

1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 32 av 81

E-Handeln i Sverige : En studie om den offentliga statistikens möjligheter inom svensk e-handel

The Internet has developed into a marketplace for national and international companies. With relatively small means, a company can reach out to millions of people on a daily basis by placing itself on the Internet. With this report, we wish to suggest how e-businesses can change its strategy to adapt to the new market. Focus is on the Swedish Internet market where Swedes, resident in Sweden, trades with Swedish e-companies active within the Swedish borders. To be able to make suggestions, we will first paint a picture of the Swedish e-commerce market from statistics collected from public sources.

Automatisk identifiering med RFID. Utvärdering och möjligheter inom Holmen Paper AB.

Automatisk produktidentifiering, s.k. Auto-ID, har funnits länge inom många skiljda tillämpningsområden. Det mest välkända systemet idag är streckkodssystemet, vilket blanda annat används i den studerade försörjningskedjan hos Holmen Paper AB. Anledningen till detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka förutsättningarna och möjligheterna till identifiering och spårbarhet med hjälp av RFID, en teknologi som utnyttjar radiofrekvenser för att läsa av produkternas identitet. På det sättet är förhoppningarna att produktions- och leveransprocesser ska kunna effektiviseras, samt att höja informationstillförlitligheten i systemen.I den första teoridelen presenteras generellt betydelsen av RFID för olika typer av applikationsområden och försörjningskedjor.

Sveriges handelsvägar för tomat och äpple :

The market of fruit and vegetables develops continuously to become tougher and more complex. The fast development makes it difficult to keep up with all the changes. This is the case for apples and tomatoes. The purpose of this work is to explain what the trade routes are like for Swedish imports as well as the Swedish production of tomatoes and apples, both in the present and the past times. There is also an ambition to create comprehension of the trade routes.

Subventioner och hyresrätter? En bostadspolitisk studie

Since the early 1940s in Sweden, subsidies have been a recurring feature in housing politics.Throughout history, these have been used as a management measure to control theconstruction of housing and to promote the Swedish welfare state. The political parties aretoday disagreeing on how much responsibility the state should carry for citizens housing. Tosolve the conflict, the dwelling has to be defined. Is the dwelling to be considered a socialright, like education and healthcare or is the dwelling to be considered a product for the freemarket, driven by supply and demand?The positive population growth in Stockholm has lead to an increased demand for dwellings.The supply of dwellings has not been growing at the same rate, which has implied higherhousing prices and longer wait for rented apartments.

Konkurrensrätt : Innebörden av artikel 82 EGF

The competition policy in the EU should guarantee that the competition is not distorted in the way that would prevent or create difficulties for the free mobility of goods and services between Member states. It is prohibited for companies to abuse their dominant position according to Article 82, if it affects trade. The essence of Article 82 is control of market power. The perfect competition results when supply and demand appoint the price and quantity of a product. Firms are encouraged to compete then it results in efficiency, quality products and lower prices.

Strong is the new... : En kritisk diskursanalys av svenska fitnessbloggar

The purpose of this thesisis to examine the female body ideal of the Swedish fitness blogs and how it is reproduced. To answer the research question five of the most read female fitness blogs were chosen for a critical discourse analysis. The results show that pictures is an important communication event. The ideal is reproduced by representing bodies with desirable attributes in environments and poses that communicates positive feelings. There is a dialectic relation between picture and text in each published post.

Strategisk och taktisk planering samt länken där emellan : analys av planeringsprocessens genomförande vid SCA Skog

To effectively manage a forest resource for both economic and other values good planning is required. The problem is complex since you want to know which forest to cut and when. Often a hierarchical planning structure is applied, including strategic (long-term), tactical, (medium-term) and operational level. Today SCA Forest is one of few forestry companies in the northern Sweden with an integrated forest wood supply and industry. The goals of the company are to supply their own industries with wood and to manage the resources of the forest through a long-term perspective with satisfactory profitability.

Bogsår hos digivande suggor: inverkan av strategisk halmning och hull

The objectives of this experimental study were to investigate if a strategic method to supply loose housed sows with large quantities of straw 2 days before expected farrowing and if the sow?s body condition had any effect on the occurrence of shoulder lesions 5 weeks after farrowing. Data came from a study conducted on four commercial piglet-producing farms in southwest Sweden between March and December 2009. At each farm one batch of sows was followed during two consecutive lactations. The sows were randomly assigned to two different treatment groups and the sows that remained in the batch during the second lactation switched treatment group.

