

964 Uppsatser om Surface temperature - Sida 23 av 65

Flexorafiskt tryck på wellpapp

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.

Framtagning av ett nytt recept för clear-coat batter av pommes frites : En teknisk och sensorisk utvärdering

The requirements of good quality and appetizing fast food increases continuously as a consequence of a community where food is always available. The crispiness of French fries is an issue that must be considered in this context, since it tends to decrease and give the fries a soft surface not appreciated by the consumer. To prolong the crispiness, the fries can be coated by a batter, a mix of starches. The batters used often consists of modified starches, e.g. cross-linked, acetylated and dextrinizated to increase and prolong crispiness, flour to stabilize the batter and sodium bicarbonate to make the batter ?rise?.The cross-linked starch keeps the granules in a swelled state and prevents them from breaking when exposed to heat or processing: therefore, it delays the gelatinization and decreases the stickiness of the batter.

Cone. En armatur som bärs upp av sin egen ljuskägla.

Inspired by how to sketch a light cone from a flashlight in a comic I wanted to create an armature carried only by its own light cone. To manage this challenge I sketched in an architectural and sculptural way, where I chose to ignore the function of the lamp as long as possible.As a result I developed an armature with a stunning shape, with an illusion that it was carried by its own light cone. It could be hanged on a wall, placed on a table, pushed against a ceiling or standing on the floor.Depending of its size the light cone from the light source lightens up the surface and draws attention to the otherwise forgotten wallpaper or the undisposed statue in the darkness of the city..

Identifiering av områden med risk för fosforförluster genom ytavrinning : metodutveckling med GIS

The eutrophication of lakes and seas with the algal bloom and deficiency inoxygen that follow, has been given priority by the Swedish government as oneof 16 environmental objectives. The purpose of this project was to develop a toolbased on a simple model, limited amount of data and geographic informationsystem (GIS) to identify areas with risk for phosphorus losses due to surfacerunoff. This tool can act as a decision support to decide where appropriatemeasures should be applied with the aim of reducing phosphorus losses and bythat the eutrophication.The method that has been used is a combination of two models, one calculatingthe potential erosion while the other one identifies areas of erosion (net erosion)or deposition. This ability is of great importance because potential erosionshould be calculated on areas with net erosion. Areas with high potential erosionhave an increased risk for phosphorus losses due to surface runoff.The potential erosion was calculated based on factors which describe how topography(LS), land use (C), soil type (K) and precipitation (R) effect the erosion.All of them have been modified to a greater or lesser extent.

Säkring av samtliga kritiska skruvförband i mellanstora asynkronmotorer

The purpose with this thesis is to get a compilation of all the critical bolted joints of all enginesproduced at LV Motors. ABB LV Motors produces induction engines with seven shaft heights. Eachengine size exists several variants of components ex. standard shield and flange shield. Depending onwhich components the engine is equipped with arises various types of strains in the engine's parts,certain assembly ways are more favourable than other.The most critical parts in the engine from a mechanical point of view are the screw units betweenshield/stator, feet/stator and bearing cover/shield.

Simulering av översvämningar i Nedre Dalälven

Mosquitoes are found in extremely large numbers in the lower parts of the River Dalälven. In the year 2000 the mosquito nuisance was especially high, resulting in foundation of the Biological mosquito control project. Since 2001 mosquito larvae are controlled by using a biological pesticide BTI (Bacillus thuringiensis ssp israelensis). The mosquito fauna in the area is dominated by flood water mosquitoes, a group of mosquitoes that are very aggressive and form new generations of mosquitoes during every single flooding event during the summer. To be able to efficiently control the mosquitoes it is essential to know the extension and locality of the flooding.

Optimering av glödgningsparametrar för kromstål

At Sandvik Materials Technology, Argon gas is used as furnace atmosphere when heattreating hot rolled wire. Upon heating chromium steel wire, a rich oxidelayer forms on the wire surface. The abstract of this masters thesis is to enhance the understanding of the constitution of the oxidelayers and the influence of the furnace atmosphere. This will be achieved by performing a number of annealing experiments on laboratory level. Also, the aim is to understand the chemical reactions and physical mecanisms controlling the pickling process.

GRÖNYTEFAKTOR I ETT NYTT PERSPEKTIV - Går ekosystemtjänster att mäta med fjärranalys?

