a vermiculture. Eisenia fetida and Dendrobaena veneta were grown in 20 L bins containing peat mixed with either poultry or cattle manure. The proportions were 70% peat and 30 % manure. Discarded plant parts from lettuce cultivation was added to the vermicomposts (35 g per week) and water was supplied with 0.8 L per week.

Amyloid beta inducerad klyvning av NG2 medierad via LRP-1 receptorn

Bakgrund: Deposition av fibrillär amyloid beta 1-42 (A?) i hjärnan är ett välkänt kännetecken för den neurodegenerativa sjukdomen Alzheimer?s (AD). Dessa ansamlingar påverkar pericyter, en celltyp involverad i blodkärlsfunktion och upprätthållande av blodhjärnbarriären (BBB). Pericyter uttrycker både receptorn low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 1 (LRP-1) till vilken A?1-42 binder, och proteoglykanet NG2.

Utfodring av rapsfoderråvara i fodersystem till mjölkkor

The feed is a major cost in the dairy production and there is a constant interest in findingalternative cost-effective feedstuffs. Competitive dairy producers have to seek ways todecrease their production costs and the pursuit of cost-effective feed rations contributesto lower costs of production. An interesting group of protein concentrates are rapeseedproducts like ExPro (heat treated rapeseed) which have during the autumn 2008 andspring 2009 been very favourable compared to other protein feeds.This study focuses on the feedstuff products ExPro and Raps-Drank 60/40 (rapeseeddistillersgrain). The potential use of ExPro in dairy cow feed rations are also explored.ExPro is a well known feedstuff but Raps-Drank 60/40 is a relatively new product andnot known for many farmers.A field study on the use of rapeseed products was made on a limited number of dairyfarms. The main purpose was to study the management of the feedstuffs on the farms.The Farms were selected in cooperation with two local extension services.

Bioorganisk fastfas syntes för att skapa intelligenta ytor

This thesis investigates three different surface modifications, and the route to design and synthesize them. The thesis is therefore divided into three sub- projects. (i.) Design and synthesis of a peptide which secondary structure could be controlled by a negatively charged surface. (ii.) Design and synthesis of a cyclic peptide, that would self-organize prior to surface interaction, using the type I anti-freeze protein of a winter flounder as template. (iii.) The use of solid-phase synthesis to make the synthesis of SAM-molecules easier..

PLA som metod för detektion av bornavirusinfektion hos katt

A method for intra vitam detection of bornaviral infection and diagnosis of bornaviral dis-ease in the cat is currently lacking. The aim of this work was to explore the possibility of using the proximity ligation assay (PLA), with its capacity of recognizing femtomolar con-centrations of a protein, as a method for detection of the minute quantities of antigen and antibodies that are present in the tissues and body fluids of a bornaviraly infected cat. For this purpose reliable comparative assays, in the form of an ELISA and an IFA, had to be established. When this proved impossible within the time frame of the project, the aim of the study had to be abandoned, further underscoring the need for improved means of detec-tion of bornaviral antibodies and antigen..

Hållbar utveckling och CSR inom foderindustrin för hund och katt : Med fokus på det ekologiska perspektivet

Pets like dogs and cats have a considerable importance for humans and research demonstrate a variety of positive economic and social effects in society due to our pet companions. The presences of pets are increasing on a global scale with correlation to economic development in low- and middle income countries. For example dogs have doubled in India over a five year period. The feed industry for dogs and cats is also the fastest growing sector in the food industry and certain pets have a significant animal protein intake which, depending on the choice of resources may provide a high ecological footprint. Examples of environmental effects with distribution and manufacturing of pet food are increased greenhouse gas emissions, waste, use of water and energy.

Elitorienterares kost- och vätskeintag inför och under en tävlingshelg - Uppnår orienterarna rekommendationerna för optimal prestation?

För att en elitidrottare ska prestera optimalt under träning och tävling, är det viktigt att hon/han har en adekvat kosthållning. Särskilda näringsrekommendationer för idrottare har framarbetats. Bland annat har Svenska Olympiska Kommittén utarbetat en kostpolicy för elitidrottare, som belyser vikten av näringsintag före, under och efter fysisk aktivitet, samt hur dessa intag bör vara sammansatta näringsmässigt för att idrottaren skall kunna prestera och återhämta sig optimalt.Syftet med detta arbete var att se hur kost- och vätskeintaget såg ut bland elitorienterare före, under och efter tävling, i förhållande till gällande rekommendationer. Även livsmedelsval samt deltagarnas resonemang kring kost- och vätskeintag i samband med tävling studerades.Studiens urval baserades på 15 elitorienterare (8 män och 7 kvinnor) som deltog i orienteringstävlingar i Ronneby under påskhelgen. Orienterarna fyllde i en mat- och vätskedagbok under totalt fyra dagar, två dagar före respektive under tävlingshelgen.

Mjölkningsfrekvensens inverkan på mjölkfettets kvalitet :

The milk production has developed rapidly the last years. The milk production per cow is increasing and the production units are larger with an increasing number of animals and a decreasing number of workers. Many milk producers invest in automatic milking systems (AM) to meet this change. In these systems the cows can voluntary decide milking frequency and usually the milking frequency are higher than two times per day. But how does the milking frequency effect the composition of the milk? The aim of the present study was to study the effect of milking frequency on the milk composition and the milk fat quality.

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