Utbudet av vegetariska och veganska livsmedelsprodukter på den svenska marknaden : vilka produkter finns och hur är de berikade?

This study has been done in order to map the supply of vegetarian and vegan food products in Sweden for business clients and consumers. A total of 665 food stuffs were found and classified into six categories. The biggest category was meat substitutes with 302 products and the second largest category was sandwich spreads with 150 different products. Within the remaining categories a varied number of products were found; 86 beverages, 64 cooking accessories, 34 milk free ice creams and 29 plant based yogurts. Of the meat substitutes were 28 only available for business clients.

The Mobile Handset Evolving - The effect of IT-players' entrance in the mobile handset industry

The telecom and the IT-industry are converging, which creates new possibilities and threats for both existing mobile handset vendors and new entrants originating from the IT-industry. The purpose of this thesis is to explain how IT-players? entrance in the mobile handset industry affects the industry in regards of key success factors and value chain structure. This study has used dynamic theories to describe the mobile handset industry. The theories have helped us in understanding the characteristics and drivers of the industry and thereafter to identify the key success factors.

Bravidadomen : om en byggherres möjlighet att hoppa i kontraktskedjan

Uppsatsen skall utreda och analysera en byggherres rätt till ersättning från en vårdslös underentreprenör när det föreligger samordnad generalentreprenad med AB 92 som avtalsvillkor mellan byggherren och generalentreprenören. Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är Bravidadomen, där en byggherre inte gavs rätt att utfå ersättning från en vårdslös underentreprenör. Flera frågor blir aktuella, t ex om det föreligger något avtalsförhållande mellan en byggherre och en underentreprenör och vilka avtalsvillkor som i så fall skulle vara tillämpliga dem emellan. Vidare undersöks om en underentreprenör kan hållas ansvarig gentemot en byggherre på utomobligatorisk grund, samt huruvida en skadelidande kan välja att utfå ersättning från skadevållaren på kontraktsrättslig eller på utomobligatorisk grund..

Riskhantering i svensk köttindustri : analys av slakt-, styckning- och charkföretag

The changes in the Swedish meat- and meat processing industry have been substantial in recent years. These changes will alter the business environment for many companies. In order to be prepared to face new threats and new opportunities, companies should be actively working on these issues. Risk awareness and by developing of risk management strategies companies can act quickly and effectively when the conditions changes. The objective of this study is to analyse whether and why companies in the Swedish meat- and meat processing industry use various forms of risk management strategies.

Paketering av digital musik: Intervjuer med nyckelpersoner inom digital musik i Sverige

This exploratory thesis uses qualitative research to investigate how digital music is beeing packaged. The main study consists of 11 deep interviews with key representatives of the digital music industry in Sweden. These are (record companies) EMI, SonyBMG, Universal, Warner, (DSP) InProdicon, (mobile operators) 3, TeliaSonera and (cell phone producer) SonyEricsson. Packaging is a concept of marketing that has specific implications depending on which good or service that is being packaged. Packaging occurs at different levels in the production chain.

Den mottagaranpassade försäkringsbroschyren : En retorisk analys av informationsmaterial om hemförsäkringen

This essay discusses how insurance companies inform policyholders regarding home insurance. What level of support do insurance companies offer policyholders in order to supply them with enough knowledge to make an informed decision? Is information regarding insurance communicated in simple terms, or is it riddled with industry specific terminology?The essays focus is important to examine from a social context; Swedish social process does not select an insurer for an individual who neglects to choose one for their home insurance. Sweden's welfare system does otherwise provide a helping hand for a lack of decision with regard to preschool and school choice..

Bränsleceller i taktisk enhet

Inom Försvarsmakten används motordrivna generatorer för att förse många förbandsenheter med elektricitet. Dagens bullriga och vibrerande elverk är idag möjliga att ersätta med tystare bränsleceller. På köpet erhålls en bättre ergonomi för alla som arbetar i hytter som strömförsörjs av elverk. I rapporten redovisas funktionen för olika typer av bränsleceller, vilka bränslen de använder sig av och hur dessa kan transporteras. Dessutom redovisas hur två elverk används och vilka förbättringar som kan åstadkommas vid byte till bränsleceller.

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