Due to an increased population in cities the need of densification of cities increases. This means that the amount of ecological elements in the city is at risk of decreasing. Ecological services contribute to the city?s climate by softening the negative impacts that densification of cities means. Thus increases the will and ambition in city planning in to preserve greenery.This is an interdisciplinary thesis within the subject of geography that studies Biotope Area Factor (BAF), a planning tool that is used in city planning with the purpose of compensating for lost ecological services associated with new housing estate.

Methane emission from nitrate-treated tannin rich feed for cattle in Vietnam

In developing countries such as Vietnam the population consumes more animal products for example milk and meat than before which requires greater livestock production. Ruminants contributes to more methane emission which creates a dilemma between food production and its environmental impact. By feeding ruminants with nutritive crops which humans can not assimilate the animal performance will increase in terms of better growth and milk production without inpinging on food that can be consumed directly by humans. Increasing animal performance reduces methane emission in terms of amount of methane in kg-1 milk and meat which today is much greater in developing countries than developed countries. The aim of the study was to investigate tropical tannin-rich legumes for their potential as a feed supplement for ruminants made in vitro.

Trafikklasser för markplattor av natursten : förslag till klassificeringstabell

This report deals with hard surfaces and the factors which are behind the criteria for dimensioning, also dependent on the level, or volume, of traffic. A test was made on slabs of two kinds of natural stone. This was made to see if the values that were reached for breakload was transferable to the same tables that the concrete industry is using for surface dimensions of slabs and paving stones. The test showed very high values and the result, together with the written study, led to the author?s suggestion for a classification table where slabs of natural stone were divided in to different classes depending on traffic, thickness and durability..

Kraftspelsanalys av transportstag : Prefabricerade väggelement i betong

A titania-supported nickel catalyst was prepared and tested in methanation in order to evaluate its catalytic properties (activity, selectivity and specially, activity loss), and compare it with an alumina-supported nickel catalyst.The titania-supported catalyst did not only show higher stability than alumina, but also presented a different cause of deactivation, carbon formation. In addition, a kinetic model was obtained for the titania-supported catalyst, and a study of the effect of different operating conditions (temperature, composition and partial pressures of synthesis gas and water) on the deactivation rate and carbon formation of this catalyst was performed.

Snabbare, högre ...och det Tredje Könet : Om könsgränserna inom idrotten och överträdandet av dessa

This thesis examines the gender boundaries in sports. I do this by exploring three cases in which these boundaries, at least on the surface, have been questioned: the transsexual tennis player Renée Richards, the east European runners Marita Koch and Jarmila Kratochvilova and the Swedish golf player Annika Sörenstam. The results point out different mechanisms that contain the"danger"and restore"security". But they also point out a criticism against the struggle for equality in sports, which is based on the preserving of differences and therefore cannot challenge the ideological assumptions about gender in sports..

Development of real-time RT-PCR for the detection of human sapovirus in foods

Food-poisoning is a major health problem and an estimated half a million Swedes are food-poisoned annually, with acute gastroenteritis as a consequence. One of the major causes of contaminated foods is related to food- and waterborne viruses. To be able to trace back the source of contaminant, the method of detecting viruses must be specific and sensitive. No standardized method for detecting foods for sapovirus exists today. The aim of the work described in this bachelor thesis is to implement and opti-mize a real-time RT-PCR method for the detection of all genogroups of human sapovirus in foods.

Kompostering i kommunal regi: en fallstudie i Arvika Parkf?rvaltning

Arvika Fastighets AB is a municipal subsidiary tasked with managing all green areas in the municipality, with a strong focus on the City Park and plant beds in the city centre. These areas generate large amounts of green waste, which is currently transported to the municipality's composting area at Lycke. Currently, the material is piled up and turned once a year without using the resulting soil for flowerbeds, lawns, and shrub/tree plantings. The purpose of the study is to determine if Arvika can compost the green waste in a more efficient manner and produce weed-free soil ready to be mixed into various substrates for different purposes. Interviews with the Swedish Church and several municipalities in Sweden have been conducted to learn from their experiences and knowledge of how they make their composting work.

Verktyg för utveckling av terrängparker inom skidanläggningar. : Shaper

Today we can create digital 3D models which can be realised almost instantly through production methods such as 3D printing and computer controlled milling.What if this same technology could be applied to the development and construction of terrain parks?With snow as the material tools could be developed using similar principles to design and sculpt the surface, only on a larger scale.How would terrain park designers adapt their process to use this new technology? In this Industrial design thesis I explore how the ideas of the terrain park designer can be expressed through such a system with focus on the designers knowledge and skill without the need to learn complicated 3D programs.Sketch, create, ride. .

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